Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
To calculate man's hours, days and years would be pretty impossible for most, though Our Creator plans and has His own uniquely special machinery to figure things out. Police work is not just about destiny or fate. It first begins with one having and maintaining a distinct honesty about them, it's worn on every garment relative to their occupation. A badge of integrity and dignity to ward off unfortunate terror, torment and turmoil so adverse it surely looks to uproot journeys of restoration and enrichment. You missions and hope for Dade County, Officer Cook, were to humanely spread some liberty and freedom for all in a safe and productively positive manner all accomplished during your short career and life one filled with memories mostly happy ones. Tonight as the clock strikes twelve let us pray as a nation that peace,health and goodwill continue to filter upon society and that strife and senseless bloodshed id no more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2020
Certain insects carry a lethal bite or sting. Wickedness too carries a sure challenge to all who don a uniform and wear a badge full of compassion and candor. With all these characteristics in mind your assembly of acumen and being astute, Officer Cook, definitely made you a more vigilant public servant able to deal with adversity and whatever strife came your direction shielding Dade County from its aftermath. Badge#1664 was complete and careful in its dedication to society and for having the sanctity and nobility civilization must stop and your efforts, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2020
When the curtains rise all goodwill, resolve and hope must never dim. Faithfulness,devotion and trust appeared from every source of your humbled heart and courageous soul, Officer Cook, to further enhance and enrich the lives of Dade County residents expecting some relief from peril and whatever laid in the way of unity and harmony. With your excellence and experience everyone from top to bottom understood tasks, roles and responsibilities would be upheld. To uplift and to implement new values, ideals and keep on the very trails of virtue and versatility takes onuses beyond their due callings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2020
Replete with wisdom,honesty, vision and truth, your humble trails and paths in life, Officer Cook, were just a beginning of what should have been a long career policing Dade County and spreading tranquility throughout its regions. One day of nastiness and evil and your whole life and career tragically ended all too soon. Leaving your family,esteemed colleagues and cherished personal friends to mourn your loss. A total injustice perpetrated against you and the entire police nation. It seems at times all too many that nowadays humanity has lost touch with reality. It won't ever be the same without you, holidays and gatherings, dignity and integrity within your concerned heart and soul just wanted to perform the greatest of services on behalf of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2020
The panels of precision, perseverance and proficiency were solidly constructed by your tireless effort, unselfishly heroic honor, dignity and integrity that continues to shine brightly in the heaven's above, Officer Cook. You drove in and around Dade County in search of hope, peace and faith and just made your wife,sister and parents very proud. All the charm, caring and character setting off on new adventures. You're not forgotten. Humility, heart and a big old smile handling all your professional rigors of a most demanding position of truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2020
You close your eyes and envision yourself still here thinking and producing such marvelous success. Success is only valid when effort and efficiency are given the greatest honesty, dignity and integrity intended to insert its branches of boldness and bravery into violence . You created a change, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and its people for the better, so goodwill, faith and hope may not fail. That word is certainly not acceptable when a good man goes out and patrols his own destinies. Fruitful and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
Those inclined to drink on New Year's Eve had better think again because those honest, dignified and composed servants of integrity, humility and virtue are riding around looking for those violating crimes. Your youth and dogged determination, Officer Cook, allowed you to display the finer points of policing an area. Your community has revered and admired your serene and solid convictions of resolve and endeavor. Nothing will be moved nor forgotten. A savior of scruples now surveying from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was kept safe and bountiful doing your heartfelt observance of them which brought you great humble pride.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
The death of a hero doing his job shall be solemnly honored for all its novel fortitude and noble deeds of passion and your compassion preserved the quality of life here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man fundamentally built upon valor and virtue all while staying extra vigilant to the community's desires. Hope and integrity do spring eternal and for dignity to transform tranquility so may your soul be blessed the the Most Trustworthy One. His truth is surely everlasting and so are the cornerstones you placed down to provide safe havens and shelters of freedom and liberty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Here today to pause and reflect, tomorrow is not yet upon society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
Where our destinies take us is up to Our King and Creator. With priceless perseverance and truthful persuasion your life and career missions, Officer Cook, were founded upon the very borders of real old fashioned honesty, integrity and dignity. all of them incorporated into your street battles over terrible evil that took you from your loved ones and boy do they miss their "Uncle Bo." At this time of year, so much left to finish, God must have needed your heroic humility, heart and refreshing and refined character in His perches to watch over those who have taken your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was given your goodwill, good nature and grace under duress.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
