Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
Dear Faith,
Please know that you are in our hearts and that our hearts bleed for you and all the pain that you endure after losing Mark. The tears that we shed are not only for Mark, but for those he left behind. I hope you receive the signs you need from him to know that he is watching over you.
Take care, Faith, we love you & JR.
December 26, 2010
Dear Mark,
The holiday is so miserable without you. Someone told me to be grateful for what I have and I could just scream. I am grateful for what I have and love my family but I want you with us. Six years has not mended my broken heart. It aches for you. I want to see you, hug you, watch you with Lily.I get so tired of faking that everything is okay when I am heartbroken and a little of me is dying everyday. Some days I just want to sleep so don't have to go through the motions of living this hell. I need you to give me the strength to get through this rough period. I hope things will be better after the holiday but right now they are tough. Send me some strength and maybe a sign so I know you are okay. I love and miss you.
Love Mom
December 25, 2010
hi dad say hi to Jesus. every one misses you. your mom has a big 76 on her window it is blue. i asked santa for a horse and a pony. i think that santa won't come late. we left him milk and cookies out. mommy and me made home made cookies. i want toys but i know i have a million of them. my favorite part of christmas is seeing peoples smiles on their faces from my gifts to them. we adopted a family this christmas. it was fun picking the presents out. i went to greenfield village and saw santa. he said our names. i wrote a letter to santa in school. by the way i am in second grade. we made reindeer food and ornaments. i am already having a jolly holly christmas. i will write to you when ever i can get to the computer.
December 24, 2010
Hi Mark,
Been thinking about you...wanted to say happy birthday. We all miss you very much.
Tracy Bawcum
November 29, 2010
Dear Mark,
Thinking of you even more so today on your 37th birthday, and how I wish you were here to celebrate with all of us that love and miss you. I hope there is cake is heaven for you! I would think an Angel cake would be appropriate, as you are our Angel.
Diane Bawcum
November 29, 2010
Happy Birthday, sweetie. You would be 37 today. I miss calling you "old man." I hope you heard us wishing you happy birthday over the cupcakes we had. We love you and miss you. xoxoxo
November 29, 2010
~ Happy Birthday Mark ~
Emma talks about you all the time.
We miss you.
Love, The Bloomings
November 29, 2010
Happy 37th birthday. I love you and miss you. Look at the blue 76 in our window. I know you can see it from heaven.
Love Mom
November 29, 2010
Dear Mark,
I have not written to you in awhile because it is so painful for me. The holidays are here and I want you to be here so bad and I just can't make that happen. If I don't write then I put it in the back of my head and just stay so busy that I don't have time to dwell on it so much. Your birthday is Monday and it is just not right that I can't hug you and tell you happy birthday to your face. It has been 6 years and I just want to wake up and find out that it was a dream and that you are back with us. I use to love Thanksgiving but now it is so hard to enjoy it without you. Please help me to find the strength to not only get though the holiday but to try to enjoy it. I love fixing the dinner and having the family over but it just isn't the same and I want you back. I love and miss you very much.
Love Mom
November 24, 2010
I think of you often. I see other officers doing their jobs and hope that they will make it through their shifts. I share with you funny things that I see or hear and wonder if you find them funny as well.
I saw Lily not too long ago and was shocked to see how big she had gotten. She is one gorgeous girl. You can definitely see you in her.
You will always be in my thoughts. Keep your brothers safe.
November 4, 2010
Missing you... I love you. xoxoxo
October 12, 2010
Every time I look at you I see Lily, and every time I look at Lily I see you. What a beautiful thing you have given her!
Miss you.
September 16, 2010
**Never Forgotten**
Bay City Police Dept
September 12, 2010
Dear Mark,
Dad, Michelle, Rich and I attended the opening ceremonies at the softball tournament today. We saw a lot of your co-workers. I met Brian Huff's wife. She and their son were very nice. Brian's son threw out the first pitch. He hugged me for a long time when his mom told him I was your mom.
We just came back from TN and the family reunion. Eslie and Hoss won the balloon contest. I thought about you and your determination to win and how many years you did win with the different partners.
School starts in three weeks. Where did the summer go. I am counting down the years when I retire from the classroom. I will probably always work in the school setting (adult ed) but it will be nice to be home during the day with your dad.
Tomorrow we are going up to visit for 2 nights with Yvonne and Lily at their house on the lake. It will be our first time there. It is right on the lake with a beach and they have a boat so the kids will tube. Kyle and Alexis are going with me. When Lily was down two weeks ago we swam most of the day. She is really learning how to do the breast stroke. She loves the pool.
