Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A serene individual is usually one who is humble, loyal and esteeemed. You surely were, Officer Cook, certainly charismatic and charming with a sweet and simple smile all missed today by your family. Forty-three years ago Dade County lost you to a vile and despicable man who was only bent on revenge against authority. You tried your utmost to calm him and to restore the civility and tranquility onthe streets you solemnly patrolled with effort and precision. There will not be a quip nor hesitation you were consummate, heart and very endearing in mankind's parades of inspiration. Your aspirations were fulfilled and tragically God needed your soul and spirit of virtue constantly abounding in His perfect kingdom where angels take their righteous places marked for special people who fought the fights of ferocity with unbridled passion and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2022

You were that shining star, Officer Cook, you'll always be revered, treasured and highly admired for delivering excellence in service, heart and humility through your glowing character to Dade County. A place your called home and forevermore had your honor, decency, and desire parked squarely where its impact would be felt best. Such unassuming, unwavering and unselfish dignity, integrity, the diligence that never swayed away from ingenuity and intuition, all best, assuring and all working to provide peace, civility and sanctity for our roads of resolve and virtue to take shape. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True commitment requires the public's own trust which you acquired by being wise and understanding of your roles, responsibilities and accountability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2022

Humanity treasures its heroic public servants who are all vested and vetted in versatility, virtue and perfect vision. Wisdom that God instilled within you, Officer Cook, never departed from you and your heart and soul were surely made for policing the streets of which you performed in an outstanding fashion always to be cherished as certain as you were loyal and humbly esteemed. Dade County was preserved by your rightful passions of perseverance, honesty and dignity all facing wickedness to keep us safe and secure for which your integrity, character and reverence will always be a focal point of your heroic legacy which built foundations for a safer tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2022

A strong heart, soul and a very sound mind all brought about the humble, honored and heroic success you achieved during your twenty-five years, Officer Cook, six of them spent tackling terror andevil to create peace and freedom for all Dade County. Its citizens who are alive today have not forgotten you and the man who was dignified, truthfully trusted and the gentleman of integrity whose spirit forever soars higher in heaven every second. A truly class man of scruples and virtue making an impression that has fortified mankind's pursuits of health, prosperity and happiness and your beloved family who carries your humility and legacy close to their hearts as they move forward with their lives. You served and protected with due diligence and a certain fortitude of versatile vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2022

Serenity soothes the heart and soul. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was all heroism, all honesty and all dignity and integrity protecting the citizens of Dade County where your legacy remains forever encased within your family and comrades of the past. They'll not forget you, your valor and virtue all scruples and revered character and trusted commitments of truth and excellence giving supreme endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2022

A heart of heroic humility that defended Dade County with never relenting resources of honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, will forever be saluted and solemnly remembered. Your wisdom, fortitude and vision brought forth our peace and humane stability that remains a valuable part of your legacy never to be overlooked nor forgotten. Gentle and with a sweet smile that your family misses everyday may Our Lord watch over your spirit, heart and soul that worked unselfishly and tirelessly for our liberties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2022

You know you humbly accomplished your roles of danger and humility when all hearts and souls cried for you that solemn day, Officer Cook, when Dade County, your family and department said goodbye to a true and trusted gentleman of gallantry, dignity and integrity. Such a fine man with outstanding character, commitment to excellence and pride patrolling his community where intuitive convictions mattered the most when our very harmony and stability when endangered. Virtue and wisdom now eternally angelic as they guard the sacred gates of tireless effort and unselfish charisma. A smile so dearly missed and a man esteemed and loyal without any doubt. Rest in peace my neighbor, fridnd and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2022

Authority is a serious matter as it is not a power play designed to go to one's head. Your were loyal, esteemed and humble, Officer Cook, the hero of heart, soul and commitment that kept fighting the good battles until your last heartbeat. So terrible that your life and career of humility and reverence combined by integrity and dignity ended so miserably. That man who took you from Dade County and your adoring family got his punishment while heaven perpetually rewards your wisdom, virtue and vision. Tomrrow is never a given and I know you lived each day to the fullest achieving more than those who live longer. Fortitude and character all shared and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2022

