Durham Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn
I am sitting here on Holloway St. near 70 thinking of you. Also came into the station with a smile on your face no matter what was going on. You always talked about what your boys were doing.
Just keeping a watch over us.
February 17, 2012
Co worker
February 18, 2012
Another year has passed. We still miss you very much. God continues to bless our family. The boys are growing into young men. Katie works hard with COPs. Little Catherine prays for her Uncle Charles and Papa Jack, she misses having you around but loves to hear stories about you. You never got to meet Ashlynn but you would love her, she is a ham. Mom misses you very much and spends time with the boys. I miss you too.
Jamie Hamlett
Sister of Officer Charles Callemyn EOW 2-17-2007
February 17, 2012
December 21, 2011
Winter is upon us, Christmas is just 4 days away. Katie and the boys have been decorated for weeks while the tree is blinking in the den with some of its lights out and no decorations. I have all the shopping done now is time to turn towards cooking!. At the start of the Christmas season I was really upbeat and felt better than I have in a very long time. Today, I could hide under the covers and sleep through until Jan!. Yet, Mema's can't do that. Justin music talent is pulling him in many directions and he is very talented! Justin is a great soccer player! Joshua is really in to Lacrosse, and he played football and wrestling to keep in shape for Lacrosse. Joshua is good at Lacrosse. Katie still has some ankle issues but over all she is doing good and working with NCCOPS and getting everyone ready for the Holidays. Jamie and Jody are working and taking part in many organizations along with raising those great girls. Catherine is very smart and Ashlynn has a very independent side to her. Wonder where that comes from! I come to this corner to help me deal with your absent, to talk with you, to try to find normal in a very un-normal situation. Each time an ODMP alert crosses my email, the tears flow. For them, for you, for our family, for their family, for my sorrow. I know that each day God gives us a new beginning, still I am not sure how I have made it to this day, especially with Jack and you already absent on earth but present with God. Jamie and I miss our 3rd part.
In all things rejoice I say, rejoice--sing with the angels this Christmas day, let me hear your voice in my dreams as you sing with the heavenly host declaring God's gift for all mankind.
Cathy Callemyn Carter
Mother of Officer Charles Callemyn EOW 2-17-2007
December 21, 2011
Summer is drawing to a close and Fall is in the air; motor-bike riding time for sure. Your bike is still in the shed, we can't get it out it is so heavy, but we don't try. It is like our Charels Art, meant to be there. So, we are content to just go out to the shed and visit and act like all is the same. The boys are into sports, trying them all on for size. Katie has broken her leg playing soccer in the yard with the boys and as good a sport as she is about this, having to stay in the house couped up is just about doing a number on her. The boys are troupers, helping out with mopping, cleaning, laundry, you would get a kick out of that! Jame, Ashlynn, Catherine, Jody and I went to Disney for a week and I do belive that between your genes and Jody's genes Catheirne is a roller-coster; free fall ride addict! She loves them! The faster, the higher the better. Ashlynn is going to be the swimmer, only 21 months and she wants to swim by herself! The boys had to stay home for school and to help Katie out, but one day we will get to vacation again together like we did the summer before your accident. You are on my mind as Katie pulls together the first NCCOPS Bike Ride which takes place Saturday. I think of you everyday! I love you and miss you so much!
For everything there is a seaon and a time for every maner under the heavens, a time to be forn, and a time to die...
Ecclesiastgeeeeer 3:1-2
Cathy C Carter
September 15, 2011
Jamie and you are so heavy on my mind today...I will see Jamie tonight and I wanted to leave you a note that I see your face through my tears and I know I will see again...still I it hurts to be without you.
Gal. 5:22-26: the fruit of the holy spirit.....of these Love is the greatest.
Cathy C. Carter
August 4, 2011
I was at the law enforcement memorial in Washington D.C. this past weekend for police week and we went by your name and reflected on your life with stories from Duke PD and Durham PD. I remember when you and I helped a friend move in the down pouring rain up 4 flights of stairs and of course she had a washer and dryer. You and I sat out on her deck drinking beer afterwards and I listend to you talk about your kids and family. Me and the guys from Durham PD toasted to you last night and I must say it was hard to keep our composure. John Taylor(Roanoke Rapids PD and former Duke PD) asked me to sketch your name on a piece of paper and I did. I also have one here at my home. I train new officers and every time I get on Holloway and go past the bridge, you ALWAYS cross my mind. Keep watch over us brother and know that we all miss you.
Officer D.M. Horton
Durham Police Department Durham North Carolina
May 16, 2011
Happy Birthday, Charles. Made your favorite Lemon Sour Cream Pound Cake, but we haven't gotten to eat it yet because of the busy schedule today. The boys are doing great. Josh is playing lacrosse, Justin started soccer again tonight and they are still enjoying the boy scout activities. They rode in their first helicopter ride this past weekend at the LEU "Fly for those who Died" up in VA, and had a good time! We still miss you all the time but we are all staying busy and doing well.
