Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

Durham Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 2007

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Reflections for Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

As the 8th anniversary of you leaving us approaches, I wanted to stop by your page to show it some love. As you already know, you're never far from my thoughts and remain in my heart. I miss my best friend and look forward to continuing our two-sided conversations whenever I get there. We have a lot of catching up to do! I still love you, Calamity. Thank you for our cherished friendship here on earth. It's only on pause until God brings us back together again.

Angie Kay

February 6, 2015

As the days roll into winter they bring wind blown days, beautifully colored leaves floating through the air and eventually on the yard to be raked up later; and there will be left many a barren tree while dark green tree dot the landscape here and there. The days are shorter; colder and the hint that turkey day is not long off. Through it all my mind turns back to those wintery fall days when the leave were raked up and ready for Jamie and you to go trashing around in. Eventually the monster pile of leaves would make it to the tree line and after doing this several time, finally the last leaf would fall, and we left it where it fell! The function of the seasons continue, yet we all have changed, our lives float along different paths, we look back, but we struggle forward, each going the way of the heart. I miss those days when danced in the living room, made fun of each other, played games, watch the weather through the sliding glass door, ate pop corn, tomato soup, grill cheese sandwiches. How about sliding the groceries down the slick hill during the winter frozen weather, then we would sit down and slide down the hill to the house! We were clowns indeed! I look forward to the hills, the clear beautiful streams, the laughter, the face of Jesus who will light up heaven and there will be no more darkness and no more tears. I plan to take Jamie and you by the hand and head to the top of hill and we shall go rolling down, down, down and laugh until we ache with love, all over again!

"But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared he saved us, not because of any works or righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit"
Titus 3:4-5.


Cathy Callemyn Carter

November 5, 2014

My heart is heavy tonight reading about all the officers lost in the line of duty. I come to this page to honor you for your sacrifice. You are so missed. I love you and still pray for you, even though I know the Lord has received you long ago. Sometimes my heart just aches to talk with you, see you, hear you laugh. My girls talk of you and tell me they miss knowing their uncle. Praying we will be reunited in heaven. I love you.

Jamie Hamlett
Sister Charles Callemyn EOW 2-17-2007

October 25, 2014

As the birthdays pass I often wonder how would you have aged? I will always remember you at 33, but the rest of us have to look at an older person looking back at us each year.
The weather was beautiful on your birthday. There is so much yard work to do to recover from all the icy and windy weather. I keep waiting for the last limb to fall, but they just keep coming! You would not like the condition the yard is in...all your hard work over the years has gone to pot because you know I did not like yard work, and do not like very hot weather, espceially if I have to work out in it.

I miss you so very much, every single day I have a thought of you. I pray continually for our family, we need God 's extra hand of forgivness and healing.

Happy Birthday!

"The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory." Isaiah 60:19

Cathy Callemyn Carter

April 7, 2014

The seven year mark is here and while yesterday produced a heavy heart, today I find peace. The horrible weather cleared up and God gave us all, worthy or not, beautiful sun shine. This would be motorcycle riding weather for you.

I miss you so much Charlie-buck!...I saw your height mark on the back of the door last night and just looked at the history there of Jamie and you. Jamie and I talked about you today, shared stories with Catherine, laughed and just had a couple of hours remembering. Ashlynn was not born when you left us, but she does see your pictures. Jody and Jamie talk to the girls about you often.

I talked to the boys, but have not spent time with them this week. I see them often and we do the "texting". I think you would not have liked texting, but would like the iphones. The boys are doing good in school and I enjoy the times we are together. Katie is in school and doing great with school.

It is bed time, bible devotion and prayer time. I cover our family in prayer for blessings, mercy, protection, forgiveness and salvation.

John 3:16 "For so loved the world he gave his only son, that whoever belives on his name would not perish, but have everlasting life!"

I will feast my eyes upon you soon!


Cathy Callemyn Carter

February 18, 2014

I was not fortunate to have met Charles but I have heard alot about him. I married his half brother Little Charles. We would like to get in contact with his sister Jaime Lynn. If someone maybe has her email or phone # we would really like to talk to her. My email is

Khristy Adcock

February 18, 2014

Though I left the department long before you joined, I feel a great sense of loss for your family and all of our brothers. Going to work every day, knowing we may never return.. May you rest in peace and watch over your family and brothers at the right hand of the Lord.
May we never forget all of your sacrifices here on Earth for our country, the Duke medical community and he city of Durham. May your family always know that you are a hero to so many.

Toni Gugliotti
former DPD patrolman

February 18, 2014

I had the pleasure to meet your wife through NC COPS. What a wonderful and strong lady and your great sons. You are never forgotten and always remembered. Thanks for your service and Semper Fi!

Chief (RET) JA Millan
Avery Co Schools CP (RET)

February 17, 2014

Not a day goes by that you aren't missed. So blessed to have had you in my life if only for a little while.

