Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A bond or affirmation are your solemn words of thought and inspiration. Yet, they are a concise and precise message for humanity to take strict note of. Dade County and its citizens were always given top notch,first rate and first class preservation and perseverance genuine and never surreal. One who learns and yearns to be dignified and resolute will never turn their backs upon the pillows of honor and its integrity. Truly characters of trust and decency allowing their minds and hearts to devoutly carry on with the duly responsible assignments at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave meaning to life, Officer Cook and trails carved with courage and consideration never going astray.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 6, 2021
Integrity must never be absent. Dignity must always be dialed up. Honesty must be confident and swift in its charges when facing the caliber of callousness strolling society's pavements and trails. You patrolled the streets of Dade County was a certain heroic charm and smile, Officer Cook. Never gruff nor rude you were always clear, visually wise and way more mature than the crowd. A constant theme to be ever so vigilant and never let your guard down for a second. Heaven is where angels are free to roam while they guard those sacred gates of salvation and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 6, 2021
Bravery, boldness and gallantry must be schooled, honed and practiced ever so humbly to get the desired outcome considering all the episodes of violence that infuriate society nowadays. So much thoughtfulness, resourcefulness and faithfulness poured into your grains of valor and virtue, Officer Cook. You'll forevermore be heroic and endearing to your family and colleagues and it is with dignity,integrity and class that God has blessed and rewarded your sacred soul and spirit. Dade County can live harmoniously and be uplifted in knowing that you performed according to the manner by which you wore your uniform and donned a badge of sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 6, 2021
Production and proficiency are expected at all times. The protection and service to any community demands professionalism to be personal and for any public servant to be loyal, honest and dignified to the causes of battling evil and its awful adversity. Certainly, you brought your A number one class and cordial demeanor to work everyday, Officer Cook. A real trusted and truthful man so sensitive to our needs. Essentials and unwavering,unselfish efforts to be eternally treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 6, 2021
Computate courage. Tabulate tenacity and design and designate dignity to be found where integrity is integrated. It's all where honesty and reverence shine brightest. You were that hero, Officer Cook, so diligent and duly vigilant over Dade County and its people. Forever a gentleman of bountiful character and trusted commitment, convictions so clear and pristine, truth and justice oversaw the foundations of tranquility sacredly being placed down within mankind. Always saluted and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 6, 2021
Freedom and liberty entail so much. The effort and labor expended to branch out the seeds of success and the fruits of ferocity were reached by your consummate toil and resolve, Officer Cook. A hero whose honesty, integrity and dignity touched the very hearts and souls of Dade County folks. You'll not be overlooked nor forgotten for giving the ultimate sacrifice, commitment, conviction and character which forged the trusted and most humble truths of sacred missions. Goodwill, hope and devotion were traits of yours my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is humanely protected by your resourcefulness. An angel determined to fight with his being and wisdom all far maturer than the crowd.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
Emancipated from endless evil, your humble and most blessed truth and trust was just what Dade County received for six years of loyal and most faithfully instrumental service. The surest of things in life are not always there as one must make an attempt to find them. Like a needle in a haystack, security is not always found and you, Officer Cook, led others by being virtuous and honorable. Such character, decency, dignity and integrity battle adversity better than ever. The skies are aglow with your heart of wisdom and soul of vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
You just cannot whip the pants of pestering evil one must stop its trails and tracks forever. Their lies just conjure up more relentless adversity no area desires. Dade County wanted excellence and quality, they got every ounce and every bit of heart and soul from a hero of honor and relevance, Officer Cook, with your humility and civility, dignity and integrity were able to step up and take everything violence dishes out and endeavor to eradicate it from our midst. The residents thank you and your family carried books and keepsakes of your life and career duly ordained by principles and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
Luck is what you make of it sometimes. Talents and skills rally to the calls of onus more often than not. You were the consummate and always classy friend and comrade to so many other officers, Officer Cook. Heroes are not to be taken for granted or treated as just another figure in life. Communities, venues and locals depended upon your sincerity, sanctity and honesty to make harmony more than a sounding board and with your steady stream of integrity and intuition, Dade County was surely made safer by a man of keen intelligence and proper behavior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
Three strikes at the plate in baseball and you are out. Crime and wickedness does not think nor respect the peaceful passions and purposes of humanity as it just goes ahead wrecking havoc that a good soul like yourself, Officer Cook, had to clean up. the roads,corners and streets of Dade County where citizens roamed were all in all kept tranquil and for having integrity and dignity may God bless you and your beloved family that continues your proud heroic legacy in their sacred journeys of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
One who wavers has doubts and in policing a various community hesitation can never come into question. Always reliable and dependable, virtue and vigor surely touched the wings of respect and reverence for all mankind and in Dade County, Officer Cook. Forever a hero of wisdom,maturity and for seeing the entire scope of matters, your due diligence found that opening to staying centered on those pious pathways of life. Terrible yours my neighbor, friend and hero were interrupted by insane evil from just one man acting alone with an absence of honesty,character and respect. An angel forevermore and forever young! Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
