Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers

Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers

Dear Mark,

I went with Lily, Camden, and Yvonne to the Zoo on Friday. It was really cool. We went throughthe Dinosaur Exhibit. Lily wanted to know all about the dinosaurs. She was able to look at the pictures and know which ones were plant eaters and which ones were meat eaters. Of course, like you, she wanted to know which ones were the biggest, fastest, and strongest. Some of the dinosaurs spit water which was neat. We just made sure we were not in the line of fire.
On Thursday, Dad and I met with Rich, Colleen, Kathy and Michelle at Louis. Yvonne could not make it. We had pizza, beer and salad. We shared memories of you and talked about what everyone is doing these days. Donnie met us at our house after dinner for some karaoke. Your friend and coworkers are just the best people.
That's about it. We have to go to Pontiac today for my treatment. From there we will meet Michelle and her kids for lunch. Oh yeah, Kyle is playing for the Cougars next year. They are out of Farmington and Steve is coaching. Lily is signed up for soccer.
I love and miss you. For the first time in five years I dread going back to work. Is that a sign of retirement blues or what?

Lots of love


August 10, 2009

Dear Mark,

Thanks for looking out after me last Thursday. Things were kind of scary but turns out maybe not too bad.
Lily is coming down on Tuesday. I can't wait to see her. She still keeps coming up with funny things. The other day Yvonne said something about taking her to the community pool and Lily told her "I don't do public pools". She also asked Yvonne about whose teeth are sharper, a snake or a shark I think it was. Anyways I remember when you use to ask questions like which animal is tougher or which car would go faster. I never lied. I always told you I don't know or care. haha. I didn't sugar coat it, did I? Ask me now and I would google it. If Dad and I disagree about info I google it. Probably to prove I am right but usually I am not. Dad knows he stuff. (ages of actors, or sports things). Oh well, I can't always be right.
We are hoping to get with Kathy and Colleen this week. Maybe Jon too. You sure worked with a lot of nice people.
School starts in about 4 weeks. Ugh.
I miss and love you.

Love Mom


August 2, 2009

**Never Forgotten**

Bay City Police Department

August 2, 2009

Dear Mark,

Lily spent Sunday and Monday night with us. She swim and played with Savanna. She is so smart and inquisitive (like you). I took her to the airport to take Pam to catch her plane so she could see the planes landing and taking off. She is afraid to fly even though she has flown several times but I thought maybe seeing the planes might help. She said maybe she would fly when she is older, like 17. haha Just like you. Anyways we loved having her here with us. Tomorrow we are picking her up to go to the MI-COPS picnic. She likes going to Andrea's. Andrea has a built in pool and Lily loves to swim. She likes being with the other girls too even though she does not know them except to see them once or twice a year. She gets along well with everyone. She will be spending the night again.
Rich came by on my birthday and brought me a bottle of my favorite drink. (Mexican) That was very sweet of him. He totally surprised me. Dad and I think the world of Rich. Now we know why he was one of your best buddies. He truly is a good friend of ours.
Anyways, I was thinking about you and miss you so much.
I love you.

Love Mom


July 17, 2009

Dear Mark,

I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know that Belinda and I got the lighted sign from you Friday night. Now she believes in signs too.
We went to Lily's birthday party Sunday. Trenna and Aaliyah went too and it was a great party. It was Hawaiian and the house and yard were all decorated so nice. Lily had a ball. She had a lot of little friends and all of them had a great time. Yvonne had a huge water slide that the kids had fun on. Yvonne put on such a nice party(she always does).
We just came back from New York and Kyle played so good out there. He pitched in three games and did very well. He is such a great kid.
I am sitting in your computer chair as I type this. It feels great. How crazy is that????
I love and miss you.

Love Mom


June 30, 2009

Officer Sawyers,

While going through some of my keepsake boxes, I ran across the eulogy from your funeral I attended five years ago. This reminded me that, although I check this page, I had not left a reflection in sometime.

While reading the messages left by others, I realised that the day I ran across your eulogy was your EOW date. Sir, you will not be forgotten nor will your sacrifice to the community you swore to protect.

May God continue to BLess your family, and I can only hope that these reflections will be a constant reminder to your daughter that her father was a Hero by definition!