Catherine Callemyn Pres. NC C.O.P.S.
Widow, Officer Charles Callemyn Durham PD NC EOW 2-17-07
April 5, 2011
Your birthday is Tuesday. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday. We miss you so much! I miss you so much. Love you, Little Sis
Jamie Hamlett
April 3, 2011
As I try to get some work done, my mind just keeps coming back to you...it must have something to do with your birthday coming up very soon...April 5th, you would be 38 years old. It is so very hard realizing that while I grow older, you do not. In my mind I try to picture what you would look like at 50, 60 years of age. I want to think you would be most like Pepa. As time passes I the periods of pain are less often but the intensive realization of loss never ceases. You are in town with God, a very glorious city of gold, no pain, no sorry, no worries of this life you so quickly left, who could not find joy in knowing this! While we brace ourselves for the birthday, Easter, Memorial Services and National Police Week, our hearts will be heavy but we will be reminded that you, my dear son, celebrate continually with the saints. That brings much peace to those waiting to join you.
"I am the God of your father, the Gpod of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob" Exodus 3:6
Loving you always!
Cathy C. Carter
March 31, 2011
Wow...4 years. 4 years since you left us. 4 years since I was called to perform MY job on a good friend. I'm sorry I am a few days late posting this, but better late than never, right? I still think of our days together at Duke before I left for the Fire Dept. The nights on B Squad working those dark campus areas and quiet hospital. The day shifts when we wondered "When will this madness end?". All the time, you kept me amused with your antics and humor. You are still missed and always will be. I go down Holloway St frequently and everytime I pass the Highway 70 overpass, I think of you and that fateful night. 4 years. It still seems like yesterday. I miss you buddy!
Joseph Farlow
Former Coworker, Duke University PD
March 22, 2011
Today marks the four year anniversary of the tragic day when all who knew you lost someone they loved. You were a remarkable person. Even on the worst of days being around you always brought a smile. You couldn't help but smile, your energy and charisma were refreshing and you had such a great sense of humor. I have alot of great memories of riding with you at Duke PD and you visiting me at the hospital when you were bored and talking to you when I was waiting for Steve. It is very sad that you are no longer here on Earth with us. I will never forget the 5 am phone call we got with the horrific news. She wouldn't tell me she told Steve. I had the greatest admiration for you and I still do. You served your country and your community. You absolutely adored your family and talked endlessly about your boys. I know they are proud of you. Until I met you I had never seen Full Metal Jacket and after riding with you and listening to you recite the scene in the barracks with Pyle word for word. To this day it is one of my favorite movies and I have seen it so much and heard you so much I can recite it too. There was something so special about you. You meant so much to us and you still do. We love you CJ and we always will. RIP
Holly Brown
February 17, 2011
On this the 4th anniversary of your death you are not forgotten. We know you are standing guard in Heaven. "If the Army and the Navy ever gaze on Heavens scene they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines" Semper Fidelis Brother.
Deputy Sheriff T.B. Dorsey
Pitt County Sheriffs Office, N.C.
February 17, 2011
Never forgotten.
Constable Amanda Pandolfi #1249
York Regional Police, Ontario Canada1
February 17, 2011
Early this AM as I arrived home from working, yet again worked through the night until early AM getting bookkeeping clients ready to file taxes, as I drove down the driveway the moon was bright and I could the our homes, side by side and walking toward the front door, my thoughts turned to Jamie and you and how many times we have walked those same steps. I also pondered that in 5 hours, your time of death would slip past as I lay sleeping..one thing all the three of us shared was not being morning people. I always liked the night, it made everything different, normally it is quite and peaceful, hearing the wind, seeing the stars. Remember that telescope when we use to try to see the stars and make out which was which! Today many family and friends will gather at your grave site, to remember you, to shore up ourselves for another year without you, to help bring us comfort. You my dear son are already at peace. Jamie is still a wonderful mother, wife,sister, daughter and friend. We enjoy our times with Catherine, Ashlynn and Jody supports our Callemyn ways and deals with all these women the very best way he can! Katie is doing all the Mom things, going here and there, home work, and learning to deal with some very handsome but individual personalities knows as Joshua and Justin. The boys are tall and while Justin continues to remind me of Katie, he has your habits related to keeping up with stuff, and Joshua looks so much like you and has your way of turning inward when upset, he is more like Katie when it come to cleaning his room, keeping up with stuff and being a be more organized. Justin is going to share his thought no matter what! As I leave you today, your day of grace and homecoming, know that as we long to be with in heaven, our work here on earth has yet to be done. We hold to faith and God's promise that he will re-unit those of us one day who have accepted him as our Lord and Savior...for that purpose he created us to glorify his name in all things, for in all things he gives us joy and purpose it is up to us to find those things by reading his word and through devoted time in prayer to him and with him. I loved you from the moment your were conceived and will carry that love with me until we are again together.
