Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, September 28, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Dale Rodney Holcomb
It is November the 19th, Well first of all the Buckeyes won yesterday. Columbus Ohio was a rockin' last night. Today is going to be a busy day. You know we had talked about letting Tyler show his 4-H Steer at the BEST shows. Well he has talked me in to joinin' the Ohio Cattlemans assc.and we are taking the steer to Lima, Ohio November 24 & 25. So wish us luck, I know you will be watching and sayin' now what is that girl doing ? But this is what we had talked about, And Tyler says we can do it. I wish you could see his steer, he is really nice. We have alot of help from everyone taking care of him.Tyler has gone to the woods this morning, to shoot a big buck you know how easy that is HA HA...Trent and Trooper is still in bed, but is about to get up. Trooper is doing fine he really has a hard time going up and down the stairs, but he does it. He weighs 4 pounds now. Well I gotta to go for now, I'll write again later...
Connie ,Tyler and Trent
November 19, 2006
Connie ~
I just read your reflection on Drew Henley's page and wanted to drop you a line. I know you feel like things won't ever get better, but they will. You won't always feel this way, the pain gets softer and more tolerable and you just learn to live with the loss. It isn't easy, some days are still really hard, but you just take it one day at a time and do the best you can. Like Chrissy said, it helps to write messages on this site. I also felt strange when I first started doing it - it's like leaving personal, private notes for anyone to read. But what I have found is that writing on here is amazingly therapeutic, because it allows you to connect with other widows who are walking in your shoes and can really understand what you are going through. You do what feels right for you - and know that we will be here for you. We will read your posts and cry with you when you are sad and missing Dale, we will smile at your stories about Trent and Tyler, we will offer words of encouragement when you need it. Lean on us, Connie. We have been where you are, and we are here for you now. We are all traveling this journey of loss and grief together, and together we will learn how to continue on and rebuild our lives.
You and your boys are in my thoughts everyday.
Warmly ~
Carin Sollman, widow
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05
November 15, 2006
Dale, I want to say thank You for the positive impact that you had on my life. I am a young police officer and You always took the time to help me to make me better,never making me feel dumb when i would ask you questions I will never forget of your willingness to serve next to me know matter how bad the call was or were it was at. You were always there any time i ask. You will never be forgoten by this deputy and I know that I am better person and police officer because of Your influence on my life
Dep. Fred Workman
Deputy Fred Workman
Gallia County Sheriff's Office
November 15, 2006
May God's peace and loving arms surround you always. May you find comfort in knowing that you are never alone. Dale has been called home to be with his Heavenly Father. Know that you are loved and you are in our prayers.
Trooper's Wife
November 14, 2006
Mrs. Holcomb, I read your comment to Chrissy Henley (Drew Henley EOW March 19, 2005) and came over here to look for your husbands reflection. Let me say, much thoughts and prayers to you and your family for your loss. Me, being from Ohio and from the southern Ohio area, I cannot believe I have not written anything yet. I am sorry! Chrissy husband was my rookie and although I left my department, he is in my everyday thoughts. So believe me when I tell you, your husband will never be forgotten. He and his partner are "true" hereos! God bless you and know, we are here for you and your family always!
Officer J.M. Lane
McKinney Texas PD former Suffolk Virginia PD
November 14, 2006
Well it has been 5 weeks, everyday seems like a night mare. I guess the boys and I are doing o.k. As good as we know to do any way. You know Trent gets his permit Nov. 18th and that was your job ! Deer Season is right around the corner, Tyler has put up his tree stand, and really wants to go hunting. He has a picture of you 3 from last year on his night stand. The boys made beef jerky last night, I hope it turns out good.I went up to your mom's yesterday, that was really tough. There doing o.k, there not looking forward to the holidays either. A couple of the guys from work stopped by last night.I was surprized to see them here. Just 3 or 4 of the same guys have been stopping to check on us, but that is o.k . I know who they are and they know who they are.. Dale you wouldn't believe what we have had to go through. Well I've got to go for now, We miss you and love you so much !!!
Connie and your boys
November 13, 2006
Sgt. Holcomb
Sir I have had the honor of meeting your family and spent a day w/ the boys on a 4 wheeler ride. You have two very fine son's. You can rest assured that the boys are following your fine example.