Amy Flaherty

February 6, 2014

Charlie year 2014 is just can this be that we are starting our 7th year without you; Feb 2014 will be seven years. My heart screams in sorrow that my small little family is not whole; there is little peace. Mom's mind is failing and we have had to place her n a living assist facility. It is such a terrible feeling of helplessness when you can do nothing to help someone you love. I have always felt that way about your death, and know that I failed not to do all that now see I could have done for Jack. Now you are both beyond me. 2014 is opening its doors and we will know day by day what it holds. Jack and you live with God in the spirtual world where things of this world will never exist. So little of our day to day that we count so important matters. It is how we follow and committ our heart to God, our belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, and how we apply our faith in our day to day life that matters to God. "The most difficult journey is back to the place where you failed." Max Lucado has a way to put it on point. Max goes on to say, "Now, it's just you and God. You and God both know what you did. Neither of you is proud of it. What do you do? ...Stand in God's presence. Stand in his sight. Stand still and wait. Sometimes that's all a soul can do." Each dawn brings each of us the opportunity to start a new or renewed realtionship with God. I certainly need to renew my life, my life style and my heart to be more what God requires of me. Jack and you, well, you have already stood before God, reviewed your life and now you live with Jesus in a place that my earthly mind cannot fathon. It is there that we will be united.


John 21:12 "Jesus said to them, "Come and eat." None of the followers dared ask him, "Who are you?" because they knew it was the Lord.

Do you know the Lord?

Cathy Callemyn Carter

January 1, 2014


As the years past, I recall all the high priority calls that we responded to. We always raced to be the first on scene and were frustrated when the other arrived first. However, we always handled the situation, kept each other safe and caught the BAD guys. I thank God that we shared many experiences, but I am most thankful for knowing you as a person. May you rest in PEACE my brother and I know that we will race again!!!!


Detective Orlando Soto
Knightdale Police Department

May 16, 2013

I tried not to post to your page just to see if it would help in the healing process, it does not. I feel odd that I held back on your 40th birthday, but that was a rather difficult coupld of days, leading up and on your day. Missing your presents, your hugs, your kiss hello and good-bye, hearing your robust full body laugh, and sharing the hard times, knowing how we cried, at times we even disagreed. You were so full of life, difficult at times, but still my boy! Today, as we move into Spring, I feel the call to listen for the motor cycle to crank up and hear you pull off to go for those rides through the country, to the lake, espcially the planning and desire to go to the mountian and ride that Dragon Trail. Another year, still my heart is so broken, a hurt I just cannot explain or share with anyone. You are seeing what we still strive for, our etenral rest. Stay with me in my heart until God's plan units our entire family in his present.

""So brothers and sisters, be careful that none of you has an evil, unbelieving heart that will turn you away from the living God." Hebrews 3:12


Cathy Callemyn Carter

April 25, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday Charles! We miss you so much!!!

Cindy Allen

April 5, 2013

Thinking of you brother. I miss talking with you every now and a then. A lot of things have changed over the years, but we still remember you.

Brother in arms

April 3, 2013

It is so hard to believe that it has been 6 years now. The boys have gotten very big and you would be so proud of them! I wish you were here to play and watch all of their sports with them. They are both on their Lacrosse teams at school and Justin is about to start playing soccer again as well. They are both so strong and talented, just like you were. We all still miss you extremely and wish that God had not chosen this path for us but we know in our hearts that we WILL all be together again one day. At times that day does not seem like it will get here fast enough. Until then, continue to watch and guard over us as I know you are. Continue to welcome all of the other officers that are taken from their families way too soon. No matter what happens in our lives here, we will ALWAYS love, miss and remember you!!

Catherine Callemyn
Widow, President of NC C.O.P.S.

February 17, 2013

It is hard to believe that it has been six years since I received THAT phone call. I will never forget that or YOU!


February 17, 2013

Merry Christmas. I have missed you a lot this year and wished you were here to talk with and joke. I love you.

Jamie Hamlett
Sister Charles Callemyn EOW 2/17/2007

December 17, 2012

"See , the home of God is amoung mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mournign and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away." Revelation 21: 3-4

It is the day before Thanksgiving and as it is the time to rejoice and give thanks, it is always most important to me to thank God for loving me, forgiving me and blessing me with Jamie and you. During that time when it was just the 3 of us, had it not been a need to provide, protect and love you two I can not image where I would have ended up. God blessed me with Jamie and you to keep me focused on providing for each of you and then all the times of joy mixed with a little frustratiion (ya!) was the fuel that moved us forward. I saw that in you and I see it in Jamie, we get knocked down, we get back up. Today as well as tomorrow as those still living are given another day to reflect on their lives, let us here on earth pray that those who do not have the saving love of Jesus Christ in their heart and in their life, that this will be the day that they find that love that will provide them an eternal life with God. It is in knowing this that we move forward towards that great promise of no more tears, but forever in the present of our God Almighty! I miss you my son, I have always loved you, to the end of the earth, and now in closing know that I will always love Jamie and you more than life it self.