Humane endeavor results in efficiency. The world depended upon your keen intellect and excellent eyes and ears, Officer Cook, to see it through some horror. Dade County was the location where your virtue, versatility and vigilance made the greatest of impacts. So truthful, trusted, honored and dignified, with your sterling character and stellar humility, all heart and soul, serenity and unity could finally be realized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 5, 2021
Angels take flight as they now soar to the highest of the skies. Your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, represented the fountains of faith and the wellsprings of youth. You were surely too young to be taken by evil my neighbor, friend and hero, yet, Dade County won't ever forget you honored society, your folks may they too rest in peace and for having calmness and a voice of strength, may Our Lord bless and reward your integrity,dignity and ingenuity. Foundations carefully laid out for a sounder and safer future. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
A man who contributed to humanity's fulfillment of its dreams and aspirations and now, Officer Cook, you are the bright light, the inspirational bulb that illuminates our universe. So much passion and compassion created by your unwavering and unselfish heart of concern. Integrity, dignity and honesty calling for some semblance liberty for all to rise above the ruins of relentless evil. Such wickedness confronts, confounds and confuses the eyes and ears of those with maturity, wisdom and vision to see the future rather clearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
Hearts were heavy and tears were a plenty the day Dade County paid their respects to you, Officer Cook,for heroism and accomplishment. No doubt a gentleman with a plethora of perseverance and a book of courage, honor and integrity. Take some dignity and blend in character, the trust and truthful commitments then shine brightly. Never forgotten and saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
Signed and sealed. Surveillance and substance. Searching and scouring Dade County for some measure of morals, meaning and scruples. All in a day's work and ventures into the real world. Sad about the world today as it has changed so much, Officer Cook, since you gave every fiber of honor,integrity and dignity to make certain our harmony would last forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
Violence tries to vacate the vim,vigor and virtue of those sworn to uphold the law. That should never occur and with your staunch missions of devotion and dedication, Officer Cook, the citizens of Dade County were proudly and rightfully served, Honesty and integrity support the blankets of bravery,boldness and dignity. Angels are those serenely humane servants who give of themselves and back to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
Fish swim in the ocean. Terror swamps neighborhoods launching fear. You worked and toiled feverishly, Officer Cook, to create awareness and tranquility for Dade County. A solemn man with a humbled and honorable undertaking to uplift and right those ships of courage, integrity and dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Adversity and sanctity work in different circles and yet civility and nobility were your cornerstones of faith,hope and goodwill, Officer Cook, never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 4, 2021
Run don't crawl. Terror and its wickedness require the swiftest of attention. Dade County received this and plenty more from you, Officer Cook. Honorable and heroic. Integrity that supported the journeys of dignity. So many more missions left undone yet your life and career accomplished more than those who live many decades. It was quality over quantity and the standards of conduct by which you performed your primary duties daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and truth are more central than disrespect and lack of manners.Your talents and gifts to this world were congeniality and your first class personality assuming their relevant assignements.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
If history is any indication society can rebound from this unrelenting and seemingly endless evil that has permeated within mankind. Humanity just needs to approach each day one at a time. Your revered roles, Officer Cook, were to spare and save Dade County and its humility. You added acumen and dignity to your tenacious integrity, respectful character and charming smile. Smiles are one matter a studious and serious passion is certainly another. God has you my neighbor, friend and hero as His golden angel and your family has all the memories of your life and career both sadly cut short by the very violence you shielded society from. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
Heroes shelter us before sheltering themselves. You did your job so well, Officer Cook and for having composure and courage, honor and dignity may Our Lord bless your supreme integrity and intelligence which worked so feverishly to serve Dade County where you remain very admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Conclusive character and affirmed commitment worked truthfully along with your insightful and trusted convictions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
Youth and opportunity go hand in hand with bravery, boldness and recognition. Seeing the big picture, Officer Cook, permitted you the chance to create that change that would transport Dade County into a safer future. Honesty, integrity and character poured into your efforts of resolve and resiliency always to be so treasured and greatly appreciated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice will always be that integral piece of your heroic legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
Discreet and never discouraged your honored mankind and humanity with your unselfish humility and heroism, Officer Cook. They put the serenity and motivation back into society's will power. So distinguished and dignified, with stellar integrity and virtue Dade County will always salute your ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
Journeys of faith are humbly rewarded for their missions of morals, mettle and meaningful endeavor. Everything you accomplished, Officer Cook, was done with Our Creator's undying and abiding love and compassion. Dade County was well served, protected and preserved by your heart and soul of humility, honor and the dignity to stay resolute. Such a gentleman of integrity whose courage and sacred dreams were your family's pride and joy. "Uncle Bo" won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021
You jumped in, Officer Cook and rescued your colleagues and the citizens of Dade County affected by Mr. Pearsall's onslaught of violence that day and because of your heroic actions, sanctity and civility may continue reigning down upon humanity. One that revered your commitments to excellence the pride you took in donning a badge and uniform of diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 3, 2021