Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Desire and dedication are truth and trust combined. Dade County was protected by you, Officer Cook and you are a hero of integrity, dignity and honorable character with commitment so blessed and humble. We salute your life, career and virtue all angelic as they hover over us and your adoring family who carries your legacy and sacred journeys forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2024
The voice of a community cries out for help and your important roles, responsibilities are to search out and teardown evil and violence using your complete plate of tools. It begins with honesty, integrity and dignity all through your strong and unselfish character, Officer Cook. heroic, loyal, decent and esteemed. Vigilant, diligent and fullof unassuming virtue, wisdom and vision that surely measured up to your feats of gallantry and boldness. An angel whose life and career ended all too suddenly because of one evil and disrespectful young man. Such a terrible waste of his life and your sacrifice will forever be saluted as your legacy is passed down by your family who pursue their dreams, goals and aspirations with the very same fabrics of ferocity, ingenuity and serenity as we all desire. Truth and trust that was dedicated and deeply admired and appreciated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. Your intuition and intelligence, Officer Cook, was certainly humble, blessed and most resourceful during times of strife and danger. Badge#1664 was goodwill, fairness, faith and outstanding performance never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2024
The quicker the reaction the faster possibly comes the outcome. A man bred with character and both the fabrics and fibers of honesty, dignity and integrity engaging, enhancing and enlightening our world for a brief and all tragically too short of a life. Twenty-five years, Officer Cook, you created, made and impacted the tunnels and channels of society, mankind and humanity with your humbly blessed acumen, graciousness and humane and loyal esteem which is forever saluted and so dearly paid homage. Dade County was blessed to have a warrior who cared was concerned, duly diligent and always ever so vigilant. Vision, virtue and wisdom beyond your years of commitment, conviction which was and always is regarded as clarity well defined and well documented. Truth and trust must at some point in their circumstance make a dent in this violent world where you gave your life for us to live and to thrive peacefully directing energy and your unrelenting and unselfish heart and soul to preserve and to protect liberty, freedom and our missions of faith and dedication marching onward. Sanctity, versatility and a passion so real and yet humanely unique but you'll always be missed very much by your beloved family, comrades and s I've stated many times a host of friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 20, 2024
The features of ferocity and tenacity are knotted together by honor, dignity and integrity of which every loyal and esteemed public servant must carry within their uniforms and badges reflecting department standards. You toiled and patrolled with all of these character traits, Officer Cook, heroically making Dade County more safer and securer for mankind to thrive and to proceed with their purposes and positive trails and paths where proficiency, pride and perseverance shall forevermore flow. A gracious man, a first class gentleman who held sacred journeys close to your heart and soul unwavering and unselfish undertaking the huge endeavor to uplift and enhance our landscapes. Now and for eternity one of God's many heroic angels may Our Lord spread His grace upon your family, colleagues and friends as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character with ingenuity. Commitment with intuition and conviction always clear, precise, truthful and trustworthy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 19, 2024
You obliged society, Officer Cook, with your heroic feats of fairness, faithfulness and firmness while staying the trails and paths of honesty, dignity and integrity forever tightening our peaceful drives, purposes and dreams as they were yours too. Your sacrifice stands as proof of a warrior geared in virtue,character and commitment in all your convictions. Never a doubt as to your loyalty, esteem and bravery all truthful and trusted as a heroic angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You identified with intelligence, diligence and an unwavering and unselfish heart and soul forever in eternity watching over your beloved family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 18, 2024
Loss of life is always a terrible thing, emotions overflow with grief and sorrow. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families all have dealt with your heroic loss, Officer Cook. Dade County was defended and protected by a great man of wisdom, virtue and honorable integrity, dignity and solemn character, commitment and conviction all truly trustworthy. A gentleman unselfish, unwavering and duly vigilant conducting his business withthe highest of department standards of morals, values and scruples. You'll always be an angel and your legacy of humility, blessing and esteem will forever be taken forward by your family adored and beloved as you, "Uncle Bo" will be in their hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 17, 2024
Your birthday, Officer Cook, November 30th is nearly around that corner and what a loss you not being here to share and to celebrate with your loved ones who have surely and solemnly remembered a real hero, honest,dignified and certainly a gentleman of both grit, gallantry and integrity as Dade County was very much served and protected above and beyond both by a devout and faithful man of God, esteem and loyalty. Our very peace and quiet, security and stability all came about your outstanding and unselfish character,commitment and unwavering ingenuity, intellect and intuition all from convictions truthful and trustworthy. Those paths and trails were blazed and paved by a hero of dedication, determination and the acumen of accentuation. A man saluted and paid homage for giving his life and career while operating as a man of virtue, wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2024
