Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster
I love you and miss you very much, I know you like flowers and I am trying to take care of you plants. I got to play with Owen on Saturday, We had so much fun, I also got to see Grandma and Grandpa Foster. I have your picture in my room I love and give it hugs and kiss every night before I go to bed. Me and daddy took the tree down today, I know its a little late, but I Wouldn't let daddy take it down.
Love You and Miss you
Your Daughter Elaine.
Lanie has been talking about how much she misses you I called her in to the computer room and wrote this for her, she told me what she wanted to say and I typed it. Now for me, I miss you too, things are so different with you gone I don't have my best friend to talk to anymore and that hurts more than anything. There was another officer hurt today in a car crash. It was your old car from 15. When I seen Cruiser 151 on the news a bunch of memories came rushing back like the time you forgot your wallet at home and I was bringing it to you and got pulled over for speeding. I told him I was on my way to meet you and he privately called you to find out if I was really coming to meet you. And all the times we would meet at Waffle house on Roberts road and have lunch. It never failed as soon as we would get our food one of us would have to leave on a call. Melissa I am really trying to remember all the good times we had, I have made up my mind this guy may have took you from me and Lanie and Owen, but that is all he can have it is going to be really hard right now not to tell this guy just what I think of him his trial is coming up February 10 and I am going to be there for you I just hope you can give me a little more strength to keep my mouth shut. But you know me I will keep my cool no matter what. Well I'm going to go for now.
We Love you and Miss you
Rob & Lanie
Robert Thornton & Elaine Foster-Thornton
January 17, 2005
We are deeply saddened at Melissa's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.
God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.
January 17, 2005
Take care of Bryan Hurst. He has joined you in heaven. He is your partner now. We miss you both very much, and we will continue to honor you.
Officer Rick Hannah
Columbus Police Department
January 14, 2005
We met at the FOP Christmas Party and the memorial for Melissa. I am a friend of Mark and Stacey's. Thinking about and praying for you and Lanie and Tom and Owen. I know this cannot be easy for any of you. Lanie is such a precious little girl. I want you to know I have some presents here for Lanie for Christmas. I know one of the things is a Disney Princess doll which I think she will really love! You can either call Mark for my number or write to the email below. I hope that things go well for you and get easier everyday.
Many blessings, Tonia Drake
Columbus Police Officer's wife
Tonia Drake
Columbus Police Officer's Wife
January 13, 2005
Well Mel it's 2 am and I can't get to sleep, I guess I am still waiting for you to come through the door and say it's me just like you always did. Lanie is sleeping good for a change and I am sitting here at the computer crying. Christmas was very hard, I did pretty good until Lanie got to the doll you had gotten her and then I started to cry. Shania Twain has a new song out called DONT and its playing right now. It makes me think of the thing we used to tell each other. We haven't been doing much else, Lanie goes over to Emily's about every other day, just like she used to. She is getting more and more like you every day, it's amazing everyone still says she looks like me, but now she has your strong will and thinks she is the boss. Well I am going to go Lanie just woke up, she has a cold.
Love you and Miss you
Rob Thornton
Robert Thornton
January 13, 2005
My heart goes out to a real hero in my eyes Ofc Foster. She has a very special place in my heart and always will, even though we never knew each other. We both have a lot in common, we both wear badge "2145", same age "35", years of service "7" and children "2". So until the end of my tour of duty Ofc Foster, will always be a part of me. God Bless, Ofc J.C. Senter "DKPD"
Master Police /Officer J.C. Senter
Dekalb County Police Dekalb County,Ga
January 12, 2005
Below are the lyrics to a very beautiful song. Hopefully, by remembering these words, it will help in your journey through life. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
You'll Never Walk Alone
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone.
January 10, 2005
God Bless you Melissa! You have touched so many lives across our nation...lives of your family, friends and co-workers and even of those who didn't know you. We will continue to watch over your brother and protect him as best we can. Your family, at home and at work, are all in our prayers. We love you Melissa!
Ionia County Central Dispatch
January 9, 2005
Its been a month and two days and it happened again. Another columbus officer was killed, as I sit here surrounded by such sorrow and dispear I wonder how am we all going to get through another one then I look at our daughter and think I have to be strong for her and then I wish you were here to talk to.
Love Robert Thornton
robert thornton
January 8, 2005
I spent time with Lanie yesterday. What a doll. You have done well by that little girl and it shows. I only pray that she will understand all of this someday and be able to find peace in her life.
She misses you terribly. I showed her pictures of Landon and Tyler. I also showed her a picture of Brandy and told her that is Landon and Tyler's Daddy and he was a cop like you. I want her to know that she is not the only little girl that lost a parent. I told her someday soon she will get to meet Landon and Tyler.
I haven't met Owen but would love to. I am sure you did just as well by that little boy. I know Elaine misses him. She has a picture of you in her bedroom. She is very proud of you.
I know you are watching her from heaven. She has the best guardian angel a little girl could ask for. I have an angel necklace with Bran's unit number on it. Elaine wanted one with your badge number on it. Maybe someone special will send her one.....
Give Bran a hug for me.
January 5, 2005
Melissa, it has been a month since we lost you.In that time we have lost your cousin Tina and Jay.So now you are all together.I pray for your mom and dad, sisters and brothers and your darling kids.I love you . Aunt norm
January 4, 2005
Your watch is over now and you are saddly missed please know we love you and will keep you in our hearts forever. Now you have gone to patrol the street of heaven we will carry on as best we can.
