Durham Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn
Just wanted you to know that on the eve of the anniversary of your passing, I still pray for you and your family, and hope that someday, at the hour of God's choosing, we'll meet again and be able to laugh about our short time together at Duke. I wear a bracelet with your name on it every night at work, and I often find myself staring at it in the quiet of the darkness, remembering the man that you were.
Ofc. Jason J Eiffe
Syracuse, NY Police Dept
February 16, 2009
"The willow it weeps today, a breeze from the distance is calling your name.
Unfurl your black wings and wait, Across the horizon it's coming to sweep you away.
Let the wind carry home, Blackbird fly away. May you never be broken again.
The fragile cannot endure, The wrecked and the jaded, a place so impure.
The static of this cruel world, cause some birds to fly long before they've seen their day.
Let the wind carry home, Blackbird fly away. May you never be broken again.
Beyond the suffering you've known, I hope you find your way.
May you never be broken again.
Ascend may you find no resistence. Know that you made such a difference. All that you leave behind will live to the end. The cycle of suffering goes on, But the memories of you stay strong. Someday I too will fly and find you again!
Let the wind carry home, Blackbird fly away. May you never be broken again.
Beyond the suffering you've known, I hope you find your way.
May you never be broken again."
-Alter Bridge "Blackbird"
You have always had my heart! And, You still do. How do I go on without one?
Catherine "kate" Callemyn
December 28, 2008
I did not know you personally but my best friend knew you well. Your leaving here was so difficult for him and in his heart he still aches. I know just from his stories of you what a great guy you were and I am glad that my friend got to share a great friendship with you. I pray for your family and friends as I know that the missing doesn't go away it just gets a little softer.
Thank you for sharing yourself. You touched a life in a very special way.
December 20, 2008
Veterans Day has passed and I visited your grave. It is always my honor as law enforcement to thank real heroes as yourself who have fought and died for our great nation. But no stone marks your grave. It makes me sad yet curious as to why this respect hasn't been paid. I suppose all things have their reasons, but please know as I pass that grave twice a day, I know there lies a great man, friend and hero. I miss you so much.
November 18, 2008
Hi Charlie Buck!
I am hoping by now that Jack and you are riding around heaven on your heavenly motor cycles, at least Justin told me he bet that is what Papa Jack and you are doing. You are starting to have a large family with you in God's City. Pepa Johnson, Uncle Red, Alan, Mama Carter, and now Jack. It has been a most heart-hurting time here on Earth. Having to send Jack off to God was just as difficult as the shock of losing you. The cancer came quickly and took him away, nothing could be done. Here I am again attending the resting place of someone I love dearly. I think of you every single day, I still shed tears of sadness yet there are more days of laughter...oh to hear that laugh of your again! No one come barreling through the front door hollering out "Hi Mom, where are you?" "What you got to eat?". Justin is getting tall and thin, can you beleive it! Josh looks so much like you that your pictures could past for either of you. Katie is doing a great job with the house and the kids. She is growing as a mother and she has been such great help to me. Jamie your sister is amazing as she grows as a mother and community helper. You guys are so great in sharing and giving to others. Jody is moving up the ladder at his job and he also is great with Baby Catherine. Now, about Baby Catherine, can we say "grown up 3 year old". She is so smart, and has a temper...where did she get that!
Well, it is time to end this message. It helps to come to your corner and spend some time with you. Your eyes now see what only we "hope" for and have faith that one day we will walk with you through God's city.
"So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit." 1 Corinthains 15:45
Love you my son now and forever, even in death.
cathy callemyn carter
October 22, 2008
It has been almost 2 years ago since you left us. I worked with you at Duke...the fun times we had. I was also on duty at the fire department the night of your crash. you are still missed in Durham. I hear people speak of you often. God Speed and I will see you one day. Until then, watch over us as we perform our duties. We all know we are in capable hands.
FF/EMT Joseph Farlow
Durham County Fire/Former employee of Duke University Police Dept.
October 7, 2008
Once again, I find myself sitting on the back deck, staring at the stars and thinking of you. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you! The boys just started back to school. I always hate filling out the forms now, when it ask for Father's information. It still breaks my heart! They both said that they had a great day, though. They enjoy their teachers and classmates. Of course, getting back into the homework schedule wasn't much fun tonight, but they did good, LOL. You would be proud of them, I know! We always talf about you and still recall of the great memories of the time you were with us.