A solemn, heroic and most blessed life and career of authentic honesty, dignity and integrity which formulated the basis of your bravery and unselfish journeys throughout Dade County, Officer Cook, creating peace and serenity for its citizens. Such a magnificent man of character, the rock of support for your family in tragic times. A gem of a gentleman whose sweet soul and humble heart worked and performed in a congenial and compassionate manner always to be angelically saluted and your legacy will continue to be cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2024
The word ultimate is a humble word for giving your utmost endeavor. With regard to policing the streets of any community that may mean giving your life and career in order for serenity, security and safety to march forward while evil, chaos and mayhem is obliterated once and for all. You surely did that, Officer Cook, heroically on behalf of Dade County residents. You took direction and your cues of character,commitment and conviction all humbly blessed, cherished and esteemed to try and stop one evil individual for harming more civilians. Honesty is identified as the best policy and so is integrity, dignity the the virtues of loyalty and unselfishness. Your badge and uniform commanded respect and diligence and we who live on to pursue our interests surely trusted a most truthful warrior in you. Your family carries your legacy close to their hearts, souls and vests as their missions clearly symbolize your instrumental actions and conduct so very refined. The definition of a man whose morals,values and wisdom were the highlights of an organized life, profession and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. Courage, consideration and a caring concern reached out to the people of whom you so solemnly protected.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 14, 2024
Sometimes a man or woman, a hero or humbly blessed heroine must do something that will create peace where violence and wickedness walks its post. Your persistence, Officer Cook, was the essential key to us remaining safe here in Dade County where your legacy and blessed virtue won't br forgotten. We salute you always for composure, commitment and character as true and trutworthy as your honor, loyalty, dignity and integrity. You'll be your loved ones' adored angel forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You validated your quests in life, your patrols with unselfish heart and soul and unwavering relentless. The trails and paths have been paved for other brave souls of serenity and peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 14, 2024
A most faithfully esteemed, loyal and truthful warrior, your feverish ferocity, Officer Cook, persevered, preserved and protected the streets and landscape in and around Dade County where our stability, peaceful pursuits and paths, trails and blessings of happiness and humility continue to blossom going forward. Forever will it be a crying shame, a terrible tragedy that your whole plate of integrity, dignity, character and honesty was disrespectfully robbed and taken from a most gallant servant. Your family, colleagues and the entire world have missed you greatly. Commitment, ingenuity and conviction were all above and beyond your official onuses you solemnly poured forth with everything in the language of unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting. Sacred missions of resiliency and effort all finely tuned and now as one of Our Maker's blessed angels of humbleness and capability may you continue to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2024
Passions can speak louder than words at times. Your whole life and career sadly cut short because of one rotten and evil man who robbed you, your family and comrades of many many more decades, Officer Cook, with you by their side as one of Dade County's many fine heroes. Law enforcement and society have to be exceedingly grateful you came along when you did with a complete plate of never ending, persevering and unselfish honor, dignity and integrity battling and fighting for our liberties, freedoms and safe havens where humility and heart belong if our pursuits are going to remain. So loyal, esteemed, dedicated and determined to be the very best that you were and have been and will forevermore be saluted for ideals, virtue and wisdom above the crowd. Keep looking down as we all remember a great yet proud young man, a gentleman of true grit, class, decency and trustworthiness all angelic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2024
Your passions can speak louder thn words just as dream and aspirations which is what you wanted to accomplish during your life and professional career, Officer Cook. a heroic man with an amazing astuteness, awareness and acumen. The virtue, character and class spoke proudly andhumbly as you duly served and protected Dade County's peaceful pursuits. Always loyal and unselfish in heart and soul, your integrity, dignity and commitment to truth and trust will be saluted and poignantly honored forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. Vigilance strikes down violence and you garnered the loyal reverence of all your solemn colleagues somber a sthey mourned you and now sharing the stories of a legend of goodwill, hope and faithfulness as the healing has slowly come. Your family carries the torch of your inspiring life and career of sanctity and wisdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2024
Sunny, cloudy, rainy or snowy heroes are expected to handle their long, perilous and arduous professional assignments and maintain a calming effect in order for peace, stability and prosperity to reach out and take shape. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you brokered and forged relationships because of the young man and first class gentleman of honor,integrity and dignity. So much blended well and for performing in an outstanding manner, resolute and virtuous may Our Lord shine His grace upon your soul and spirit. Your esteemed and loyal heart of devotion and faith never wavered, never wandered astray and were unselfishly dedicated to producing the outcomes needed and essential for serenity and safety to become a blessed resource. Forever an angel diligent, vigilant and always kind and caring. The compassion, morals, character,commitments and convictions forever saluted as badge#1664 was reverence, trustworthiness and truth packing a powerful wallop. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ingenuity,intuition and intelligence directed your compasses of passion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2024