Thouth the weeks since your death have brought many tears we will remeber you for all that you stood for your family, friend and fears I only hope i can carry on the way youd wantme to. If not please tell me so i can make it right. KNOW WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU.
Never forget
Your friend and daughter
Robert Thornton & Elaine Foster-Thornton
Robert & Elaine Foster-Thornton
January 4, 2005
We pray for your family everyday. I can't believe it has been almost a month since we lost you. I heard there was a toy drive for Elaine and Owen in your unit. I hope they had a good Christmas. We took some toys for them. This letter was printed in the FOP Capital City Lodge #9 newsletter. It touched me deeply and I wanted to share it. _____________________________________
I had the sad misfortune of going to Deputy Winfield's funeral. I do not know Deputy Winfield or his family, yet we have a strong connection. I am a police officer's wife. Everyday, I kiss my husband goodbye and hope it's not the last. Everyday, my small children give Daddy 5 kisses on the cheek and one on the forehead. I don't know if they know all of the dangers of Daddy's job but I know they know the importance of their goodbye ritual. I have received phone calls about my husband being involved in an injury accident and incidents where he has been injured. I have received phone calls from friends whose husbands have been seriously injured or involved in a shooting. I have exchanged phone calls with other "cop" wives because we "just didn't have a good feeling" and our anxiety and fear is high. I have made my husband dinner at 11 at night because he spent his dinner money on a hungry child who has been removed from their home. I have stayed up until 4 in the morning because he was so distraught by a murder or the fact that he was with someone who died completely alone and was discovered 3 weeks later. I have gone to many functions alone because he serves his community proudly. We have spent holidays and special occasions without him. This is the life of a law enforcement officer's family. We accept it as part of the calling of our spouses and part of our lives. We proudly support our husbands. We take care of them and let them know how much we love them.
But I wonder, does our community support our officers? I pick up the paper or watch the news and it seems they are quick to point out how many officers have had complaints made on them, investigations that are occuring for misconduct, excessive force and you name it. I am asking you, to think about when was the last time you thanked a law enforcement officer? That officer is a person. A Daddy, Mommy, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter, Brother or Sister. Someone deeply loves that person. Everyday they put their uniform on and proudly walk out their door to protect and serve their community without thought to the risk they may be taking.
I am simply asking you, before you criticize a police officer, think about what they are doing to keep you safe. Think about the ultimate duty they are doing for the community you live in. And most of all, when you see an officer, say "THANK YOU".
Tonia Drake
Canal Winchester
Police Officer's Wife
Columbus Police Dept
January 1, 2005
Rest with God sister and may the good Lord look down on your family and friends and give them strength in their hour of need.
P.O.Mary E. Scheider
Jersey City Police Dept.
December 29, 2004
May you rest in peace officer and may God watch over your family and friends. Thank you for being a hero.
Leo Spouse
St Petersburg, FL
December 28, 2004
Although I left law enforcement several years ago, I grieve every time an officer gives their life while protecting. Officer Foster's death should not have happened. Her death came at the hands of an individual who made a conscious decision to drink and then drive. This person not only turned Officer Foster's family upside down - but also his own family. I pray that Officer Foster's children know that their mother is a hero. She gave her life protecting others. Thanks for everything Melissa. Heaven is lucky to have you.
Former Ohio Trooper
December 24, 2004
It is Christmas Eve a time for celebration and I know many families such as Officers Fosters are dealing with a "GREAT" and preventable loss. I have all blue lights hanging in my new home in police officers memories with a couple of red ones for medical/fire personnel. Melissa will NEVER be Forgotton as well as Sheriff Deputy Brian Litz EOW:07 Feb.2004
Graduate Jennifer Tozzo
Fire-Instructor III/Paramedic Florida
December 24, 2004
Rest in peace my sister, we have the watch now you have the thin blue line with god now.
Police Officer
Birmingham Michigan
December 24, 2004
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
December 22, 2004
God Bless you and your family. Another gone off the thin blue line. Another Hero heaven gains! Our prayers for our fallen sister.
Reserve Deputy Mark Casadei
Otero County Sheriff's Office, NM
December 20, 2004
May you rest in peace, The brave actions of Officers are never forgotten in heaven. My deepest condolences to your family.
Officer Joseph McInerney
Chicago Police Department
December 19, 2004
Thank you for your service. God Speed Officer Foster.
Police Officer
Montgomery County, Maryland
December 19, 2004
Well Melissa I just got done watching America's Most Wanted honor you. It again reminded me of all the good times we had. I miss talking to you. I miss hearing you on the radio. You are in a better place now. I will continue to pray for your children and your family.
Until next time
God bless you Melissa
Columbus Ohio Police
December 18, 2004
Please remember the fallen officers we have lost. Remember the men and women who died trying to make this world a safer and better place for us all to live in. Thank you Officer Foster for a job well done. Please continue to watch over us and protect us as only you can. You will forever be at our side and in our hearts.
For those of you who still have loved ones with us please take the time to tell them how much you appreciate and care about them.
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.
There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.
December 18, 2004
My thoughts are with your family, friends and fellow Officers. May you rest in Peace.
Officer Julie D. Schmidt
Louisville Metro Police Department
December 15, 2004