Serenity is peace and joy humanely shared by mankind. For Dade County's residents they relied upon your intellect and basic instincts, Officer Cook, to survive a myriad of mayhem. And that sad day a plethora of bedlam befell you and your colleagues all consummate, unselfish, tireless and all heart and noble souls working honorably and heroically to stop an evil and a most heinous individual. You have been saluted and sacredly paid homage for unwavering dignity, integrity and most notably your concern for humanity and your total trustworthiness and truth. Precise and tenacious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2022

A brave man with a powerful heart and an engaging soul all battling evil and adversity all the time to make Dade County and its folks more secure. Your consummate dignity, honesty and integrity, Officer Cook, was humanely heroic and surely most virtuous. Wisdom and vision from a righteous public servant who became the best at his position. Never forgotten and always saluted for reliability, dependability and the character that all trusted and truthful angels possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2022

The art of articulating seems to be lost in society. Its perpetuity must remain emblazoned upon all who serve since those of the past, those who made the ultimate sacrifice as you humbly and willingly made for Dade County, Officer Cook, it cannot be steered anywhere but in the hearts and souls of your family and comrades who saw greatness, gallantry and integrity everyday swinging their anvels of acumen and virtue. A wise man who remains blessed and cherished. It's a shame you could not witness what you began nearly five decades ago. The blocks and structures are solid and our futures because of you are brighter though less because of absense. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.Accentuate a positive and eliminate some negativity, hopefully violence will forever vanish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

Urgency and expediency are essentials for performing a perilous job that requires skill and know how. Your maturity, wisdom and vitality, Officer Cook, all played a part in being able to lead others while protecting the citizens of your community here in Dade County. Determination and dignity, integrity and devotion while being resourceful and intuitive, you could not go wrong, yet what happened to you that day, Officer Cook, forever a hero cannot be overlooked, you'll be solemnly saluted and fondly paid homage for noble actions of civility and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

That afternoon you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, was hot and sunny yet dark and dismal because of the wickedness caused by Mr. Pearsall against you and your fellow officers. The pathways and trails all truth and trust of a dedicated man who knew one way integrity,dignity and class driving your career a career chosen freely with no reservations. You are forever missed your smile and handsome face of ferocity lending credence to unselfish and tireless courage and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

Streets and roads were paved by perseverance and precision because of you, Officer Cook. Your family's warrior of heroism, heart and the soul of humbleness and the many God given and blessed talents of a man born with the spirit of adventure. Dade County will surely never forget you and your name remains legendary within the structure of your department. A savior with an everlasting foray of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

Confidence is humility and heart in knowing you can respond and follow directions to conclude the basic tasks at hand. You handled your roles like a professional, Officer Cook, a hero of trust and truth striving for excellence in every facet of your position where honesty is always the best policy, loyal and always by yourvest of dignity and integrity. Ingenuity breeds intuition and your scopes of respect and a sense of direction were because of wisdom and vision supporting virtue's sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

You served honorably, Officer Cook, to heroically save lives in Dade County. You were humble,loyal and consummate in all your actions of dignity, integrity and virtue. A gentleman of class, desire and decency patrolling his neighborhood as well as could be demanded. The reverence of diligence is that they lead to our very peace and security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life and a career gone way too early with more missions and journeys left to be accomplished. You are that special angel valint and versatile whodrivehis vehicles of dependability, reliability and accountability all around to prevent evil and to implant tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2022