Well, that's about it. As always, I love and miss you.
Love Mom
August 13, 2010
Dear Mark,
Today Steve rode in the 10th anniversary of the "Ride To Remember" by the Thin Blue Line of Michigan. It was a beautiful yet sad day, as we honored our loved ones lost in the line of duty.
Special prayers were said for Officer James Bonneau, Officer Brian Huff and Corporal Matthew Edwards. I hope you were there to walk them into heaven as they arrived and to let them know, that like you, that they will never be forgotten and will always be loved.
I know that The Thin Blue Line will be there for all of these families as they were for Yvonne. I don't know how she would have been able to take care of so many things without their help.
As always, when the bag pipes played "Amazing Grace" before the ride left, it takes me back to our time of darkness when we lost you. It made my heart ache for the families and friends of these three officers, for I know what they will have to endure.
Take care Mark, we love you.
July 25, 2010
Dear Daddy,
I love you xoxox I miss you
I won first place in horseback riding today. I rode a horse named Cindy at Rochester Hills Stables. The other horses I rode were Sandy and Elmo and Dusty. I wear riding pants and a riding hat and cowgirl boots. Grandma Faith bought me a prop today when she and Papa were watching my show. I am spending the night with her. So is Aaliyah. We went swimming but had to get out because it started lightning. We got goggles from Dollar Castle for the pool. I can swim and go under water. I am going in second grade in September. Watch over me. I love you.
July 23, 2010
Dear Mark,
We just got back from Kansas City where Kyle played ball. He did an great job. Then Alexis had 5 games in one day in Canton and she was awesome too. They won 3 of the 5 which was great. Most teams played 3 and a couple 5 but they are the only team to play five. I heard Lily is riding a tube behind the boat and loving it. She is a little afraid to try new things but once she does she usually loves it. Yvonne said that she knew all the hand signals for slow down, bounce me and speed up. Alexis taught them to her.
I just wanted you to know that you are always on my mind and always in my heart. I love you.
Love Mom
July 12, 2010
Thinking of you and Yvonne today on the aniversary of your wedding. How beautiful you both looked on that day.
Love always,
Diane Bawcum
June 24, 2010
Happy Father's Day! Hope you caught all of the bubble kisses we sent yesterday. I love you! xoxoxo
June 20, 2010
Dear Mark,
We celebrated your life on Saturday. Sixty Seven of your family members and friends came over to hang out and remember you and the wonderful son, brother, husband,father, friend, and coworker that you were. Everyone had a great time and we truly are thankful that each one came to share June 5th with us. Many also came to the candle light vigil on Friday night. Thanks for holding the rain off too.
We love you and as Lily told the crowd Friday night you are always in our hearts. She talked to the crowd and thanked everyone for coming. She told them about you being in Heaven but in our hearts. I was going to say a few words but decided that Lily said it all. She is quite the public speaker and never at a loss for words.
I love you and miss you.
Love Mom
June 7, 2010
Dear Mark, Without even thinking about todays date I put on my Mark Sawyers memorial shirt on. Something prompted me to look down and there it was, June 5.... Your angelic hand still has a say in everything we do as we remember that night 6 years ago. I think about you often and the terrible price you and your family paid for our safety. You are never forgotten!
June 5, 2010
Remembering you today Mark..your bravery and the sacrifies you gave to save so many. We are looking forward to seeing your family today and celebrating your life !
Dennis & Jen Brozowski
June 5, 2010
In a couple hours we will gather at Target to honor you, your family, your friendship and your sacrifice. Its strange looking back on that day, knowing the things we would do differently or change, yet realizing and accepting its just not possible. June 4th, 2004 DID change this city, it changed SHPD as a whole and it changed me.
On a lighter note, it is duelly noted that rain, not wind is in the forecast at 2030 hours. Nice try, but somehow we always keep those candles lit!!
Until next time Charlie 30......
June 4, 2010
Never Forgotten !!!!
Sterling Heights PD
June 4, 2010
Wow... I can't believe it has been 6 years already. I have not been on this site for a long time. Not that I do not want to visit or read the reflections, but it still is difficult for me at times to read theand I am always travelling for work.
Well as you know my son Mark is 3 years old now, he keeps me running from the time I get up until the time we all go to sleep. The funny thing is, he is soooo competitive. He always want's to race me or drive faster to pass other cars. It reminded me of when we had our mopeds as kids and we would race/ride them all over town.
My daughter Mia is 8 months old and she is beginning to crawl and puts everything in her mouth. Life is good, I can't complain. I wish I lived closer to everyone so I could see them more often.
June 4, 2010