One day in the future we will all be together again.
Catherine Callemyn
August 25, 2008
Charles, I cannot believe how time has past. It just seems like yesterday that we were sitting on the porch talking shop. We all still miss you a lot. I feel like any day now that you are going to come and walk through the door and tell me a good story about where you have been, by starting the story with "You ain't going to believe this". It is amazing how long we have known one another going all the way back to high school. My proudest moment of knowing you is when you enlisted in the Army Reserves just after 9/11. I admire your dedication to God, Family and Country. You were a Great Brother-In-Law and Brother-In-Arms.
You would be proud of your boys. They are growing up fast and no doubt are going to be some "Big boys". I can't help but see you in the two of them everytime I am with them.
Cathy, Jamie, and Kate talk about you everytime we are all together. We all were at the "National Ceremony" back in May and we were all overflowing with pride for your service. I just wanted to take a moment and Thank-you for everything you were and still are in our hearts.
Forever Your Brother,
Det. J. Hamlett
Guilford County Sheriff's Office
June 18, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Charles. I know that every day is Father's Day to you as you get to be with Josh & Justin every hour of every day, watching & protecting them from Heaven above. I don't think I've ever known a more loving & dedicated father than you and death itself can't change that.
I still miss my best friend more than words can say but you already know that. I feel you in the breeze against my face, drying my tears when I have what I call my "Charles moments," when I pour my heart out to you about how much I miss you, our every-other-day talks, our laughs, and the few times we were actually able to hang out together. I still hear your voice, still see your smile, and still feel our "bye" hug the night before you were taken home. To this day I still can't explain the bond we shared but we both knew it was special and never took it for granted. I will forever cherish our friendship and look forward to the day that I get to hug you "hello" once again!
Cathy, Jamie, Katie, Josh, & Justin,
You are never far from my thoughts & always in my prayers. He loved you all dearly and always will. He may not be here on this earth but know for certain that he is never far from you; watching, protecting, and loving you just as he did when he was here.
Much love,
Angie Kay
Angie Young
June 15, 2008
The most moving moment of police week 2008 in DC was the tribute presented by your Corporal and Family on 05/14. You are truly a hero in their eyes, and in all of our eyes. Thank you for your service, and may you rest in peace brother.
Gardiner Maine Police
May 17, 2008
Thanks for touching all our lives Calli. Your still missed by us all and forever will be.
SSP G.E. Zimmerman
Duke University Police Department
March 18, 2008
February 28, 2008
Charlie Buck!
It was a beautiful day on Feb 17, 2008; a day you would have been on your motor bike riding all over the place, and if time would allow up to the mountains to your favorite dangerous run! Amazing how I always worried about you on that bike and then to lose you in a auto wreck. Katie, Josh, Justin, Mema, Aunt Florence, Jamie, Jody, Little Catherine and I all met at your resting place just to spend some time with you Sunday.
Monday your squad and their families along with others requested time with your family and time at your special resting place to just talk about you, lay beautiful flowers to honor you and then we went out to have a steak dinner (your favorite meal). It was a wonderful time of fellowship, love and mending. How could you know that your leaving would bring so many together in love and worship of God! How thankful I am to know you were surrounded on earth with such great friends!
Today, I finally can pause without falling apart to write a note for memory sake, to say how much I love you, how much I miss you. The pain is greater than it has ever been, but I am getting better at hiding it! Like me, Like you I keep a lot inside, yet I know without a doubt that when you hold me again, I will not remember this time of sorrow. In your honor, I go forward, to help all the family heal but my heart is forever broken. Jamie and I hold your place in our wheel of 3; she is now my earthly comforter and I love her so much, she is your SIS, and our love is a circle never to be broken for tomorrow comes when we 3 will be together again.
"For all the boots or the tramping warriors and all the garments rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire. For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Couselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9: 5-8
Rest now my son, our day of reunion comes soon!
cathy callemyn carter
February 21, 2008
Duke, Orange County SO and Durham PD miss you very much. Thank you for all the laughs and fun times we had together. Thank you for always mentioning your mother, sister, wife and two sons. We know how much they meant to you. We miss you very much.