Wherever your spirit is right now your beloved family, Officer Cook can see it illuminating heaven above. A destination, a finality for all heroes who sacrificed their lives for their communities such as Dade County. A journey of contemplation that commanded respect and always laid its integrity, character, commitments and convictions on the tables of justice and tenacity. We salute your wisdom, virtue, ingenuity and intuition. All truthful and all warrior like. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never ending heart and soul coupled with tireless endeavor that installed the bridges of our very future.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

You put one shoe on at a time and button one one button at a time. Your reverence, decency and real desires, Officer Cook, were about yearning and learning to become the best public servant working Dade County. Its folks always appreciated you and have missed virtue and integrity balancing themselves against the weights of humbleness, honor and esteem. So loyal and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

Inflection and diction all have their ways of helping devoted men and women fight crime. Your passion, heart and voice of a calming influence, Officer Cook, have been noted and etched in Dade County's memory bank. They carry forward your legacy sound, solid and solemn of the work you put in detailing your unassuming and unselfish dignity, integrity and thoughtful character the kind that was sincere and endearing. Mankind can ponder what today would be like if you and your bright smile were present. They each dedicated countless hours of service and preservation to a venue that cared. They truly mattered as did your truth and steady trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

Freedom is not given, liberty is not a luxory and the cost of a human life is very much to be thought of and mourned. You are still well respected and always cherished, Officer Cook, a hero of heart, accentuating dignity punctuated by integrity and due vigilance over the people of Dade County who still remember the young man who patrolled their area with his vast amount of resourcefulness and reason. A gentleman of virtue and vision utilizing his most basic of instincts to further instill a breath of bravery and boldness all being responsible and universally accountable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

Serenity and security are the essence of peace and stability. You made the heroic effort everyday, Officer Cook, that in and of itself is a huge challenge for all who don a uniform and wear a badge of integrity, wisdom and dignity. They all were honorable and they all seized upon the moment to bring Dade County and its residents quiet and relatively safe times. Character and commitment are important to serving a neighborhood and your family, friends and department have never forgotten you, Officer Cook, badge#1664. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

A bear's claws are razor sharp and so are the claws and fangs of evil. Such adversity must never advance because of its danger to a community. You tried stopping Mr.Pearsall that tragic day, Officer Cook, exercising humility, restraint and a calming voice yet one with authority, dignity and honorableintegrity. For this Dade County thanks you their hero forever and your family's source ofpride and a heart of wisdom and virtue. Always so well mannered and sincerely bold and versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

With a heart like a bear and a soul so gentle and adored, you surely will be remembered, Officer Cook, for everything in anhonest and humane hero. It's the citizens of Dade County who were protected and served by an esteemed and loyal public servant who never shied away from trouble. Your responsibilities were to safeguard your community and humanity reaching out whenever needed. To remain dignified and to maintain integrity during stressful situations takes all the preparation, training and solid judgment to make sound split second decisions at times. But, with your consummate character, respect and proper due diligence you'll forevermore be paid homage and solemnly saluted for virtue, wisdom and vision, vehicles that were your foundations to our very futures. You are a part of the future and your memory will always be treasured and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2022

If apples fall from trees, then vision and wisdom fall from heaven and they were adeptly placed within your soul and heart of heroism, Officer Cook, a man who served his Dade County community with all the clauses and articles of enhancement and are appreciated for such. Make no mistake your fortitude and gumption were all on a level as was your maturity beyond the crowd, A violent man robbed you of life and the pursuit along with your beloved, Karen of health, happiness and many more decades of bliss. She has not fogotten you though she remarried in 2009 thirty years after your tragic line of duty death. You are saluted for class, kindness and sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2022

Instructions and following directions may lead to lives being saved from peril. You worked as feverishly as possible, Officer Cook, to service the lives of all Dade County and for this humanity is grateful. You demonstarted the accentuation of themany God given talents and skills that all who don a badge must have. A man with integrity and dignity, respect and character so sound and serious your loved ones havemissed you and endeavor to carry the torch of your legacy placing hope and compassion on their own shoulders. A tall task with many facets to be sure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2022

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