Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A man on a mission and one whose noble journeys inspired his community of Dade County to remain proud. You surely were the consummate and honored hero, Officer Cook,that succeeded by going by the books of standards and codes of professional conduct. It's quite essential to possess a sharp mind but better than that to maintain humbleness in your dignity and instinctual integrity. It never wavered. All were your partners and friends while keeping calm and restoring the tranquility that sanctity yearns for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God takes but He reveals His wisdom,vision and clarity so perfect and pristine. Your honored your folks and mankind, God is rewarding your soul and spirit. They helped put humanity back on the map toward progress.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2020
All men and women of dedication, devotion, determination and decency must stay farther ahead of the learning curve if they are to hold the upper hand in conquering terror and evil. Everything sounds simple and basic and yet one wrong move or incident can have devastating affects. Daily police never know if they are coming home safely because of this surge of wickedness that seems to rule our world. Dade County had a mature and stable man of honor, character, integrity and dignity patrolling the roads for the welfare, trust and health of one and all. Officer Cook,heroism and your heart of concern have always been on your family's minds and colleagues' minds since you were taken home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The exemplary servant gracing our world for twenty-five years of youth and yearning now for eternity an angel. Please keep watch and continue soaring to the highest points of those treasured constellations.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2020
Police must do just that and stay attuned and alert to any signals of trouble and distress. You performed your roles and tasks, Officer cook, as well if not better than most and certainly you were very well liked, respected and honorable in all your intentions, dignified and with clarity in integrity. Always unwavering, undying and with unselfish character and trusted convictions to endeavor to eliminate evil from Dade County and our midst. If humility, heart and soul stumble, resolve and resiliency can do their uplifting roles to further accentuate a positive outcome. Too bad that day, Officer Cook, things went so tragic, yet you'll always remain an accomplished gentleman whose virtue and versatility rated very high in the streets where you sought safety and harmony for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2020
One places their very life on the line everyday of their sacred service. A willing passion to work extremely hard to become excellent in your demanding profession. One that can be most rewarding even while dealing with violence and peril. Dade County for six years of acumen and awareness was your beat, Officer Cook, a hero whose truth and trust was always spot on. A young man with an entire life ahead of him who made the ultimate sacrifice to enrich and to enhance his community with humanity's blessings of honor, dignity and integrity. Now my neighbor, friend and hero, your badge and uniform you were buried with all rest in peace within the eternal comforts of His heavenly home. So dearly missed!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2020
We know what occurs when a shark smells blood. Police are expected to have a sense of when they need to investigate and to interrupt some unearthly situation where life and property are in danger. Your basic instincts of integrity, honesty and dignity, Officer Cook, were all heroic as you served and preserved the quality of life here in Dade County where its citizens appreciated humility, your heart and revered character and outstanding commitment to seize the opportunities of stability and security forever cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2020
Safety, serenity and security are three of the many things the citizens can ask of. They need to know their heroic protectors are observant in honesty, integrity and the letters of dignity. You cannot have defenders dozing off and being derailed from their earthly missions by a lack of respect, principles and important traits of truth and trust which you steadfastly maintained your entire life and six year career, Officer Cook. The stars are aligned by your heart,soul and heavenly spirit keeping aglow your family's sincerest hopes, goodwill and dreams of happiness the continued health and welfare of Dade County and wherever they now reside. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
Humility and urgency come together as supporters of honesty, integrity and dignity. They were your thoughtful characters of truth and trust, Officer Cook and a part of your Dade County hero's legacy to be serenely blessed and rewarded for their invaluable care and kindness. Sincere and clear as was your maturity, wisdom and keen vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cherished and validated for virtue and resolve. A humble commitment now being safeguarded in heaven by Our Maker.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
