Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

An esteemed young man who emancipated Dade County from awful violence perpetrated by a young man empty in character, honesty and whatever dignity and integrity should have set him straight. He lived with three generations of his family where lessons could have made a deeper impact. Your family, Officer Cook, taught you and Nancy right from wrong and your sense of skillful direction never wavered. Your truth, trust and virtue always sharp and ready to relieve the citizens of grief and suffering. A legacy firmed planted in everyone's prayers and hearts as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I just wish we could have known one another. Every time an officer loses their life you get that sinking feeling in the bottom of your stomach. The pain, agony and torment seem to linger on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2021

Energy is expended and effort is expanded. Integrity, dignity and honor are just part of the enduring picture of hope and goodwill,the welfare of those whom you protected and helped to sustain, Officer Cook, they shall not forget you and your heroic actions that terrible day where senselessness ruined lives forever. Humanity and your family, your suffered a most monumental loss of everything sacred and humble. Dade County lives on as your memory is fortified in tradition and in comprehension. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2021

There is a song that starts out sweet dreams are made of these or something to that affect. You dreamed, Officer Cook, just as most do. Your plans in life were to become a solid citizen and a very excellent officer which surely benefited Dade County's population. The honesty, integrity and dignity were your choruses of courage, care and consideration. You could have been teaching music or drums in some school, your faith and destinies drove your heart and soul to policing a community where you continue being revered, saluted and deeply admired for heroism and passionate effort placed forth with the number one goal, the priority to stabilize an uneasy circumstance. Everyone who loved and knew you was proud of you and has not forgotten your spirit now forever an angel of valor in heaven. The legacy of acumen,awareness and wisdom keeps funneling in throughout your family's missions of goodwill and health. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Somberness always arouses our innermost thoughts. The gaping hole of your untimely loss still confronts, confounds and confuses us and your family. Just why did Our Maker need your sweet heart at such an early age?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2021

Quality of character, commitment and conviction combined with an honored heart of strength and resourcefulness can surely hold their own while defending the liberty and dignity of one's integrity. Dade County had their peace and stability implanted by your loyal and treasured service to them, Officer Cook. Your family's hero, Dade County's and the entire world relied upon your duly humble versatility to set sanctity and nobility down on the streets where they belong leading to safer harbors and more peaceful journeys of mankind. The hope, faith and trust must ring true otherwise torment and what not may just keep doing what they are doing. Your endeavors, Officer Cook, saved lives and tried to halt the heinousness of one coward bent on wickedness against the establishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2021

Today's world seems to be both saturated and polluted with unspeakable evil. Men and women of great honor and resolve must jump into action as you so faithfully, truthfully and solemnly did on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. A hero full of character and virtue all because of the unwavering and most unselfish dignity and integrity you maintained to battle against violence. Heaven holds your sacred, heart,soul and spirit to be heroically saluted for its humane vigilance and certainly all the due diligence a public servant can place forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2021

Assaulting integrity, trampling upon tenacity, debasing dignity and insulting, disrespecting and ripping the cores of honesty, heroism and humility apart only lessens society's grips upon bravery, boldness and virtue. We must stand together and support our very real and tireless public servants who strive to formulate and to create newer crossroads between humanity and the establishment. Dade County stands as one, Officer Cook, just as the words inscribed upon your gravestone, "We Shall Be One." You represented morals, proper conduct and the willpower to battle and to fight against adversity which threatens to jeopardize our pilgrimages of perseverance and of safe shelters. The smile we can only visualize as heaven has an angel like no other. Character, trust and truth complimenting commitments to excellence and pride and ingenuity to react intuitively and decisively against the very fabrics of violence. We honor and salute your vision, wisdom and clarity, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Insulting intelligence makes us only look weaker in front of our very foes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

The hustle and bustle of public service can only better society's ideals, morals and scruples. Men and women of honor, dignity and the selfless integrity deserve our support while they compose a plan to rid mankind of disturbing violence. Such terror only shelters us within our very homes instead of allowing us the liberty to venture outside to pursue our ventures of joy and happiness. You were a proud and humble young man, Officer Cook, heroic and treasured by all who worked with you and maintained a steady stream of trust and truth all justice and all freedom. We salute your wholesome dedication and vital determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Prayer must sustain humanity's aspirations,dreams and further desires for security. You have been forever an inspiration to society, Dade County and to mankind, Officer Cook, for being a hero of dignity,integrity and the character so genuinely humble and revered. The people whom you served and were loyally heroic to have not forgotten you. Our fates and destinies have been preordained and your life and career continue to be cherished, blessed and most rewarded for sacred journeys augmented by a wise heart and a set of clearly visionary eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Very approachable and very well respected, so well mannered and always accentuating the positives. Days and months just seem to fly by, Officer Cook, since you last were on those scenes of some of Dade County's more tragic times. Things surely have changed since your sacrifice and for what heaven's name means, honor, dignity and integrity certainly made a huge impression upon our very souls and lives. Steering , directing and guiding wisdom, vision and clarity into your home community where resolve means a great difference. You'll be solemnly etched within walls of honor and sanctity where no hero is without a thought or prayer. Eternity is where the grass is greener and the stability is endless. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

