Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Common sense and utilizing discretion can travel a long distance if honesty, integrity and dignity are properly assembled. They stayed with you, Officer Cook, all your life and career serving Dade County and its folks. The unrelenting, unwavering and unselfish character, commitment and overall charming demeanor and composure despite facing evil everyday. The angel and diligent warrior within your heart, soul and spirit will forever be saluted and so solemnly paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True and trustworthy loyalty and esteem to be treasured by your family and colleagues always. With Christmas, Chanukah and 2025 fast approaching you keep looking down from heaven.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 15, 2024
A wonderful soul is a humbly blessed and heroic heart. The simple fact is you were just one magnificent young man, Officer Cook, guided by Our Lord in all your paths and trails of accentuation, fulfillment and purpose all so truthfully trusted. Dade County received great work and aid from a loyal and strong public servant who gave his life so mankind, humanity and society could thrive peacefully without any craters of violence, heinousness and evil. Your legacy of hope, humility and goodwill stand for character, commitment and conviction, all sacred virtue, wisdom and angelic vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 15, 2024
Engulfed in violence and terror, only a heroically savvy and sophisticated public servant honest, dignified and full of loyal and humble integrity like yours, Officer Cook, could stop its deadly advances throughout Dade County. This is and of course was your beloved home community where for six years of thoughtful dedication, truth and trust everything in your heart, soul and spirit of virtue and compassion gave mankind its total efforts. Never forgotten and always an angel to be wisely saluted and solemnly paid homage, your intuition. intelligence, vigilance and trained due diligence protected us and made the ultimate sacrifice to shield our every pursuit of peace and happiness. Badge#1664 was about respect, humility and an unwavering and most unselfish heart of everlasting loyalty that is reflected deep within your heroic legacy as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of yearning, character and basic commitments to succeed while interrupting ignominious actions that threaten the fabrics and fibers of our very society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 14, 2024
Your family's darling, beloved and esteemed hero, that's what you were and will forever be, Officer Cook. You served and preserved the image of Dade County and its people to be remembered and saluted humbly. A most vigorous and blessed young man of faith, devotion and dedication, your life and career coupled with honor, heart and soul was certainly instrumental as was integrity, dignity and character all true and trustworthy. Never forgotten as an angel whose loyalty, vision and virtue were wisdom and unselfish performance giving their efforts everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and conviction can only succeed when one is completely focused on their essential responsibilities. You gave the ultimate sacrifice to bring everlasting purpose and peace to mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 12, 2024
Hopefully, I'll get to see Officer DiGenova again, Officer Cook. Just as much of a hero as you were just as intense, intuitive and a class gentleman of integrity, dignity and honesty that too patrolled in and around Dade County fortifying our safe routes. You, Officer Cook, though taken by evil way too soon have been forever remembered and solemnly saluted for gallantry, character and commitment's truth and trustworthiness that the citizens relied upon to see them through. Your journeys, missions of dedication, decency and devotion shall be always legendary as you were loyal, esteemed and full of sense of direction, desire and virtue. It was vision, wisdom and versatility that shared in your onuses where peril lurked sad that you could not retire as your other comrades did, yet you'll never ever be forgotten for your life, career, service and sacrifice always an angel of inspiration and ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2024
To serve and to protect means vigilance and diligence has to measure up to honesty, integrity and dignity. So loyal, truthful and trustworthy were you, Officer Cook and a Dade County hero to be solemnly remembered and saluted for vision, virtue and sacred wisdom beyond the crowd. Our lives can continue without strife, with goodwill and hope ringing in a new year of promise, compassion and unselfish peace and prosperity. Forever a humbly blessed warrior and angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A true gentleman of character, accentuated commitment combined with purposeful convictions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2024
To spark success there must be some effort put forth and surely, Officer Cook, yours reflected genuine concern for mankind and for the folks of Dade County where your heroism is always saluted and never forgotten. Integrity, dignity and character are created from honor humbly speaking and our serenity, peaceful pursuits in life were from you fulfilling your responsibilities on behalf of humanity with a gentle and caring heart and soul so unselfish and never giving in to evil and violence which robbed you of many more years on this earth with family, friends and comrades. The sincerity of virtue and sacred missions poured forth have sprouted a new dawn and with your angelic spirit watching over us and your family members who take pride in carrying your legacy forward they too shall be blessed and humanely rewarded as you were esteemed and loyal in performing duties of danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day at a time violence shall cease to exist and we can resume lives of fruition, truth and trust without interruption nor strife.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2024
Your passions, Officer Cook, were channeled into creating an everlasting heroic bond here in Dade County where your legendary name remains most humbly blessed and solemnly honored. Bravery, sacrifice and service to its residents shall never be broken nor forgotten. When a young man of honor, dignity, integrity and a heart and unselfish soul of character, conviction and commitment gives every loyal bone for mankind to stay safe we must always be aware of its essentiality. Your missions and morals will remain angelic forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One ounce of energy, one divine spark of virtue is just a part of the equation. Your handsome face and smile have been missed very much by your family. A gentleman of unwavering compassion, concern and care for his fellowman human being those who have taken over your watch do so with abundant caution and dedication trying themselves to keep serenity yet going home safely.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2024