God Bless you Sir and God Speed.
Ofc. Eric McKee
Chillicothe PD
November 12, 2006
To Connie, Tyler and Trent:
"A Letter From Heaven"
To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; Here is just enternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me and he said,'I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.'
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....In the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human they are bound to bring tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you would not understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you, and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one step at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you to;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night...."My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low:
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free.
Remember you're not going...you're coming here to me.
I will always be with you!
November 12, 2006
Dale, i cant remember ever telling you how much i appreciate and respect you. As I reflect on good times passed by the only word that comes to mind is integrity. You stood strong for so many things in this community and although I might not have said it until now, it did not go unnoticed or appreciated. It was truely my honor to work with you the past twelve years and to be part of your brotherhood. Since you left us, there has been so much turmoil surrounding the events that day. You would be as proud as I am with your co-workers, friends, family and brothers in arms that supported you and Josh. They really stood up and fought for what they knew in their hearts. i will miss you here on earth but will look forward to joining you in Heaven one day. Thank you for your service to your community and your friends. c-ya soon.
To Connie and Sons: Being a christian, it is still hard for me to understand why some things happen. The only hope is to rely on the comforting words of the Bible. "the sufferings of the present times are not worth comparing with the coming glory". Thank you for supporting Dale in his career and his community oriented goals. I know how hard it can be, being a police officers family memeber and my thanks go out to you. I will remember you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Detective Chad A. Wallace
Gallia County Sheriff's Office
November 8, 2006
Connie....I read your reflection to Carin Sollman...I remember so well those first few hours, days, weeks....Carin is right...it does get easier...the hard days become less...and you will smile again...for a while I thought I would never "fee" anything again...it seemed like nothing could spark any emotion in me, beside tears and sadness....then, slowly, it starts to come back...one day you will catch yourself feeling joy.. it may be for something small..but you will know that you are healing... it takes time... let it happen...don't push yourself..don't feel like you are lost and alone.. we are here.. all of us..for you everyday...we check this site everyday...we read the stories.. and most importantly, we talk to our loved ones...this has been the best healing for me... when I miss Drew, I come here and write to him.. at first I thought it was odd, since anyone can read them...then I realized...there are so many people out there who understand..people who get something from my writings...it brought me to Carin...and it will bring you to so many others....be strong...we are here with you every step of the way.. much love and prayers, Chrissy Henley
November 8, 2006
Dale, You would have been proud Saturday at the new RVHS ground breaking. Charla and Billy both spoke and it was very hard for everyone there to be there. But it was very nice. There is people in Gallia County that will make sure that you will always be a part of the new RVHS. It just wouldn't be the same without you being a part of it.The Football season didn't end the way we hoped, Basketball season is right around the corner and we will miss you at the books. It is hard for people to believe that you are gone, I know it's hard for us at R.V. We will watch out for Connie and the Boys for ya .
November 6, 2006
Sargeant Holcomb, May you rest in peace and may God comfort your family. I did not personally know you but know that we, as members of an organization that holds us to such high standards, worked with a common goal. Know that you are a hero to all and will not be forgotten. To your family, let your memories comfort you. Although the pain is intense, (I can't even imagine), my prayer for you is that in time these memories will be what helps you make it through the day. Nobody can ever take these priceless thoughts from you. Rest well my brother and good job. God bless all that miss you and I know you will watch over each and every one of them.
former OSP - diability seperated
November 6, 2006
Dear Connie ~
Thank you for writing to me. I am so sorry for your loss. I am always so saddened to come on this site and see another name added to the list of fallen officers. It is so senseless and unfair - my heart aches for you and your boys.
Please try to be strong, Connie. I know it is so hard; I can remember those first few weeks and months and I know how difficult it is to continue on without your wonderful husband. There were many days I just wanted to pull the covers up over my head and stay in bed all day but when you have kids you can't do that - you have to get up and do what needs to be done and just get through the day as best you can. That's all anyone can expect of you, and all you can expect of yourself.
