Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You tried to steer evil and violence away from our community where you are still highly revered, greatly admired and saluted nobly for wisdom, vision and virtue. Badge#1664 is honor, dignity and integrity that was humble, passionate and very tigerlike in its trails leading to the perpetuation and humane accentuation of security. A mature young man fighting with all heart and soul to restore his neighborhood back to happiness, contentment and the vitality that shall never waver. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were the bookends of success and feats of accomplishment that forever carry great weight. Character,loyalty and the esteemed nature of being responsible and accountable for actions befitting a real hero, true and trusted. A gentleman brave and wise beyond his youthful years taken suddenly by an unscrupulous and totallyheinous individual. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 26, 2022
Being sincere is being honorable and by displaying dignity is having integrity. They were consummate, blessed and most rewarded for if not for you coming to aid your fellow officers and Dade County citizens that awful day on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook,then no telling what more would have transpired. Your family, peers and friends haveall remembered with heart and soul your undying, unselfish and most unwavering character, commitment and convictions all conclusive, truthful and trustworthy. How could we live on in tranquility and stability without the resourcefulness, thoughtfulness and heroic capabilities of a valiant man who is forever an angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 26, 2022
With a constitution stellar, stoic and humbly heroic were you able to conduct your regular duties on behalf of Dade County and its folks, Officer Cook. A man born withclass, decency, dignity and pure desire, one whose dedication and grit were always on a higher evel. Never forgotten for integrity, heart and good character, it will be humbleness and honesty that accentuated your truest of trails and paths all undertaken for a solemn and sacred purpose. Passions and missions of goodwill, hope and faithfulness to be saluted, shared and humanely refered and remembered forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 26, 2022
You were so superb and valiant, Officer Cook, in serving Dade County and its residents. Always well mannered ,polite and full of smiles and passion. The hero of honor, integrity and dignity lives on in the hea rts and minds of your family and department that marches onward with your legacy of humility,devotion and virtue. You'll be revered forevermore for your actions of boldness and soul that tragic afternoon. A sacrifice society could use as a model for future generations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 25, 2022
A badge of bravery humbly worn and a uniform sincerely donned with dignity and robed in integrity, it says you were an honorable man, Officer Cook. You protected Dade County rising above the crowd with your unwavering and relentless humility, heart and maturity. You certainly are forevermore missed and your family always carries your smile, virtue and reverent character, trust and truth faithfully on their life destinations. When accountability and responsibility are called there was no hesitation whatsoever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend so treasured, loyal and esteemed with a passionate command of your roles professionally. Ethics and excellence were the building blocks of a fundamentally proficient life and career.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2022
Resiliency must be stretched at times if resolutions are to be met. Your virtue and heroic honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook,reached thousands of people daily. Nothing that day as dire and as deadly as it turned out could have kept you from saving your comrades and the citizens of Dade County. Wild stallions would not have detoured a man of genuine humility, heart and the class of character, respect and diligence. Officer Keith DiGenova was most humane, poignant and succinct when he stated you were and always will be your family, department and your neighborhood's hero now an eternal angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 24, 2022
The realization is that society demands and expects answers to its issues and problems with why peace and stability are not always there for us to live freely. Back in your time, those answers were surely encased in your mind and yet you always acquitted yourself accordingly. Only honor, humbleness and dignity widened your paths and integrity was the factor that broadened your horizons, Officer Cook, a hero, an esteemed comrade and a friend to all Dade County devoted to serving and saving lives. A man with character, a heightened commitment to pride and excellence only displaying and demonstrating virtue, valor, wisdom and vision. The hope, faith and trust must gamefully and truthfully reach out to one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
The paths and trails are emblazoned with humility and the foundations of unending tenacity. They came from your heart and soul ofvirtue, vision and viability, Officer Cook. The kind of care and concern neverto be overlooked, never again will Dade County forget your life and career they have not forgotten and my family won't either. You placed your career and life of honesty, integrity and dignity in harm's way to formulate a plan for peace and quiet. Our happiness and health with your desire, dedication and fierce determination all strapped to your badge and uniform of understanding. They uplifted our very hearts and souls. Mankind was certainly enhanced by every unit of relevance, resiliency and resolve that never rested. Always loyal, thoughtful and courteous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
The bread of the earth, the salt of serenity, safety and security all maintained by your unrelenting goodwill,honesty, devoutness and a heart candid and honest, Officer Cook. This is what makes you forever special, versatile and unselfish in your efforts to protect the folks of Dade County. A mission and a journey carried forth today with your renowned smile, serious demeanor and everything that integrity, dignity and intuition face when addressing adveristy and peril. Heaven is the final venue for your tireless passion and composed compassion that tried its utmost to stop an attrocity from becoming worse. Your family and comrades have not forgotten you. They salute and continue your legacy steeped in morals, values, ideals and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