A birth date and a date of passing into the eternal life. One heart, one soul,one mind and a spirit so bright, young and durable. They all were a pleasant delight to your family, peers and to Dade County, Officer Cook. Such a warm and welcoming man with a smile and engaging manner. So much more left to ponder and to accomplish, yet honesty, integrity and your dignity were snuffed out by a wayward and disrespectful young man who lacked any character and sense of directional morals and scruples which you had, Officer Cook. The truth and trust, one remedy for sanctity, nobility and civility to keep making its rounds daily while you assist them for above.Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
One journey from birth until one passes from this world. One mission, one onus, to take charge and see to it that violence is not just limited but eradicated from society once and for all. A difficult task, tall orders and lots of burdens and responsibility placed on your heroically humble shoulders, Officer Cook. You walked humbly, you conveyed only the truth and garnered your community's trust and respect by having resolve and candor. Never forgotten and solemnly remembered for expert care,concern and consideration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
The lights of heaven are those heroic angels faithfully watching God's pearly gates as they continue their proverbial beats where no evil will come to them ever again. Dade County had a man so mature and so polished providing excellence and quality in all that you did, Officer Cook, heroically, honorably and with much integrity and dignity that assisted in battling violence. Your life ended way too soon and now you've been receiving Our Creator's eternal rewards and blessings doing well and with a sacred heart of care and inspiration. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
Yearnings of yesterday for a brighter tomorrow. Today and now is a gift never to be kicked or abused. A man of faith, devotion and truth who knew right from wrong,spoke honestly and honored his parents always doing what a good son would do for them. After your father, Charles passed away, Officer Cook, you were always there to support and to look after your mother, Julia may she too rest in peace. Dade County had a superior public servant so versed and virtuous watching over them as God forever looks after your resourceful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
Your integrity, soul and heart, Officer Cook, were all the instruments of dignity,character and heroism never to be forgotten. Dade County and its folks were well taken care of when you sacredly patrolled their community. Only a man of means and mettle could have succeeded mightily where others who lacked the integrity, dignity and wisdom might have not be as able. Commitment and honesty belong in the same sentence as truth, trust and respect which you obviously commanded being able to lead other colleagues through peril. We don't forget. Yesterday as I visited your grave I cried a little thinking what a gentleman and humble human being you were who sacrificed for the welfare of your area. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. An angel so perfect and so shiny. Heaven's aglow with your warm soul and precious spirit.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
The more honorable and decent one is the better the outcome. Evil, violence and terror unleash a whole slew of serious trouble and one who certainly has character, dignity and integrity should have the upper hand at combating such a circumstance. In six years, Officer Cook, you did as much for Dade County as someone who puts twenty years in. So much accountability, versatility and reliability carried your faithfully devout crusades of tranquility and unity for mankind. That's all very much missed today as you'll always be well thought of, revered,respected and saluted for diligence and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 22, 2020
The intuition breeds off of the intelligence and integrity found deep within a hero's heart. Yours, Officer Cook,was large as was your honesty and dignity, sure resources of your domain when you protected and patrolled Dade County. So many decades have passed yet your life and career of notice and meaning moves forward in the reverence, resolve and respect you have been paid. When a gentleman accepts the will of Our Lord and does his very best, then blessings and the eternal rewards forever come down your way. You only meant good for your family and department, Officer Cook and never gave anything but one-hundred percent full energy and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's angels keep proverbially guarding the gates of perfection soaring higher every moment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
Squirrels take their nuts and scurry up a tree. Police take their resolve and resiliency and pray for the best outcomes. Honor, integrity and dignity shadowed you, Officer Cook, wherever your heroic soul went. Dade County was greeted everyday with a congenial smile and a man whose personality was always an indicator of how things would turn out. You gave your life and sacred heart in order to seize the pangs of serenity from the evil clutches of human beings gone astray. The man who took your pride and happiness obviously was troubled and deeply tormented still no excuse for his ghastly and heinous acts of tragedy. God has blessed you and keeps you by His side to watch over His gates of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
The holiness of one's final resting venue is indicative of those life and career journeys on others benefit. Dade County was outfitted with your kindness, understanding and in particular your sense of fairness, Officer Cook, all driven by mettle and scruples of honesty,dignity and integrity which helped to save those suffering from adversity. You won't be overlooked nor forgotten for dedication, and devotion. The lips and heart bore the truth and your mind always surrounding itself with goodwill, hope and fruition.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
