Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster
Ive been sitting here thinking there was a time when I didnt think I could go with out talking to you or seeing you well its been 13 1/2 months since the night you where taken from us and not a day goes by that I wish you were here. Lanie is having a pretty hard time right now im not sure why but she isnt sleeping again and she is realy missing you so much it hurts me to see her so unhappy at times. After Eathans funeral I came home and thought about a lot of the good times we used to have together and how much fun it used to be now our daughter says she is going to pick me out a girlfriend so I can get married and she can have a step mom. I always tell her even if I do get married that you will always be her mom she tells me she knows but she wants a step mom because you cant be here with her. Do they make step "friends" because if they do I want one just like you. well going to go for now
January 21, 2006
Dear Melissa, I miss you on days like today when I hear about all the ugly crimes that are in the world. You and your fellow officers worked and work so hard with so little respect for what you do. A co worker and I were talking about all of the ugliness of cruel people hurting others and again I remembered how you tried to make every place you went a safe place for the children, the elderly, the hurting and needing people who were and are taken advantage of. You were so loving of heart and so strong, much stronger than I ever could be and that made me proud of you. I felt protected by you, even though I was older, and now it seems hard to not have you protecting me and all of our loved ones because you are in heaven. I miss you so much and love you. Denise
January 19, 2006
Thinking of you...Missing You...Love You
January 18, 2006
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Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter Of Officer Melissa Foster
January 8, 2006
Just getting home from Fairfield County for the showing of Ethan, I hope you have meet him by now and take him under your wing and show him the way and let him know we will get his family through this no matter what it takes. I've told the guys at the Fairfield County Sheriffs office to get used to my ugly mug for a while as I will be checking on them quit often. I dont know how he is doing it but TJ is assigned to the family that man has gone through more in the last year than anyone I can think of. and he does it all with out missing a beat. God watch over him he is a very good man and needs a break. Im going to go for now
January 8, 2006
I just wanted to thank you for being with us the night that Ethan was taken from us. I also want to thank you for being at his viewing tonight. Saying that our lives have been changed for ever is a gross understatement, and it is such a shame that you and I had to meet under such circumstances. I want to thank you again for being with us in our time of grief, and I know that Melissa would be proud of you.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.
Your Brother,
Deputy Tony Cox #237
Deputy Tony Cox
Fairfield County Sheriffs Office
January 8, 2006
We all still think about you everynight we go to work. Continue to watch over us. God bless you.
Fellow 14 Precinct Officers
January 6, 2006
Your family has passed that one year mark and I know that it has not been easy for them. The broken hearts and grief being suffered by your family and freinds all because of one individual who had a past history of hurting others because of his actions. I hope that every day for the rest of his life he thinks of all the pain and broken hearts he has generated because of his actions. My son Michael was killed in the line of duty also by a drunk driver. I'm sure like him, you loved your job. In our case the other driver was also killed in the accident so my family did not have to suffer the trial process as your family did. We were able to get a new law passed in his name in our State to change our DUI law here in Illinois to give officers on the street more to work with. Keep watch over your family and friends and wrap your wings around your loved ones to help ease their grief, including your Dad as I met him in Washington, DC when we honored you and my son. I know the grief he feels. There is no greater loss than to lose a child. Protect your family from harm.
You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
January 6, 2006
denise You are so wonderful to Melissa Everytime I read what you write I cry cause it true..... Melissa touched alot of lives..\
January 4, 2006
Lanie wants to write you but i wanted to tell you I Love You and Miss You Very Much and Thank You so much for watching over us and or extended family with C.P.D. through the holidays. ROB
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Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter Of Officer Foster
January 3, 2006
I am so grateful for all of the wonderful police officers all over this great country who work so hard to keep our roads safe. When I went out on New Year's Eve and safely got off the roads by 10, I prayed as we were driving on route 24 in Northwest Ohio that all of the officers and the public be safe. My friend reminded me that the route we were on was one of the worst accident routes in Ohio and we should always be careful when driving. I am glad that I do not need a drink to get through each day like those people who choose to drink and drive and possibly take another wonderful human being like my Melissa. Thank you, officers, for the work you do each day. God bless you.
Denise Newman Stuckert
January 3, 2006
Miss you and Love you melissa
Merry Christams and Happy New year
Julie (Melissa's baby sister)
January 1, 2006
hey melissa, i wanted to say merry christmas and happy new year. i love and miss you very much. i spent time with your wonderful daughter and she is growing very fast. she is also desiring to learn. she asked me to show her how to read and teach her words. we practiced and several times she told me that you tried to teach her the same way. she misses you. i know you will watch over her and protect her. xoxo
January 1, 2006
Melissa I wanted to write to say that you are really missed and loved by alot of people.. Family friends, co-workers....