Rhetoric cannot ever solve anything simply becauseheroic actions will forever ring true and virtuous as yours, Officer Cook, were always spot on when defending and protecting Dade County's peace and freedoms. A hero with honesty, integrity and humbly blessed dignity can never be forgotten only saluted and solemnly paid homage for a sacrifice that remains esteemed,loyal and most legendary. When character, commitment and conviction are intuition, diligence and wisdom doubly combined the outcomes can only result in a positive outcome and your bravery and sacred actions that day and every watch, Officer Cook, surely meant a most efficient difference in our pursuits and way of life. An angel forever soaring above watching over your family, comrades and the entire world as badge#1664 was about unselfish care, compassion and unwavering balance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2024
To rise above evil, violence seems to inhibit mankind's abilities to journey where our life travels may transport us. Your earthly missions, Officer Cook, were sacred, supremely honorable and dignified by God's divine virtue, vision and wisdom. A young man built on character, charm and having a justified commitment of both truth and trust seeing peace and stability enter the homes and streets of your beloved Dade County community where your heroic name and legacy stand as proud as the day your mother and father brought you and your big sister, Nancy into this world. Sad, tragic andjust an outrage that your life and career of noble blessings was ended on May 16, 1979 a day no one will ever forget and we sincerely and humanely salute your loyalty, esteem and accomplishment treasuring you forever as an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2024
Professionalism is the true and trustworthy personification of a man or woman's dignity, honesty, integrity and character that all most commit in ridding our world of evil, violence and hatred. You surely did that on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, solemnly and squarely facing violence and making the supreme sacrifice for our very serenity, security and safety to be saluted and never forgotten. Virtue, vision, versatility that was priceless precision just as faithfulness and effort all were truly angelic, humbly blessed and loyal forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanctity and unselfishness can only perform when one's intuition and intelligence are always above par and reproach.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2024
Your badge and uniform do the dangerous and sometimes dirty work getting crime and violence off the streets. Here in Dade County where your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, has spread far and wide you are saluted and humbly remembered for being a gregarious gentleman who gave and exposed your heart and soul in everything written in the solemn words of honor, integrity and dignity. So much class, decency, character and commitment out forth in an honest and truly blessed manner. Always loyal, esteemed and trustworthy #1664 your badge number stood for pride, wisdom, virtue and sacred missions of faith, devotion and dedication poured together to create a peaceful and more serener environment for mankind girded in your due diligence and vigilance so vital to your successes during your all too short life and public service career where now the paths and trails have been paved for others. May they be blessed with health, peace and safe watches day in and out with unselfish hearts and unwavering souls as you, Officer Cook, acquitted yourself with. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2024
You embodied the spirit, heart and soul of mankind, Officer Cook, simply by being a hero for all Dade County. Your family, friends and colleagues live in peace, serenity and stability because of your humble sacrifice, a reminder of wisdom, virtue and sacred vision being put forth carrying your professional life and career down the trails and paths of righeousness, resiliency, effort and meaning. This can only happen when you are honest, dignified a true man and trusted servant of character,charm, charsima and commitment fortifying what we all know about such a terrific gentleman of gallantry and conviction. Now your heavenly angelic name and legacy is further perpetuated and accentuated by your loving family. Such a tragic loss yet we pray healing and goodwill come shining through the clouds where doubtmay lie. Unwavering, unrelenting and always unselfish, loyal, patient and decent such dedication makes badge#1664 about the respect that you certainly earned for a job only a heroic angel could accomplish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend,angel and hero. Noble and kind, concerned and fearless in carrying out your daily responsibilities of versatility and ability.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2024
A man of means whose devotion, dedication and faithful heroics all led to peace and stability for Dade County and whose legacy will forever be solemnly remembered and humbly saluted. Yes, you were certainly a very blessed gentleman, Officer Cook, whose grity, gallantry and gumption uplifted and further enhanced your character,honesty, integrity and dignity all unwavering and all unselfish in your daily pursuits of violence and evil standing in our lives where serenity is calling. The truth and trust remain forever implanted within your family's hearts, souls and minds as they their lives forward with your loyal, esteemed and precious memories always with them. With the vehicles of sacred virtue, humility and wisdom may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel so beloved and adored whose life and career endly all too soon because of one rotten and disrespectful person. Badge#1664 was about diligence, vigilance and staying the courses of proper conduct professionally.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2024
