Ohio State Highway Patrol, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, September 28, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Dale Rodney Holcomb
not sure what we are going to do, but I'm sure we will think of you because you always enjoyed Easter..
Love you and Miss you
~hugs and kisses~
April 7, 2007
You and Josh will always be with us !
April 6, 2007
Hey it's just me,
Well we have made it home from yet another cattle show. Not a very good weekend, but Tyler and Cassidy had fun. You go to these shows and hope your the winner but you can't win them all. Trent stayed with James and Carrie, not sure who had the most fun there. Trent or Carrie I think they enjoyed him stayin' with them. I'm getting ready to go out to Rio and Run you know we have 6 weeks till Washington.
It has been 6 months since that horrible day, some days it seems like yesterday ..I bought you some John Deere flags I'm taking down the road today. I thought you would like them.
Everyone is talking about me going to the commissioners meeting last week, This is just something that I thought had to be done for You and Josh. I hope this is something you would want me to have done. If not honey, it's to late because it is done. I was told the new signs would be up before we knew it. People say that I'm a very strong girl, well YOU know who made me that way. It took you 20 years to get me this way.
Well I've got to go , We love you and miss you !!!!!
April 2, 2007
Well last Thursday, Connie went to the Commissioners meeting to get the name of Jackson Pike changed,She wants it named after You & Josh. She says this is what needs to be done and she made it happen.The name will go from Rt. 160 by Holzer Hospital up to Rt. 850 . It will be about 4 mile long. But will include in front of the Patrol Post, The Crash Scene, and Watson Rd. Connie done just a great job on this one. You would be very proud of her. She says there is nothing she can't do now. AND I believe her.. She is a very strong minded girl. your boys seem to be doing just fine, we will all be together in Washinton for a few days.
keep watching over us
April 2, 2007
I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought of you yesterday and days before that, too.
I think of you in silence, I speak your name with pride,
And I relive our memories of living side by side.
Your memory is my keepsake with which I'll never part.
God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart.
April 2, 2007
I was thinking about you yesterday. We had to go to Ohio University for a presentation put on by the the State Highway Patrol about drinking and driving and that is everyone's concern because it's Prom season. and well I couldn't help but to wonder if you would have been there. It was a good presenation and they had an excellent speaker. The stories seemed so real to me, they talked about how teenagers think they are invisible and nothing can happen to them but in a blink of an eye it can. I dont know what it was but that's when I started to think about you. and Career day is coming up at RV and I remember me and a few of my friends would always sneak in where you were giving the presentation just to listen to you speak. For the past two years you had me more and more convinced to become a Trooper. There were so many questions I wanted to ask but so afraid so many people would laugh at me so I didnt ask them. So this year I have decided who ever is there I'm going to ask all the questions I should have asked you. "You will always be in our hearts".
March 31, 2007
Hey Sarge!!! Shawn made it to work today!! it is his friday and a 4 day weekend for him.....He will be sick tuesday..lol... We all miss you..and dayshift has not changed one bit!!!!! All of us will make you proud in may. And I will have a cup of coffee for you.
oshp 27
March 29, 2007
WOW. It's been a half of a year today. And it doesn't seem that long ago at all. Connie has been so strong. She is now my inspiration. You should be so proud of her, trying to get the name of Jackson Pike changed for you and Josh. Go CONNIE! And The boys look to be doing good too. I honestly don't know how they hold up. I could never imagine going on with out my Dad around. You've helped me realize not to take life for granted we're not guarenteed tomorrow or even an hour, so make the mose out of life. Thank You.
March 28, 2007
Hey Connie...I just happened to look you up to leave a reflection today, and as I was doing so I realized the date. I hope you and your family are doing well. We just marked 2 years on the 19th, and I have to say it still feels like a bad dream on those days...but the hard days are farther and farther apart...I know how you feel right now, but one day you will be saying to yourself "has it been 2 years already? how did we get here?"...I have no idea! I just know that I carry Drew with me in my heart everyday...I miss him...I hate being alone...there are days that I can talk to him and laugh, other times I cry....we just continue on....we hold our heads up high, and smile when ever we can...I think of you and your family often and hope you are ok....I hope to see you in DC...much love and prayers, Chrissy
Chrissy Henley, Surviving Spouse
William "Drew" Henley, Suffolk VA PD, EOW 3/19/05
March 28, 2007
Dale, it has been a long half year and we still feel the pain of your loss. Connie has been an amazingly strong woman and your sons are young men to be proud of. I pray your family, P-27, D-9 can find solace, because it has not come yet. There is always a story of "I remember Dale once said...". I hope you're able to lend support to your brothers at Gallipolis.