From your bible used during Operation Enduring Freedom, you had marked these verses:
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong doings.
v8a: Love never fails!
Cathy C. Carter
February 17, 2011
Thank you to everyone who leaves reflections in memory of Charles. It truly does ease the pain to know that people still remember and care about his life. As the anniversary approaches, the pain is renewed but we know there is a greater hope. I love you Charles!!
Jamie Hamlett
February 15, 2011
Four years is approaching fast buddy. I still reflect each year on the day I was in the hospital and hearing the news just two days after my wreck. I wanted to be there , but unfortunately, I could not due to my injuries. I remember the day we met. Man you were so proud of your family. Not a whole lots changed just workin. I have a lil girl now and my wife and I are expecting twins in July. It's gonna be crazy. Wish you were here. Continue to look after us each day. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Miss ya bro!
Officer M.S. Martin
Raleigh PD Raleigh NC
January 27, 2011
Officer Callemyn, thank you for your service to our nations. God bless your family and friends.
SA Ellen Pierson
January 26, 2011
I miss you so much that words cannot express. We try to talk to the boys about you to keep your memory alive. They are growing up so fast. You never got to see Ashlynn but you would really like her. She loves to laugh and be held. Catherine talks about you but does not truly understand. Katie works so hard with C.O.P.S. Mom goes to see your old friends from time to time. Mema and Florence keeps flowers on your grave. You would be proud of everyone. We wish you were here to celebrate the good times and help during the difficult. I love you!!
Jamie Hamlett
January 15, 2011
It is New Years 2011. I tried to write you on Christmas, but I couldn't keep myself composed. So, tonight as time is slipping away and bed time nears, I had to come to your corner of space and spend a few moments with you. We had snow this year and I know you would have been out there with the boys sledding down the same old hill Jamie and you have sled down all your life. I will never forget the time you sled down the hill in the canoe, boy was that a sight as you tried to control the canoe with the paddles and we were all laughting so hard and then you crashed into the tree line! I guess that was better than the time you ended up in the river! Memories are all we have now as times goes on. The boys are so grown, about to be teenagers! Ashlynn was one year old this year and Catherine talks about you and ask about you and Papa Jack. She told me Wed. night that when she goes to Heaven she is going to ask you if you remeber holding her when she was a little bitty girl and she was coloring in your lap. As our family moves into 2011 we take you with us, deep in our hearts, stamped in our memories and always a Charles story on our lips. You my son, my hero, you will never be forgotten as long as there in breathe in my lungs.
Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh! James 5:8
Love you,
Cathy J. Carter Mother
January 2, 2011
We stopped by Duke University PD yesterday and saw your memorial and heard nothing but great things about you from your former co workers. Rest In Peace brother, you won't be forgotten.
Ptl. N. Cevasco
Rutgers University PD New Jersey
July 13, 2010
You and all of your family and friends are in my thoughts on this holiday which you helped protect and preserve. Hero’s like you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
July 4, 2010
A bit of time has gone by since I last wrote to you. It is difficult to come to this corner of space knowing what I write you never hear or see, but I write to ease the pain of loss. We went to Washington this year and it was good to be there. Mark, David and Rick rode in the "Ride to Hope" in your honor and memory. The candel light service was so moving and very emotional for me. The boys were trying to take every moment in and I could feel Katie's lost as her sadness met mind and we struggled to keep composed. We miss you at every turn, every day and night. Tears silently steal down my face, my heart feels like it will break out of my chest as the pain of losing you comes again and again. While I have had much success in life, I failed you in your last moments on this earth, I was not close by to hold you and talk with you while you left us for Jesus. I do not yet grasp why, why then, why that night, why that time and why that way where you taken from us. I still mourn and know that I always will.
"The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory." Isaiah 61: 19
I love you son,
Cathy Callemyn Carter
June 2, 2010
I met your boys last year at C.O.P.S. kids camp and you son was in my cabin of survivor boys and it is a testament to you as you have two great sons.
This past week I had the pleasure to spend more time with your two boys at National Police week and at C.O.P.S. functions. You would be proud of the way Durham PD supported the boys and Catherine at a NPW event. You have two great sons that are two of the most polite boys I know.
Rest in Peace Brother.
Lt. Martin Pettit
NYS University Police C.O.P.S. Kids Mentor
May 18, 2010
You and all of your loved ones are in my thoughts on this special day, Police Memorial Day and also Armed Forces Day. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones. Thank you for your dedicated service to law enforcement and also for your service to you Country. You are a true hero and heroes never die. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2010