Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

Durham Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 2007

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Reflections for Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

As the day passes to evening I sit here pondering the day you told me you had signed up to be a Marine. It was right after Christmas and you were leaving for boot camp. A few days later I was driving you to Burlington to the Military Recruitment to catch the military marine bus to Parris Island SC. I still am not sure how I got home, but I did. I cried snd screamed and cried more. I had never been separated from Jamie or you for such a long time and I just felt I terrified for you, for Jamie, for me.

Today I stood outside my front door and watched as Joshua drove away. Katie was at their home waiting for Joshua. She was making that drive over to the same place. Joshua left today for boot camp. Joshua is now on his way to be a Marine.
With all kinds of mixed emotions we send him off to do what he has wanted to do for years. While we are terrified we know this is what he wants, to be like Dada!

“I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”. Psalm 4:8

Cathy Carter

November 6, 2023

Easter Service was such a blessing for me. The music was powerful and the message walked us through the Resurrection of Christ. What is must be like for you to have crossed over and are experiencing Jesus face to face. John 20 is a must read for everyone.

On April 5th you would have been 50 years old. That means I am really getting old!!!

Justin is signing up for Master classes; living in Cary and working. Joshua is working and figuring out how to start up a business. They are very busy! I still love spending time with them.

Jamie and Jody are enjoying their new home. They remodeled a house and it is very nice. Catherine is preparing to graduate from high school in June. Ashlynn is full to the brim with energy - playing soccer at school and on a travel team.

I miss you every moment of every day. I pray for the salvation of all our family as it seems unbearable that one would miss the opportunity to live in eternity with each other. Being eternally present with Jesus! Oh how wonderful!

"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10



April 10, 2023

This season, I have missed you and our grandparents very much. Last night, I told Catherine how I feel bad that she and Ashlynn don’t get to experience Sunday lunches with extended family or big gatherings at holidays. I miss the comfort of togetherness and the safety it brought. It was easy and normal. Now, gathering together as family feels forced and unnatural. Perhaps it is the recognition of all those who are missing. When I play fight with the girls, it makes me think of you and how we would wrestle. Love you!!!!

Jamie Hamlett

December 24, 2022

Fifteen years this morning, you left in a moment, absent from us, present in heaven. I was not ready to let you go. Not sure I ever would have been. Hurt is still there, the times of loneliness missing your voice, or to hear you out mowing the grass, or building something. The world today is so evil, it abounds, but we abide doing the best we can. Looking back each generation must seemodd to the older population.

Joshua is welding and Justin is finishing up college this semester and going for his master 's degree. Our family is so small now - so many have left for heaven. Becky, Wanda and I are retired - all three of us. I think about how we never thought we would be without Mom and Dad ; then they were called, then Jack and then Johnny, but we still have Mike here with Wanda, and we stay in touch, still enjoy our time together by phone or visits.

Found this in "Flowers that never fade"
We are living in a complex age. Modern civilization is crowded with problems. But the greatest problem is man himself. All other problems are comparatively insignificant. The world's greatest fear is not the bomb, but the person who handles it The power of atoms handled by a saint constitutes less of a threat to civilization than a small pistol handled by a criminal. Therefore, if we would help the world, we must help humanity; and if we would save the world, we must save humanity.

We need inter peace; peace of soul comes first.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go". Joshua 1:9

I loved you from the moment I knew you were - and will never stop loving you even through you are there.


February 17, 2022

I love you.

Jamie L. Hamlett

August 6, 2021

Has been a long time posting to your page. Time is changing each of us as well as how we live and how things are done. Your boys are young men now. Joshua is in school finishing his A.D. and Justin is at Appalachian going into his Senior year. You can be proud of these guys.

Law Enforcement United - Team Duke made a presentation to Durham Sheriff’s Office for their contribution to 2021. It was nice to talk to officers you worked with or knew.

You are missed - we tell Charles stories , compare the kids action/ reactions to you- “that sounds like Charles.

“That the sum of a man's life was not where he wound up but in the details that brought him there.
That we made mistakes.
I closed my eyes, sick of the riddles, and to my surprise all I could see were dandelions-as if they had been painted on the fields of my imagination, a hundred thousand suns. And I remembered something else that makes us human: faith, the only weapon in our arsenal to battle doubt.”
Jodi Picoult

Our faith in Jesus Christ will bring us together at God’s appointed time.


July 7, 2021


Another year gone.... I still think about you every single Valentines Day.

The week after is still hard even though we had such a short time together. I know why God allowed us to meet. I don’t know why He allowed you to go. But I am grateful for that small amount of time.

I’ve probably wondered a 1000 times “what if?” I occasionally visit you. When life gets hard, I find myself at the cemetery or talking to you. I’m grateful for your moms posts to know your family and boys are well as I still pray for them.