A bump in the road, a blip on the screen may only be temporary obstacles to harmony. Surely as the winds blow and the rain falls your precious heart and soul of heroism, Officer Cook, beat as one. For having integrity, dignity and honesty bordering your bravery and boldness, so may Our King bestow your family with health, peace and faithful missions of hope and goodwill the very same ones you executed with pride and diligence. Nothing is fair and your loss robbed your family of spending much more quality time together along with being married to Karen, a wonderful woman who was your partner in adventure and in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

A zealous man knows his honor and humility work hand in hand. Their sacred yearnings allow harmony and freedom to filter into any given community. Dade County had your sweet smile and serious demeanor, Officer Cook, for six brave and loyal years of faithful engagement and the bonds of bravery all tied by your wisdom and vision so clear and virtuous. Our Lord has your soul of importance doing an even more imperial role where certainly no bloodshed and harm will ever come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, ingenuity and vitality.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Incompetence and insubordination are not dedication and honesty. In today's streets and corners, dignity and integrity with proper character and morals will certainly hold sway over any violence. And your sanctity, humility and heroic vehicles of versatility and virtue made Dade County and its folks more peaceful and oriented driven. You made that lasting impression by uplifting and putting together a plan, a strategy to surmise what needed fixing. Forever it will be horrific what transpired on May 16,1979 when God called your heart,soul and spirit back home, Officer Cook. I do hope and pray your comrades are recovering though Officer DiGenova still suffers from his wounds that nearly took his life. Your comrade,brother, friend and tennis partner and work partner. A great man gone way too soon but one who went out of his way to expend motivation and endeavor to stop an evil and wayward man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 will be remembered, honored and saluted for its distinction and valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

They say religion and politics don't mix. Like putting a match into a gasoline can. Dynamite that can explode like no tomorrow. When those poles come crashing down upon mankind entrusted servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, went into action heroically to stave off trouble and further consequences. Dade County lived and thrived by your might and strong heart of gold and concern. What is honesty, integrity and dignity? It is what you were raised at home with by your loving parents may they both rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth,trust and resiliency can support those fights over evil. Now may your esteemed and most blessed spirit and soul watch over us for eternity is where you can perform your proverbially essential heavenly obligations to further the peace and prosperity of noble individuals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

No one envies one entering law enforcement. No one should envy anything or anybody. It happens as it is a part of life. Patrolling areas such as Dade County is not a circus and is surely not just routine. When life and property are endangered good men and women, so brave, humble and loyal are essential to the tasks at hand. You are a hero, Officer Cook and your desires took you through the academy into a field of wonders. You must think fast,stay alert and have excellent health both physically and mentally. Acuity and acumen must be equal if not better. But, you were so loyal and faithfully entrusted with serving your duties with dignity, reverence and carefully constructed character. All part of your legacy which is carried on by your wonderful family and colleagues who now serve as you so humanely did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Thrills are fun. Tenacity and accountability are both requirements of a profession so valued and deemed as a challenge every moment you are on patrol. Communities and their people rely upon your sharpness and come to expect accentuation of honesty, dignity and integrity as all three battle such adversity on those streets of danger. Kids play. Adults congregate with other families celebrating milestones. Officer Cook, through your security,maturity, wisdom and vision sacred journeys for all can be fulfilled as you gave your life and career of morals and noble actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

One who sustains their dignity,integrity and honored character will be rewarded and blessed by Our Lord. For His kindness does endure forever. Dade County welcomed you to its force, Officer Cook, with friendly and open arms and you never let anyone down. You sir gave your sincerest effort daily trying your utmost to quash serious troubles that bubbled over into the citizens residences. That sad and awful day was and is a permanent reminder of the dangers and perils that loom at large for even the most highly skilled and trained men and women of law enforcement. We salute you my neighbor,friend and hero and do hope that goodwill,truth and trust remain mainstays of our community if tranquility and unity are to prevail. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Violence has left America shell shocked and as a great nation we must somehow rise above this putrid and disgusting display that has engaged us in the worst way, shape and fashion. Your ideals, your realities, Officer Cook, have created that impression to last forevermore. You preserved the integrity, dignity and respect of life so cherished for Dade County and have been hailed humbly as a hero. So sacred and so decent. Never forgotten and saluted for boldness, bravery and stellar politeness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

