Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Procedures, preservation and protection, any officer's sure powered methods they employ to secure the safety of those around them. For the many residents of Dade County, Officer Cook, you policed with sheer energy, intuitiveness and intelligence that bears the name of honesty, dignity and integrity. You were that humble leader of other comrades who served alongside of you during your day in which you constantly battled violence. Evil perturbs most rational thinking folks and it was your grace, gallantry and calming presence that has allowed the masses to live as they do today. Forever saluted. Courageous, compassionate and considerate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy rests upon the virtues of sound character, sincere convictions and a bold and brave commitment to excellence and the pride you went about your life and professional affairs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2016

I meant to say you never dodged a problem, Officer Cook, you faced danger head on and never complained about anything. Your tasks were handled in a humble and most taciturn fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For your achievements in life and during your career during which you gave your life you shall be rewarded by God a she stirs your soul around His sacred shelter. Peace and unity were always on your lips as was honesty, dignity and integrity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2016

I am the kind of person who looks at a picture and will get emotional. We all know you were born into a family of dignity and devotion where love of God and living life's golden rule, treat others as you would want to be treated was preached and put into a daily routine. Doing things routinely is not what only drives any police officer's life and profession, what drove your career, Officer Cook, was politeness, kindness and a calming influence not to become flustered, not to outwardly show fear, though, one can display a bit of fear. You were the kind of person who dodged a problem or dilemma. You sought ways to resolve trouble so May 16, 1979, was that humane example of your attitude and astuteness. You answered a call, you attended to many other moments and alertly tried to calm down a young troubled man. The hero in you and Dade County's reality is that we do have supremely brave and valiant public servants who serve and protect our best interests. The good name of Officer William C. Cook: Badge#1664 shall never be forgotten. You wore your badge and uniform with a civic pride and responsibility to service wherever and whenever called upon. The sacrifice of courage, your strength of compassion and commitment to ethical character shall be honored and saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Crying is okay. One is permitted to wear their emotions on their sleeves. You are missed and as long as I'm able I will continue to not only reflect on your life and career, I will visit your grave to honor your memory.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2016

The greatness of any hero is their pursuits of evil which in turn help us to live more safer and peaceful lives. Your heroic actions, Officer Cook, have helped to further enhance the honor, dignity and integrity of the Dade County community where you not only lived and grew up, but where served and protected others in an outstanding manner. Your fortitude and strength of conviction, character and commitment has long been remembered and saluted very much everyday. Once a year Dade County gathers to memorialize and look back on the lives and police careers of its heroes and heroines, yet sometimes we do forget where they too came from. Your upbringing and life was etched upon the principles of common courtesy, decency and proper conduct toward all mankind. And it was this dogged devotion, desirable determination that spear-headed your every patrol throughout the dangers that sometimes police officers must confront professionally and most proficiently each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, if only you were here today to instill good advice to those who would cherish it greatly.Your deeds and thoughtfulness resound loud and clear from God's heavenly shelter above. Your beautiful soul touched the hearts of many as did that magnificent smile, as bright as the sun. Each day i pass by the old Bennett and Ulm Funeral Home where you had your viewing and visitation. Brings back a flood of memories. Wished I had known your parents, your sister and yourself. Humility and honesty was totally within your family tree. Its leaves have branched out today and forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2016

When determination and the driven passion through desire help us to succeed we in part can look up to the heavens above and thank you, Officer Cook. A man of honor, dignity and keen vision with a loyalty that cannot be matched. One who gave his life for the sake of heaven and their fellow friend ought to be given a hearty salute. That honor is afforded you each and everyday. You became what you wanted to become through not just dreams, rather a God given talent to work just as hard as the next recruit. Some pan out. Others don't. The heart and mind must perform equally well just like vigilance and perseverance. Travelling down Dade County and its territories one needs all the assistance one can get. God steered your paths my neighbor, friend and hero valiantly and most courageously. Rest in peace. Your heroic legacy stands for relief, hope and happiness for one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2016

With humbleness dedication and distinction comes danger. The perils of not knowing quite what to expect. Although, police officers are highly skilled and trained professionals, one never knows when destiny will announce its calling. For you, Officer Cook, your integrity, honesty and dignity always were around when you protected and served Dade County residents who came to look upon your diligence for their unity and peace. We will never forget your unwavering bravery, commitment and your heroic actions which saved your colleagues, civilians and no telling how many more lives. A true and faithfully loyal and devoted hero, whose humility will be saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2016

