Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Stability beckons. Bravery calls. With tireless, unyielding and undying honesty, reverence formankind and a treasured dignity,integrity and truth did you, Officer Cook go out and endeavor to craft and construct sincerity for Dade County's folks. A diificult task made harder because of callousness you tried your utmost to undo. No one will forget the heroism in your blood and your heart mighty and brave. It's cherished forevermore in those gardens of civility,nobility and sacred missions put forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a consummate professional guided by God's humble hands, eyes and ears.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
A land flowing with precious happiness, health and all the virtue so rich and so honest. Violence and evil just seem to never disappear. They are like leeches that want to undue loyalty, honor and goodwill. It was upon your shoulders and heart, Officer Cook, to heroically make a difference here in Dade County. This was success in every measure of your fine and outstanding character,commitment to excel and the will to enforce the law with humble integrity and unselfish dignity all resulting in a blend of tranquility and safety for society not to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend andhero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
A walk a day it relieves the stress and tension. Police work brings with it baggages of anxiety and duress, but, when handled by a pro, one who can conquer their fears and stay within the boundaries of boldness and honesty, dignity, respect and integrity patrol and search for peace better. You accomplished, Officer Cook, more than Dade County will ever realize. So young andyet so skilled and wise, mature way beyond your experience and years of valor and diligence. So much more potential to be certainly tapped into. God needed your soul and its angelic wings for a greater cause. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
A multitude of mettle and morals must accompany all who serve and preserve the bodies of life and harmony. It meant total devotion, faithfulness, truth and trusted compassion to make that impression reality. Dade County and its citizens were given such assurances that badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, would make that distinctly honored foundation. Your paths in life were always based and founded upon thescruples of charsacter, integrity and dignity never lacking. The skies above are so quiet it's where your soul and spirit rests in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Cherished and forever sacred in your fruitful of missions, goodwill and hope rested then and today your heroic legacy rests on proud shoulders of those who have taken over your profound onuses and their chosen tasks.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
Stopping problems and resolving issues before they start are all the sole responsibility of all who dignify their most meaningful and honored professional positions. Humanity cannot tolerate laxity on any part of a man or woman's badge of integrity.It shined brightly everyday you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook. An honored warrior and loyal hero whose hunches and conclusions made the folks much more at ease and at peace. The day will come when who knew and revered you will see you once again. Always missed so dearly and always the humility and strength of heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
To interject, to intercede, to intercept and to interrupt evil must all be fortified and honorably maintained by one's own integrity. Dignity,character and respect for mankind must be the golden rule applied at all times. You surely brought yourentire A game to Dade County, Officer Cook. Always your family's devoted hero and your department's man ofvalor, vision and vigilant public servant. Resolve and sanctity carried your humble journeys here on Earth as you now serve an angelic role protecting God's perfect gates of heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 9, 2020
Accountability and nobility are the very examples of humility and sanctity being spread by the wings of honesty, dignity and integrity. You gave every effort, Officer Cook, to make Dade County and its citizens freer once more. Never better performance and positive results forever to be poignantly saluted. Wings of an angel so heroic and humanely refreshing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, conviction and character duly remembered, respected and greatly admired.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
To commend is to applaud one's effort. To condemn violence, the police have a tough enough job already controlling the roads and various streets they are tasked with a sacred trust to defend. Dade County was all the proof needed to comprehend your vast vigilance and total understanding of what needed to be accomplished. Such a life of humility, Officer Cook, heroic and honorable, more than a token of trust and integrity, more profound than just dignity and commitment alone. You are to be solemnly saluted and certainly remembered for having the composition to fight for the right and the liberty we treasure every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