Today humanity searches for some elements of peace and tranquility. Where tenacity brings harmony a travesty sometimes leads to tragedy. We never want that to occur because the shelves of mankind might surely collapse. The honor, integrity and dignity of Dade County was placed on your loyal shoulders of dependability, Officer Cook, to heroically foster newer bonds. You were so complete in esteem, faithfulness and whatever was essential to battling adversity. A man on a mission, a gentleman whose sweet heart and soul reflected only the values that scruples and discipline bring to the table. Now you can walk your beat as an angel so clear and perfect with wings to soar high upon the open blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
Honor, heart, heroism and humility rest gently against the sides of the lights of God's divine grace. With your thorough tenacity, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, Dade County was surely well served and protected by a warrior so filled with admiration and respect always to be solemnly and forever fondly inscribed upon society's walls of justice, truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2020
The influx of memories and sentiments paid to you, Officer Cook and your adored family, they are always there as you were there to serve, protect and preserve the image of Dade County. So much brightness left behind that awful day your family had to mourn your violent death while doing your job. Such heartbreak amid the terrible adversity and you stood in there and performed your professional roles with honesty, dignity and integrity steadfast, feverish and very truthful and loyal. Such a devoted man should not have had to leave this earth the way you did, Officer Cook. But, a hero who forever changed the landscape of his sacred and proud community. Heaven really has an angel so welcomed by those who joined the thin blue line before your soul and spirit joined forces to walk that proverbial beat above where clear blue skies dominate. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
One garners respect first by demonstrating common sense and a direction of their own composed dignity, honor and integrity as you proved the point to your department and to all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, over and beyond your calling. Character and commitment so righteous and so pure,your wisdom,maturity and vision have indeed served a most valuable lesson for society to take note of. When one sacrifices their very life for serenity and security to take their next steps forward we stop and appreciate the ideas in mind. With class and diligence, your blessed and courageous name, Officer Cook, will forever be saluted with a heroic gentleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Literature invokes one using their mind to read and to gain information pertinent on how to live lives in a smarter fashion. Learning and yearning stokes the flames and fires of passion and only serves to uplift one's own humble mastery of their crafts of choice. You chose police work, Officer Cook and a very noble and excellent decision made entirely without regrets or hesitations. Your family, your beloved Karen, Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, may they rest in peace and your big sister, Nancy, all accepted your undertaking and supported you every step of the wa and were all very proud when they pinned your honorable and heroic badge of integrity,character and dignity upon your humble chest. 1973, forty-seven years ago a certain day arrived and with it everything becoming more than a bright smile. you gave the residents of Dade County your sacred,stoic and most humane assurances that onus, dependability and accountability would be handled with discipline and more than a morsel of values and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 always carried respect, resourcefulness and resiliency with a stellar and a sterling resolve never to capitulate.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
If your train of thought runs rampant better get a steady and solid grip upon your decency and determination. Endeavor makes up a majority of one's life and their pursuits, its purposes and reasons are present to witness. Happiness and pure joy from relishing a role you dreamed of becoming, Officer Cook, since your were a young man. Aspirations and fortitude took your service and life down those trials of trustworthiness, honor and the relevance of real dignity and true integrity. The heart, soul and blood of a gentleman who perpetuated his callings, uplifting and endorsing freedom and safety for mankind. An angel forever sacred and serene. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Human beings try to resist temptation. Evil has an eye for destruction that hopefully all diligent and vigilant public servants can all together soon conquer for their communities to co-exist in tranquility, civility and in sacred unity for one and all. Dade County represented that bookmark that you made an affirmation to deal with. To keep the harmony, to preserve and to protect the public trust are no small potatoes. Officer Cook, with the God given talents and gifts of honor, integrity and dignity, the wars against such advance violence can finally start letting up. The compasses can go all ahead full bore and never to bother us again. Your life and career were surely accentuated with a code of morals and ethical conduct so loyal and esteemed, never forgotten and forevermore saluted for its balances of boldness and bravery rubbing their wings gently against humanity's shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. A feat to be recalled fondly with pride and class effort.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
