Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
One must divorce themselves of their personal problems while out on duty patrolling and searching for that humble and humane element of stability and serenity. All safe trails you provided for Dade County, Officer Cook, heroically, honorably and most loyally. Never forgotten for all out desire, dignity and the honesty that refreshed mankind with your integrity and sacred character most adored,beloved and reliable. Our Maker has your trust and truth surrounded by many other angels of bravery who made the same sacrifice to incorporate goodwill and hope within their venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2020
God grants His faithful eternal rest when they have completed all of their earthly tasks, assignments and onuses to bestow happiness, peace and harmony back into their communities. Dade County, Officer Cook, was the epicenter of your greatest battles with evil and such adversity must be rooted out before it's too late. For a humble hero to come forward and step into big shoes to honorably dignify his position does surely require all the will power and goodwill one can humanely muster up. Your courage and transparent life demonstrated without a doubt your vigilance, resiliency and above all values,scruples, all the highest of standards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 is being fortified,blessed,cherished and humbly rewarded.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
Concepts, practicalities, schemes, whatever information must be soaked up and learned you did this humbly, Officer Cook. Your mind,heart were all so caring and engaging to the point that Dade County and its folks were very proud to have you serve and protect their peace and unity. With a nobly honored and dignified young man whose integrity,character and commitment all advancing the ways of the world and yet the world is a bit less safe because you are not here to see this. From heaven with Our Lord directing His flock of angels, brave,bold and faithful, the jobs being conducted by our officers this moment onward is overseen by you and by Himself. Wings so shiny and fitted to a tee by a man of tenacity and serenity guiding your family's movements the rest of their lives. "Uncle Bo" is looking down proudly and with humility of spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
A vessel that embellished and enriched your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, with all the goodness and good cheer mankind could ever request. You protected with an extra special passion, fearless and fiercely loyal to your comrades. Nothing was ever going to derail, deter or come before you and stop your efforts. Integrity and dignity walking humbly down those pious pathways of trust and the truth. God has a place in His palace for character, courage and respectful morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A happy life punctuated by a very sad ending and evil should not have taken your charm, charisma and reasons. You donned a badge and uniform worn crisply and most prudently never to be tarnished!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The high tides of tenacity, honesty and bravery must always overflow. Their reservoirs must surely rise within a duly humble man or woman's heart of heroism. The effort, integrity and dignity must always be present and one-hundred percent accounted for as yours was, Officer Cook. A sign in Dade County that safety, harmony and blessed trails of truth and trust would be graced by Our Creator who instilled a sense of purpose within your rewarded being. Humanity certainly misses you my neighbor, friend and hero and that big smile. Such a man who impacted mankind beyond words. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The yoke of yearning is the virtue of valor. A man such as yourself, Officer Cook, certainly deserved a better fate. Your Godly inspired destinies took your wings of humility throughout the streets and corners of Dade County to be saluted and treasured forever. Eternity forever holds dearly your soul and heart of honesty, respectful integrity,dignity and the proud wisdom of vision and all out maturity. The talk is just that cheap and does not produce a dime. Actions does convey more than words and the lasting sentiment is that you'll forever be a determined and stoic man who led by example and forever by an exemplary life of conduct and scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The Chief Leader must lead His most faithful and angelic down those roads of despair knowing such callousness might cause a problem. They are the women and men who by taking a sacred oath are assigned the tasks and chores of protecting the public trust at large. A huge onus but one carried out precisely because of the honorable and dignified values which enhance their hearts and souls so warm and congenial. Ingenuity, intelligence and intuition you always possessed, Officer Cook, to make a heroic impression your colleagues and family never forgot. Heaven has your special and essential spirit of expertise roaming the deep blue skies observing and giving its humble advice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The attitude, fortitude and tenacity all intensify when violent times come closer to the serenity of humanity. A sacred calling indeed, your heroic actions, Officer Cook, fortified your fruitful journeys of faith, endurance and the assurance that Dade County would be