Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

Durham Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Saturday, February 17, 2007

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Reflections for Police Officer Charles J. Callemyn

Miss you Charles.

Drew Duke

May 10, 2010

To day is your birthday! Jamie and you were always my Easter babies, and every year as Easter draws near you two are formost in my thoughts and prayers. It was a beautiful day on earth in North Carolina, hot, a shot of wind now and then, just your kinda day; on your very special day. The family gathered at Jamie's yesterday, everyone was there, but Jack and you but you have the very best of reasons, you are already seated at that glorious resurrection table, every day is Easter for you guys. The table is filling up with all those who are pasted on to glory, so you were with many family members.

I miss you everyday! I think of you everyday! I try hard to be uplifting and joyous that you no longer have the trials of this world to deal with.

I wanted to spend a tiny dot in time with you today and to keep from being all weepy, I will end with a passage from 1 Peter 5, just so you know that as I pestered you in life to read and study God's word, now I just have to write out what I would say to you!

7:The end of all things is near; therefore be serious and discipline yourselves for the sake of your prayers. Above all, maintain constant love for one another for love covers a mulititude of sins. Be hopistable to one another without complaining. Like good stewards of the mainifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very word of God, whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belongs the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

God bless each of you who still are among the living so that you may find peace, forgiveness and an everlasting life with God our heavenly father who can only bring you to his glory through his son Jesus Christ because no one goes to the Father except through the Son.

Charles, soon we shall see each other and rejoice together.

Love you always and to the ends of this earth,

Cathy Callemyn Carter

April 5, 2010


Although we never met, you had a profound effect on my life. I think of you sometimes and especially this month you were on my mind. I know you are an angel because I received an unexplainable, spiritual gift of forgiveness at your funeral. This gift has allowed me to become a better person and to love again.
Thank you so much,


February 18, 2010

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 3rd anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Rest In Peace.

I hope to meet your family the next time I am able to visit my hometown. I pray for their solace on this day.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

February 18, 2010

Your heroism and service is honored today. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service.

Rest In Peace and I'll see you on the other side.

Sgt Don "Boots" Jensen

Don P Jensen
Milwaukee Wisconsin Police, Retired

February 17, 2010


Tonight I weep deeply, you are not here, you have been taken from me, and I find this sorrow heavy with pain, a pain I can not explain or share. When I have been strong for others, the wearing out of the strenght haunts me, I am angry, I am sad, I am hutt and the sorrow rules my mind and my heart breaks open in the tender rigs where it has tried to mend. My Darling Son, how can your mother go on! I ache deep in my soul and find no comfort, no where can I find rest as I ponder, why, why, why. MY faith weaken and I cry out to God, why, this is my only son, he had 2 boys that need him and his wife who sorrows and his sister that left with no sibling to share her growing up stories with, no Uncle for her children, why were we chosen to sorrow so. Tonight my son, I feel the ache as if Jamie just told me that you were gone. I look at pictures and think how young the boys are and I find myself turning to find a recent picture of you with the boys, then it hits me, there are none. I ache for your hugs, I miss your smiles and I hear your laughter, but you are not there. Jody called to day and we talked of your times together, our time doing family trips and outing, he cried, I cried and we seeking healing, but my broken hearts breaks again, when I can not find you. My sisters, their families, from Mema, from your great sons, your wife, your sister, your neices and your brother-in law, we miss you. I long for the time that we will all be together again. I love you son, I miss you, today more than ever. I miss Jack and it is hard to separate my sorrow, but know as I love you in your life here on earth, I love you in death, never failing, and I thank God for you always. I look forward to the believer's ressurection, when we will be forever a family in God's home.


Cathy Carter

February 17, 2010

As each year passes, we see more and more of Charles reflected in his boys. They are growing up but we try our best to talk about their father and remember all the good times. They are good boys and Charles would be so very proud.

The thoughts that are posted on this page help so much to deal with his passing. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to write and remember.

Charles, we miss you so very much. Thank you for the life you lived and the love you gave. We love you!

Jamie Hamlett

February 17, 2010

Charles, Anniversaries are hard for family and friends when someone has been taken so early from life. My friend misses you and cherishes the memories of the times with you. I lit a candle this morning in your memory and prayed for your mom and your children knowing how much they must miss you but you are always held in their hearts. Thank you for the light you brought to those in your world. That is a gift from God. Ride free!


