Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Warriors go to wars, battling every adversity assigned to them. May 16,1979 though not dispatched was a day of fate and tragedy yet, Officer Cook, for answering that domestic call in Liberty City called Gladesview your heart and soul knew only one direction straight into evil, a man filled with venom and hate in his eyes and you dignified your professional position with honor, character and integrity to endeavor to get this man to surrender before more bloodshed fell upon the sacred streets where your legacy, heroism and upstanding name will forever be known, saluted and paid homage for the price of our liberties and stability came about through an angel whose heart and soul accomplished, were both unselfish and unwavering never giving in. Always special, loyal and forever esteemed by virtue of your diligent commitment and truthful manner of trustworthiness paving those trails and paths for the heroes who have succeeded you. A grand gentleman of humility and a spirit now blessed abundantly by God as He watches over you, your family and colleagues of the past and present. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is destiny found in devoutness, faith, resolve and the wisdom imparted and implanted within your being. A young man gallant and humbly blessed with talents and tenacity. Ferocity feeding off the succinct and genuine intuition, ingenuity and intelligence which brought clarity to one who was both compassionate and passionate. The peril and stress of a position you accepted willingly without remorse or regret. Never forgotten and forever adored!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 31, 2024
Mankind thinks and God laughs. No laughing matter when cherished, honorable, decent, dependable and most highly desirable and dedicated heroes and heroines sacrifice their lives and careers for our safety, serenity and total security as you did, Officer Cook, forty-five years ago for the residents of Dade County to live happier, healthier and steadfastly proud, humbly blessed and prosperous. You are saluted and solemnly honored and remembered everyday for dignity, character and integrity. True wordsofvirtue, sanctity and trust never to be glossed over nor taken for granted. The legacy of loyalty, vision and wisdom has been passed to others who carry with them the torches of tenacity as the years go seemingly flying by as has 2024. Now and forever an angel hovering above in heaven watching over your loved ones esteemed, precious and special as was and forever is your heart and soul that protected with unwavering and unselfish diligence, vigilance and the scruples of morals and highly refined commitment and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 31, 2024
A heart beats. A soul floats as does the spirit of a beloved hero. Not just a figure, but a gentleman, A young man as you were, Officer Cook, who served Dade County with the virtue and honor that is demanded from all who wear a uniform and badge of sanctity. Our freedom and stability all because of your sacrifice of dignity, character and integrity truthful and trustworthy to be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 30, 2024
To navigate, investigate and most of all to dedicate your resourced of talent takes an entire effort put forth. Surely, Officer Cook, your journeys and missions on behalf of Dade County were supremely outstanding and humbly heroic. Such a dear man of devote faith, diligent dignity and the intelligence of having integrity and character supporting your life and career meant the world. They along with your beloved family misses you very dearly and continues your missions and legacy established by commitments of both true trust and virtue sacredly placed where serenity, safety and security rightfully belong. We salute you and will never forget your unselfish and unwavering heart and soul of compassion, concern and loyalty. Forever blessed as an angel watching over everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Acumen and accentuation stamped your perpetual motions of endeavor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2024
A most heroic and blessed family in the Cook name. A household of warmth, friendliness and the humility of character, hearts and souls that engaged the tunnels and corners of mankind. Where you were so loyal, cherished, esteemed and dependable, Officer Cook, Dade County will certainly never forget a man of precise endeavor, honesty, integrity and dignity that scoured and patrolled for peace, stability and a sense of balance like no other. A gentleman who enhanced, enriched and uplifted humanity from its doldrums and will always be saluted fortifying society with a handsome smile and talent so abundantly diligent. An angel of morals, values, trust and truth walkingside by side down the paths and trails of unselfish and unwavering vigilance and ingenuity. Badge#1664 is above in heaven watching over your family and us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A treasured man of faithfulness, resourcefulness and goodness that flowed within your veins and arteries of wisdom,vision and versatile so sacredly spread throughout your earthly journeys and missions that sadly concluded all too soon. You were the best at your chosen profession despite all the dangers out there!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2024