Diana Pack
March 27, 2007
Hey It's me,
Just got home from running . I got sooo much to do today. The weather is really nice, I've got windows and doors open today. I'm so glad warm weather is finally here. Yesterday the boys and I worked outside, cleaning up the yard and the barn. We have got to start looking for pigs for the fair. There is a sale tonight but I don't think we are going to go.Tyler now wants an Angus Heifer, you know he already has a crossbred. He loves his cows, no doubt about it.
The letter that Trent wrote about you Dale is amazing, People at the post had to make a copy of it. I called the school and read it to some of them.. Trent to going to take it to Washinton when we go and leave it on the wall. You would be very proud of him.
Now I have to tell you what I've been working on.. I have a meeting Thursday at 9:00 with the county officers about renaming Jackson Pike. I spent all last week working on this, This is what I want and I'm going to do my best to make it happen for You and Josh. Lt. and Capt. along with Bridgett are going to go with me Thursday morning.I have called everyone from the County level to the state level, and Everyone is behind it.
I'm Going to go for now
We love you and Miss you.. Wednesday is going to be 6 months and it still seems like a BAD dream.
Love you always !! ~Big Hugs and kisses~
March 26, 2007
Hey Connie,
Good to hear from you. How are you and the kids? We have started softball with Samantha. I'm sure we will be busy doing that this spring. Mason really has not expressed a desire to play yet. I'm sure he will soon. He has alot of baby in him still. I'm planning his 9th birthday and it's going to be a big one. I would love to be able to talk with you on the phone sometime . I'll figure a way out to make that happen. Anyway, take care and I'll talk with you soon
March 24, 2007
Hi Dale, Connie was in today with an English paper that Trent had done back in October. It was amazing and you would be so proud of him. How someone so young could think like that so soon after the accident is beyond me. He has really grown up to become a wonderful young man. You and Connie certainly raised two fine sons. They will carry on your legacy. As long as Connie has the boys, you will always be here. Next week is the six month anniversary of when the Lord took you home. It's also my birthday and Dean and I are going to the Amish country. But you and Josh will be our thoughts as you always are. We miss you still and will never forget.........
Post 27
March 22, 2007
Hey it's just me,
Well we had the meeting this week at the post, everything is going along fine. tonight we have the awards Dinner in Jackson. Last year all you guys stood crazy and had your picture taken just for Lt. Well today is March 15 th.
Tomorrow is the BIG party in Columbus, Hey the way I look at it is Whoever gets in there has got to be an improvement.I know Strickland will do his best. YOU may not want to hear that, but That's the facts.
The boys are fine, doing there thing. We have a show this weekend, so tomorrow we will be leaving.
Love you and Miss you and think of you all the time.
~hugs and kisses ~
March 15, 2007
Hi Sarge. Just wanted to make sure you knew that another troop came up within the last week. I hope that you and Josh will greet him and show him around the golden highway. His name is Jonathan Seabolt, he was a trooper at Georgetown. He was killed in an off duty accident. I have already said a prayer for his wife, family and all the "family" at his post. Keep an eye out for him.
We miss you more than you know.
Frequent Visitor
Ohio State Highway Patrol
March 15, 2007
Hey it's me,
The Boys and I were down the road yesterday, We took your #3 flower and a # 8 flag and a checked flag down there.It's race weekend,and everyone knew the fan you were. The boys are hangin' out in the garage today, tryin' to get somethings caught up around here. Trent made it home from skiin' he said he had a blast. Tyler is ready for the next cattle show,which is coming up. He has made so many friends doing that. And you know it is almost time for 4-H pigs.. we are still planning the washington trip, There is a meeting on that next week.
