Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Dale Rodney Holcomb

Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, September 28, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Dale Rodney Holcomb

Merry Christmas,Dale.

December 25, 2006

Connie, Trent, and Tyler
You are in my thoughts and prayers today and always... Merry Christmas.


December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Sgt.

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Dale!! We all miss ya!!!!

December 24, 2006


December 24, 2006

Hey Sarge, Merry Christmas!!!!! Thank God from all of us down here for letting him bless us with you.

Ohio State Highway Patrol

December 22, 2006

Hey Sgt. I don't know where to begin..It has been almost 3 months now and I still can not believe that you are not here anymore. Everytime I put on this uniform, I think of you and Josh. I miss all of the midnight pranks we used to play on each other and all the fun we had. I can still see you running down the hallway after pulling the alarm. You just wanted to hear me yell. And who is going to yell, BEAN, get off my post!! or if we mess up, who is going to take us to the woodshed aka garage and give us a good talking to. So many memories. I wished we had many more though.. It's funny how we all go through everyday life thinking that we have many more tomorrows and we never get a chance to say what we really should. Well now here is my chance. Sgt, it was an honor working with you. You are sorely missed by all of us here and you will never be forgotten.!!!!!

Merry Christmas 960.

Post 27 Dispatcher

December 22, 2006

Dale, you will be missed this Christmas and all Christmas days to come. Your patrol car always had the best christmas lights on it and under it. you are missed.


December 21, 2006

Dale, where do I start? First let me say that your passing left a hole in my heart. I still think about your kids and your wife daily.

From reading the reflections here, Im sure you can see that there are so many people that miss you terribly. I hope and pray that somehow they will find a way to make it through. People keep saying that it will get easier. I hope for their sake that this is true.

I know that you already know, but the Post 27 family is getting stronger everyday. They are a great bunch of folks. Every law enforcement family should be as close knit as they are.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Merry Christmas buddy.

Frequent Visitor
Ohio State Highway Patrol

December 21, 2006

Connie, your husband's death hit close to home for two reasons. First, because my husband did under very similar circumstances. My husband was responding to another officer's call for back up and was involved in an accident that resulted in a fire that consumed his cruiser. He died at the scene. Second, because my boyfriend is a pilot/trooper for the Ohio Highway Patrol. My kids and I drove down to the calling hours for Dale, but when we made it through the line you were taking a much needed break. I read through some of your postings and know exactly what you are feeling. YES, things do get better. You find a new sense of normalcy in your life. Eleven years later there are still times of sadness. My daughter just got her permit and I am not doing well with it at all. My son is now 12 and wants to go hunting but doesn't really have anyone to take him. I know if his father were still alive he would have been out there with him already.

I am attaching an article I wrote for the COPS newsletter a few months ago. I know it is long, but I am hoping that some of the things I wrote might help (even if only a little bit.) Take care and know that you are always in our thougths and prayers. If you ever need someone or something you can get a hold of me through the aviation division in Columbus.

This journey that we are on has been played out in too many houses across Ohio. Each story is different, yet similar in so many ways. My journey began on April 5, 1995. Like many of you my memories of this time are scattered. Self-preservation has kept many clear as crystal and others are non-existent. I want to share with you a bit about the time this journey began and where it has taken me along the years.

The day started out like every other day of the week, with me getting ready for work. Marc had court that morning and so he was up and getting the kids ready early. I remember walking to the front door to leave and stopping because I had forgotten to kiss him goodbye. Marc had our baby Zachary with him, so I knew if I went back Zach would start to cry (not wanting mom to leave him) and this would make the morning more difficult for Marc and so I almost didn’t go back. Thankfully, I say “almost”, because I did go back and kiss him goodbye and was able to say, “I love you” one more time; as it turned out it was the last time.

The evening also started as any other evening during the week. I came home from work, fed the kid’s dinner, did baths and put Zach down to bed. I remember ironing Marc’s shirt for him to wear to work the next day. I remember watching television with Eryne when the doorbell rang. I remember going to the door, pulling back the curtain and at first only seeing my best friend Kerri. I remember opening the door and had the words “what are you doing here” on the tip of my tongue. Before the words could actually come out I remember seeing the rest of “them”. The “them” I refer to was the Chief of Police and an entire entourage of officers. From there I remember screaming. I knew right then and there what had happened. The Chief of Police doesn’t come to your door if your husband is still alive. I knew if he were still alive they would have sent a car and the Chief would be at the hospital. But he wasn’t at the hospital, he was on my doorstep and I knew why. I remember yelling at them (before they had said anything to me) that he couldn’t be dead. I told them all I wasn’t crying and so he couldn’t be dead.