I will never hear “I Can Only Imagine” without thinking of you.

I still try to avoid Holloway St but sometimes I can’t and every single time the light will change and force me to wait at that intersection. Even if it just changed seconds earlier. I like to believe that’s you.... saying hello.

My you be resting in peace and serving our Lord up there. Until we meet again, my forever Valentine.


February 18, 2020


That time of year when I find myself in thought and prayer about you. It is always difficult to image what you saw this night 13 years ago when you opened your eyes in heaven. While the pain of being
separated from you has decreased it will never end. Life here on earth, just as life for you in heaven goes forward while the actual turning of time is valued differently. Peter 3:8 " But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day..."

Joshua and Justin are now 21 & 20; both thriving; learning and growing day to day. Jamie , Jody and girls experiencing new things each day as they go through new and different situations. This leaves me to say that I am learning each day how to be retired from work. My life is very full. The friendship old and new are exciting.

I read this: "Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when your's doing something and wishing they were right there with you." I miss you!

Tonight while I sorrow over your leaving, yet seeking joy in knowing you are with God, I seek my source of comfort through the Gospel of God. His words speak, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist: grief, crying and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away" Rev. 21:4 I love you my son!


February 17, 2020

I needed to spend sometime with you tonight. When I wake up tomorrow, you will have died 12 years ago, Feb 17. How appropriate that is is raining today as that matches the rain from my eyes and the ache in my heart. I feel so selfish to keep having this sadness; it must be difficult for those around me to keep putting up with me. I so hope they never have to count the years of separation from a child. I know you do not like me calling you a child!! Yet you Jamie and you will always by "my child". Jamie has been so attentive; for she knows when I getting down and out of sorts. Enough of this, right!

You would be so involved with you boys if you were here. Joshua is off on another adventure; checking out a different path. He is living in Wilmington, the beach! ya, that what he likes the beach. He does have to get his snow boarding in each year! He looks so much like you. Then the other son; Justin is hanging in their with college. He is on the debate team and really likes it. He is experiencing so many new things. He is tall like you; runs like you ran; but looks more like Katie (Catherine).

Jamie is making her mark in an effort to continue to help disadvantaged children; and doing so many things to be there for the girls it makes my head spin. She is so very smart and loves those girls. Catherine played basket ball again this year and she is getting really good. Ashlynn continues to make great stride in gymnastics. It is amazing to see her in action. What can we say but a great big hug for Jody and all the women in his life that he has to put up with! He loves us all.

Team Duke and LEU is gearing up for another Ride for Hope. I feel the message of hope is that God has given each of us through Jesus "hope" and it is up to each of us if we grab hold until eternity to that blessed hope.

It is time to end this moment of sharing. It brings me comfort and helps me to feel your presents here in the space for reflection. Until Jesus comes to take me home--

" Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from they presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me; Restore unto me the joy of salvation; and uphold me with thy "free spirit". Psalm 51: 10-12.

Cathy C. Carter

February 16, 2019


Life here has been extremely hectic! Justin is off to college and he seems to have adjusted and liking college. He is on the soccer team and played several games for an injured "keeper" as it is not the norm for a freshman to play "keeper". He likes the practices and what he is learning about soccer.

Joshua is working and living on his own. He wants to get certified as an auto mechanic. Guess he got Pepa and your genes for cars!

The girls are in school and studying. They like school, so that come directly from Jamie. Catherine is 13 and every bit the teenager! Ashlynn won state champion in gymnastics last year for her age . She is competing again this year.

You are in my heart always, not a day goes by I do not think about you at least for a moment.
I really miss what I see in my heart of our families together; doing vacations; doing meals; but that is not to be. I feel so cheated from time to time; then I think of all that God has done for each of my family members and especially for me and how dare I feel this way.

"Great relief and satisfaction can come from seeking God's priorities for us in each season, discerning what is best in the midst of many noble opportunities, and pouring our most excellent energies into those things. " Beth Moore.

Love you!

Cathy C. Carter

September 18, 2018

CJ was a USMC classmate of mine and a dear friend. Rest in Peace.

Sgt Erik Johnson
Roanoke (VA) Police Department

September 6, 2018

That time of year again when so many reflect on you. It is difficult to write on the date you died, so I try to skip a few days away from that day. It is strange how I feel so close to you during the few days around Feb 7th....sometime I reach for the phone to call you and it breaks my heart that you are no longer phone-able. I think of how our whole little family changed that day. We have not been the same, nor did we ever expect to be. Those little boys are now men; and Catherine is growing into a beautiful teenager; and Ashlynn so full of energy...I know you would have been their most favorite uncle....who else would take then sledding down long hills, and picked them up and run up and down the yard while they squealed for you to stop!
Jamie helps us all get from point to point and Jody hangs in there with all these women to deal with! I know Jamie misses you -- it must be just as odd for her to not have a earthly brother as it is for me not having an earthly son. She might have a few words for you after she has to take care of me at some point which I hope far into the future!