The devotion, determination and dedication were superb, heroic and outstanding just as you were, Officer Cook. A Dade County legend of a gentleman whose fortitude and unselfish ferocity fueled your life, career and pursuits in and around your beloved community. Your sacred name and cherished values and principles have always been carefully, solemnly and humbly blessed and saluted. It was your dignity, wisdom and integrity that was true and trustworthy as your loyalty and heart were forever etched in your work ethics as an angel of success and effort. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our peace of mind and journeys of goodwill, faith and resiliency were embellished because of you, Officer Cook, a man whose oath and understanding were most profound.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2024
You drove the buses of boldness and bravery, Officer Cook, steering through danger and mayhem for six years of honored, dedicated and dignified commitment, character and conviction here in Dade County leaving behind a humble and blessed legacy of integrity, heart and soul so fiercely loyal, treasured and esteemed and they will never be forgotten only saluted for poise, precision and the pride of a heroic and beloved public servant now an angel in eternity where your unselfishness, unwavering persistence is forever blessed and rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vision, virtue and sacred missions all undertaken in Our Master's holy name. Serenity and freedom came because you cared and were most sincerely compassionate.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2024
The trails, paths and streets were all made safer by you, Officer Cook and left no doubt that you were a most beloved and heroic warrior. A team member through and through. It's truth and trustworthiness that uplifts a community where peace, serenity and safety are all essential elements to peaceful pursuits in life. Integrity that was incorporated into your dignified character, commitment and convictions are now part of your humanely loyal and treasured legacy. You'll always be saluted and solemnly remembered as angel whose diligence and respect were superior beyond your responsibilities and sacred journeys of faith and goodwill remain legendary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County will forever pay homage to badge#1664!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 4, 2024
The public today, Officer Cook, paid homage and salutes of respect, integrity, dignity and honorable character to three fallen Palm Beach County deputies killed two weeks ago. Dade County paid you much love and admiration for your heroic actions my neighbor, angel, friend and hero. Truth and trust walked down the paths and trails of heart,soul and loyal and esteemed humility all blessed by Our Maker who has watched over for forty-five years. One man, one huge mission to restore and preserve the decency of his beloved community. Dependable, accountable, virtuous and a gentleman of true substance. Rest in peace. Commitment, conviction all sacred as were your journeys of resourcefulness, resiliency and endeavor. A genuine angel whose legacy glissens.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 3, 2024
The streets of Dade County were well protected by you, Officer Cook and your heroic actions saved the folks and your comrades.It's dignity, integrity and character that put the effort and humility of heart and soul into your life and career which was sacrificed for goodwill, faith and devotion. An angel to be saluted and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 2, 2024
History documents heroic endeavor, integrity, dignity and honorable character. You deserve all the salutes and solemnly homage, Officer Cook, for your outstanding service in keeping Dade County and its residents safe. Never forgotten and always so loyal, esteemed, cherished and highly dependable. An angel of virtue, vision and wisdom beyond your years it will always be a tragedy losing you at such a young age with more journeys of devotion, dedication and goodwill left to follow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 1, 2024
What a sad day as today you and Karen, presumally your whole family would be celebrating your blessed birthday. Eternity keeps track and account of your afterlife. Such a brilliant career and life of heart,soul headed for better days, Officer Cook and it's Dade County has your loyalty, dignity,integrity and character to thank and to salute. An angel of truth and trust resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, vision and valid sanctity all uplifted to the clouds above as you keep watch over your family, friends and comrades. You served with respect, vigilance and due diligence and nothing will ever tarnish your unselfish and relentless tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 30, 2024
Tomorrow would have been your seventy-first birthday, Officer Cook. You surely deserved to be here celebrating with your family, comrades and friends. God had other plans for a devout, faithful, loyal and most heroic man treasured by everyone. The effort, dignity, integrity and intelligence, all persevered a rescued Dade County from the abyss and violence. An angel to be saluted may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 29, 2024
Truth. trust and direction are the clear narratives of never ending, unwavering and unselfish dignity, integrity and character that you, Officer Cook, always so loyal and dependable acquitted yourself with as you protected and defended the rights of Dade County and mankind. An angel so values, virtuous and a visionary whose legacy keeping on shining as you patrol the streets above in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The trails and paths of perseverance and wisdom paved to prefection for other brave and cherished public servants to walk across.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 29, 2024