Officer Shane Gadoury
Tampa Police Department, Fl

June 8, 2009

Dear Mark,
It's been 5 tough years and the pain is still so great. We miss you so much and our hearts are forever broken. There were so many people at the park and the candlelight vigil honoring and remembering you. They had 300 candle cups and ran out. Some people just got candles. We are so thankful to your friends and coworkers for their love and support during these past five years. I don'tlike to single anyone out for fear of leaving someone out but Kathy and Colleen really went all out on planning the candle light vigil and get together afterwards. Paul got a group of bagpipe players together that did a wonderful job at the vigil.That support along with our love for Lily and Yvonne what has kept us going when we didn't have the heart or want to, to face another day, another month, another year. Some people said wow, it doesn't seem like five years and in some ways it doesn't, but in other ways it seems like forever since we have seen and talked to you. I did get the signs from you last week on my way to work. The lights coming on in my car (on the door) when I never touched the light switch. I never believed in signs or stuff like that but I sure am a believer now. I have had too many and have not always been alone when I got them either. I just want you to know that we love you, miss you and will think of you everyday. Your smile is in Lily now and she is something to be proud of. Yvonne has done a wonderful job of raising her. She is finishing up her first year of teaching kindergarten and is on to first grade. Oh yeah she wasn't the teacher, she was a students. Silly me, I thought of her as the teacher because she is so far advanced in her 5 almost soon to be six years of age. She doesn't make the comparisons of everything the way you use to do (drove me crazy)but she either wants to know about everything in detail or she already knows it all. Just too smart for one little girl. She just finished up another year of soccer and got her trophy. We are celebrating her and Dad's birthday next week at Michelle's house.
Keeping looking out for your coworkers as they protect us from harm's way. We will be thinking about you everyday as you look down and protect us all while on duty of a higher calling.
I love you.

Love Mom


June 7, 2009

On this 5th anniv. or your EOW we just want you to know that you are thought of EVERY day. Rest in Peace


June 5, 2009

Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you, Mark. So many things remind us of you...and we're thankful for that. Lily is the spitting image of you! I can't believe it's been five years since you were taken from us and your now your little girl is going to be six this month. Time passes, but we never forget. You will always be in our thoughts, our hearts, and our prayers.


Tracy Bawcum

June 4, 2009

God Bless your family, friends, and Department on this date. You are missed by many.

Harper Woods

June 4, 2009

Seems like yesterday Mark, I cannot believe its been 5 years. We have everything ready to go for the candlelight vigil tonight at Target. You are in our hearts today and every day. We miss you C30! Gone but NEVER forgotten!



June 4, 2009

Tonight we gather to celebrate your life and the sacrifies you made. Hard to believe its been 5 years. We hope you will watch down below and look upon your beautiful daughter, family and friends who so deeply miss you !

Den & Jen Brozowski

June 4, 2009

Mark , you are missed today and everyday by so many. We are thinking of you and your family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with them always. Rest in peace.

Andrea Mitchell(Mosher)

June 3, 2009

Tomorrow and the days ahead.... our heartache continues.


June 3, 2009


I was just thinking about you today. I think about you often. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.



June 2, 2009

Dear Mark,

We just got back from DC and it was just like the last four years. It is a reminder that you are not here and are not coming back. It is hearbreaking and the pain still tears me apart. I do feel comforted by the support from your co-workers and friends that also went to DC to honor you and your fellow fallen comrades. The candlelight vigil is so moving and emotional but I came away remembering that we are not alone in our feelings of pain and grief. There are always so many (too many) people that have gone or are going through the same thing we have been going through for almost 5 years.
Your death did not make you a hero. Your life and your dedication to serving the public made you a hero as well as all of those who are serving today. We tend to look at the tragedy as what makes fallen officers a hero but you are all heroes when you put on that uniform everyday and the commitment that you made adn that others are still making to provide the public with the service of protecting us daily. Your coworkers and friends have not forgotten you either. They are with us every step of the way and we truly appreciate all their acts of kindness.
As always I love and miss you.