The sure and positive side of police work is knowing at the end of your watch you tried your best and made it home peacefully and in safety. You upheld your most sacred pledge, Officer Cook, to heroically make a noble difference in the lives of Dade County citizens and that the endeavor was always carved from courage, dignity and the honorable backbones of integrity and character. It was God steering your very goodwill throughout humanity which has surely missed your charm,warmth and engaging smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
Our Creator locates a solemn venue of virtue for His bravest of servants. Sincerity and humility were factors in your respected character, dignity and integrity which strolled the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, searching for some semblance of tranquility for all who live. You can rest assure your career and life will be etched and inscribed forever in the hearts of your adored family, esteemed colleagues and friends many of whom paid their respects to you on May 19, 1979, while attending your Inspector's Funeral at St. Mary's Cathedral in Miami not far from where you gave your life of responsibility and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
Fairness and being firm in your beliefs all stem from a person's devotion and obvious honesty to transform God's sacred purposes into a most noble passion. You dreamed and aspired to become a public servant, Officer Cook. Your life and career reflected such principles of decent behavior which all women and men who ever wear a badge and uniform are held in high account. Such courtesy and politeness was the basis of your profoundly noble heroic legend. You are forever missed and the people of Dade County will always revere you for the scruples you represented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
Accountability is nobility so sacred and humane. Your spirit of goodwill, hope and faith, Officer Cook, was just the appropriate heroic blessing that Dade County residents have long since cherished. A man so brave and honest protecting and preserving peace with a passion. Dignity, integrity and character are the very proofs of your very earthly journeys undertaken in truth and trust so well admired and succinctly respected forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2020
Today, our country has elected its 46th president-elect, Joseph Biden. Hopes, goodwill, peace and dreams for an even greater future filled with oodles of excitement. Your happiness,smile and gladness, Officer Cook, all stemmed from a happy childhood raised in a home of faith,integrity, honesty and dignity. Your parents may they rest in peace instilled principles and discipline in both you and in Nancy's lives of virtue.At age twenty that environment broadened and your horizons of heroism and resolve expanded as well for Dade County was your missions and earthly journeys for which you succeeded so proudly. Violence took a kind and noble heart of sanctity and promise, it won't ever tarnish your outstanding excellence protecting and providing the goods of freedom and togetherness,trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Character, dignity, honesty and integrity are the legitimate realities of police work. Never can a day, afternoon or evening go by without these gems and pearls of wisdom, vision and a sign of a gallant servant's maturity. Dade County, Officer Cook, was placed in your giant palms of perseverance and proficiency to forever treasure and trust. The truth sets you free now to soar higher as a most humbly heroic angel of heaven. It's where the space is granted and permission is freely acknowledged. Such grit and gumption like no other. Always faithful, sincere and loyal to your brothers and sisters, let us pray and hope the beat is carried out without stress and despair. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Duly devoted and vitally vigilant,your trust and truth, Officer Cook, made its rounds around Dade County providing the important and most essential missing links to society's quests for freedom and liberty for each citizen to follow their hearts through the tunnels of honor pressing on to greater happiness and to all future callings. Yet, through it all your honesty,integrity and dignity was always unwavering, unrelenting and so passionately filled with character and respect for every living being. You'll forever be hailed and stoically paid tributes for heroism and nobly insightful actions which sparked cooperation from mankind to further its pursuits of vitalization of humanity. The grounds were laid by your very profound professional behavior, Officer Cook, pride and discipline to be shared forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
A second, a brief moment, a memory to share and to celebrate. The caring and genuine warmth you spread throughout Dade County, Officer Cook, is forever being hailed and honored as heroic. Your professional actions not just that awful day, but,everyday for six years you bravely and in principles carried your badge and wore a crisp uniform spelled out the message of earthly and heavenly foundations. Violence, evil and wickedness cannot and won't ever be tolerated. Those who commit this, test the will power, resourcefulness and resolve of society. It goes to the heart,nuts and bolts of respect,reverence and one's duly diligent commitment and character to see their missions and journeys carried through. You installed,implanted and instilled a love and humble peaceful transition for all to share.The beacon of bravery, Officer Cook,your legacy rests upon the cornerstones of fairness,faith and ferocity like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Enchanted times and places call for special moments to look back and solemnly remember those