Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
**Never Forgotten**
Bay City (MI) Department of Public Safety
July 2, 2016
Mark, my dear Mark,
It has been twelve years ago that you left us but you are still with me in my heart and soul. You were such a good and likeable person and that is evident by all the friends you had. You were a loving husband to Yvonne, a doting father to Lily, a great brother to Michael and Michelle and a wonderful son. The time we had together left me with wonderful memories which I recount daily. I will always think of you as my bouncing baby boy. We love to talk about your days playing basketball at Hoover with Dad as your coach. Next week, Tammy will give out a Patriot Award at Hazel Park Junior High to a deserving student in your honor. Dad and I will be there and will sit proudly as she describes you to the audience. Many people always hope to get to see their hero but I raised mine and praise God that he gave you to us even if we didn't get to keep you as long as we wanted. I love you and miss you so much.
Love Mom
June 4, 2016
Hi Mark, I know this is a weird time to write out of the blue but I am sitting at my computer and preparing for my Lt's assessment center presentation. I went on internet to find picture of our badge and when I clicked on it it took me directly to the officer's down page with your picture. Cool but weird. I know you are always doing those little things to remind us you are here. I know if you were you would be at the very least a Sgt. by now. Of course then I started reading all your reflections and tearing up. Know that your are thought of often and dearly missed by family and friends. Thanks for watching over all of us up there and giving us your little reminders that you are still here. We miss you!!
Sgt. Colleen Hopper
May 5, 2016
Happy Birthday Mark. I love and miss you. I am sure you can see the 76 lit up in my window. It doesn't matter if it is in the window or not, I think of you all the time. I know one day we will be together again and that keeps me going.
November 29, 2015
Happy Father's Day! I can't help but to hope that you see the young lady that Lily is turning into. When she's doing things, I often wonder if you're watching, or what you would think and say if you were still here. Would you be smiling as she goes tubing on the lake, watching nervously as she jumps in horseback riding, taking pictures at sixth grade graduation as she wins an award? I often wonder how you'd handle the sassiness, and tween hormones and what parenting together would be like. I will never know those things, but what I do know is that you love her with all your heart. She's a part of you and I, and our love, that lives on. For that I am so grateful. Today I will smile and remember the special times that you and Lily had together. The dancing together, the way she would light up and say 'dada', and the look on your face when she was born and you first held her. Those moments are memories I cherish with all my heart. Thanks for the 76 today, too. I love you!
June 21, 2015
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
June 6, 2015
1176 reflections left here for you & the temperature held at "76" most of day yesterday,...Thank you for sending your signs, signs telling us your still here, if only in spirit. I promise you, we carry you with us day in and day out. You are, and will always be, a part of us. Yesterday was especially difficult for many people, perhaps because we were not physically together but we certainly were not alone. We miss you dearly Mark. Please continue to watch over Yvonne, Lily, Mom, Dad, Michael, Michelle, and the SHPD. We know you're never far away......
June 5, 2015
Dear Mark,
We lost you 11 years ago today. I miss you so much and have to remind myself that you are in the best place but I can't help it, selfish me wants you here with us. That's all I am going to write because I can't see with the tears pouring down my face. I am so heart broken. I love you.
Love Mom
Proud Mom
June 4, 2015
I know today is a big day in Heaven and I can't share it with you but celebrate it with my Grandma, Papa and Jamie. I love you . Happy Easter
Love Mom
April 4, 2015
Remembering you is easy, I do it everyday
Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.
I love you.
March 15, 2015
I can't believe it will be 11 years since this happened. The closer I get to my career in Law Enforcement the more I think about you and the sacrifice you made! You truly are a hero Mark and you wont ever be forgotten. God Speed
Ashley V
January 24, 2015
I stopped into the SHPD yesterday, still overwhelming driving past Marks spot and going into tht building. As I walked out my eyes filled with tears, and the sadness all came back. Yvonne, Faith, Jr, Michelle and esp Lilly I think of you often and pray for your pain to ease. ♡
Anne Z.
January 23, 2015
To My Dearest Son,
We celebrated Christmas again without you. It still hurts but have to celebrate for the kids. Lily sang a song at Michelle's house. She has the voice of an angel. She is so growing up. She knows a lot about a lot of stuff. Just like you. She really amazes me with her knowledge. I know that you are doing your job for God now but I wish with all my heart that you were here. That's selfish of me because I know Heaven is a better place but I want you to be with us. Merry Christmas Mark. I love you and miss you.
Faith Sawyers
December 26, 2014
I am sitting here getting ready for roll and Andre and I have been remembering you and your ever-present smile. How much fun we all had. You are truly one of the nicest people I have ever known. We miss you very much.
Page B
Sergeant Rodney Page Ballinger II
Detroit Police Department 5th Pct Academy Classmate
December 21, 2014
Happy Birthday Mark. I love and miss you.