Documentation is forever etched upon walls of memories, heroes and heroines who gave their lives,souls and enchanted hearts for our very semblance of peace and happiness. We must believe in justice, truth and trust. We need keep their spirits alive as heaven is aglow. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson families surely inscribe to this mantra.In keeping your blessed, revered and treasured name, Officer Cook, honor, dignity and integrity must somehow stay in every brave servants heart and badge. They succeeded you and cannot take the pedal off of the brakes while patrolling Dade County in search of tranquility. Serenity and character go together just as truth and trust may not be tampered with nor trampled on. A good man born with desire, decency and class gone way too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
The price you paid, Officer Cook, was your family's pain, sorrow and grief mourning your cherished soul. A loss that never is forgotten and never goes without a salute and a thoughtful prayer and reflection. You were forevermore the consummate guardian angel who watched, served and protected Dade County with every fiber and fabric of ferocity, fortitude and tireless heart and soul. Your humble and heroic spirit one filled with virtue,dignity and integrity is eternally tucked away in heaven where God steers your now and forever perfect missions where honor, dignity and integrity are left alone and never touched with harm, pain and hurt. You fulfilled your goals to become a fine and upstanding officer, a true gentleman that was respected, loyal and esteemed in character that enriched your crusades of your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That gaping hole may have closed a bit there is always a residual affect and a life so valued and heroic must never be overlooked nor shelved.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
Freedom, liberty and stability all are created through a beloved public servant's due diligence, humble and heroic honor and unwavering passion because of their integrity, character and dignified convictions. Yours, Officer Cook, were exactly what the people of Dade County needed and relied upon to see them through a frightened time. A day of evil and violence that robbed you and your family of a beautiful soul and heart. One that really cared and was more than humane. Society has somewhat stumbled by virtue of whatis going on thesedays. Your absense is most felt evenas your loved ones concentrate upon accentuating and perpetuating your legacy of noble actions, reverence and the sanctity of your earthly journeys of truth and trust. Such a commitment founded in the eyes of wisdom, hope, faith and goodwill to be fondly and solemnly saluted for bravery, boldness and reliability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 23, 2022
Accountability and versatility are civility's companion. You were Dade County's savior, warrior and truest of humble heroes, Officer Cook. Never ending, relenting and tireless energy, effort and efficiency. With such humane honesty, dignity and integrity the roads, corners and streets were well maintained and destined for peace, unity and the freedoms that life affords its people. You will always be in the hearts and souls of humanity of family, friends and your esteemed and loyal colleagues. Civilization was certainly saved that awful and excruciating day of tragic torment by your dedication, determination and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character,commitment to excellence and pride were true and trusted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
You secured a place in eternity, Officer Cook, by virtue of being a hero. A man honored and saluted for fortifying Dade County with all the basic essentials of stability, integrity and dignity. Your family, the citizens and your department will never forget your professional grades of gallantry, wisdom and vision. The versatility of which can never be forsaken as performed your sacred roles and earthly missions in hope, faith and goodwill's good name blessed and rewarded for your service and protection of the public at large and your community of which you'll remain cherished and forever in the hearts and minds of those who admired and revered you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
Bravery takes heart, soul and a conviction. The only trails and paths to those traits are to lead a healthy and stellar life of honesty, integrity and dignity which you exemplified, Officer Cook,the total package of a completely noble Dade County hero. You led by example and took direction by listening, learning and by possessing a yearning to become the best. You were the finest out there on the streets providing the assurances of accentuating positive results. Virtue, vision and visibility all unquestioned and all spot on. God took an angel back to heaven to watch His gates of bravery while He cradles your soul and spirit in His arms. As you were passionate and compassionate He too will never let anything come your way again. Nothing should have and you should be here now to celebrate your family occasions. Just tragic and terrible what happened that day not just to you to your comrades as well who survived that day of sadness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I talk with Officer DiGenova from time to time just wish I could to Officer Edgerton too.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
Silence is golden but heart, character and humbleness are priceless and your heroism is forevermore blessed and exalted, Officer Cook. For what you did on behalf of Dade County and its residents you'll never be overlooked. Character, commitment and conviction that shared honor, integrity and dignity with your fellow officers. They won't forget a man of virtue, valor and the versatility of one who went all out for his fellowman. Real class, real desire and really the sincerest and kindest gentleman humanity had among its flock of heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and cornerstones are built to last and with your pristine image and professionalism, Officer Cook, they won't ever tarnish, deteriorate or collapse. Your blessed name remains within your family and department to share in its memories of a well lived life of a well beloved man of devotion and faith.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
Five foot eight and one-hundred and sixty pounds of humble heart, a soul of gladness and wisdom wiser than most. You were the quintessential public servant, Officer Cook, who was and always will be respected for your loyalty, esteem and honor. The character and conviction poured forth was dignity and integrity facing wickedness everyday and never giving in. The battles back then in Dade County were for our safe travels and shelters of tranquility where happiness, health and prosperity may reign. Your heroic actions stopped a wayward and disrespectful individual and left no doubt as to the wonderful human being ans person who was faithful, trusted and consummate in endeavor and efficiency to be fondly and warmly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