As it turned out April 5, 1995 was not like any other day of the week, because it was on that day that my husband Sgt. Marc Muncy, an officer with the Columbus Division of Police, while responding to a call for backup, died in a car accident. It was on that day that my journey in this world of survivors began. The days and weeks that followed were the same for us as I am sure they were for all of you. It was a blur of funeral arrangements, calling hours, and the funeral itself. On the morning of the funeral I remember waiting for the car to arrive and asking someone if we could just do it another day because I didn’t want the finality the funeral would bring. The car did come and the funeral did happen that day and it did bring about finality to what had been our life together. I was now left with a four year old daughter and a one-year-old son and not a clue as to what to do next.

The finality of that day created a beginning to what I commonly think of as the second part of my life. In the first months after Marc died, it was a chore just to get out of bed each morning. Many days I didn’t get up. I did make sure the kids were taken care of, as I tried to keep their routine the same and I had a lot of wonderful people who helped take care of them. I just didn’t know what to do to take care of me. I did go into counseling (something I highly recommend for everyone.) God took care of me in those days and eventually I began to piece together a life.

Even with God watching over me, this journey has not been easy. I knew in the beginning that I wanted to go back to school. That was easier said than done. Close to a year after Marc died, I realized I had to do something with myself. I registered for classes. I remember driving to school on that first day and sobbing the entire way. All I could think of was that I was getting the opportunity to go back to school, something I had always wanted to do, and the only reason was because Marc had died. It was almost more than I could handle. I made it through that first day but ended up dropping all but one class. I wasn’t ready.

One thing you will learn through this journey is that you may try things and find you just aren’t ready. Its ok…the important thing is you tried. I was eventually able to rectify in my mind that it was all right to go to school. Marc would have wanted me to build the best life possible for the kids and myself and if finishing college was the way to do that then he would be happy. In May 2000, I graduated from Cleveland State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication.

After graduation, I was back to a point of not knowing what to do with myself. We moved back to Columbus and I decided to do something I had always wanted to do and that was go to law school. In the span of 3 months, I took the LSAT entrance exam, applied and was accepted to Capital University Law School.

The law school journey began in August of 2001. I applied for internships at many places, but for one reason or another no one would hire me. Halfway through my second year, I was finally hired by the Franklin County Prosecutor’s office. I knew right away this was the perfect fit. I realize now that the reason I wasn’t hired anywhere else is because I wasn’t suppose to work anywhere else. God knew that I could take what I had experienced through my life with Marc, and with his death and bring an understanding that would help victims with their journeys through the legal system.

In May 2004, I graduated from law school and managed to pass the bar on my first try. I was sworn in to the Ohio Bar in November of that year and hired as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Franklin County, and continue to work in the juvenile division.

This journey of mine is far from over and I know for many of you it is just beginning. It seems trite to say “take it one day at a time” but this is truly the best advice there is for making your way. By taking it one day at a time I went from being a scared, young mother with two small children to raise alone, to a strong and independent (slightly older) woman. I am proud of what I have accomplished and the example I have set for those two small children, who are now a pre-teen and a teenager. By taking it one day at a time, the road your journey takes will piece itself together into something that you too can be proud of.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County

December 19, 2006


I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below,
with tiny lights like heavens stars
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
for I am spending Christmas
with Jesus this year

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
but the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
for it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing

I know how much you miss me
I see the pain inside your heart
but I am not so far away
we really aren't apart.

So be happy for me dear ones,
You know I hold you dear,
and be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus this year.

I sent you a special gift,
from my heavenly home above
I sent you each a memory
of my undying Love

After all Love is a gift more
precious than pure gold
it was always most important
in the stories Jesus told.

Please Love and keep each other,
as my father said to do
for I can't count the blessings or Love
he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
wipe away that tear
remember I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus this year.

December 14, 2006

still thinking of you everyday...


December 14, 2006

When I first heard this song you came to mind..

Holding Out For You by Shedaisy

Never thought I'd be in this place
It's someone else's life I'm living
Wish I were living a lie
The hardest part is when the bough breaks
Falling down and then forgiving
You didn't kiss me good-bye
I'm choking on the words I didn't get to say
And pray I get the chance one day

I stil run, I still swing open the door
I still think, you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things the heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you

I can hear you smile in the dark
I can even feel your breathing
But daylight chases the ghosts
I see your coat and I fall apart
To those hints of you I'm clinging
Now's when I need them most
I should get up, dry my eyes and move ahead
At least that's what you would have said

I stil run, I still swing open the door
I still think, you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things the heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you

Faithfully, I trace your name while you sleep
It's the the only true comfort I feel

I still run, I still swing open the door
I still think, you'll be there like before

I stil run, I still swing open the door
I still think, you'll be there like before
Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around
Some things the heart won't listen to
I'm still holding out for you

