Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

I was sitting here thinking trying to remember what we had the argument about on the third before you went to work and I remembered what it was. I am sorry you were right then today mom tells me that you were planning on here coming home with us to go to the zoo to see the lights because you felt bad about the way I left so upset and it was a surprise to me and Lanie I am sitting here trying to think of the words to say what i want to, but i know this web site has rules and I cant say what I want to because the hole world would know just how screwed up everything is. Trust me you would not be pleased at all. But of course that’s all my fault so they say. You know me I would do anything in this world to protect OUR daughter, I have tried every thing I can think of and in court the other day I get told that Lanie and Owen have no bearing on the case what so ever its all about money, you know as well as i do that BS it is about these 2 children who had there mother murdered and taken away from them for ever. I am at the point of giving up I just don’t know what to do anymore with this, my only concern is the health and well being of both of the kids both mentally and physically.
I better stop for now


rob thornton

September 20, 2005

Think of you a lot. Miss you so much.

September 15, 2005

I think of you often, Julie, because Melissa loved you so much. When we first met, she spoke a lot about you, and missed being with you in Michigan. She wanted so much to take care and protect you because that was who she was to all of her family and friends and the people she protected in her duties as officer. I imagine Owen is growing like a weed. Lanie will be 5 this October, and it seems only yesterday when she was born. Be the best part of Melissa's life because she always said how much you loved and were kind to children, so you can carry that wonderful part of her in her honor and memory. Thank you for being you.


September 12, 2005


I wondered why I felt so strange today and then it hit me what today was and you are not here for me to tell me that it is fine. it is the first 9-11 with out you, I remeber how suportive you always were of me on this day.
Well the sob appealed his sentence so here we go again not that I didnt think he wouldnt but I hoped he wouldnt.
going to go for now

rob thornton

September 11, 2005

Melissa loved you alot... The kids Love you alot even though you dont get to see them that often.. Let me fill you in Owen is getting really Big.. I talk to him on the phone he is a little chatter box.... He has grown up so fast... Well I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for being so wonderful to My sister and the Kids....

September 6, 2005

wanted to take a min. to tell you hi. me, lanie, grandma and grandpa are in NY at the NYstate fair lanie wanted to see Hilary Duff again and this was the closest place with tickets. we seen her last night it was a wonderfull concert lanie loved it and then we walked around the fair for a while of course she didnt want to leave butit was a good time. we are leaving tomorrow andheading home it took us about 10 hours to get here. going to go for now

loveyou and miss you

robert thornton

September 4, 2005

I smile when I see your picture on the page. It makes me remember all of the happy times we had together. I was at Mt. Carmel this past week and remembered taking you to the ER after Owen was born, and worrying just like a mom. I remembered how excited I was when Owen was born and that I was so overcome that I couldn't dial your mom's telephone number and Tom had to dial it. I love Owen and Lanie so much. I sit at home on Saturday nights and especially on the holiday week-ends because of the drunk drivers. I pray 2145 stops them. Thank you for helping me in my major concern this week and I still feel your love reaching out to me. Denise


September 3, 2005

As Melissa Holds a special place in my Heart I really hope that Operation 2145 goes over good... Lock up the drunks so they cant kill anyone else.. You Police offers are doing a wonderful thing and I thank you......

Melissa will be watching over you as you do this she will be happy

September 1, 2005

We miss you Melissa And Love you lots

September 1, 2005

I trust and pray operation 2145 will be a success to lock up as many scumbags as possible is the ultimate goal God bless you all

September 1, 2005

Wanted to say that your not forgotten. And happy to see they have made a task force coming up in your honor. Rest easy.

Westerville Ohio

August 30, 2005


just wanted to let you know I got with Lt Meader and we have established a OVI Program.. Steve Kinsey, Chris Hogan, and myself are working a pilot program doing OVI Enforcement over the next 30 days from 8p-6a Wed thru Sat. We are kicking off the program on Gender Rd in the area of your murder. We named the Unit in your memory "OPERATION 2145". the cruisers being used will have a sticker right by each rear door so the arrested OVI driver will see why detected and arresting OVI drivers is so important. Rob is going to be at roll call with us the first night kicking the night off with the Media. Take care and watch over us over this 30 day program. We will lock every drunk driver up remembering you with each arrest...

Jim Gilbert
Columbus Division of Police

August 30, 2005

You get letters saying that Elaine is doing ok.... well Owen is doing good to..