The teapots of tenacity, virtue and accountability were always steaming and ready to fight like a bull to combat callousness and evil. You fought that battle daily, Officer Cook, just as a hero of humility and heart would do for others. You treated people honestly, fairly and always with class and decency, dignity, integrity always launching themselves forward to save lives. Your life and career personified grace and valor and they never became tangled and broken. I saw an article regarding your friend and academy classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs and I see like yourself he enjoys playing drums and a guitar. Your beats are exquisite and perfectly balanced in heaven's humble and merciful name. Continue to watch over your family and Dade County as they carry forth your legacy of heroism and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
Resiliency, resourcefulness and resolve never retreat for if they ever did heaven forbid honor, integrity and dignity would never be allowed to go forward carrying on journeys of life so important to our callings and purposes in life. Your career, Officer Cook, was important and you'll forever be a mainstay and a hero that Dade County will always respect and greatly admire for your serious of actions everyday not only on May 16, 1979. The community, your family and the world staggered backward mourning your loss. So young, yet so proud and humble. Your heart never needed prompting it always was ahead full and those who looked to commit violence had to get past your receptacles of virtue and wisdom, so mature for your years of more than ample dedication, fortitude and meaningful character, class and all the truth and trustworthiness of your solemn commitments which embraced, enhanced and enriched humanity which surely today could use your uplifting spirit and smile to guide and lead us through strife and adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
You secured a place in eternity, Officer Cook, by virtue of being a hero. A man honored and saluted for fortifying Dade County with all the basic essentials of stability, integrity and dignity. Your family, the citizens and your department will never your professional grades of gallantry, wisdom and vision. The versatility of which can never be forsaken as you performed your sacred roles and earthly missions in hope, faith and in goodwill's name of humility, blessing and heart which is being rewarded second after second in the skies above.Your service, protection and preservation of the public at large remains esteemed and cherished for generations to come. Your loved ones and peers of the past continue to revere and to admire your heroic feats of tenacity which kept peace and serenity by our very doorsteps. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2022
Valor, virtue and versatility all drive the vehicles of most capable, loyal and dedicated servants, heroes and heroines all serving for a reason. Passion is heart, soul and character implanted and installed where commitment and conviction lie. They all were in your most faithful, thoughtful and resourceful heart of humility and honesty, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero welcomed into God's skies above along with integrity, dignity and the channels of courage and charisma. It was and still is a never ending battle for those who have succeeded you. Their engagement, enrichment and embracing the challenges continues onward this day and everyday no matter the scene, circumstance or situation dictated. Our peace of mind is of the utmost importance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2022
The fruition came true but the part of you being here, Officer Cook, to greet and welcome your family over for visits did not come about for so long as at age twenty-five because of one man, one rotten human being he stole away your life, a career that began to peak, a profession you enjoyed and the companionship with your comrades so humble, real and so visible. Dade County was preserved by your devotion,dedication and determination to make good on a promise, a lesson learned, to be faithful and true to yourself, unselfish and unending. A tireless man of thought going about his duties with humble intentions to safeguard us , you cannot be overlooked and you are never out of minds and hearts as your family carries forward your legacy of heroism carved from ethics and energy from a heart so concerned and consistent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The virtue and wisdom always a valued resource your colleagues missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family has loved, adored, admired and forever has your smile in their hearts and minds.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2022
Years spent growing up, learning how to be humble, honest and caring only reinforced the family environment that was essential to your life and professional career with Dade County. Working as a man on a mission, a journey of humble proportions to search and to stop evil, creating the bonds of fairness, trust and loyalty. So true and so honorable. If you put integrity, ingenuity and dignity in front of a young man, yourself, Officer Cook, the hero who donned a crisp uniform and wore badge#1664 you'll forevermore see why you have been saluted. Your cherished name has been encased in God's heavenly abode where He won't leave your side cradling your spirit always in His open arms of mercy, tenderness and affection. That is what angels do above they fly,float and soar high above watching over their families insuring our futures, one you should been allowed to live and see throughout retirement. God obviously had other plans for a man celebrated as a man of action with a heart and soul of humility flowing forever young. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2022
We take promise and shape it into something bright and shiny. Well,your boldness and valor, Officer Cook, demonstrated without any doubt that you were beloved, loyal and certainly and upbeat and an accentuated public servant who took Dade County's best interests to heart. With your abundance of blessings, character and humbleness you championed our rights and liberties into the model of why we live. Your instrumental principles, scruples and values all were candid and of course your smile so priceless. Everything about your spirit is very much missed and so have you for all these past forty-three years. An angel whose heroic life and legacy have garnered homage, respect and salutes of accountability, onus and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2022
A day, a night and still seems the same. Society is attacked by wanton evil and its violence just perturbs the people who live for a purpose, a passion, a reason and life is too short and too valuable to fritter away. Your life and career, Officer cook, were all the consummate revelation of resolve, resourcefulness and unrelenting resiliency with its endeavor squarely on the pedals of perseverance, honesty and integrity that came from your considerate heart and soul of dignified character, true commitment to excel and the trusted convictions that humanity yearns for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2022