I just miss you; I miss Jamie, you and me together.

I read that Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them.

John 16:22 So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.

Love you my son!

Cathy Callemyn Carter

February 11, 2018

I miss you. Every time I read of an officer dying in the line of duty, I think of you. It breaks my heart to know others are experiencing the pain, loss and uncertainty that comes with the death. I tell the girls stories about you. You are not forgotten. Just today when I was praying, I asked God to tell you I love you! I don’t know if it works like that but I thought I’d give it a try. Missing you!


December 31, 2017

Christmas 2017 has just completed, and now looking towards January 2018. Many changes in 2017! I sold our home place in Hillsborough in June, moved to Burlington; living in a condo and adjusting to a more restful life style. The boys have been staying with me while they "launch" either to college, work, or both. Decisions, always decisions! I have missed you, especially the task of going through 37 years of all our stuff. With the help of many, I moved with just what I needed to the condo!

I miss you everyday! I love the time I do spend with Jamie, Jody, Catherine, Ashlynn and your boys. It is really different to have 19 and 18 year old boys and 12 and 8 years of girls.

This year we passed Mema Creedmoor over to Jesus! She is there with you and we all know she is beaming to with Daddy, Little Charles, Johnny, Jack and you. This list is really growing, but that is also part of aging, those you send ahead.

I love Jamie and you more than life itself! Someday soon we will all be together!

"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword? " Romans 8:35

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, not powers, not height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Cathy Callemyn Carter

December 27, 2017

Tonight, I had the honor of driving the support van for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics runners carrying the torch for the Opening Ceremony for the State Summer Games, for the 10th year. As I talked with all the old, and new faces, you were there. When I help with various things for the RPD Road to Hope, you are there. When I visit the RPD Memorial & the National Memorial, you've been there.

I still look forward to hugging you & playing catch up when I'm there. <3

Angie Kay

June 3, 2017

Happy Birthday! You have another love one with you this year on your birthday. Mema has joined all of you there and I am sure you are celebrating just being there together and with God. I miss you today! It is raining outside and raining in my heart as I can only write these messages that never reach you, still it allows time with you in my mind and helps to ease the heart. I wonder if you were living if in aging you would look more like PePa or Jim. When you left me you were as hansom as ever. I receive a message today that I want to share with you and other that may be hurting.

The Scar by Jim Rosemergy

To lose a loved one is to be
wounded deep within the Soul.
The wound will heal, but the scar
will remain. The scar is not upon
the body, but upon the heart.
To touch the scar is to recall the
image of the loved one.
To touch the scare is to experience the
love that still remains in Him,
and Is eternally sheltered in you.

"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lightingon him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Matthew 3:16-17


Charles' Mom

April 5, 2017

Ten years this Feb 17 2017! I have missed you over these years. The weather was beautiful on the 17th! Joshua and Justin are grown and they need you so much. Growing up is difficult and even so much more with their Dad.

You are stilled loved by all of us.


"Praise be to God and Gather of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. That is, in Christ, he chose us before the world was made so that we would be his holy people - people without blame before him." Ephesians 1:3-4.

Cathy Callemyn Carter

February 21, 2017

Remembering you today!

"His setting them as a mark on his hand, or a seal upon his arm, denotes his being ever mindful of them. As far as we have scriptural evidence that we belong to his ransomed flock, we may be sure that he will never forsake us. Let us then give diligence to make our calling and election sure, and rejoice in the hope and glory of God."
Isaiah 49:16 Commentaries

Cathy Callemyn Carter

November 4, 2016

Tonight Joshua walked across that stage and became an official graduate of Cedar Ridge High School. He was so very handsome, and it was so exciting. The law enforcement officers came out and gave him a great surprise and an escort from the restaurant to the Dean Smith Center (sorry was not at Cameron! Go Duke!). Orange County, Chatham County, Durham, Duke, NC Hwy Patrol, Cumberland, and the Blue Knights as well as other police/sheriff officers riding motorbikes and patrol units with lights flashing and sirens sounding off, we went down the highway to Katie and your son's graduation! Then our families- Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Gene, Aunt Becky, Cindy, then friends Nana Barr, of course Katie made lots of the plans and got us where we needed to be. Mark, Rick, Tom, Robby, Stan, and many other officers were there. I missed seeing you there but I pray God let you watch your son take this step into a new chapter in his life. pray that Joshua felt loved by those around him and by you. That his Dad was also loved by so very many.

I need this moment with you tonight. I think of you constantly and I so sorry you have left us so early in your life. I miss our family dinners with Jamie and you and your families. I am sad that we are missing so much of watching and being apart of the children's lives. They will grow up with no memories as children together. This is something that we can never give them, it is gone, just like a whisper in the night. I love Jamie and you so very much!