One ounce of passion. One moment of endeavor. One day of danger. Everything is multiplied and magnified by the thousands. Always though a loyal and cherished young man, heroic, humble and blessed and fortified in acumen, awareness all accentuated as dignity, honesty and integrity walked those trails and paths of perseverance and unwavering and unselfish truth and trust. Officer Cook, the total attention of Dade Countyand its citizens was thrust upon your humble shoulders of serenity, safety and security and the legacy youleft behind is only capsulated and enriched every second your wings of angelic heroism touch the heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2024
One lesson learned could be a life saved. One seed planted in the ground sprouts numerous leaves. You planted safety, security and serene virtue within Dade County, Officer Cook, all enhancing, enriching and uplifting the spirits of all who live on here or wherever. Your career and heroic life surely had meaning and a blessed heart and soul that functioned faithfully and with energy, effort and efficiency at all moments. Danger, peril should never take an angel from their loved ones. Though, you'll always be revered, remembered, respected and saluted for having wisdom, character, integrity and the dignity to battle above and beyond your duties of devotion, dedication and determination. The trails and paths of trust and truth were carved by your unwavering and unselfish journeys of goodwill, morals and scruples that one is taught by their beloved folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has you and your wings patrolling us, your family has wonderful memories of a life well served and humanely achieved as your heroic legacy continues growing tall and proud.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2024
The huge hole left with your violent death doing your job as a police officer, Officer Cook, serves as that vivid reminder of why you must appeciate each day. Life is full of ups and downs and yours was heroism, honor and character all brought to the surface as Dade County was well protected by a devout and loyal servant of God. A man, a gentleman with kindness, heart and humility surrounding your blessed and unselfish soul of commitment, conviction and true allegiance to duty, virtue and trustworthiness. Your adoring family has missed you very much and one day will reunite with you as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in heaven where you patrol without harm anymore. Intuitive, intelligent and ingenuity supporting your poles of perseverance, proficiency and dilIgence. So cherished and so grateful for fortifying our golden earth.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2024
Sensativity, serenity and sophistication all come through the networks and channels of a hero's care, concern and deep compassion and so your unwavering and unselfish heart and soul, Officer Cook, shined very brightly as you conducted your daily business patrolling Dade County enlightening, enhancing and enriching mankind and society with renewed hope, goodwill and prosperity as all we sought was for peace and stability to lead us through our daily trails, paths, purposes and adventures. Your friendship and guiding experience, integrity and honorable dignity all saw to those dangerous caves where your courage, truth and trust were and always will remain blessed, esteemed and loyal. The angelic wings keep you soaring every moment in eternity where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. The loss of your gentle soul left your family with a huge hoe which we can pray for you and hope an uplifting comes speedily and soon in all our lives.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2024
The eyes of the world are on those who fortify and protect our sacred lands and communities where purpose and relevance shall walk without strife. Evil, violence and heinousness shall be aborted and abolished forevermore. You performed your duties of humility and heroism with purpose, passion and compassion, Officer Cook, canvessing the streets and corners of your beloved Dade County. A man with bold, trust and truth supporting your heart and soul of faith, devotion, dignity and resourcefulness. A professional through and true whose character, integrity, commitment and conviction stand for perseverance, profiency and unselfish dedication, determination and virtue for carrying out your earthly missions and pligrimages of persistence, vigilance and diligence all humbly blessed by Our Master and now your spirit is being watched over by Our Lord as your family continues your legacy of adventure of which youi should still be here to enjoy and to be healthy. We pray for them as your esteemed and loyal soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 24, 2024
A gratefully gallant and honored hero, your life and career were just starting, Officer Cook, though you served for six years of consentrated effort, integrity and dignity all coupled with class, desire, decency and blessed dedication. A violent man took you away from your family, colleagues and friends who have never forgotten you, your handsome face and hearty smile. Character, commitment and convictions all true and trusted while you defended our stability and serenity here in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and heroic angel. Virtue, vision, sanctity and your patrols will shine forever. A treasured man of loyalty and esteem who has been greatly missed by the entire world.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 23, 2024