who gave their esteemed lives for a passion, a purpose, a reason and a vital honorable calling. That came in especially clear on Wednesday afternoon May 16,1979, when you heard a call over the radio, Officer Cook and you responded to Liberty City in Miami with your very last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, to try and help your comrades and those citizens hurt and in distress. What a hero! A gentleman so gallant and yet you sacredly genuine, uplifting and enhancing the vitality of goodwill and character by your undying endeavors. Forever solemnly etched upon your family, your community and your colleagues' hearts for leadership, dedication and motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Everyday, every moment of your life, Officer Cook, was channeled and championed into success, accomplishment and a sense of unity for humanity. It's very much missed today and will forever be a heavy baton for all to bear.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Schemes are for those attuned to actual mayhem and whatever. You were the consummate public servant, Officer Cook,so healthy and vital to the outlook and spirits of all Dade County and its citizens. A savior,warrior and true hero so validated by heroism, so humble and humane, yet so capable and trusting. The weights of serenity placed down gently upon society's shoulders. We salute and paid honor to dignity,loyal and esteemed, integrity so sure and yet your virtuous. God has ascertained your proper and rightful status as one of His many angels who now have a daunting role and that is to watch over your family and future men and women who serve with boldness,bravery and a basic belief that all will work itself out for tranquility to rest safely within the boundaries of your community, Officer Cook,a place you called home and had a wonderful marriage to your beloved Karen. Though it and your life were tragically cut way too short because of violence and hatred, she will always remember her beloved darling"Bill." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
The pyramid begins to be crafted with courage, character, charm and charisma. But above all else your wisdom,vision and total integrity and honesty, Officer Cook, brought the pictures of heroic perspective closer to view. With dignity and humbleness always so true and loyal you'll never be overlooked for being available to calm and restore law and order during accentuated times of crisis and turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
The heroes and heroines are the kings and queens, angels so adoring and enriching as their lives navigated the dangerous streets and roads protecting the public trust and truth. If ever there was trouble you were present, Officer Cook, to lend a helping hand to uplift the spirits of Dade County's folks. Savvy and serious regarding your honesty, integrity and fortitude of dignity and respectful character to be warmly and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Welcoming a friend is being congenial. Saying goodbye to a hero,a humble legend of Dade County whose protection and preservation was always first class and dignified was very tough, very emotional. Your family and peers paid homage to humility, sanctity and nobility who tied closely with your mindful and thoughtfully truthful character never to be forgotten. Integrity of angel so valiant and virtuous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, the skies sing your praises as God rewards and blesses your beautiful soul of distinction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
The edict is clear that effort, energy and efficiency make honor,dignity and integrity better able to handle the rigors of your profession, Officer Cook. Always polite, courteous and full of mankind's reverence and respectability,it was found in your patrols of Dade County that created the goodwill, hope and faith of one and all. Always caring and endearing, so young and heroically fundamental. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
No glare, no flair, only outright excellent work by you, Officer Cook, so supremely heroic and desirable. Honest, wise and the clearest of vision as we look to tomorrow because of your unwavering and tirelessly unselfish sacrifice that protected the integrity and dignity of all Dade County. Foundations and cornerstones have bases and you my neighbor, friend and hero built relationships by being contained in humility and focused on the facts of serving to resolve and make that lasting impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Your biography of bravery, boldness, courage and decency, Officer Cook, were all attuned to honesty, integrity and the virtue of your self-dignity which battled and defended the freedom of all Dade County. Its people can thank you and be aware they were served by a man of primary intuition, ingenuity and the intelligence that is represented by character, conviction, truth and trust well learned and trained to deal with any issue you faced. Adversity is always seemingly going to be a part of the landscape to be solemnly and humbly dealt with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020
Flexibility and capability are the items of one's heroic, honored and humble versatility as yours, Officer Cook, delivered that one two punch to combat callousness in Dade County. For having composure and trust truth and resolve may Our Lord bless and keep your cherished character and commitment shielded within His domain for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2020