The man standing by the American flag wearing those glasses and having the vision to humanely make our lives better. You succeeded on that front, Officer Cook. You endeavored to fight the good battle, battles, gunfights are never good as they often lead to more violence and innocent bloodshed. That day, horrible as it was, May 16, 1979, you displayed the courage, honesty and professional integrity and dignity to reign in evil. A troubled young man with more problems than anyone could imagine. You came to the aid of your fellow officers and those civilians and more than what we could ponder. It brought about one change, those side panels. Valor and diligence wrapped around your entire being my neighbor, friend and hero. Patience and resiliency revolving around your work and personal life, one with more left to achieve. A mission of hope and promise now left in God's hands as you patrol His sacred venues. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2016

Today, as I was driving to and from Naples, Florida I thought of you and what the world would be like if you were with us, Officer Cook. The honesty, dignity and integrity could be more meaningful if heroes, humble as yourself were here to lead and to give professional pointers to other comrades on how to be morally proper and to maintain ethical behavior when preserving and protecting. Dade County saw the upbeat and decent public servant, so devoted, dedicated and faithful to his craft. It was about respect, courtesy and manners to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The heroes and heroines in God's heaven have left a beautiful fragrance of character, bravery and conviction as their legacies. Your commitment brought a newer resolve for all to see. Of course we can't smell that which is in heaven, hopefully the effects trickle down to those who commit themselves wisely and with total determination.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2016

Through all the modern technology available now for people to utilize it seems as if the world has become a more dangerous place filled with pitfalls and perils for one to travel through. During your time, Officer Cook, you did not have all these professional tools to guide you when patrolling Dade County. A radio in your car for dispatches and not much else. Three things you take with you each day were your honor, integrity and dignity. They never left your sight as you were a heroically thoughtful and intelligent man. A police officer, a professional through and through. Courageous and caring. Commitment and consideration while leading other comrades through these challenges that face each public servant. You will be saluted for valor and devotion that hopefully those future officers can take a cue from. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Some of that modern technology has gotten plenty of officers in hot water. The message is clear govern yourself accordingly. Some departments now equip their men and women with body cameras which can record all actions taken in the lines of duty. .Ethics and character are really now front and center.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2016

Through divine intervention it was your professional intervention, Officer Cook, that saved the day on May 16, 1979 for Dade County and its honorable citizens. Your honest, dignified and heroic actions are the things we come to expect from our beloved officers and believe me you were a well respected, admired and most vigilant officer whose mainstay for dedication and tenacity won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of strength and resolve still revolves around your beloved family as does your wonderful soul as it forever lights up the night skies.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2016

Ever since you gave your life for your community, Officer Cook, if we could step back and ponder a little on what has since transpired, there have been racial tensions, three of the most famous landmarks had planes crash into them killing nearly three-thousand people. From your department, twenty-three other fine brave men and women gave their lives in an effort to foil violence. All of them like yourself were humble. loyal. decent and honest. Actions of courage seem to make our hearts grow fonder. The memories of a wonderful man, a treasured servant who served with class and morals, principles to drive your life and career all with more, so much more left to achieve. God determines our lots in life and He deemed that you patrol His golden streets in heaven to observe the coming and going of those whose character and strength shined as brightly as yours did. No two people, much less police officers are alike, you delivered results and resiliency to a professional position where the stakes are always high and the perils lay out there for one to be very careful and to proceed with caution. You were supreme in your heroic actions and will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2016

God shines His eyes down upon His creatures in both love and in mercy. The eyes and ears of the honorably righteous men and women have His full attention. Furthermore, the integrity and dignity steers those to accomplish that which is deemed proper. Your whole life, Officer Cook, God graced your house, parents and entire family with all the products to be able to maintain humility and success. It was through that humbleness that you kept peace and unity throughout Dade County and for its residents to thrive and to prosper. Achievement at times comes with a price, with compassion, care and consideration did you, Officer Cook, allow us to continue paving the trails of justice and fairness that you laid over forty-three years ago. All done in an outstanding manner of commitment, character and loyalty. It's this modest bravery that is not always found in our heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community. You served admirably and remain admired, cherished and respected for giving nothing less than one-hundred percent endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice will be saluted forevermore. You brought pride and resolve to the Metro-Dade Police Department in wearing its badge and uniform in a decent and devoted fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2016

If only for the good old days when right was right and there can be no wrong in this universe. Only God is perfect in all His ways and yet for what it is worth, you were a very devout and loyal servant, Officer Cook, protecting people with all your might and every last ounce of strength in character, courage, dignity, integrity and honesty. All of this will never be lost or forgotten. Your perseverance and diligence have made the loss of your very brave soul stand forever. That loving and caring soul keeps travelling in God's heavens above keeping us safe and secure as it watches over us like never before. If you are reading these posts, reflections that I have been leaving for your beloved and most heroically courageous son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Mrs. Cook, you should live and be well. You, your husband, Charles and your son will always be in my thoughts and prayers. He won't be forgotten, only beloved and cherished as the gentleman you raised along with his sister, Nancy.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2016