At times wickedness unleashes a potent one two punch to the breadbasket that can spill out all the garlic rolls. Such disturbances must be curbed and eradicated at once. Your class and desire, Officer Cook,offered Dade County folks the hope that such adversity would be handled professionally by your mundane and most proficient mettle and morally uplifting ferocity, feverish tenacity and all the stoic dignity and integrity that can be summoned for those missions and sacred journeys ahead. Heroism never lets up and now as a faithful angel in heaven where character and concern drew their lines of defense along with truth and trust so may Our Master reward and bless your heart and soul, your spirit may soar further up His majestic skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
The phrase the cream always rises to the top applies to those loyal and energetic who comprehend the scope of their heroic actions. The magnitude of one's actions are like a domino affect. One good move and everything else should fall into place. Now we know why one rogue or bad apple can wipe out the good that others achieve. You completed your missions, Officer Cook,with honor,with zest and grit, with respectful journeys of stellar dignity and integrity fighting,battling and absorbing the brushes of evil against your heart and soul. You proudly defended our freedoms and liberties where no other person might go and brought forth a new day and dawning. One sacrifice not to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County we think and ponder will rise to the top rung of those ladders of endurance and everlasting enhancement. One day real soon the terror and torment will finally abate from humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Enrichment, engagement and everlasting enhancement shall uplift its communities where goodwill, faithfulness and hope forever exist. Everlasting heroism always displayed so pridefully and so humanely from your soul and wise heart, Officer Cook. It was always centered and focused upon the population of your community, Dade County where your robust resolve and sure handed charm, smile and candor were busy doing serious tasks all reliably accomplished though God must have needed your innocent spirit more in His skies to angelically watch over those succeeding you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Birds of prey pick at the remains of something. Police pick apart crime and try their utmost to rid a community of its ruins. Your exploits and expertise, Officer Cook, came into a valued focus that very sad day when you gave your life and career of honorable intentions, dignified resolve and integrity that stood toe to toe and face to face to keep scruples and morals intact for the people. You are to be saluted and paid homage for building newer bridges for a safer and securer future. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Dade County has paid its reverence to you and your badge of sanctity, boldness and the trustful truth that exists within society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Serious chaos both numbs and shocks our systems out of control. You never know when peace and unity may ring in good cheer and good tide. But, you were a happy young man, Officer Cook, of alertness, acumen and the good nature tough enough to outwit and to outlast violence that disturbed and threatened to ruin the day and lives of Dade County residents. You certainly came to the rescue and aid of those depending upon your honesty, integrity and dignity to make that distinct difference in our lives. One noble man whose legacy stands forever as a reminder of why police are out patrolling our vast streets and areas. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Unveiled everyday was your unwavering, undying and humbly unselfish heart and soul of heroism and honesty, Officer Cook. It sprouted its grace upon the panorama of Dade County and helping to insure its pursuits of peace and contentment would march forward with your beloved and treasured soul and spirit looking down from the heavens above. All the affection and humility a consummate servant could deliver to his community. Peace and effort trying to remove hostility from its midst. God's greenest gardens of character and conviction are from trust, truth and loyalty to carry out tasks of peril benefiting mankind's salvation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
Loneliness at this time of year can be emotionally draining and of course difficult. Coping with the loss of a loved while they were out protecting the public is at least one way to carry on their legacy of heroism and honor. Your loved ones, Officer Cook, have tried to live their lives as I'm certain you would want them to but yet dignity, integrity and respectful character and staunch commitment will not wither nor fade. Humbleness and resolve serving Dade County and its population of goodwill, esteem and hope never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 29, 2020
The tasks at hand are the challenges that allow us to view a tomorrow. Nothing is promised nor granted unless some assembly of acumen, vision and wisdom drives the vehicles of valor and honorable dignity and integrity all a valid ingredient in batting adversity. Dade County just as any other region has its good and not so good. Your goodwill, hope and devoutness, Officer Cook, enabled you to keep safety, security and destiny going down those tracks of reason. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 28, 2020
Trust is essential if success and honesty are to walk together holding up the britches of boldness and bravery. Never anything but excellence was demanded and you came to the rescue of Dade County's folks and your esteemed and brave comrades that awful day, Officer Cook. Memories are forever lasting and your earnest and humble life was the living and breathing example of why versatility, virtue and diligence impart important roles among your assigned responsibilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your gravestone is the very foundation and support of your ethics and the cornerstone of why you were the consummate public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 28, 2020