spared, saved and uplifted to newer heights crowning unity upon humility. With a strong heart and a sound mind did you make the rounds of resolve a more meaningful building and further encasing society in the deepest and warmest of regards not to be forgotten ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The very wickedness that walks up and down those walls where peace and prosperity should be have to be dragged down as mankind cannot take another step forward without the fear strapping them down. You were the consummate servant, Officer Cook, always ready and prepared to give your very best to combat such adversity. Great men and women represent goodness and goodwill as exhibited by your humanely gentle honor, integrity and dignity. Such a passion that made you a shining hero and one whose praises are being heavenly blessed every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
The list sadly increases and police continue walking their posts of perseverance and beats of bravery and justice for all. You patrolled your post, Officer Cook, never missing a step. You stayed attuned to the needs of the people whom you devoutly served and protected with all the esteem and loyalty from your sacred heart and soul. Such a warm gentleman who gave Dade County everything, sad your life and career ended the way it did. You made the ultimate sacrifice knowing this was for your peers, the people you both served and adored, your beloved family members who now and forever carry the torch of your legacy so endearing and virtuous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
Regret can frankly lead to better effort and better resolve, more final resolutions. Violence and wickedness spark a fury of activities not needed by humanity. They should not be kneeling nor bowing down to such evil. A good man, a noble and inspirational leader such as yourself, Officer Cook, assisted and paved the way teaching others the ropes and finer points of policing a community. Believe me Dade County is sometimes a tough nut to crack and your gumption and grit made an impression forever. Heart and heroic wisdom, integrity and all the dutiful dignity you could muster to balance peace and safety, security and serenity. Tensions run high. Police must keep pace. Saluted and revered as an ambassador of goodwill, hope and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
When those diabolical demons come out, decision makers must react sharply and swiftly. Your heroism, honor and respect, Officer Cook, made all the difference and changed the philosophy that tranquility and harmony would rule Dade County. No maybes. No hesitations, only stellar and sterling effort, dignity and integrity all being sacredly blessed, treasured and rewarded for its undying and unselfish service to a public yearning for a trusted man and truthful servant to provide inspiring nobility to a civilization wanting freedom and relief. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
To untie and to undo all the fierceness that violence sadly forces upon society takes the strictest of structured men and women all trained and prepared to battle this enemy. Such evil must be weeded out from mankind's branches where happiness, good health and peace must reign supreme. Your level head, Officer Cook, sparked a newer resurgence here in Dade County. Even though it was many decades ago your measures of morals,mettle and values have never been shelved nor overlooked. You simply cannot forget valor, honesty and every road you took to save and serve that was paved by unwavering integrity and character. Such dignity is forever angelic as it walks a proverbial beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
Greener pastures greet those souls welcomed heroically into heaven's honor rolls of loyalty and endearment. Sure enhancement, engagement and enrichment reached out to the multitudes here in Dade County all because of your tireless work ethics, Officer Cook. Never once forgotten, your humble honesty, composed courage and distinct dignity and integrity shielding those people from perilous terror. The cornerstones and foundations have been amply laid down for all future men and women who protect and keep sanctity in their hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
Emblematic of endeavor, energy and efficiency, your heroic and honorable heart, Officer Cook, served the entire Dade County and its citizens with every bone of your passionate, truthful and trusted soul. Character, class and decency all patrolling those sacred and heavenly pavements where no harm will ever come your direction ever again. It's obviously quite tragic that such a wonderful human being, a cherished and most reverent young man was taken before his time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2020
Justice's scales must balance everyday not once in a while. Not once a year. Calibrated and set to be right where it belongs. Dade County, Officer Cook,was your heroic den of desire and hopeful yearning. All welcomed, shared and never more respected. Such a fine man with impeccable character, honor and the humility of astute dignity and integrity. No pathways nor trails were never without a patch of your unselfish perseverance and prudent mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism lifted onto angel's wings to fly, soar and navigate higher everyday.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