Love you and miss you every single day....
~hugs and kisses ~
March 10, 2007
I have never had the oppurtunity of meeting you, I can tell just by the reflections left from the other people that you were a special person, I have followed this story from the beginning. Even though the two post our so many miles away the tragedy was felt here also, I want you to know that I have learned from this incident, I have grown even closer to my family, and as a young man I have learned not to take any of them for granted, we never know what the next day has in hand for us. I ocassionaly get on the web site to see the newest posting's, I have to say that your wife is an incredible women, I have printed several reflections so that my wife can read them, she said there is no way that she would be able to handle a situation of this magnitude the way that your wife has handle it, finally I would like for you and your family to know that all of you are in our prayers each and every day. Once again thanks for serving "proudly" the citizens of Ohio!!!!
Joseph Darnell
Dispatcher-Batavia Post 13
March 8, 2007
Happy B-day in heaven Sarge. Enjoy your time on the golden highway until we can get there to see you.
God Speed.
Ohio State Highway Patrol
March 7, 2007
Happy Birthday, Dale! There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. I know you're in a better place and I'll see you someday...I wish it would be soon...this world is such a mess. I can't imagine the paradise you're living in! We have yours and Josh's pictures up in the lobby of the post now. I look at your picture and it still seems like a nightmare. I can't imagine how Connie and the boys are going on. But they are and you would be so proud of them. This day will be hard for your mom & dad, too. Anyway, we all love you and miss you. Happy Birthday and keep watching over us!
March 7, 2007
Hey it's just me,
We got home from the awards dinner, another night without you, Dale.. You have NO idea how bad it sucks you not being there to watch our boys.
I see Capt. has been on here, Dale without him I'm not sure what I would do.YEA, I know Capt. might wear Brass but he's not like some of the others...And you know that. Capt. , Lt. and the guys from post 27 are great. No one will ever say that The Gallipolis post and Jackson Post didn't help the boys and I get through all of this..
Gonna go to bed for now, Love you and miss ya..
~hugs and kisses~
March 6, 2007
Happy Birthday Dale
Well it's been a little over 4 months now and some days it feels like forever other days it's like it was just yesterday! I wish Connie and the boys the best of luck tomorrow! Watch over them tomorrow will be another hard day for them. Thanks for everything.
March 6, 2007
Happy Birthday Dale! Please tell Josh hello too.
John & Rita Risner
March 6, 2007
Dear Friend,
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Josh and how you have had an impact on my life. I have had to work up the courage to leave this message for you, maybe because I'm not sure what to say or that it reminds me of how much I miss you. I was thinking for some time that today would be a good time for me to say this in memory of your birthday tomorrow. As I attempt to reduce my thoughts to words I have found myself fighting back tears and emotions. I know this seems odd, a trooper, even odder a Captain " The Brass" weeping? We all know Troopers don't cry! Well Dale I'm not ashamed to say that your ol' buddy has shed a few tears over the past few months. I think of the times we worked together and when we went camping at Longs Retreat for the D-9 Round up. That was awkward for me at first as I'm sure it was for others who were there (YOU KNOW BRASS). But you and Connie made Misty and I feel like part of the gang. You cooked Deer Staeks and they were the best! You said " I'll bet this is the first time you ever had deer steaks at a district round up before capt". Yes you were right it was the first time and the homemade ice cream was good too. We all miss you my friend, I know it sounds funny comming from the "Brass" but I need to let you know I miss you Brother. "Happy Birthday"...Capt.
Captain George Maier
Ohio State Highway Patrol
March 6, 2007
Hey It's me ,
Today is your day and just wanted to wish you a
I'm gonna take a birthday flag down the road today, I know you were not real big on birthdays , but that's beside the point.
Tyler and I have the Basketball awards dinner tonight, this will be another first without you...
March 6, 2007
Hey Sgt.
Just wanted to send you a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I know its early but I didn't want to forget a "windy" baby. Just for S&G's I will sound the alarm on the 7th just for you. Miss ya Sgt.
March 5, 2007