Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, September 28, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Dale Rodney Holcomb
Dearest Holcomb Family,
I have just finished reading many of your reflections left for your precious husband and father. I am so sorry you are having to live this life now. Our beautiful 25 year old son died in September 2004 during one of the storms that came through with hurricane Ivan. It absolutely does not get better being without the one you love and miss so much, but you do learn how to insulate yourself and keep going and try to stay focused on those that are still here and need you. We will be in Washington in May, and with honor and respect and love hear Dale's name read.
Matt's Mom Always
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
January 26, 2007
God Speed! Sarge
We will always remember you.
Sergeant Dale R. Holcomb Ohio State Highway Patrol
Thursday, September 28, 2006
January 26, 2007
Hey it's me
Well, where do I begin. First of all this week Dale has been a nightmare.. Monday I thought I was going to pull my hair out.Tuesday I went to Chillicothe Wednesday I had to go back to Chillicothe. I went to pick out a stone for you, I was not ready to do that by all means.. You will love the stone, but you would say WHY did you spend so much money and WHY did you get such a big one.. Well it's like this you deserve the best and the biggest one out there and that is what you are getting. It was such a hard job to do but it had to be done. I think the boys at the post will love it.A picture of you, your car, your badge and the flying wheel is on the front . On the back is a big ol' buck for you and the boys.
Dale, NAN is not very good at all. I talked to Shelley awhile ago and there going to have to make the trip home again real soon. I don't think Nan will be here for long. The boys and I went down yesterday to see her and I went today. I do know I'm not ready to do this again.
I bought you a valentine to take down the road, it is so cold I'm not sure when I'm taking it....
I went to Rio Grande today, I think in June I'll go back to school. I've talked to different people out there, they all seem really nice.
We are still working on the Washington trip, There is going to be sooooo many people wanting to go , I just hope they all get to go.
I've got to go for now. We love you and miss you every single day.... ~hugs and kisses~
January 25, 2007
We miss you!! We're always thinkin about ya! Preslee looks at your picture we got sittin up and says "awee its dale".. Your never forgotten! Lots of love from the sunny state!
The Taylors from Florida!
January 23, 2007
Hey Connie I found this poem and when I read it I thought of you This sounds like something you would say to Dale
I hope this week is better for you and the boys Good Luck
I miss you so much
Why’d you have to go?
You left in such a horrible way
The crash, the sound, the blow
Everyone’s still crying
They’re hoping it’s not true
Looking at old photos
Remembering everything of you
They play our song out loud
Tears start flowing from my eyes
As I walk up to your casket
And I start to say goodbye
My sweaty palms hold the key
You said it was to your heart
You promised that we’d be together
You said we’d never part
You were my only true love
I’ll remember you in everything I do
January 22, 2007
Hey it's just me,
It snowed here this morning,, YUCK !! Tyler and Trent has been out clearing off the driveway. I ordered 600 car ribbons last week with your name on them. They turned out really nice.. I also ordered 500 badge pins, but I haven't got them yet. I'm glad we made it through last week. It was tough, I feel I got no where with Columbus. But I guess everyone is still having a hard time dealing with everything going on.
Your buddies call me all the time to make sure the boys and I are doing O.K. I guess that is what keeps us going.
There is a bunch of people now tryin' to plan the trip to Washington. We have checked on prices for a bus and flyin' and not sure which way it is going to be. But there is a bunch of people from Gallipolis going.I had to pick an escort to be with the boys and I for the whole week while in D.C. That was not an easy decision.
~hugs and kisses~ Love you and miss you ....
January 21, 2007
Hey Connie ~
Thanks for the note and the good thoughts. It looks like you've been having some bad days, too. I wish I could say that my bad days are gone - but they just aren't. They definetly don't come as often as they did in the beginning, but unfortunately when they do come they are just as difficult as they were 2 years ago.
You try, as a mother, to keep life as normal as possible for the kids - to keep going and doing and living......but sometimes the reality just hits you and it just pulls the rug out from under your feet. And it's so unexpected sometimes, like the other night when I took the kids out to dinner and Savannah was sad because she is tired of sitting alone on her side of the booth - you realize again in one huge wave that he is gone and WOW the pain just rips through your heart all over again. Such a simple little nothing but it just reminds you so profoundly of how your life has changed, of what you have lost and of how things will never be the same.
The days, weeks and months begin to blend together.....time just marches on. It's so sad. I'm so sad for me and for you and for everyone else who has to go through this.
Anyway.....Thanks again for thinking of me. Pleas know that I think of you, too, Connie. Every day. You and your boys. Hang in there.
Warmly ~
January 19, 2007
Hey man, We could have used you at the ball game the other night. I'm sure you would have had something to say to the referee's that night. Miss you coming to the games and keeping books. Keep watching us play ball and watch over us.