Ingenuity and intellect come from the humbly honored hearts and souls of those who only travel down those dignified roads of truth,faithfulness, desire, decency and integrity. They are the tools of tenacity all men and women who serve the public use to combat terror and wickedness. You used them very well, Officer Cook, a hero of endeavor and efficiency whose shining resolve continues glowing up in heaven. Dade County said its farewells and keeps paying homage forward for your unwavering senses of character and morals. Today, I stopped and visited your grave and happy to report that the grounds around your stone look much more respectful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
Police work is not a gig nor is it glamorous. It's about skill, talent and some God given instruments that are programmed to direct the paths of righteous men and women through their daily duties policing their community. Yours, Officer Cook, was navigated throughout Dade County where the scopes of your success lied. All following the trails of trust and truth, integrity and dignity fortifying your unselfishly heroic actions to benefit your area. Evil and violence took your life and career which was tragically sad and yet sanctity, nobility and civility shall be so saluted and solemnly revered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
The flow of traffic always is what keeps all duly public servants busy with their important tasks at hand. Dade County was your venue and responsibility, Officer Cook, their hero and your family's hero of humility, integrity, honor and always concerned dignity given to protect Dade County citizens. A life is just that and your humanely sacred career shall certainly never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character sprouts commitments and the branches of convictions and trusted missions, journeys so truthful and most faithful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 21, 2020
Chiefs and Indians must work together just as a department of well educated and well trained men and women all on the same journey and mission. Their trails and tracks are paved with professional wisdom, vision and honesty so valued and dignified. Dade County was under your watchful eyes and ears, Officer Cook, all heroically championing freedom and safety for one and all. Your career and life though taken by violence and evil nonetheless will be received with respect, enhancement and for faithfully enriching the masses of people whom you served with vital care, resolve and virtue, all to be rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020
Founders are those honest heroes who set down the very cornerstones for others to follow in. Dade County was your resourceful environment, Officer Cook, for patience, prowess and precise patrols. Our tranquility and unity all came about through your devoted days and years preserving mankind's dignity,integrity and liberties to process and to possess the purposes for why we were created to begin with. The blueprint was orchestrated by Our King alone who placed the proverbial proficiency, endeavor and self humility within your heart and soul. It was to be nobly utilized and so treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020
A friend so loyal from beginning until you last breath drawn, Officer Cook and you'll forever be saluted and revered for being a cherished hero with character, commitment and convictions so wise and dignified. Integrity and honesty rest forever on those doorsteps where you patrolled within Dade County. Your home and place where you grew up and were the consummate warrior and terrific human being. Humanity misses your smile and sweet heart and soul of virtue and its versatility all taking, accountability, ability and capability to a higher level. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020
Just as farmers plant, sow and plow their fields, public servants plant those seeds of wisdom, vision and maturity within the very communities where they search for semblances and balances of bravery, boldness and honor. They words of affirmation stand for truth,integrity and the dignity to fight those wars over violence and wickedness. You did all of that supremely and with a faithful esteem, Officer Cook, guarding and protecting Dade County from further adverse mayhem. An angel so dear and so uplifting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020
The hallways of heroism, honor and humility, Officer Cook, were all welcomed, greeted and nobly saluted for having the intrinsic value to preserve life and property here in Dade County. No man or woman shall be forgotten for carrying his ideals, principles, ethics and dignity higher every second. For integrity and respectfully trusted character they are have been solemnly and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020
The alcove of acumen, honesty and heroism was and forever always welcoming. Your undying, unselfish and unwavering dignity, integrity and character, Officer Cook, shall be the mark of impression upon Dade County and mankind forever to be duly saluted, noted and etched within the walls of your family's homes as that of your solemn and faithfully esteemed colleagues of the past who have never forgotten you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul and spirit live on illuminating those paths of perseverance and trust for them.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 20, 2020