Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
Why does the sun go on shining, why are there stars in the sky....
Don't they know it's the end of the world, it ended when we said goodbye.
For us that was 7 and 1/2 years ago and I miss you terribly.
I love you and Happy Birthday.
Look for the blue 76 in my window.
Love Mom
November 29, 2011
Thinking of you all day today, on your birthday.
Diane Bawcum
November 29, 2011
Today I am thankful for having your love in my life. I am thankful that when I have a bad day, George Strait's "I Cross My Heart" comes on the radio and my BP was 76. Those signs keep me going when the memories and thoughts overwhelm me. Thank you for still being there for me and letting me know it. I feel your love and presence in all that I do. We love you and miss you.
November 24, 2011
Dear Mark,
It is Thanksgiving tomorrow and I am heartbroken that you are not going to be here to share it with us. Turkey Dinner was your favorite dinner. We will miss singing Happy Birthday to you on Tuesday, your birthday too. You will be in our thoughts but I want you here. Michelle misses your jokes and all your help in researching stuff. Your friends miss the football games that you picked and then complained about. Of course they all miss disc golf and most of them have given the game up. You seemed to get everyone into it and now they lost interest. You had a lot of great friends and dad and I have remained close with some of them. Particularly, Rich. He likes to go to Kyle's and Alexis games with us. Kyle's team was undefeated in football and are now onto basketball. Games start next week. While we don't see all of your friends, we think about them and they are special to us. We pray for your co-workers that they will be safe and have a great holiday.
Yvonne is coming over with the family for dinner tomorrow. The kids are growing up. Lily is doing a great job with her horse training. She just finished soccer. She and Camden are going with me to Huckleberry Railroad Friday night with Aaliyah, Tina, Kaley and Savanna. We should have a great time there. The kids love the train ride and walking around the village.
All of this would be much more enjoyable if you could be a part of it too. I know you are in spirit but its just not good enough for me. I need you here and there is nothing we can do to make that happen. I hope to see you some day but will have to settle with my memories and thoughts for now.
I love you so much.
Love MOM
November 24, 2011
Yvonne posted a picture of Lily a few days ago sitting between two mannequins in a store being silly. When I showed it to Tracy, I started to say, "boy, she looks just like.... and at the same time we both said "Mark." I could have said a dozen different endings to that sentence, but we simultaneously said she looked just like you. She is just the beautiful 'female' version of you.
Miss you and think of you all the time.
Diane Bawcum
November 12, 2011
Never forgotten, never unnoticed. Many comments on Steve's #76 badge tattoo while he was in the hospital recently. It's his way of never letting you be forgotten by others.
Diane Bawcum
November 6, 2011
"76" forever etched in my mind. Yvonne & Lilly always in my thoughts. God bless
September 14, 2011
Hi Mark,
Just wanted to tell you that you're in my thoughts. I was looking through a lot of pictures from about ten years ago earlier today. Saw so many of you & Yvonne, and of course you with Yvonne and Lily. Many that I took. Brings back so many memories. Found the receipt along with the pictures I purchased of your wedding, too. And wouldn't you know it? The total was $76.32. Made me smile a are always there, around us.
Lily starts school tomorrow. Can't believe she's going into the 3rd grade! Seems like only yesterday I was singing and rocking her to sleep. She's going to do great...she is so darn smart, just like her mom & dad.
We still miss you everyday & you are always in our hearts and memories.
Tracy Bawcum
September 5, 2011
It's been a long time but I think of your sacrifice often. You and all that went before and after give me the strength every time I put on the uniform.
Keep us safe
Police Officer
August 12, 2011
Just a note that I'm thinking of you today.
July 26, 2011
Happy Anniversary, sweetie. I love you. Xoxoxo
June 25, 2011
Happy Anniversary, sweetie. I love you. Xoxoxo
June 24, 2011
I cannot believe it's been seven years. You are in my thoughts always, as is your family. The night of June 4, 2004 will forever be in my memory as a defining moment in my life and career. Up to that moment, I saw and experienced some tough scrapes, but nothing hit home like losing a brother. I remember every moment, every feeling, and every thing we ever talked about. I remember how lost we all felt and how we all had to re-evaluate our own lives. I never thought that the sadness would go away, and it never fully will. But as time goes by I've found that your memory and the memory of your sacrifice gives me strength. Seeing your family and their steadfast love for you and their conviction to keeping your memory alive fills me with hope. You meant something to a lot of people; some of whom never knew you. You will always mean somethinng to those of us who called you family, friend and brother.
Sterling Heights Police
June 4, 2011
Where to start....Mark is 4 now and weighs 60 pounds. He is Very competitive, I can't walk across the street without him wanting to race. His wanting to compete reminded of us when we were kids playing hoops in the back yard. Mark saw my tat of your badge on my arm and asked me what it was. That was harder than I thought, I told him what happened and that he was named after you. He said "cool" and wanted a tat like mine. Mia, is 19 months and has me in her palm, she looks at me and she get what she wants. Chris, Lisas cousin is running a 5k tomorrow for fallen officers in Chicago, he team is running in your honor and will have a racing bib of your name. That was very cool of him, he is a good guy for doing that.