It won't always be this way, you won't always feel so sad. Right now the grief is overwhelming and the pain in your heart is unbearable - I can remember thinking my heart just couldn't take the pain another day, that it just couldn't continue beating and I just couldn't continue breathing without Jesse here. But it gets better, honestly it does. You won't always feel so bad and the pain won't always be so sharp. It gets softer with time, more tolerable, and you find a way to go on. You didn't ask for any of this to happen, you were placed on this path and the only option you have is to travel it. Just know that you are not alone.
You are not alone on this journey, Connie. There are many others who walk this path with you and share your suffering. You will be alright. Your boys will be alright. Just hold onto each other, hold onto family and friends and just do the best you can.
If there is anything at all I can do for you, please let me know. If you wanted to email or call me, Chris Cosgriff has my information (he runs this site) please feel free to contact me anytime. Take care and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Warmly ~
Carin Sollman
wife of Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05
November 5, 2006
Dale, Well the Boys and I have done something really crazy. I went and bought a puppy.. I know I always said we didn't need a dog, But you would like this one. He is black and white and he only weighs 3 pounds. The boys named him Trooper Raider Holcomb. You would have laughed yesterday, I took him to Wal-Mart.
Well it has been a very hard day I find my self cryin'everytime I turn around.I better go for now it's almost bedtime. We love you and miss you so so much.
Connie, Tyler & Trent
November 3, 2006
Dale, We have needed you a million times and we have cried everyday.. The boys and I miss you and need you so much..People can say they know how we feel.. THEY DON'T.
We will miss you tomorrow on November 3,2006 It is the River Valley High School Ground Breaking , that you worked so hard and for so long on.
With lots and lots of love, Connie Tyler & Trent
November 3, 2006
You are missed so much! I think about you all the time. Its so different at school an even more different at the football games! It's going to be harder at the basketball games because I cant look over an see you keeping the books. It was so hard to believe when ever I was first told then whenever I was told again I had to make myself believe it! You were an honestly good man! an Father an Friend. I cant stand all of these news people going around starting stuff.. I dont know how the boys are doing it! I know I could never ever try to make it with out my dad! Them boys are strong just like you! an Connie I love her to death. She is a strong woman too! We miss you so much! You will always be loved..
November 2, 2006
Our family will forever be proud.You were the greatest protector, father and husband, and you will be so sadly missed by all of us.
November 1, 2006
May God bless you and your family.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9).
Deputy Marshal Randy Smith
Racine PD, Meigs County
November 1, 2006
September 29, 2006
Gallipolis Post Dispatchers, Troopers, Sergeants, and Lieutenant Grau (Coach),
I find myself thinking of my fellow brothers and sisters across Ohio especially those of you at the Gallipolis Post. This is truly a very difficult time. My family and I are praying for each and every one of you, especially Josh and Dale’s family. We all wish this tragedy would not have occurred. It surely has impacted all of our lives. I know we are all questioning and asking, why our two Brothers? Well, in our human wisdom it is very difficult to understand, only the Lord God almighty knows why. I am very optimistic and realize Our God does not make mistakes.
Dale and Josh’s Highway Patrol shift started and ended just before 5:50 am on September 28, 2006. However, at the same time they received and answered the call to report to duty for our “Father“. They are now working for the King in Heaven. I am happy for them and pray to get there some day. I know their will be wisdom and strength gained from this tragedy. Without a doubt we are children of God, Mathew 5:9 says, “blessed are the peace keepers for they are the children of God.” We have no choice and must be obedient to our father even in death.
I have often heard Ohio State Troopers are highly trained, mentally tough and are capable of handling tragedies better than most. This may or may not be true. Let the healing process begin in your own way but know it is not weak to grieve or cry. Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus. I believe it is a sign of true friendship, compassion, understanding and healing. If you or I find ourselves weeping for our friends today, it only means the healing process has began! Psalms 30:5 says, “weeping may endure for the night but joy will come in the morning.”
Here is another prayer I offer for you and I.
“Lord Jesus , I ask for courage, courage to face and conquer my own fear, courage to take me where others will not go. I ask for strength, strength of body to protect others and strength of spirit to lead others and make decisions. I ask for dedication, dedication to my job, to do it well, dedication to my family and my community to keep them safe.