Boxed in by terror and just horrible evil you battled and fought hard for Dade County, your fellow officers and of course the fine people whom you loyally, gladly and heroically protected and watched over. Such a strong heart and a most resourcefully vibrant soul of unselfish and unwavering courage patrolling with dignity, character and all the trust and truth in integrity, ingenuity and intuition so sacredly brought to your life and career missions of goodwill, faith and devoutness, Officer Cook. A man among the crowd and a gentleman who toiled down the roads of resolve, the corners of virtue and the streets where your wisdom, values and scruples always created the environment of serenity and safety for mankind. Diligence, vigilance are only handled if one is patient and unrelenting of which you were wearing badge#1664 a sign of genuine respect and efficiency given every precise moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. Our Master continues guiding the paths,inspirations and ideals of your adored and beloved family as they live lives of compassion, concern and purpose.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2024
We the ordinary citizen can view the reflections of yourlife and professional career of public service, Officer Cook. We obviously can see the humbleness, devotion and dignity of a real man, a classy gentleman gallant and full of unselfish integrity and character that preserved and protected the landscapes of your esteemed and beloved community of Dade County. God directed your dangerous pursuits, your dreams, goals and unwavering and diligent aspirations which forever serve as heroic inspirations as your adored family carries your legacy of substance and sanctity close to their hearts, minds and souls. You'll always be treasured and saluted for the crowns of class,virtue, vision and wisdom. Sure instrumental versatility and stability brought to us, our freedoms and liberties coming to fruition. For being truthful, loyal and trustworthy my neighbor, angel, friend and hero may you rest in peace. Character, commitment and conviction spot on as were your principles, compassion and politeness so blessed and humanely fundamental. A significant contributor forever implanted in the history of Dade County. You were so dearly loved by your family, respected by your peers and always such a handsome smile terribly missed everyday. Forty-five years since badge#1664 patrolled the areas where your awareness, acumen and astuteness played an important role in our safety and security.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2024
Truth and trust can never turn rusty for if they heaven forbid did our countries and communities would be in dire straits and surely troubled wrecked by violence and evil. Officer Cook, your humbly blessed life and heroic career of sanctity, nobility and objectivity are chartered the courses and trails of peace, stability and purpose for mankind to achieve and to succeed in their dreams, goals and aspirations. Information is a most powerful tool and when utilized with honor,integrity and dignity makes things safer and lesse perilous. A true warrior of character, concern, commitment and conviction all the result of morals, scruples and values so humble and yet so loyally cherished forevermore. Always a gentleman of first class decency, determination and faithfully resourceful dedication that our lives more appreciated as you will always be as your family's heroic angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Accomplishment can only process itself by one staying true to themselves and by diverting havoc and chaos away from the masses. God will forever bless and watch over your soul and spirit until your loved ones reunite with you and may your beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook rest in peace. Truly dignified and blessed individuals.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2024
Face to face is how you might be able to resolve a dilemma before it grows more severe. Domestic violence just as any serious crime can never be tolerated within society's normal daily routines. You took your responsibilities very seriously, Officer Cook and forever will be saluted and hailed as a Dade County hero. An angel of humility, heart and soul who reached out and protected our peace and stability while giving meaningful service of integrity, dignity, character and honesty. Your family, department and friends have never forgotten your legacy, name and virtues which accompanied your sacred patrols and perseverance which was unyielding and unrelenting just as your persistant diligence and vigilance in both dedicated commitments and convictions. The trust and truth always was centered around loyalty, esteem and the compassion you demonstrated back to mankind. A blessing for all to witness. You'll be forever missed but you remain always in the hearts andminds of your loved ones as they carry the torches of goodwill, faith and resourcefulness in their daily lives,paths and trails of perseverance and fruitful purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gracious and accentuated public servant who gave his life for ours to continue onward. Badge#1664 was about reverence, effort, respect and resiliency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 2, 2024
Stay truthful and trustworthy and those humble trails and paths will soon be realized. Dade County never forgets its heroes and heroines who have given their lives and careers over to Our Master in heaven. You were a man of devoutness, dedication, goodwill and honesty, Officer Cook. Dignity and integrity drove virtue, vision and versatility where visibility and reliability belonged. A most valued servant whose unselfish, unwavering and diligent character supported the tenets of tenacity and vigilance. Forever saluted as a heroic angel and may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 1, 2024