January 18, 2007
It's just me, The boys had a game last night, it was not a good out come at all.Tyler got his glasses knocked off for the 3rd time this year.Trent ended up with a very sore fist after hitting a locker. I stopped down the road today for a while, there is some new flowers there. And I bought some things in town today. Dale I've not been a very nice person lately towards Columbus you wouldn't believe all the BS going on. I now know why you didn't like many people that wore the brass. And you were one of the few that were not afraid to tell them either.. miss you so much and love you always
~Hugs and Kisses~
January 17, 2007
Hey Dale,
Well it's a new day. I sure hope it goes better then yesterday. Some friends of yours called me yesterday to see how we were holding up, it was really tuff around here yesterday. It was like living that day all over again. I can only hope that yesterday was the end of everything. It is not fair that three families have to see this over and over. I called R.V yesterday and talk to Jacobs, I didn't want NO TV's on up there yesterday. Those kids up there are still having a hard time dealing with everything. I didn't think they needed to see the news yesterday.. We have a ball game tonight,You know me if there is a game to go to I'm all for it. Wish the boys luck tonight... I'll be glad to be able to go and get out of the house for a while.
~Hugs and Kisses~ Miss you so much Love Connie
January 12, 2007
Hey Dale. well today was a very difficult day Wow it's hard to believe it's been almost 4 months Today was like hearing everything all over again of course at the end of 2nd period they bring in that little piece of paper for all the teachers to read to themselves and everyone asks "what was that" and some teachers tell you others dont.. well mine did and it was UHH!! disturbing!! I think it is wrong on so many levels on what they are doing.. but it's not my place to say.. I dont know but anymore all it does is rain even on christmas 2006 really sucked for a lot people I never knew that there were so many officers that die a year until now sad to say I know I feel so sorry for all those who have lost loved ones and my prayers go out to them my thoughts and prayers are still with Connie and the boys I sure do miss seeing you and joking with you at the games Well Im going to go it's getting late but watch over us Thank you for everything
January 11, 2007
Sarge, inspection is right next month. and as always i have to much stuff. i will try to get it turned in..lol and no i do not have 13 shirts.
January 11, 2007
Well it has been over three months, and once again we had a really bad day. You were on the news most of today. It just made me sick to my stomache to even watch. I just don't know why people have to do this to our families. I've had a really bad day... I just don't know any more. Some friends of yours have called today and ask me how I has holding up.. It's not easy..
Well the boys are coming home and I think Trent and I are going out to drive. They also have basketball tonight.
~Hugs and Kisses~ Love you and Miss you
Connie, Tyler and Trent
January 11, 2007
--"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded." -- Maya Angelou
--"God's finger touched him, and he slept."--Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Aloha Sergeant Dale R. Holcomb,
Thank you for your service and dedication to your community and your country. A tragic accident responding to assist a fellow officer, resulted in the loss of two lives, yours and Trooper Joshua Patrick Risner's. This price you both would pay again without question nor hesitation. This is what makes you and your fellow officer heroes. You respond to save lives first. This is without question and understood. You and all officers that continue to lay your lives on the line and pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep our communities and country safe, will NEVER be forgotten.
I personally pledge, (after one of Hawaii's own, Honolulu Police Officer Steve Favela, lost his life in the line of duty protecting our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush), to become a continuum of the ODMP light. That light is in the form of an ODMP tribute. People from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, religion, profession, education, and geographical location can share here. That "LIGHT" comes from within the heart and soul of every person who cares to share a word or two on behalf of each and every fallen officer. Every fallen officer is an hero. The ODMP; Officer Down Memorial Page gives us a place to come together and share our feelings as one family. May we find comfort as we give comfort to the families who have lost a loved one.
As we say in Hawaii, “We are`Ohana.” We are family. God Bless this fallen hero. May we embrace him as one of our own family member; our `Ohana. No one will ever be able to replace you for you were unique and very special. No one; not in this lifetime. May God allow you to rest in His Divine peace.
Sergeant Dale R. Holcomb, I wish you, your loved ones, your fellow officers, and friends, peace and love beyond all understanding.
--- May this Hawaiian prayer give all those who read it comfort. ---
Peace be with you, All My Peace,
O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku'u Maluhia a pau loa,
The Peace that is " I ", the Peace that is "I am".
Ka Maluhia o ka "I", owau no ka Maluhia,
The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
Ka Maluhia no na wa a pau, no ke'ia wa a mau a mau loa aku.
My Peace " I " give to you, My Peace " I " leave with you,
Ha'awi aku wau I ku'u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau I ku'u Maluhia me oe,
Not the world's Peace, but, only My Peace,
The Peace of " I ".
A'ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka'u Maluhia wale no,
Ka Maluhia o ka "I".