"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and every. Amen" Heb. 13:20-21

Cathy Callemyn Carter

June 10, 2016

Nine Years! I did not think we would make it through the first year, yet here we are. Joshua is working and driving around, getting ready to graduate from high school. Justine is very tall and lanky and paying lots of soccer, and he will finish the 10th grade this year.

Uncle Johnny has come to you in Heaven. I am sure there was a great reunion with all of you there; PePa, Uncle Red, Jim, Jack, Papa and Ma Carter; Uncle Johnny and many more. Base on the way the world is today, it seems we are in the last days of Grace. Soon we shall be taken out of this world!

Jamie Jody and the girls are doing great. Getting ready for our upcoming vacation to celebrate a 40th birthday this year!!

Durham Police and Duke carried the story of your death and your picture today. While it was sad, it was also warming to know so many still remember you, and other that did not are thanking you for your service as an officer of the law and as a military veteran.

I miss you so much! Eternity awaits each us who walk with Christ. Soon, I will see you again! Love you always!

"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God!" Rev. 21:3.

Cathy Callemyn Carter

February 18, 2016

Hey brother....

Today sure has been a roller coaster ride. I knew coming in from my run this morning those clouds opened and that sun popping out you were there. I just shook my head and laughed. So many words not enough space Cally. You know to watch out for those clothesline a up there lol. Missin ya brother ....gods speed!

Scott Martin-Deputy
Harnett County Sheriffs Office

February 18, 2016

Wow, it is hard to belief it has been nine years. Sometimes it is difficult to see life just roll forward without you. There are times when I think I want to tell you things or call you.

Jamie L. Hamlett

February 17, 2016

Just leaving a little note to tell you again, I am thinking of you and remember our war story times together. Your family and friends miss you dearly. God Bless You Brother.

Brother in Arms

June 9, 2015

Dear Son,
Even though you have cross over the great divide to your eternal rest with God, you are always in my heart and on my mind.

Today is you first child! I thank God for blessing me to the mother of Jamie and you.

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus today, our heart were also joyful to know some many of our loved ones who are already seeing him face to face.

Loving you,

Cathy Callemyn Carter

April 5, 2015


I saw you face on Saturday-when I sat across from Joshua and heard your laugh as we made a quick dash to Hardee's before he went to his first job at Food Lion! I saw the dark --a tab bit of curls in his hair; the dark beard/hair on his face, and those deep blue eyes and I saw you! Then today as I left for work I saw in the distant your body, the tall frame of a lanky teenager -moving a little hop here and there waiting for the bus without a coat on and it was only 16 degrees outside....when I pulled up and ask Justin if he would like a ride to school he hopped right in and said I though I was going to miss the bus and I didn't put all my shirts/coat on. If you could see Justin run, you would see yourself! Then, even tho you might not see what I see, I see parts of you in Jamie and the girls, the tilt of the head, the curve of the face, the way they hold their head back and laugh, and the eyes that look back at me remind me of you. As the ice pelts against the windows tonight, I think what caused you to lose control of that car, what possibly is the reason that we have to be without you...I still find myself in the grip of grief; the tears flow like rain and sounds emit from my soul as the howling of the wind.. the heart hurts as if someone is squeezing it dry....why do I even image that the years will make it easier...easier to get up each day... easier to be without you. Soon the clock will fall to the fatal moment when you met such horror, if only for a moment, then your soul lifted up towards your heavenly home. I wonder who walked with you across the divide...did Pepa come for you? Did Jim? We each will make this trip...for to live is to also die...each day we move toward the end of our earthly life...I cannot forgive myself for not being there....not there to hold your hand, to encourage you to live ... to stay with us...I am told that your broken body would not live...your heart was torn and it was not possible for you to live...and if you could not be whole, then I know you would not want to stay....we have no words that can describe what you see now..the peace that you have I lean on my faith I know, I know that God did for you what he promises to do for each of those who call on his tonight as time edges towards the hour you left for a wonderful peace , I look for peace in the loss; and peace that is beyond my understanding ...that God loves you much more than I ever could...eight years .. seems like yesterday that you and I stood outside on Tuesday night before you left and talked about your life, and some stuff that had happened at worked, and you laughed that wonderful laugh; and wrapped those long arms around me, giving me your bear hug; kissed the top of my head; and put me in my car...just as I was driving away. you walked up to the car and knocked on my window... I lowered the window, you reach end and hugged me again, looked me in the eyes and your blue eyes were shining and said you know how much I love you, then kissed me goodbye....I had no way, no way to know that it was really goodbye! I am so glad I got to hug you back, kiss you good night, for the last time.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28

Cathy C. Carter

February 17, 2015

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