Police officers afford us, the citizens the opportunities to be able to live freely and to pursue the pleasures in life that we choose. Of course, they too, the officers have these same pleasures and desires to freely pursue. Yet, it is their humility and humbleness when coupled with their honesty, dignity and integrity that allows them to do their jobs as they are assigned. Your role within Dade County, Officer Cook, was to make the venues as safe as possible for all. Now years later because of your unwavering valor those venue shave become destinies of enhancement and it's been a tragic shame that you could not have witnessed these changes. Fate and faith in Our Lord carried all your missions solidly and with a vigorous resolve. Cherished, beloved, admired and respected, those efforts of yours will continue to be saluted for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2016

When violence is forever wiped away, then and only then can we declare victory. Visions of yesterday and tomorrow are in large measure to your heroic actions, Officer Cook, not always seen. Better to commit to honesty and conviction by doing something than just talking and not backing up your speech. One good deed leads to another good deed, the very reason we were placed in this world. Your actions my neighbor, friend and hero have brought a little more comfort to the people of Dade County strengthening. Legacies are the character and the dignity of those who uphold ethics, morals and scruples, your humbly sound upbringing. Your parents, sister, your beloved wife and your entire family and colleagues remain proud and have saluted your boldness and bravery of a well lived life and an outstanding career, though there was more left to fulfill, your missions are now in the holiness of Our Creator's sanctuary. Rest in peace. Looking back you wore your uniform justly and very courageously.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2016

The torment and anguish families experience only strengthens our resolve to do better and to further enhance the honesty and dignity of their heroically humble legacies. Your family, Officer Cook, loved and cherished you, they now carry on your name in integrity, character and commitment. Your service to Dade County and its residents remains the focal point of both your life and the police career you humanely carried out in faithfulness and in loyalty to your esteemed comrades of which you were a very valuable and versatile part of. The pain is there, yet those who knew and admired you still feel the warmth of your treasured soul as it continue sits travels up above in God's firmament. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines will always be sheltered in God's palms where no harm will ever come your way again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2016

Courageously caring. Doggedly determined. Calming and compassionate. The words of love and humility that describe our most beloved and valiant men and women of the law enforcement community. Dade County has seen many officers finely trained, skillfully tooled who have risen through its ranks, those of them who gave their lives and careers in an effort to serve and to protect Dade County and its citizens we salute them as heroes and heroines. As one of the many who chose this profession, Officer Cook, one that is considered highly dangerous and yet has its rewards for outstanding service above and beyond the calls of duty, we say thank you for your role in sheltering peace, brokering bonds between all citizens. You were a devoted officer, Officer Cook, cherished and admired by all colleagues. You remain revered by all and will continue to be honored for your integrity and dignity. If courage, conviction and character alone could bring you back, we would be most appreciative. You are with God resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, being sheltered in His wings where your soul rests and keeps lighting up the skies with happiness, peace, hope and optimism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2016

There are consequences for consternation and there are achievements for those very dedicated officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, who preserved and protected our liberties in honor, dignity and bravery. It is one thing to make a living, it is another to commit your character and boldness, to place it squarely on the line day after day for enhance to continue its shadows of peace and unity over Dade County. And you were a humble and loyal servant of God who desired to help those in need. You will be forever remembered for the inner strength and leadership capabilities used to calm down those who tensions may have gotten the better of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2016

I wish I had the opportunity to have met your parents, Officer Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you raised two children, your daughter, Nancy and her brother, Officer William C. Cook, known to his friends and colleagues as Bill or Billy. They were the shining examples of how a parent wishes for their kids to turn out. Honesty, integrity, dignity all their lives was carried properly by them. They were thoughtful, caring and decent to all people. Officer Cook, for having the strength to police and protect we the people should be grateful. You have been remembered for being faithful, positive and for having the intense desire to lead other officers. Nowadays, leadership and humility seem to get lost in one's train of thought. You comprehended what was necessary to get the task completed and to act according to rules and department standards. Morals and commitment takes time and practice, you worked exceedingly hard to become the top flight officer that served for six years of distinction, all with a calming presence and tone of voice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family was very devout and a great source of spiritual strength for one to draw upon. You were a faithful and treasured servant and an even humbler gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2016