February 17, 2010

It's hard to believe that it has been 3 years ago today that we lost you. At times it still feels like yesterday and remembering the pain is like reliving it all over. The boys and I still miss you and love you, as does everyone else that knew you. You will always live on in our hearts!!!

Catherine Callemyn Pres. NC COPS
Widow of Officer Charles J Callemyn EOW 2-17-07 Durham NC Police Dept

February 17, 2010

My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

February 17, 2010

Well, 3yrs are approaching tomorrow since you were taken away from us. I remember laying in the hospital from my accident on duty and hearing the news. You may be gone, BUT ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN! Please continue to look after us each and every day as we hit the streets.

M.S. Martin
Raleigh Police

February 16, 2010

As the anniversary of his tragic death approaches, I pause to honor his service. I also honor his mom, as I too am the mom of a young police officer, who completes 4 generations of officers in our family line. I honor you, Cathy, as you hold on to our only hope of seeing our loved ones again in Heaven. Your witness here for all to see is most admirable, & you will be rewarded one day. May the Lord God of all comfort continue to comfort you & his entire family.

Mother, daugher, sister & granddau. of LEOs

February 13, 2010


It is hard to believe that it has been almost 3 yrs ago that we lost a very dear friend. We had not been in Oklahoma very long when Kelly called at 5 am to tell us you were gone. We both cried and still think about you. You were a great friend. I will never forget the ride along I did with you at Duke PD and we went driving through the ghetto and you rolled down the window and was playing loud gangster rap! I thought for sure we were gonna get shot! You used to come out after shift when I was waiting for Steve and try to wind up the car! I have never met anyone who could quote every line of full metal jacket like you could. You were so easy to talk to and where ever you were you always heard laughter. You could brighten anyone's day. You talked alot about your boys and how much you loved them and how proud of them you were. You talked about how much you loved your wife. You dedicated your entire life to helping and serving others. You were one of the bravest people I have ever met. I have an Officer Down Tshirt in remembrance of you and so does Steve and we wear them often. You were such an amazing person and a great friend. I enjoyed the time we chatted at the hospital when you were there and on the phone sometimes and you meant alot to Steve. You and my daughter share the same birthday. They used to tease us after you left Duke PD that we named our daughter after you, her name is Callie. We will never forget you Charles and we both greatly value the time we spent with you and your friendship. I know you are still on watch just in heaven instead of a patrol car. One day we will see you again. You changed the lives of everyone who met you. That is a wonderful legacy that you left behind. RIP Charles, we will always love you!

Holly Brown

Holly Brown

February 9, 2010

I worked with Charles when he was a Deputy with the Sheriffs office. He was a fine officer. My son has become friends with both of Charles sons and both of his boys are a reflection of their dad. Charles you have two very beautiful sons and I know they will never forget you.Rest in peace,you will never be forgotten.

Corporal Hal Durham
Orange County Sheriffs Office,N.C.

November 21, 2009

Hi Charlie,
Here I am writing to you before I leave to go on vacation. This time with Florence. Everytime I leave to go anywhere I have the hardest time because I remember that I was away when you were killed. I always thought that if anything ever happened to Jamie or you that if I could get to you immediately, hold and pray over you that God would not take you, he would understand and leave you with me. That goes to show that God's will must be done and his plan is way beyond my understanding and I should find joy in his plan, as he also has a plan for me. I do find peace and happiness to know that we shared 33 years together. The news reminds me constantly that many mothers have lost their child having must less time with them than we had. I hold close to my heart everyday how much we loved each other, how much Jamie, you and I shared and that it was worth every moment, and I am very thankful for those moments. The boys are playing football. It is great to see them learn the sport and how they give it their all when they play. Justin is thrilled and Josh is more into it than I thought he would be. They are doing good in school. Kate is President of C.O.P.s and working hard to make a difference. Jamie is expecting her next baby in Dec, Jody is great and Little Catherine is beautiful and dancing away like Jamie did. She loves her dance classes. Well, I must get stuff done before taking off. You know how much I miss you and never will I ever forget your love for all of us, I remember the sound of your voice and I feel your hugs, just as I will always be you mom I will always remember.

love ya!

Cathy C. Carter

October 16, 2009

Hi Charlie!