Thanksgiving a time for prayer, reflection and positive thoughts. The memories of a wonderful, life and career just cut way too short because of violence against you, Officer Cook and your fellow officers who somehow survived that infamous day in Liberty City, Gladeview. Your outstanding heroic actions of dignity, honor and integrity fortified the spirits of all mankind and the folks of Dade County who have remembered the character, true trust and commitment of a tireless warrior and angel all because of your blessed and humbly unselfish heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy that was strong from the get go! I spoke to Officer Keith DiGenova yesterday and wished him a Happy Thanksgiving. He's never forgotten you and your cherished, loyal and most esteemed gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 28, 2024
Officer Cook, so heroic and honest, Dade County was under your watch of humility and personal integrity,dignity and character. Such commitment and conviction were all truth and trust as you legacy continues making its way higher and higher in God's humble abode. Always loyal, esteemed and cherished. Rest in peace my angel, neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 27, 2024
You were so heroic, so brave and yet so humbly blessed, Officer Cook. The other day 3 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Officers made the ultimate sacrifice very sad for mankind, the community and their families. Today I stopped at the cemetery to visit your grave and to salute you and your character, dignity and integrity all in heaven looking down on us and your family as they get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with their own. Dade County will never be the same without you and you'll always be remembered and paid homage for your unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting heart and angelic soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You remain a most worthy and cherished gentleman of faith, dedication, truth and trust.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 27, 2024
You were so heroic, so brave and yet so humbly blessed, Officer Cook. The other day 3 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Officers made the ultimate sacrifice very sad for mankind, the community and their families. Today I stopped at the cemetery to visit your grave and to salute you and your character, dignity and integrity all in heaven looking down on us and your family as they get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with their own. Dade County will never be the same without you and you'll always be remembered and paid homage for your unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting heart and angelic soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You remain a most worthy and cherished gentleman of faith, dedication, truth and trust.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 26, 2024
The searches have tragically ended but your angelic heart and heroic soul, Officer Cook, continues its rise to heaven day by day. Dade County has changed very much since your life and career ended, your professional demeanor, honest conduct, always a man of dignity and respectful integrity, character and loyal commitment each watch. To replace is a tough act to follow. No act, just actions of determination and fierce dedication to bring us peace ofmind and hopeful stability. Truth, trust and intelligence bring the memories closer to the surface yet you'll always be saluted and fondly remembered for achievement, acumen and awareness. You are an angel so beloved, adored and just a precious soul and heart of a most humbly blessed and compassionate young man of conviction. Your family of course worried about you and your safety yet never forgotten for your reverence, diligence and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Esteemed and surely unselfish in your sincerest of efforts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 25, 2024
The bridges were crossed, the roads were paved by a noble, honorable and heroic warrior in you, Officer Cook, a Dade County blessed and saturated in serenity, safety and security for all mankind. You surely have been missed all these decades later as your essential, instrumental and unselfish integrity, dignity and character all patrolled the streets with rigor, resolve and resourceful virtue. The eyes of all look down to thee for advice and you, Officer Cook, was that loyal and esteemed knight in shiny armor. What a heart and soul so careful and so giving. Your mother and father of blessed memory certainly raised two upstanding and outstanding children well mannered and faithfully dedicated. Nancy misses you everyday as does your colleagues of the past along with so so many trusted friends and accquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, hero and angel.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 25, 2024
Wisdom comes from every ample organ utilized for a positive. A heart and soul, Officer Cook, that were heroically dedicated and most sincerely passionate in protecting the residents of Dade County where peace, stability and the free pursuits should evolve each moment of our very lives. Your character, humility and desire was and is forever linked to your unassuming, unwavering and unselfish dignity, integrity and most truthfully trusted commitment and conviction and because of your composure so shall we live as you'll forevermore be your family's guardian angel perched above looking down on your family members who carry the torch of your legacy ever carefully and most assuredly. Cherished and solemnly saluted for bravery and virtue, your sacred missions of goodwill, fairness, faith and vision will stay forever bonded to your beloved community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 was morals, values, respect loyalty, reverence, diligence and vigilance all working to keep evil from us. A handsome face and smile so very much missed!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2024
If you are truly blessed and humble this is what Our Creator has in mind for you. And you, Officer Cook, will always be a trusted and heroic Dade County warrior who gave his life for peace and freedom to live on. As an angel hovering above you can forever watch over those who serve and of course over your family who lovingly pursue their daily missions and journeys of honor, dignity and integrity as you did for twenty-five years. Too short of a life taken senselessly by violence while fulfilling your sacred oath anddutiers of dedication of goodwill, faith and diligence. You are to be saluted for having a loyal and cherished heart and soul of both unselfish and unwavering esteem forever solemnly remembered by mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2024