During this difficult time, I ask that God grant each of us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to protect and bless all my brother and sisters in the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
Respectfully, and humbly submitted,
Your brother in Christ,
Sergeant Marvin E. Hill, U-896 P-50 D-4
Sgt Marvin E. Hill
OSHP Canfield/Brother In Christ
November 1, 2006
Your family at the Gallipolis Post have all discussed what you must be thinking right now. Everyone knew you are one of the best at detecting impaired drivers and the Division wanted us to believe that you would ride in a patrol car with someone who was impaired. We are sure you are watching us from above and you are very happy how the community, co-workers and the Ohio State Troopers Association worked together to make sure this incident was cleared up.
We at the post are very happy to have had the chance to work with you. You have provided us with so much guidance and support over the years, it is very hard to go on without you. Know that we will do anything within our power to provide support to your family. Continue to watch over us and know you will always be in our thoughts.
Post 27
Gallipolis Post
Ohio State Highway Patrol
Gallipolis Post
November 1, 2006
As an SRO, I keep a list in my office of all officers during the school year who have given their lives in the line of duty. It saddens me to add to names from OSP. Having been trained at your academy, I have great respect for OSP. My prayers are with your family and fellow troopers. Be at Peace.
Off. M.J. McRill #180
Sidney Police Department (Ohio)
October 28, 2006
My most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and co-workers of Sergeant Holcomb. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
To his wife ~ I share your suffering. I lost my husband in the line of duty 19 months ago and am left to raise 2 young children on my own. This is a very painful journey that none of us wanted to take, but please know that you are not alone. You walk this path with many others who have endured similar losses. Please be strong and know that many people are thinking of and praying for you and your children.
Thank you, Sergeant Holcomb, for your service and ultimate sacrifice. May God bless you and may you rest in eternal peace, forever safe in the arms of the angels.
Warmly ~
Carin E. Sollman, surviving spouse
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05
October 27, 2006
Dear Sgt. Holcomb, family and Law Enforcement family,
In John 15:13 the Lord stated “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”, however, Sgt. Holcomb did not necessarily lay down his life for his friends.
Rather he laid down his life for his community. We do not forget that he gave the greatest sacrifice in the name of freedom, liberty and justice for people he did not know or even met. Freedom, liberty and justice are just mere words until brave men such as Sgt. Holcomb went where others would not.
As each generation of law enforcement officer passes the torch to the next generation, the previous generation leaves us with a moral mandate. That mandate is that we shall not forget those whom have come before us. As we reflect on the ultimate sacrifice he gave his family, the citizens, and fellow officers, we follow the moral mandate, WE DO NOT FORGET! We should live with a permanent crick in our necks from looking backwards at his ultimate sacrifice.
The next generation of torch bearers will learn that cops’ do three things: lock up bad guys, take care of business and help others when they cannot help themselves. People may not remember what is wrote on these pages, but your community can never forget that he gave the ultimate sacrifice!
There are not words in the English language that can capture what Sgt. Holcomb life meant, which was that his life in law enforcement was not just a way to live, but a way to live ‘greatly’. Therefore as you pray tonight, pray that when our children are sixty and their children are sixty that there are great men exactly like Sgt. Holcomb who are willing to put themselves in harms way to protect those who could not or would not protect themselves.
Sgt. Holcomb will not be forgotten because great men take up space even when gone!
Lt. Bob Meader
Zone 5 Day Watch
Columbus, Ohio Police
Lt. Bob Meader
Columbus Ohio Police
October 25, 2006
Dale, you will be remembered by those in Gallia County for your efforts in bringing together all agencies involved in emergency response. Your unwaivering work during our 2003 ice storm in our Emergency Operations Center assisting all of the citizens of Gallia County will never be forgotten! God be with you and your family. Steve/911
Stephen L. Wilson, 911 Director
Gallia County 911 Center
October 24, 2006
Dale, you were a good friend and a great trooper. I never thought much of state troopers until I met you and participated in all of those training classes with you. You are a great man and I will admire you always. It is hard to believe you are no longer with us, but I know you will be watching out for all of us as we continue to serve the community you loved and cherished. We'll do our best to look after your boys. We will always carry you in our hearts as we continue to do our jobs. We will never forget you, Dale, and the all of the honor you brought to public service. I am so proud to have known you! We love you! God bless you and your family. We were all so blessed to have had you in our lives.
October 23, 2006