They both miss you and love you

August 29, 2005

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Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Officer Foster

August 29, 2005


Just wanted to write you this little note to say that I love you and we miss you alot...

August 28, 2005

hey, wanted to talk to you having a pretty bad day. me and lanie went to a Hilary Duff conceret on the 23 she loved it but she has a song out called CRY and lanie came over and sat on my lap and just started crying she wanted you then she said she wanted to leave so we did. but she wants to try it again so next weekend we are going to NY state Fair to see her again. she put on a show for us today she was singing her songs it was soo funny she would dance and sing and the bed was he stage.
well going to go for now


Robert Thornton

August 27, 2005

Miss you melissa

August 24, 2005

Rest in peace OFC Foster. You, your family, and your friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your service.

OFC Kevin R Turley
Jacksonville State (Alabama) Police Department

August 22, 2005

hey wanted to say hi, the suspect plead gulty to your charge and got 13 years and a life time license suspension. i know its not enough but that was the best we can do. he has to sereve all 13 years and then has 3 years parol after his and lanie took a trip this week it was kind of good to get away but very hard driving with out you sitting beside me but i know you were and i know you know why i did what i did she had a lotof fun we went fishinf and on a pontoon boat where she went swimming, i couldnt get her out of the water she wanted to stay in. she is doing realy good on swimming now you would be so proud.


rob thornton

August 15, 2005

The sentencing is today. Here's hoping this brings some peace and unity to the many people you loved.

Gone but never forgotten... from one mother to another.

God bless Melissa, her children and all who loved her so. I pray for your peace and strength.

Former LEO Wife
Columbus, OH

August 8, 2005

i am sitting here going over my victim impact statement from me and lanie to be read to the judge on monday and i am trying to prepare myself for it as i am sure the rest of the faimly is to keep my cool and not totaly lose it as i sit here and read it, it has hit me like a ton of bricks You are going to miss out on the rest of our daughters life. i mean you will allways "be here" but you wont part of my statement tells how due to this man you will not be able to see you daughter grow up and become as stuburn as you. you will not be here in person to tell here certian thing will be ok even if they wont you know if you told her it was going to be ok then she knew it was. i have been trying so hard to fill a very large void in her by being mommy and daddy at times i think im doing her more harm than good at this moment i can not tell you where i will be after the concert we are going to because i am being pushed and pulled in so many directions by so many people at the same time i dont know what way to turn. you know what i asked you at the crash cite the other night i am realy thinking of doing that, if its wright or wrong there is only one way to find out

love you much

robert thornton

August 5, 2005

To the family of Melissa,
The worst is over and thankfully your family was not dragged through the ordeal of a long trial. Now, all you have to do is get on with the rest of your lives. Sound easy, right? Well its not, In many ways it is the hardest part. It is funny how when you first lose someone the world tell you to cry and by the time your ready too they tell you to move on. Everybody has answer but no one can help. From here on out you probably are going to get alot pressure to move on with your live, people mean well, but it different for everyone. My heart goes out to your family and in your own time and way may you find peace.

I read in one of your memorials that you listen to Country music and I have a song for you, the first time I heard it made my cry but now it brings me peace. It is called 'Hey God' and is by Vince Gill. I don't know if you are a religious man but in your line of work it dosen't hurt to have him on your side.


August 4, 2005

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Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Melissa M. Foster

Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Melissa

August 4, 2005

Hey Melissa just thought I would drop by. Have not left anything in a while. I was thinking about you tonight as I sat on chan 2 dispatching. Thinking how it has been 8 months now. Still seems like last night. Zone 2 is just not the same without hearing your voice. And with another female officer in car 147 I have a hard time calling that car number some times.

Keep an eye on us down here.

Miss you

Columbus police

August 4, 2005

I saw you on the news yesterday. I hope for you that maybe since the man pled out that you might start to be able to get some closure. Well at least that is the first step anyway. I can't imagine what you are going through. I read your reflections weekly as I visit this site daily to read the reflections left for a good friend of mine. When I saw you on the news, I just thought to myself that I really hoped that having him plea would bring you closure and get your and Lanie's life somewhat back again.
I read your reflections and it seems that you are having some issues that you are dealing with yourself but know that if you let the people in that care for you and Lanie, some of those feelings may be able to heal. I'm no counselor but I cry every time I read a reflection that you have left for Melissa. She seems like she was really a wonderful woman. I pray that you will be able to be able to smile once again and that Lanie and you will be able to utilize the support system that is there for you. -

August 3, 2005

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