December 12, 2006

It's December 10th We played meigs last night in basketball and we won. Sure wish you could have been there, it got pretty exciting.. Tyler had weigh in yesterday with Famous ( his steer) he is a pretty big boy, he weighed in at 927. He is a very nice steer and a pretty one. You know me I like the Pretty ones.I've got some people on the look for next years already ~It will be Tylers last year to show. We go to Columbus for the scarlet & Gray show Jan. 6&7.Trent is fine he is getting into hunting. And he will hunt whatever !!
Well I'm going to go for now We love you and Miss You !!
~Hugs & Kisses ~ Connie

December 10, 2006

Well I made it through December 5th, It wasn't easy, I'll say that.. We went to the basketball game, Everyone there said, well this is where you both would have been.The J.V won there game. Trent had a pretty good game, and Tyler with the broken arm , he just sits on the bench !!! I went looking for a new car today, Boy was that hard without you . I keep thinking is this what you would want to buy ?? I can't remember if I said Trent got a deer, he got one Sunday. So we have plenty of deer meat.. LouAnn called this morning, I'm always happy when they call..

Well I've got to go for now
~Hugs & Kisses ~ Love you Connie

December 6, 2006

Dale, it is hard for me to talk at times. but i miss you first thing in the morning and the "tea" you called coffee. i miss you......pacman


December 5, 2006

Hey Dale~
It's Dec.3rd. We had our First Basketball game last night at Beaver.. The J.V and Varisty both won. Trent had a good game. Tyler broke his arm Thursday night, so he is in a cast. I know that doesn't surprize you. That boy always is hurting him self. He is out of basketball for 6 weeks. Both of the boys spent the night with Diane, Willy is taking them hunting this morning. This pat Monday the boys went hunting with Dick and the Captain, They had alot of fun with them guys. I have started Christmas shopping, the boys really don't want a whole lot. We are going to Florida for Christmas and see Bob & Kathy, so they will like that. Well I got to go for now, I'll write again soon.
~Hugs & Kisses~ Love you lots Connie,Tyler & Trent

December 3, 2006

Well, Dale, I got all the kids names today that the post will be buying for at Christmas time. It sure won't be the same without you. You were always so excited about that and you and your family were the greatest supporters. I tried to call Connie today to check on her but she wasn't home. I think about her so much, but just don't know what to say to her. I can't imagine what she's going through, especially this time of year. She has no idea how much we miss you here at the post. We talk about you all the time here and laugh about some of the things you used to do. We'll never forget you. We know you're looking down on us because we can feel it. We'll be thinking and praying for your family during the holidays.

P-27 Secretary

November 30, 2006

Once again, sorry for your loss, especially during the holidays!! My prayers are with you and your family.

John Kritzell, Friend

November 29, 2006

Just to let you know we have made it home from the Steer Show in Lima, Ohio. You would have been so proud of Tyler, He got 5th in his class with Famous. He really enjoyed him self. It was really nice to go and get away for the weekend. Our next show is in January. I got to meet Stan from Iowa, he is really nice. There was people from all over the U.S there. Trent had a good time with Jon & Tami. Him and Jess ran all weekend.
Well December 5th is coming up on us, I don't know what that day will bring. I do know I wish you were here to celebrate our 20th Anniversary with me.
We love you and Miss you ~ Connie, Tyler & Trent

November 27, 2006

Connie...just a note to say that I am thinking of you and your family on this the first of many firsts...this is my second Thanksgiving without Drew...I wanted you to know that it will not always be so hard...I realized the other day that I could not remember the last time I had a "moment"...which is a good thing...we are healing...I pray that you will have that healing as strong through these next couple of will get through it.. hold your boys tightly when you need to...and always remember that Dale is with you every step of the way!! Eat lots of turkey, I am sure that is what Dale would have done...why do men love Thanksgiving so much??? I know Drew is having a big plate...or two...and enjoying the fact that he didn't have to work today! Much love Connie to you and your boys, Chrissy Henley

November 24, 2006



November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Sgt. I know you are in a better place but your P27 family is still missing you. And we always will. Keep watching over us.

P27 Dispatcher

November 22, 2006

Connie ~

You joined the Cattlemen's Association?!?!?!? You go, girl! I am so happy to read that you are doing a little better........we don't really have much of a choice, we just have to keep on going but I'm so glad that you are doing well. God bless you and your boys. You are all in my thoughts and prayers every day. Have a good trip to the steer show this weekend and be sure to let us all know how it turns out!

Dale would be so proud of you.

Warmly ~

November 20, 2006

Well It's November 19th I just wrote to you, But I had to write again. Tyler got a Deer this morning It's a Doe, but that's O.K. He was really happy to get it. We had to call Bob & Carroll Lee And tell them all about it. Tyler called Trent and I to Come and bring the 4-Wheeler to bring him home that was interesting. Trent came home and got on all the camo and now his up in the woods. Gotta to go for now.

We love you and miss you !!! Connie Tyler & Trent

November 19, 2006

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