Keep watching over us
love you always
December 29, 2005
It has been a strange holiday without you. My life is changed so much, as you know, and I miss the time I could talk to you and cry with you and be with you. I sent presents to the kids, I hope they liked them. Steve got to sing with Lanie December 23 and he enjoyed that so much. I miss everyone and yet I feel a pain so deep that I am afraid to see Lanie and Owen because my grief might overwhelm them. I try to call and yet I know it isn't your voice on the other end. You would tell me to straighten up and do what is good and right, so I will. I send my holiday love to all of your family and co workers who are doing so much to make sure no one else be killed by a drunk driver. Love you lots. Denise
Denise Newman Stuckert
December 29, 2005
Well christmas is almost over now and I think this year has been a lot harder than last year, I think i was still numb to the fact that you werent here and now it has been a hole year of holidays birthdays and just normal days and I know your not here. just want you to know I love You and realy do miss you I never thought that I could manke it through life with out you because even if we were mad at each other we all ways talked and now that is gone foreevere I know foreever is a long time but just the last year has seeemed like ten to me. Lanie is goning to go visit lisa on tuesday I know she will have fun Lisa is so Good to her.
Im going for now love you rob
December 25, 2005
well X-Mas is here, Lanie got a bunch of presents from Santa and had fun opening them and making a mess with the paper we are sitting here playing with the leap pad she is doing so good with her letters she is growing up so fast its not funny it is just not the same with out you here but things are getting better at times and are so hard at other times. but i guess that’s life, I am glad Jim got 3 last night watch over him and his family he is such a good guy and works so hard to keep your memory alive in the department.
December 25, 2005
Melissa, we just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and ask for your watchful eye over all of us this holiday season. Thank You.
Friends of Larry R Cox EOW 4/21/05
December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas... Got 3 drunks off the street last night, kinda hated to lock them up on Christmas Eve, but rather them go to jail than to take a family member away from a family on Christmas Eve......................Keep me safe watching over me from above...
Officer Jim Gilbert
December 24, 2005
Well it has been a year already and Christmas is around the corner. I get to work 14hrs Christmas eve and 12hrs on Christmas so I wanted to stop in now and say Merry Christmas. You are missed so much by your co workers. It is still strange to call your car number and hear someone else voice.
Please watch over everyone and keep us all safe
God Bless
Columbus Ohio PD
December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas :) Miss and Love you !!
December 22, 2005
Merry Christams Melissa
We love you and miss you lots... Keep watching over us..
December 20, 2005
Dear Mommy,
I love you I miss you so much today i miss you more than anything in the world including bunnys please tell this to god I am thankfull for the time you let me have with mommy I love god and mommy
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Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter Of Officer Foster
December 16, 2005
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Elaine Foster-Thornton
daughter Of Officer Foster
December 12, 2005
Wanted to say hi and let you know what’s going on. Lanie got her picture with Santa the other day she was sooo cute she had on a pink shirt her favorite color. Coming into Columbus Saturday night i put the Jimmy in a ditch because of all the ice on the roads it caused almost $1500.00 damage so it is in the body shop being fixed, i was pretty mad at my self. X-Mas is coming up way to fast and I have a lot of stuff for Lanie but I cant get her what she keeps telling me she wants the most, she told me to ask Santa for her MOMMY back. I tried to explain to her that you couldn’t come back and she says i know I was only joking and we both know what that means. Someone asked me the other day what i missed the most about you I told them You, your company talking to you being able to give you a hug when something is wrong, the conversations we would have how it never failed every time I worked 3rd shift I always ended up working 10 or 12 hours and would be so frustrated and I would come home and you would just listen to me rant and rave about how stupid some people are. Then I stopped and said I just miss you, not Officer Melissa M. Foster, I missed my friend Mel. The person who would do anything to help most people the person who loved her children more than life, The person i loved and was my best friend in the world. I thought about the night you called me to pick you up after your accident on Parsons during FTO, about the times you would call me when you had a flat tire or just called because you had a few extra minutes to talk and see how the kids were. I remember the day we walked to the Whitehall library and there was and older gentleman at the counter as we were leavening he said he was expecting something and you said I should have told him so were we Lanie and we laughed all the way home. I don’t think I will ever get over losing you yes there where times when we wouldn’t speak to each other and times we couldn’t even be in the same room but i would give almost anything in the world right now just to hold you. I should have been there and I wasn’t I just wasn’t and I am so sorry. People say time heals everything well they are wrong I have such a void and longing for you that I don’t think it will ever go away. Lanie is going out tomorrow with Aunt Renee and grandma I haven’t been letting he outside much this week she has a cold so I think it will do her some good. She has a new Favorite TV station it PBS KIDS SPROUT and she can write her first name now we are still working on her last it a long one you know but im glade we did it that way.
Im going ot go for know got to try to get some sleep
December 10, 2005