The landscapes of love and adoration surely blossomed when you were with your family, Officer Cook. And decades after you made the supreme and ultimate sacrifice to protect Dade County and its people you are forever enshrined in their hearts and minds as your family carries the torch of a legend born with class, raised with honesty and driven decency. You will never be forgotten and neither will unselfish and unwavering dignity, integrity and character all truly trustworthy be swept under the carpets. Callousness, disrespect and heinous violence took a beautiful soul away from this world, yours was cherished and will forever be, it was loyal and esteemed. The tracks, trails and paths you paved are now the commitment and dedicated convictions of other noble men and women. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. A precious and sweet soul of labors of love.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 22, 2024
If efficiency could solve crimes and broker peace then where would honesty, dignity and integrity fit in? Well they all accomplished their roles quite well, Officer Cook, as you preserved the landscape in and around Dade County. You perserved and acted as well as any professional seizing the opportunities to make peace and liberty a longer lasting by-product of each other. Destinies and journeys undertaken for mankind's health, safety and well being with the best of loyal intentions by a cherished and esteemed gentleman of determination, truth and trust. May God's shing grace shine down upon your angelic spirit, heart and soul where character, commitment and conviction went. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2024
Days of old when peace, freedom and the pursuits of happiness, health, blessing and prosperity should all be transparent. The sad and sometimes tragic reality is evil, violence, hatred and chaos still pervade mankind and humanity. It was your decision, Officer Cook, to choose law enforcement as your professional career. You made a life changing goal, not only a reality for your aspirations now and forever serve as an integral portion of your heroic legacy. Dade County so well guarded by a man of faith, devotion and humbly blessed talent and resourcefulness. Always loyal and esteemed, honest, dignified and carrying character and integrity within your unselfish, unwavering and most compassionate heart and soul of caring and concern. Your family, comrades and friends have never forgotten you and what you represented in life and while donning a uniform replete with morals, values and scruples. They patrolled the roads, streets and corners with you keeping us safe and secure. We salute the virtue, versatility and sacred missions put forth to rectify our pursuits. The angel who now patrols the heavens above shall rest in peace. You were my neighbor, friend and hero I never had a chance to meet at least I keep in touch with your friend and former partner, Officer Keith DiGenova. He continues maintaining his life by exercising at the YMCA where he lives in Ormand Beach, Florida. Once again rest in peace Officer Cook. The rock of resolve, resiliency, character, commitment and all the convictions of truth and trustworthiness. You fortified society with your smile, skills and total professionalism demonstrated at all times no matter the danger you faced and battled every moment to protect us from harm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2024
Meant to say, Officer Cook, God surely blesses your family as they take the torch of your bravery forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intelligence and intensity highlighted your career,life and spiritual devotion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2024
Heroism, heart and humility are linked to one's angelic soul and spirit and yours, Officer Cook, secured the streets and very foundations in and around Dade County where your legacy of durable honesty, integrity, dignity and character has and will stand tall and proud forevermore. You took charge and by virtue of versatility, responsibility and leadership were you able to direct other colleagues through the mazes of mayhem and violence which sadly robbed you of more years, decades where retirement and pleasures of life awaited you and your beloved Karen. Very tragic and yet the intuitive missions of commitment, truth and trust was honored everyday by trails and paths paved by perseverance, proficiency and classic dedication and endeavor poured forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Diligence, wisdom and visional vigilance was always located in badge #1664. Keep surely blesses your family as He keeps eternal watch over your esteemed spirit.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2024
Diligence is patience rewarded meaning dedication, devotion and determination all are achieved when one is constant and persistent in their particular jobs. Yours, Officer Cook, were dangerous in that protecting the public as you humbly and heroically did for Dade County required more than certain talents and skills. Integrity,character, dignity and the valor of honesty were placed in harm's way to succeed. A man and a first class gentleman of faith, effort and commitment all making their due vigilance around your beloved community where your name and legacy are angelically linked to esteem and loyalty. Paths and trails true and trusted for eternity and for those who now face huge challenges in pursuing safety and peace for mankind to aspire, dream and fulfill their lives happily and blessed for health and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2024
A decent and yet a humbly beloved hero who gave his life for his community of Dade County. Our pursuits, liberties and stability all came through you, Officer Cook. A gentleman of gallantry, heart and character whose commitments were all dignified and full of loyal integrity and esteem to be treasured by your family, comrades and friends forever. We salute virtue, versatility and your sacred journeys you made on mankind's behalf never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero. Soar high! Fly high and may God watch over your spirit of adventure and acumen for eternity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2024