If ferocity is on the same level or above, safety, serenity and security shall follow suit. You served and protected Dade County as an honorable and loyal public servant, Officer Cook, heroic in every way, dignified in every path you chose and with truth, trust and integrity carrying your trails of justice for all mankind. Everyone from your family, peers and friends all greatly miss your smiling presence and gifts of gallantry and character as they now forever extolled in God's gates of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2021

Terror shames and shocks the joints of justice out of humanity. Dade County has been forever jolted by your loss, Officer Cook, though many decades have passed, your proper language, honorable esteem and dignified versatility and integrity so cherished and virtuous have never been forgotten and remain a living part of your legacy. Heaven received a man of instrumental authority and real honest to goodness truth and trust. Your family must have suffered greatly since you were tragically taken from them at such a young age with more missions left behind on your promising horizon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your outstanding character, commitments to excellence and pride brought goodwill and hope to the serenity you underscored by meeting your duties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

I Meant violence is no joke or game to police who are sworn to uphold justice, truth and trust within the frames of society whom they protect and serve. An institution of integrity, a pyramid of dignity and solemn walls of honor all rested within your heroic heart and broadest of shoulders, Officer Cook, as you answered every call with resourcefulness , fairness and deliberate dedication to Dade County. Forever a sacrifice you made to enrich, enhance and endear yourself to your community and esteemed partners who battled evil with you against those committing such adversity face to face and toe to toe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class and a calming voice may have been sadly silenced, your family continues the rich legacy you left behind for them to tow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

God's will was done and completed with precision, abounding love and respect for mankind. Your whole life, Officer Cook,was predicated upon virtue and honesty and nothing short of that was going to delay, derail or deter you from your appointed rounds shielding Dade County from violence and terror. One wayward and very disturbed man took your life and he received his punishment and your reward for faithfulness is God's everlasting compassion blessing your heart and soul of dedication, devotion and pure desire to uplift and to enhance a community stirring for some security and safe passages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels soar as they sing Our Creator's praises.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

Pillows are for resting your head. Purgatory is for those callous individuals who think inflicting harm upon society is some sort of game. To them violence is no game, no joke and surely no laughing matter as you were a very studious and serious law enforcement officer, Officer Cook and Dade County relied upon your expertise, your dignified and honest instincts of both vision and wisdom to get them through perplexing difficulties.The wonders of life confound, confuse and sometimes control the human mind. When you were confronted, Officer Cook, all your heroic instincts,decencies and manners kicked in. Just a wonderful young man with a priceless smile gone way too early taken away by the arch enemies of humanity, violence and pure evil. Ungodly and unsightly. Always warmly remembered, treasured and etched within your family and colleagues' hearts, souls and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, commitment and truthfully trusted convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

A hero's hunt for heinousness brings their honor, virtue and humility closer to their badge. Their chests don't beat for glory, on the other hand, they echo loudly for truth, justice and trust being administered wisely, carefully and without any doubts nor hesitations. Dade County had your undying, unselfish and most assuredly your unwavering directions, Officer Cook, displayed at all times and venues while trying to calm and pacify a community seeking restoration and serenity. A tall task handled most ably by a man of decency, dignity and due diligence. The skies can raise and let go of those balloons of boldness for your life and career were more than consummate blessings and rewards for your service and total tireless sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

The Lord's flock of fallen angels are eternity's ferocity fueled by their bravery, reverence and wings of heroism so sacred and authoritative. You led by example, Officer Cook, as all who are dignified and possess the righteous character to contain evil and whatever lies in its wake. Nobility, civility and virtue opened the doors to a newer relationship between yourself and all those Dade County residents whom you solemnly and humanely protected and watched over. Their quality of life has continued and though yours should have also Our Creator has found room in His den of devotion to keep your heart,soul and spirit of compassion,goodwill and hope forever safe guarded as you proverbially patrol His open gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

God gives and takes. He calls His flock of honor and ingenuity home when their accomplishments are deemed as complete. Even living twenty-five years, Officer Cook, you imparted a great lesson in life and that is to live life each moment and not to sweat the bigger things not always within reach. But, you did reach your pinnacle of precision and perseverance making Dade County and its folks safer not as reluctant. Resolve and politeness, peace and respect, truth and trust yearning for dignity and integrity to intercept the terror that has stricken us. All validated by your undying virtue and versatility all principles and sacred journeys on behalf of humanity which greatly misses your care and wisdom, so caring and serene. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Smile and be happy. You certainly relished your important and most essential work on behalf of society. Only candor, charm and charisma.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2021

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