The world today as we experience life's joys, pleasures and the sadness of losing a loved one through the very violence that they took an affirmation to try to control, it leaves one to ponder the reason why? You were fiercely determined, Officer Cook, through your honor, dignity and integrity to help eliminate this very thing. I'm sure you performed your official duties quite well and provided outstanding and loyal service to all Dade County citizens. The people spoke and you will never be forgotten for having the courage, character and boldness to act as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2016

Hugs are certainly better than drugs. The prescription for a more peaceful universe is more friendly communications between all people. It does not matter your background, race or education, Officer Cook, your brown police uniform worn proudly and honorably signaled a new dawn for all citizens. Thank God you were a calm person by nature. Thank goodness for your decency and dignity. Those who carry on your legacy do so with the utmost strength of valor and vigilance. The cherished and treasured will only and forevermore have a special place within our hearts and souls. Your soul, Officer Cook keeps lighting up this world as we keep up your sacrifice that endeavored to destroy this wickedness from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only that sad day of May 16, 1979, could peace and common sense conversation, we wish it could have prevailed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2016

For the serenity and unity of this God given world, we search for the answers as to why violence and terror occur on almost an everyday occurrence. And that's where you were found, Officer Cook, diligently patrolling the corners of the Dade County community with a sense of pride, honesty and stellar integrity. The civilized people come to rely on their protection from our esteemed public servants. The heroes and heroines, so humble and loyal, respected by all give their beings in order to enhance our futures. You too had a future, Officer Cook, there was more determination left to fulfill, a mission well done. Courage and commitment well rounded. A legacy to be well remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2016

We had in my area a Rabbi who humbly speaking taught young men and women for over thirty years in North Miami Beach, Florida. Rabbi Goldenberg, of blessed memory had the very same attributes as you did, Officer Cook, he stayed low key and calm, he was honorable and most dignified even as he battled a serious health issue which he passed away last July, 2015 from. He was sixty-seven years young and left behind a wife, twelve children and many grandchildren. He was beloved and cherished, treasured and resourceful. The kids and their parents all adored him. He had a unique style of teaching as you had a distinctive style of patrolling and keeping the peace and unity in the Dade County area. He is buried in the cemetery next door, Mount Sinai Memorial Park in the front section just to the east of the office. It is a shame you and Karen did not get the opportunity to meet a wonderful person. You were that same devoted person who loved his job and relished the chance to assist others through your humanely heroic actions. You and Rabbi Goldenberg were the masters at teaching and reaching out to give instruction. The words of the righteous speak out loudly and most profoundly. At his services there were over four -hundred people to pay their respects. It says a lot regarding your lives and careers. Determination and desire can take one down the long path to success if the endeavor is attempted. God look sand sees the rest. Your souls together have continued lighting up our skies by day and at night. He always had a smile and waved to me as I was walking in the area. He too lived around the corner from me. You are both missed tremendously.He loved shaping and molding people as you, Officer Cook. Two Godsends sent here to deliver a mission of hope, peace, faith and fairness for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2016

Manners and courtesy are all part of any police officer's job descriptions. Not just going out on patrol to preserve and to maintain the peace and decency of any community. For your valuable assistance, Officer Cook, you also delivered honesty, dignity and integrity to a chosen profession where the perils and tasks are great. You desired to become an officer, a humble public servant who brought desired results to the residents of Dade County, those changes have allowed others to become likewise prosperous, it would have been marvelous had you been allowed to witness these enhancements received by your unselfish and unwavering commitment to bravery, determination and extreme resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A well mannered man on a mission to fight the wickedness that still plagues our society. Your strength of character shows us precisely why you acted on May 16, 1979 as you did. You were outstanding in saving your colleagues from further harm as well as those civilians who tried to do something to help out. It took leadership and a calming voice. You did your best, Officer cook, now it's up to others to carry on diligently and with wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2016

Graceful and gregarious, you were a most admired friend to all, Officer Cook. Your dignity and honor meant all the difference to the residents you protected. But, you were reverent and courageous for coming to a scene in which emotions were boiling over. Your smile has been very much missed. Your devotion missed as well, We know nothing can bring you back physically among us. Officer Cook, your soul of engagement will only shine brightly in God's golden heavens above where you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. That conviction and sense of caring and concern will remain cherished forever. Dade County, its unity and peace will remain the very essence of the challenges s you faced on a daily basis. You did not run from evil, in fact you stood face to face confronting that which is our greatest enemy. Engaging and educating, your leadership skills will always have a profound effect upon others who took over your watch. It is up to them to carry the torch of responsibility with the same sense of urgency and honesty that you possessed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2016

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