Moana V.C. Molale (Private Citizen)
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii
January 9, 2007
Hey Dale,
It is Tuesday Morning, Tyler and I have made it home from another cattle show. He done really good again . There were so many people and cattle at this show. You would have known alot of people. Trent finally got his permit, so now comes the hard job. Teaching Trent to drive. We have a basketball game tonight.. in your favorite place Rock Hill. I'm trying to find someone to ride with me. Marvin called me yesterday and I talked with him for a while. James is on midnights and you know he loves them. So I'm going to go for now. We love you and miss you..
~Hugs and Kisses~
January 9, 2007
Hey Sgt.
As we begin 2007 we search for renewed hope...we look forward to what is ahead for us, and yet we continue to look back as well, to all of our cherished memories of you. Though we all miss you so very much, this year has taught us to be thankful for the blessings in our lives...everyday. Thank you for being with each of us as we struggled through the last 3 months, watching and protecting us, and even continuing to make us laugh when we needed it most. I hope that 2007 will bring us all closer to a place of peace, comfort, and joy---through all of those wonderful memories...
Thinking of you always...
Post 27
January 7, 2007
Dale, it is the start of a new year and will be hard to get into the swing. But we will. i hope that we all will carry on with you watching and guiding us on our mission. pacman
January 2, 2007
Hope you had a Happy New Year. I hope 2007 is a better year for all of us. I can tell you 2006 really sucked !! As I sit here writing to you, life just sucks big time. I just can't understand when people say it gets better. That must be a joke, because I can't see no better days for this house for a long time..
~ Hugs and Kisses ~ Love you and miss you
January 2, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR DALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 1, 2007
Happy New Year, Dale. Been thinking of you a lot lately. When I think of the great people I have had the opportunity to work with, you are one of the first that comes to mind. The other day, I was at home in Gallipolis. I was going through the light just before you get onto the bypass by Fruth's and I saw a car with a family in it broken down on the roadway. I pulled over to see if I could help. While I was there, a patrolman saw us and asked if he could help. When I saw that white cruiser, I thought of you. You would have been proud of that trooper. You certainly have left an influence on all of us. We're very proud of you, Dale. I'll never understand why God always seems to take the very best. Goodness, we miss you...
December 31, 2006
Dear Connie ~
I'm glad to read that you made it through the holiday without Dale - I know it is unbelievably hard to keep going but you are doing it and you should be very proud of yourself. The broken camera thing must be an epidemic - my camera also broke last year. On Christmas Eve I went to take some pictures of the tree with the gifts all around and my camera wouldn't work - so I also don't have any pictures of our first Christmas without Jesse. But, like you said, I wouldn't have wanted them anyway!
Every day is hard, Connie. Every holiday, every family event, every function at school, sometimes just making coffee in the morning and knowing I only have to make 3 cups because there isn't anyone here to drink it with me. It's all so hard and it all just sucks but please believe me when I say that as time goes on, it does get better. You just kind of get used to things being the way they are now and each day doesn't seem like such a struggle. It will get better. You and the boys will be alright.
I know tomorrow will also be difficult for you, ushering in a New Year without Dale. As with everything, just do the best you can and don't forget to take care of yourself because your boys need their mom.
May the New Year bring you strength, courage, renewed faith, new beginnings and a lot of love. Please take care.
Warmly ~
December 30, 2006
Hi Dale,
Well, I guess we're ready to start the new year. 2006 has been a rough one. Everyone is trying to move on, but it's so hard. We got the stuff delivered to the kids on Christmas Eve morning, but it wasn't the same this year, but then nothing is. Your family went to Florida for a few days. I think it was good for them to get away. I'm glad they're back safely. You would be so proud of them, they are doing well. Connie got a beautiful necklace from her sister-in-law with a picture of the two of you on it. I don't know how she's coping with the holidays, but she's so strong. So I just wanted to say Happy New Year to you, I know it will be. I bet there's a big celebration in Heaven. Watch over us all. We love you and miss you.
December 29, 2006
Hey Dale,
It is Dec.28th, We got home from Florida yesterday, Gosh .. What a trip .It was nice to get away for a while but like you always said Theres no place like home. I'm sure glad to be back home.Christmas was so tuff this year. My camera wouldn't work, but I said we didn't need pictures of this christmas any way. The boys are fine they really had a good time hanging out with Bob and the boys while in Florida. Trent is back on this Harley kick like he always is, after being with Bob. Tyler is just ready for the next steer show which is next weekend.We are going up to your mom & Dad's over the weekend to do Christmas up there. There are going to love what I got them. Well I've got to go for now.
~Hugs & Kisses ~ Love you and miss you !
Connie ,Tyler & Trent
December 28, 2006
Dear Connie, Trent and Tyler ~
I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you as you endure this first holiday season without your wonderful husband. Every day is tough, but Christmas is unbearable. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care.
Warmly ~
Carin E. Sollman
wife of Officer Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05
December 27, 2006
December 25, 2006