It's noted that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Every second, every waking moment, Officer Cook, your beloved family and comrades miss you so very much. You did an excellent job preserving Dade County's treasured esteem and loyalty. All so essential to living freely as one. Take the compounds of your courage, consideration and concern and mix them with the elements of effort and honesty, then surely dignity and integrity raise character to the top of the mountain. Such places are hard to climb as one does not reach them in one sitting. Everything accomplished, rewarded and blessed for truth and trust for a reverent soul of humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
A clip of honor here, a strand of heroism there and a real zest and enthusiasm everywhere to make it known you were always present accentuating acumen and dignity to be forever respected, admired and revered. Your heart, soul and spirit all rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, among heroes and heroines now angels with wings fitted so pristine. God's den of character, commitment and scruples is the completion of their missions on earth finished way too soon. Integrity that sleeps soundly on the pillows of faith and hope so vital to our freedom and safe trails.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
Shortfalls must be overcome as adversity must be steered away from jeopardizing the goodwill of civilization. Dade County and its citizens will never forget you, Officer Cook, as you left a legend of authentic leadership, the sincerest of dedication, devotion and determination that emerged as humble and so sacred. Your years serving and life in total will be that beacon of light, that beam of bravery,that blanket of boldness that was thrust into action to preserve the quality and integrity of mankind. It could not be any better than when you patrolled its corners so demonstratively. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
Heinousness should be horse collared and taken to the ground and be stomped out forevermore. You just completed your basic assignments everyday, Officer Cook, doing a heroic and honored job serving and saving life here in Dade County. The folks knew you have the consummate blankets of bravery, respect and dignity, so much humble integrity all generated by excellence in performance and knowing your onuses never to be overlooked only saluted and stoically remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel's integrity floats gracefully for eternity above us watching and observing your family and the ones who have constantly respected your genuine congeniality.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
One whiff and lo and behold a wonderful career, a beautiful wife and a wonderfully loving family, Officer Cook. All thankful, grateful and mindful of your ultimate sacrifice to benefit all Dade County and its people. proper manners, courtesies and courage of a lion from your heart of truth and dignity protecting integrity and respectful character's convictions never to be forgotten. heroic and spirited all until your last breath seizing the chance to make tranquility a better resource for the value of life so sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence should not have interrupted a special and virtuous life of piousness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
Competence has its noble reward. And believe me, Officer Cook, your heart and soul are continually being sheltered and blessed by Our Master. You so valiantly took pride in Dade County, your home and prideful community where you were raised and lived as a one year old until you took the steps of bravery to make that honored difference in mankind's lives of happiness, prosperity and hopeful goodwill. A grand smile and engaging laugh was just the tip of things to come. Fruition is never easy to acquire as it must be earned and then honed to produce the right frame of principles, values and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
Inscribed on your epitaph, Officer Cook, are the words ,"We Shall be One." As a man who strove for unity and liberty for all Dade County let it be known your humble and humanely diligent honor, reserved dignity and unwavering integrity served their heavenly purposes on this earth. Now God has promoted your wisdom, maturity and vision closer to His thrones of never ending tenacity where your spirit and heroically angelic soul rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero as one.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
Endearing and engaging, a life led by wonderful morals, uncompromising integrity, honesty and dignity all fortifying the residents of Dade County. So trusted, loyal and unselfishly dependable to those whom you loyally served. It's outstanding commitment to excellence and overwhelming degree of dignity,integrity and humility that spread its heroic wings far and wide. Never forgotten and all you meant to this world, Officer Cook, heaven has a most resounding and resourcefulness man of sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020
You left a wonderful and most heroic legacy behind, Officer Cook, forever in our thoughts and prayers. Your family, friends and colleagues all so valued and esteem, grateful to have worked with such a truthful and most trustworthy gentleman of gallantry. Dade County was protected by a man of character, dignity and the entire scope of integrity that remains cherished and sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2020