Cathy Callemyn Carter

November 21, 2012


Hey buddy! Just been thinking about you a lot lately. Miss ya friend. God bless and thought any prayers are always with you and your family. Continue to watch over us. RIP

Deputy M. Scott Martin
Harnett County Sheriffs Office

July 16, 2012

May brought with it Durham's, the state's, and the federal memorial services for all you brave heros who have fallen in the line of duty. Katie and I attended local and state, and we met old friends and unfortunately new. I returned Monday from Washington, Kate and the boys are still there until Thursday. Joshua was quiet and reserved for most of the activies while Justin is still sulkey and at time hard to understand and hard to reach. They are having to deal with being parted from you in their own way. Mark, David, Rick, Troy and many others rode in with LEU in honor of you and other heros. Mark had his grandson, and might add that Kay and him are crazy over their first grandchild! Every year when the bike rides come riding in I always picture you in the so loved riding a bike! You would have been there had you had time to get yourself situated from all the personal things that you were going through. We talked about Washington off and on, but I never knew exactly what it was until I became one of the many who would take that trip in honor of so many - close to 20,000 now that have their name on the WALL. Well, it is time to get busy and get ready to return to work at Duke. I am sure the same issues await me just from different people. I am getting where I just do not want to go to work, can you believe I ever would say that! I am looking at my options, because the joy of working at Duke has faded. As soon as Justin goes off to college, I am selling this house and hope to find a new place without so many ghost and mabey my heart will heal a bit more. Losing Jack and you has taken a toll on me, my mind is weak, I desire to just be alone most of the time. Jamie is going to try to go with me next year to Washington and that might help take the edge off. She also will not take the time to really let her grief heal, she just keep being a great mom to those wonderful little giggly girls, who you would love so deeply. Jody continues to put up with all these women--he desire a medal! I miss you so very much today as always. Jamie continues to be such a blessing to me, so until she can pass me over to you, we will hang in there.

"Surely, I am with you always, until the end of the age." Matthew 28:10

Cathy C. Carter

May 15, 2012

Still think of you often, and your memory carries on through the years and passing of time. Rest easy brother. Prayers to your family.

Jason J Eiffe
Syracuse Police Department

May 3, 2012

Today you would be 39 years of age; that means I am - well old--. Catherine had a soccer game and we had a late supper. Ashlynn was wide open and being so funny. Jody was working. I spent time early this am in prayer and reflection, thinking of you, the day you were born and spots of time in your life. Thank you for loving Jamie and me so very much. We all miss you! This is the first year since you left that I did not go to you grave on your birthday. For some odd reason, I just didn't want to seems you are right here with me is calming to feel you so close...I have not seen the boys or Katie today. Justin comes over a lot to just drop in, but Josh seems to stay home and hang out there. He is really getting his teenage wings!. I am going to bed early, get some much needed rest. Loving you always!

" Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9

Cathy Callemyn Carter

April 5, 2012

It has been a rough couple of weeks, it seems the five year mark is much harder to deal with than one expects. Florence, Mom, Jamie and I visited your spot under the tree, had lunch at Bob's. Mom is growing weaker in her mind and she talks of you often. Jamie and I spend the afternoon with her, then off to pick up the girls. I saw the boys later that weekend. They need you and miss you. We seem to be falling apart, then ok, then falling apart again. I reckon most families have these ups and down, just more difficulty when a key person is no longer there to help sort it all out. Jamie and Jody are doing great, well Jamie would not let me know if she was not. Catherine is so grown for 6 years old and Ashlynn get called little Justin a lot....eats anything, runs like a rabbit and always has either food tracts or dirt on her clothes from playing outside. Justin is taller than Josh, but Josh still looks more like you, but you can be sure Justin has your ways. Josh is quite and sneaky, Justin is going to have the last work and he still can spin a tale. My old house is turning out to be just that an old house, needing some work, always a project. Well, I finally was able to spend a few minutes here with you, to let you know how much I miss you. Never could I ever have thought that God would send me down this road, but I know what he did, he did for you, that you meant so much to him that he could not see your hurting so much. Now you rest with him, and I will do everything in my earthly power to protect and love your boys for both of us. Until I feel you in my arms again and see those blue eyes know I love you.

"just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.' Colossians2:6-7

Cathy Callemyn Carter

March 6, 2012

its been 5 years since you died, i remember how we would play football with josh and you would always trick us, i miss u dad.

justin callemyn
youngest son

March 1, 2012

It is so hard to believe it's been 5 years since you went home. So much has happened since then and, yet, I can still hear your voice, your laugh, and see the smile on your face just as if it were yesterday. You may be gone but, you will never be forgotten!

I miss you, my friend, and look forward to the day when I can hug you hello once again!

Angie Kay

February 18, 2012

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