Love Mom


May 15, 2009

Hey Mark,
I have not been on this site very much...But I remember when you were taken from us. We are praying for you everyday please keep watch over my husband while he is at work. And please keep our new baby that is due to come in december in your watch. that he or she will grow and be born healthly... I can't beleive its been almost 5 years that you were taken from us! god speed


April 21, 2009

for low the dread of winter has passed and the voice of the turtle shall be heard throughout the land. winter yields way to the re-birth of spring and yet I'm still workin on my swing. Spirits are dancing and the angels are re-joicing cuz the struggle today begins a new. as always your spot will be reserved...I'll see ya tonight - Super D

Donald Colpaert

April 15, 2009

**Never Forgotten**

Bay City PD - Bay City Michigan

April 7, 2009


I haven't written in a while, but that doesn't mean that I dont think about you every single day. Your mom sent me some photos of you as a young boy for the CD I am puting together....Oh my!!!! Its like looking at Lily! It was hard to go through them at first, but I am so appreciative of your mom for trusting me with those keepsakes! (Thank you Faith!!)

I find myself wondering...did you make me a better dispatcher? Did your tragic departure make me who I am today...Would I be this obsessed with officer safety issues had June 4th never happened? Its not a bad thing, but I get irritable about certain things...I won't apologize. It is what it is...I will do ANYTHING to keep something like that from happening on my watch again. I cannot believe its been almost 5 years. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday...

Until the next time Sawyers....Keep watching over the "guys" and those of us "inside". You are not forgotten.

SHPD Dispatcher

March 22, 2009


i miss you very much i love you.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxooxxxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(lily did this with a little help spelling)


March 17, 2009

Dear Mark,

I just wanted to let you know that "You Are Always On My Mind". I love and miss you.

Love Mom


March 15, 2009

Dear Mark,

I think about you every day. I am still trying to put all the pieces back together. Time keeps moving on even though at times it seems like it stopped and never moves forward. I am trying to move forward and for the most part I am but some times it's hard. The pain is still very much a part of day to day living. I just try to focus on whatever I can.
We went with Michelle and Alexis to Frankenmuth. Alexis had won a district hoop shoot contest so she went to a regional one in Frankenmuth. She won beating out the girls in her age and the boys. The state championship in later this month at the Palace a couple of hours before a Piston's game. Alexis can shoot good which is amazing because she has never played basketball. I was going through some pictures and found some of you when you played 406th grade. Your long hair is so funny looking back. It was in at the time and then you like your hair short later on as you got to high school, etc. Kyle practices for baseball now every Sunday. His first tournament is in Cincinnatti the day Alexis goes to the Palace.
I talked to Yvonne this weekend and she said the kids are fine. She is so busy with two kids. Watching her and Michelle I wonder how I made it with three and four when we had Jamie for those 2 years.
Well I better get my copies ready for S. Studies.
I love and miss you a lot.

Love Mom


March 9, 2009

Dear Mark,
Lily spent Friday night with us. I gave her the American Girl Doll that she picked out on the internet which I purchased when I was in Chicago to her. She loved her. She named her Elizabeth. She said it was what she had always wanted(haha). On Saturday we met my friend Belinda and her grandkids at McDonalds. The kids ate and played and then we went to the show to see Bolt. From there Lily and I met Michelle and Alexis at the Palace to see Disney on Ice. What a cute show. Anyways today we are going with Michelle to Frankemuth where Alexis is competing in a shoot around basketball competition. She won the contest in her area and this is the regional or something like that. It is really cold and we are tired of winter. That's about it.
I love and miss you.

Love Mom


March 1, 2009

Dear Mark,
We just returned from Chicago with Michelle and her family. Alexis was in national competition for cheer/gymnastics. Her team took 7th nationallly. One of the flyers fell during their routine and that cost them some points but they did great.
On the way home (we flew there, took the train home) our train hit a 17 year old boy walking home from his bus stop (from school). The boy never knew what happened. He had head phones on and never heard the train's whistle. My heart really goes out to his family.
In Chicago we went to the American Girl Store. Alexis had an appointment to learn how to do her dolls hair. She also purchased a new doll with her xmas money. Lily told me she wanted a doll so I called Yvonne while we were in the store and told her to get Lily and look up the dolls online and pick one out. Lily picked out the one Alexis had just bought. Michelle had the dolls ears pierced. Isn't it hilarious. All the money people spend on these dolls and accessories. After we shopped we had lunch (the three of us). It was like going to a royal tea party. All the dolls had high chairs that hooked onto he tables. It was really cute for the kids but pricey. I wanted to take Lily but she would not fly. I can't wait to see her and give her her gifts.
Anyways, I was thinking about you when we were in the clouds(on the plane) and on top of the Sears Building. I thought maybe I would get a sign up in the clouds but didn't.
I miss you and love you.

Love Mom


February 18, 2009

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