The life and professional career encompassing honor, dignity and integrity was so truthful and trustworthy. Dade County was under youeyes and ears of service and protection, Officer Cook, to be heroically saluted and so honored as your legacy continues skyward looking down on your family, colleagues and a host of friends. The character. commitment and convictions were all completed with unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting heart and soul all blessed for their loyalty, esteem and morals of meaningful pursuits. Now and for eternity an angel of accountability, onus and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trails and paths of perseverance all prepared for others whose character and skillset are placed in harm's way to provide peace and stability as you did for your blessed and beloved community.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2024
A war rages on many decades after you gave your life and career in order for peace, stability and reason to firmly stand tall and proud. Officer Cook, for a man of character, honesty, dignity and the unselfish, unyielding and unwavering integrity they are the formulas behind your ferocity, tenacity and commitment to excel. You performed in an outstanding manner always uplifting, enhancing and enriching our community with blessings and humility from your most heroic heart and soul of care, compassion and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2024
Determined to battle through adversity, Officer Cook and for this Dade County will salute and remember your name, career, life and heroic legacy. It is dignity, character and a firm resolve driven by unselfish and unwavering commitment to see peace and prosperity in our midst. True and trustworthy an angel your parents and family will forever admire and love. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity appreciates you and your heartfelt soul of bravery.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2024
With amplified acumen, astuteness and a sense of heightened awareness, Officer Cook, were you capably able to serve and to protect the vitality of Dade County. Our lives, your family's lives were all in the soundest of hands. A real hero, an angel of honor, dignity and integrity that summoned each and every ounce of energy and enhancement from your unwavering and unselfish heart and soul of virtue, wisdom and vision. Each path, each street you patrolled were done so in truth and trustworthiness all from a highly diligent, intelligent and a gentleman of faith, resourcefulness and the steadfast of dedication, ingenuity and intuition. May Our Creator shine His light upon your humbly blessed spirit as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, conviction and commitment all crusaded as one unit together providing us with sanctity, stability and safety.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2024
Calmness must be the rule first of all if any perilous situation is to be resolved. Police have plenty on their heroic plates of heart, soul and everything blessed in the words of honesty, integrity and dignity. So much refined character, commitment and conviction, Officer Cook, that revealed the articulation and accentuation of truth, trust and virtue all a esteemed and cherished part of your fighting legacy. You sacrificed in the name of God, peace, stability and sacred goodwill put forth on your earth journeys and destinies sadly cut short because of violence from a more than disgruntled young man. So loyal, unselfish and unwavering all saluted and remembered solemnly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and angel of a hero. Badge#1664 displayed reverence, compassion and respect from a more diligent and vigilant warrior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 15, 2024
Unwavering, unselfish, unending and unrelenting heroism in the line of duty shall be rewarded and humbly blessed by Our Creator. Yours, Officer Cook, was maintained by essential morals, mettle and meaning as they all possessed the unique abilities and capacity to both serve and protect the loyalty and esteem of Dade County. It's where our very hearts and soul just as yours was took care of dangerous tasks and delivered the calming effects of safety, serenity and security they are required if we are to pursue our dreams, goals and aspirations as yours too were important, tragically they were robbed from your soul which our Lord constantly watches over. A true warrior of trust, versatility and the sacred virtue, wisdom and character that took onus seriously never losing sight of why public servants serve the needs of humanity and mankind. Your commitment and convictions were always clear,precise and concise and now as a heroic angel can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with other blue angels who wore their badges as supremely and superbly as all who don a uniform of understanding and morals.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2024
The doors of heaven take in the heroes and heroines who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Your perseverance and unselfish diligence, Officer Cook, made Dade County surely safer and more sound. We cannot ever forget you, your life and public service career though dangerous you performed earthly roles with integrity, class, dignity and honest character. We salute you for creating bridges and paths of trust and truth where loyalty and esteem go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, angel and hero of virtue and sacred wisdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2024