PO K. Sabanosh
February 19, 2008
On the one year anniversary of your passing, I think of you often, and continue to pray for your family that the heavenly father may assuage the anguish of their bereavement. See you in time, Charlie.
Police Officer Jason J Eiffe
Syracuse, NY Police Department
February 18, 2008
Non clamor, sed amor,
Non vox, sed votum,
Non cordula, sed cor,
Psallit in aure Dei.
Thomas of Celano
Remembering your honor, and your humor, I wish I didn’t have to thank you for your example (past-tense). I wish I could just say, “Hey, let’s go get into something,” and have you mount up in the affirmative, just like the good-ol’ days. Even though you’ve rode with me many times in the last year, and probably watched out for me too many times to count, I still miss you. Words fail me when I think of how much you taught me when you probably thought it was the other way around (sorry buddy, you were wrong). Semper Fidelis, Charles - I can’t help but keep remembering and being thankful….
February 17, 2008
A year ago today, one of your familys worst nightmares came true. They continue to be in my prayers as I know how hard even the second year is. Thanks again Officer Callemyn for your service to our country and to the city of Durham.
I think about you & your boys often. E-mail me or give me a call sometime...you have my info. I hope that time will help you find peace & happiness (even though your heart will always have a missing piece). Take care girl!
Survivor of Trooper Calvin Taylor
February 17, 2008
It's hard to believe it has been almost a year...I was going through some paperwork the other day and came across some 10-57 stuff you did for me when you were with Duke...I still see your bike parked on Ninth st everytime I walk to Francesca's...I still remember your laugh when we were at Jo and Joe's...you are and continue to be missed.
Ofc. J.D. Robertson
February 11, 2008
February 11, 2008
Hey buddy. It is hard to believe that the one year anniversary is coming up. I still cannot believe that you are gone. Please continue to look after us each and everyday. Rest in peace my brother.Take care
Officer M.Scott Martin
Raleigh Police Dept.
February 7, 2008
Charles was one of the first people that I met when I joined the 805th. One thing that I will remember about this man is that he was proud to be a marine. He always refered to himself as a marine and he represented the corp proudly. I was totally shocked when I learned of his passing. He was a great person whom I respected for his knowledge and experience. I found him to be very reliable when our unit deployed. I am sorry that this has happened, but his impression on me was a lasting one. I still mention his name and some of the things that he did and said. We both attended training for certification as MP's. I loved going to tell him that we had formation. Charles wasn't fond of formation and I loved to here his hilarious responses!
He will be greatly missed.
Kevin Spencer
805th MP Company
February 2, 2008
It's the start of a new year, and I still can't believe that you are gone. Guide us and give us strength as we continue the fight, and know that your memory lives on each and every time I stand proud in roll call. May God Bless the FAITHFUL DEPARTED.
Police Officer Jason J. Eiffe
Syracuse, NY Police Department
January 25, 2008
I cannot believe it has been almost a year, we think about you every day. We will never forget what a wonderful person you were and all the lives you touched. Our lives were greatly enriched for having met you. You always made us laugh. You always tried to wind up our car because you thought it reminded you of a clown car. You brightened everyone's day. You will always be a part of our family. We miss you Charles!!!!You are a true hero!! You gave of yourself for the good and the safety of others and you paid the ultimate price. We love you!!!
Steve and Holly Brown
December 4, 2007
Thinking of the families of those we lost both in Afghanistan and Iraq Hall, Mowris and Johnson and sence we've been back home Chris and Charles. Marine, Soldier and Police Officer not very many served like you did Charles. May peace be with your family always.
SSG Daniel Essary
805th MP Co/ Guilford County ACO
December 4, 2007
I see your face in my dreams, I hear you voice in your children and see your eyes looking back at me each time I look into their face. I find myself searching for you, waiting to hear you come through the door and call, "Hey Mom, where are you". I know I'll never hear those words again here on this earth, but I know, God has promised me, that when he takes me home, you will be there and you will call out, "Hey Mom, over here, I'm over here!". I miss you so!
"..if you have received the spirit of adoption; When you cry "Abba! Father!" It is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ- we suffer with him so that we might be glorified with him." Romans 8:15B.17
cathy callemyn carter
November 20, 2007