The "76" in my window is burning thanks to Steve.
Lily spent the night last night after going to Huckleberry Railroad with 21 of us. I can't believe she is wearing make up. Where did your little girl go. She is growing up so fast. We had lots of fun last night and then scrapping booking today. She is such a delight and so much like you. Lots of love Mom
Mother of Mark Sawyers
Mother of Mark Sawyers
November 29, 2014
It's amazing what brings you to the forefront of my thoughts. I'm taking care of things around the house, the TV blaring "The Voice". A contestant is singing "Its So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday". I literally see myself sitting in the gallery at your funeral 10 years ago, tears flowing being in total disbelief, listening to Officers from Detroit PD singing the most beautiful rendition of this song. I'll never forget you Mark.
Emergency Dispatcher
Sterling Heights PD
September 22, 2014
I Haven't Been On This Site In Sometime....I Didn't Know Mark Personally But I Knew Of Him Through Friends. I Think Of Him Often And Always Read Through Some Of The Reflections When I Get The Chance. Mark's Sacrifice Will Never Be Forgotten. 76 Forever. Keep Watch Over Us Mark. We Need It.
Ferndale Pd
August 18, 2014
I can't believe it has been 10 years. I felt tonight was more difficult than previous years. Everybody did a fantastic job including your daughter at the vigil. Even though this was the last organized vigil and there are changes coming for us. I promise you and your family this. No matter what uniform I wear, I will never forget and you will always be remembered.
Dispatcher Adam Vanderleun
June 5, 2014
Its hard to believe we lost you 10 years ago. In a few hours we will gather to celebrate your life and reflect on the impact knowing you has had on our lives. I am privileged to call you my friend and honored to feel a part of your family. Your legacy lives on in all who love you.
I miss you C30!!
Kathy Gardner
Sterling Heights Police
June 4, 2014
As police week ends it brings back so many memories. It has been 10 years and in some ways it seems like much longer since you were with us and in other ways it seems like just yesterday. Dad, Michelle, Tina, Terry, and I went to DC to honor you and your fellow fallen officers. It is always hard to do but with this being the 10th anniversary it is especially hard. A lot of officers and their families also went to DC and provided us with TLC which is greatly appreciated. I know that it was because of you and all the other angels that the vigil went on and the storm blew over. I left a picture of Lily next to the patch on the wall. She looks so much like you at that age. We are lucky to have such a piece of you and we love her very much. I am hoping to see some sort of sign from you because June is approaching and it brings rough times for us. I love you and never go a day without thinking about you.
Love Mom
May 17, 2014
As Police Week draws near, I will be there again to honor your sacrifice. Seems unreal that almost ten years have passed. My wife, who used to work with you, will not be able to make it, but thinks of you and your sacrifice all the time. Keep giving your family and friends those signs of "76" to let them know that you are okay, are at peace, and are looking out for them. I get them also and know you are keeping me safe as well. Rest brother, and know you are missed and thought of often...
PSO Kowalik
April 12, 2014
Mark Sawyers,
The last few months you been on my mind. I remember back fourteen years ago when were in the detroit police academy together. Those was the days! You stood next to me in roll call every morning and we were discipline with early morning push ups. You was always a good friend to me. You help me pass the academy bro.I remember waiting on you to pull up in the parking lot around 6:00am in the morning before class, so we could have a thirty minute study session in your car. I had a dream about that,I remember the car it was a small green escort. You explained and prepare me for some of the legal terms so well that was going to be on the test that day. Them quick study sessions with you made me cofident every test day. I ace every test because of you. I remember always telling you that, you was probably a great school teacher before you started this police stuff. Also i cant forget about when we graduated, you use to invite me over to your house located in warren in the morning to workout. We lift weights really hard in your basement. We had a lot of personal talks them days. I was only 22 years at the time and i really admire you. I miss and think about you all the time. May God bless your soul and your family.. You will never be forgotten.
Derrick Mahone 4357
Detroit police.
Police Officer
Detroit Police Dept
March 13, 2014
I miss you as always, but today has a sharper sting to it. It's not a special day for any reason in particular- no anniversary, birthday, or otherwise. It just feels like forever since I've seen you or held you. Some days the pain and reality of losing you is just so incredibly heart breaking.
I just wanted to leave you a little note. Come seer in my dreams or send a sign. I know you love me, and I you. Those little things just keep me stronger.
I love you. Xoxoxo
March 2, 2014
Just wanted to check in brother, You are not forgotten!!!
Timothy Hartman
Federal Law Enforcement Agent, & former HP classmate
February 14, 2014
Honor, Courage, Sacrifice! We have continued to remember you. Fallen, but absolutely, Never Forgotten. Hope you continue to kick the hell out of the coward who took your spirit, shoving him further and further through the gates of Hell!
Warren (MI) Police Department
February 6, 2014