April 29, 2011
Steve and I went to see Lily do her Sally Ride presentation at her school's Wax Museum. You would have been so proud of her. She took it very seriously, and was so full of self confidence. Just the way she carries herself is amazing for a child her age. What a big girl she is getting to be. She makes my heart melt.
April 1, 2011
***Never Forgotten***
Bay City Police
March 31, 2011
My papa took me to White Castle. I ate two plain burgers and some fries. I had to go to the doctor. I have been sick for five days. It's not fun being sick. I've been drinking lots of Gatorade. It was yummy in my tummy.
I'm doing a cool thing at school next Monday called a wax museum. I am being Sally Ride. She was the first American woman to go up into space. I wrote my facts. I have a space suit to wear and we bought Neopolitan space ice cream to share with my class. My teacher is very nice.
I'm so happy it's spring. I can't wait to see some butterflies and have longer days and shorter nights. Goodbye for now. I love you.
March 21, 2011
Dear Adam and Co-Workers of Mark,
You will never know how much your kind words to and about Mark mean to us. Thank you so much for taking the time to write on the website and for remembering Mark and us (his family) People like you coping a little easier. God bless and keep you all safe.
Faith Sawyers
March 21, 2011
HI Mark,
Dad and I were talking about some of your basketball highlites. We watched your fourth grade playoff game over the xmas break. I am so glad that Michelle had that tape. What memories. You had a little long hair and a little belly. I know you got rid of both the long hair and belly but it was cute and fun to watch. I wonder where Billy and Tommy are today. I hope they are doing well. Lily has been sick but is getting better. She and Camden had the bug that has been going around. I have had several signs lately. Thanks and keep them coming. I love and miss you.
Love Mom
March 21, 2011
Your memorial lapel pin is one of the items that overlooks the area where I get ready for work every night. Thanks for going to work with me.
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office
March 7, 2011
Dear Mar,
Lily spent Friday night with us. She and Aaliyah had a ball.They dressed up in Michelle's high school prom dresses and blared the music and danced. In the afternoon we went to Cobo watch Alexis compete with her team for Cheer Live. Lily made fliers to hold up and awards for Alexis. After Cobo we met Michelle and her family for pizza. The girls were so tired when I took them home. So were we. Lil had to play cowgirl too. She found some of my country hats. That's all she talks about is horseback riding. She takes lessons and loves it. She wants her own horse. Don't know where she will put it unless they keep it at the stables where she takes lessons. Anyways, we had a great visit with her. She wants to come again soon. She can't wait until the pool is open. Neither can I because that means the snow will be gone. Michelle and I had snow day today. A lot of schools were out for winter break but mine was last week and Michelle's is Thursday so we were happy to be out. Michelle just got the kids softball and baseball schedules and it looks like a lot of traveling for May, June and July. One of the kids plays in Buffalo and one in Myrtle Beach and a lot of Ohio trips.
That's it for now.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
February 21, 2011
It has been along time since I have written a reflection. I'm still reminded of you everyday. I know your family is still hurting and missing you. So, I'm sure you will not mind if I share this story with them.
My family and I went to the George Strait concert this past Saturday at the palace. We sat 7 rows from the stage. It was amazing. The stage was set in the middle so that everyone had an oppurtunity to see the performances. The singers just alternated sides while performing. I had this feeling that somehow you were there enjoying the show also. I had been taking pictures on my camera phone throughout the concert. As George came to our side of the stage he began to sing "I cross my heart". This song has special meaning because it was one of our wedding songs. What were the odds? I thought to myself, thanks Mark for bringing George to our side of the stage and singing this song to us. I took another picture on my phone and my wife asked me to send it to her. As I went into the gallery, there it was I had (76) camera shots. It was like Mark was sending me a sign. That said your welcome. Next thing I knew I had tears rolling down my face.
I can only imagine the pain you all must still feel. I never got to know Mark aside from the occasional conversation in passing. I talked to him more on the police radio than anything else. But even though I didn't get the chance to get to know him better. I feel that he is a tremendous part of my life. Although Mark was taken way to early in life. I still feel his spirt is among us.
Thanks for listening to my story. Mrs. Sawyers your son is not forgotten. And he never will be...
Adam Vanderleun
Sterling Hts Dispatch
February 21, 2011
Dear Mark,
I have not been on here in awhile. It's hard,I get so upset after writing. I feel I have to write because I love and miss you but it's tough. Going on 7 years and sometimes it seems like yesterday. Other times it is so long since I have seen and talked with you and 7 years is a long time. All this senseless killing and violence drives me crazy. I don't know what is wrong with the people in this world.
Love Mom
February 15, 2011
I still think of you every day.
February 4, 2011
Watching a George Strait special. Hope you're watching over my shoulder. I love you! Xoxoxo
December 30, 2010