I am back at work today. I took last week off to take care of Catherine. She is so much like her mom Jamie. You would have her going with picking on her, she would just love it. The boys got out of school Wed, June 10th. Joshua "graduate" from the 5th grade. I could not help but miss you so much at the school function. Joshua was so grown up and smiling, looking just like you. Justin got out of class to join the event. Katie was so pretty and they made a great looking family. We all miss you so much! Last night as I was working on the books, I just stopped and looked at your picture, then Jack's picture, back and forth. I really miss you both. I wanted to spend a few minutes with you today. When my minds spins around you, I think of what Ruth said to Namio, "Where you go, I will go...." and one day it will be so. Until that time, always know how much I love Jamie and you. You two were my reason to live, to work hard to provide a good life for and I love you more than life. I am so pleased with the man you became, the women Jamie is, the great parents, friend and two cause me to swell with pride. Good-bye for now, loving you always, never forgetting,


Cathy Callemyn Carter

June 15, 2009

Remebering you today, as the boys and I do everyday.
We will always love you.

Catherine Callemyn

May 25, 2009

Charles, I can never forget your passing as that is also my dad's birthday. You were always like another son to me, and I so enjoyed watching you grow into such a fine and honorable young man. I am sure daddy was waiting for you at the pearly gates, singing a welcome song and elated to have a fellow prankster on board. Stick close by his side because he was the perfect dad with the biggest heart and will be honored to have you for a heavenly son.

We celebrate your life and the time you were given to us to enjoy.

Much love son,
Lisa Bryant

L. P. Bryant
Family Friend

April 16, 2009

Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

February 19, 2009

To all who visit Charles' resting place an note no stone to greet you. There have been difficulty in paperwork to secure the message we hope to display. Our family thanks you for your visits and it is so helpful to read your messages. Soon, we are told, the paperwork will flow and the message we feel Charles would want to honor his service and tell a bit of his story will be found marking the place where his body is resting, but his soul has gone on the be with God.

Love to all,
Charles' Mom


February 18, 2009


It was 2 years yesterday when you left us to go began your eternal life with God. There are very few hours or nights that I do not think about or miss you. Josh and Justin are growing up to be the best boys; and little baby Catherine is so very pretty. Jamie, Jody and I remember you everytime we are together, We laugh and cry, it gets all mixed up. Katie is doing a great job with the little guys. It would have been so great for you to be here, with us, but God had other plans for you. Since Jack has gone to be with you in Heaven, I find it more difficult than ever; every day is some type of struggle. I read often 2 Thessalonians 4:14-17; if I am still on this earth when Jesus parts those Eastern skies; I will look 1st to Jesus and then for you, to be there on one of the horses, in the heavenly army that will meet us in the sky and then on to win the final battle against evil. You are there in Heaven for a reason and once we are united again, never will we part. Until then, my son, I will keep watch and will pray to God through Jesus for each of our family members to have a committed faith in Jesus, then we will all come to you in that appointed time as Jesus has promised. I will never forget you, never! I will remember you always, your smile, your laugh, your strong hug and always that you love me as I love you.


cathy callemyn carter

February 18, 2009

Officer Callemyn-

I remember seeing the news on that Sunday morning. My heart dropped when I heard that an officer had been killed. Hearing your name and knowing some of your friends and family personally was tough for me. It's hard to belive that it was two years ago today. Your hard work and sacrifice will never be forgotten.


February 17, 2009

Thinking of your loved ones today and everyday. I know the daily struggles they face without you and the terrible pain within their hearts. God, wrap your loving arms around them and help them with their grief and let them feel your presence.
Your sacrifice has not been forgotten.
Brenda Lucas
Mother of Chief Anthony D. Lucas, EOW 2-4-2005


February 17, 2009

My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

February 17, 2009

To the family and loved ones of Officer Charles Callemyn:

I wanted to honor and remember Charles today, the second anniversary of his tragic death. Although I never had the privilege of meeting him, I feel as if I know him through the loving reflections left by friends and family. His valor and service will never be forgotten.

To his wife and children, his mother and sister, I am so sorry for your loss and know that your life was forever changed by the death of your beloved husband, father, son and brother. I know that he is forever in your hearts. I wish for you that you are able to live the hopes and dreams he has for your life on this earth

This reflection is sent weith the utmost respect for the dedicated service Charles gave to my hometown and the birthplace of my cherished son, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 17, 2007.

Phyllis L. Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg, CA PD, eow 4/24/05

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

February 17, 2009

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