Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

Melissa is a true hero and her kids will always know that...

November 10, 2005

May you find some comfort in knowing that she IS a TRUE HERO. I hope her children will hear and know this in their hearts. God bless.


November 9, 2005

Miss you and Love you lots....

November 8, 2005

11 months and it’s not getting any easier wanted to tell you I love you and miss you

November 6, 2005

Hey, Officer Foster, I just wanted to chat. I missed not trick or treating with you on Halloween. Only a year ago, I remember how you helped that person while we were trick or treating and called the squad for them. I knew then what a fine officer you were. I was so proud of you. Thanksgiving will be very hard for me this year. That was the last time I got to physically see you and then we started our holiday rush and just caught up by phone after your Thanksgiving meal. I am not sure how I want to celebrate this year since it will be without you. I pray for Lanie and Owen every day, and all of your other friends and family. You were so wonderful and I thank God that you were with us and I knew you, even for such a short time. Love you lots


November 3, 2005

Wanted to take some time and talk to you, Lanie went out Trick Or Treating She was Jasmine this year, she did really good for about 45 minutes then she wanted you and started yelling she wanted you people gave her funny looks but she didn’t care then she calmed down and was fine.

We are coming up on one year since you were taken from us and some things have gotten easier but others are still so hard I still think at times im going to wake up and this will all just be a bad dream, but I have come to realize that its not.

I stop by the accident site often trying to make since of it all but I cant, I know god had his reasons for this but why you is beyond me. The estate action is Wednesday that’s going to be really hard for me. Your mom and dad will be down for it then your mom is going to talk to Lanies counselor. Believe it or not I am going to start going to one to I think I can talk to her now where as before I couldn’t. I am sitting here listing to a song by Hilary Duff I want to share with you it goes,


I am going to go on that note


Robert Thornton

October 31, 2005

hey melissa, i wanted to say hello and tell you that lanie's birthday was great. she had so much fun and loved seeing her brother. we missed you. i think about you alot and wish you were here with us. i love you and promise i will continue to watch over your little angels. thank you for everything.


October 27, 2005

We love and miss you lots

October 26, 2005

Yesterday, my daughters and I went to Lanie's birthday party. It was very fun. Your parents, Rob's mom and family, Tom and Owen and friend's were there. It was such a happy celebration and Lanie was so excited! She got a lot more toys than I'm sure she needed but the look on her face with each present was priceless and she expressed her appreciation with each gift! Aunt Irene made a beautiful cake for her. Owen took his fingers to just dig into the icing. He is way too cute! It was great to see those two playing and having fun together. It was just very sad to see this wonderful celebration without you there. I wish I had known you better when you were here. I felt very angry with the man who took you from such a wonderful family. You have such beautiful and wonderful kids. And it breaks my heart that they are not together and that you are not with them anymore.
Rob made a good point. Mayor Coleman's wife was arrested for OVI on Lanie's birthday (the first one without you here). He made a nice speech for you at your memorial service. We about dropped jaws when we heard .271 on her BAC. They have made a public statement about how it was a regretable mistake. And about all of the recent stress she has faced. And all the news media cares about is how this will affect his run for governor. WHO CARES!? I wonder if the Coleman's could afford a cab or she could have called her husband for a ride home. Her bac was much more than the man who killed you. Maybe after this, the City of Columbus and Mayor Coleman can find a way to fund a permanent "Operation 2145" unit and also make a donation to Lanie and Owen's college or trust fund.
I'm sure you saw Lanie all dressed up for her party yesterday. I know she missed you!

October 23, 2005


We had Lanies party today, we ended up going to Chuck E. Cheese the weather was bad and rainy. Lisa was a big help Aunt Renee had a cake problem but it turned out ok. You could tell Lanie was really missing you but she was a big girl and made it through the day. She got to see Grandma and Grandpa Foster and Owen, her and Owen played really well, I think it did a her a lot of good to see us all together and happy. Irene said the rain was you crying because you couldn’t be here toward the end of the party the sun came out and it turned into a decent day. Im having trouble finding words to express how i feel right now, I know there is a first time for every thing. I have been doing this a lot lately I think I am be coming very cold inside because nothing is making since to me lately a man can take you from us and get 13 years in prison but another man can sell drugs on the street corner and get 20 years. The judge said at your sentencing hearing you can not put a value on a human life and he is so right in one way and so wrong in another, I had to take our daughter today to her birthday party with out you with out your smile and you telling us what to do to get ready or of course getting mad because I dint do it right. I really wish you could have been here in person you would be so proud of or girl, she is becoming more and more like you every day it pretty ironic the day we celebrated Lanies Birthday the Mayor of Columbus wife gets arrested for OVI she blew a .271 almost 4 times legal and they are calling it a regrettable mistake, she should feel lucky the parked truck she hit didn’t have anyone in it. I am going to go before I start crying any harder just remeber I WILL ALLWAYS LOVE YOU!


Robert Thornton

October 23, 2005

miss you and love you.

October 22, 2005

"Who You’d Be Today"

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile
I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
I still can’t believe you’re gone
It aint fair you died too young
Like the story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky’s so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
I know it might sound crazy
It aint fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Today (repeats 5 more times)
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I’ll see you again some day
Some day
Some day

October 21, 2005

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Lanie wants me to wright for her so here we go, SHE LOVES YOU AND MISSES YOU


Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Officer Foster

October 20, 2005

It's Lanie's 5th birthday! Wow! I just talked to her and wished her a happy birthday. She sounded so excited! She's getting some Bratz dolls for her birthday. I know that she misses you today but it sounds like everyone is doing their best to make sure her birthday is very special. I know you're watching your beautiful girl today on her special day. I know that she wishes you could be here with her physically but I hope she feels your presence.
I was so impressed by the numbers Jim posted on Operation 2145! I hope the City realizes what a valuable and important op. that is! I'm so proud of them. And I'm happy to hear Jim has had a son. Congrats, Jim!
Keep looking after everyone. Several officers have been hurt recently. Help protect us all.

CPD wife

October 20, 2005

Well Lanie is 5 today and I really wish you were here. its going to be a hard day. we are giving her a surprise party here today and then on Saturday we are going to the park so every one in Columbus can come. your mom and dad are coming in for the one on Saturday it might rain so we will have to get one of the shelter houses, Lisa thinks i will forget something so you have to remind me not to :). I have wrote a letter to all of the city counsel members, Chief Jackson, the Mayor and the safety director about the great job Jim and the other guys did. I know he told you they got 74 OVI's off the road but they did so much more than that and i wish to thank them from the bottom of my heart brother to brother thanks guys. I am going to try to get the city to make it a permanent thing one way or another I hope I can. There was a freeway officer rear ended the other night working a construction detail he was hurt but is going to be ok. so maybe we are getting to them at the right time for them to see a need for such a unit in the city. Just give me a little guidance’s because you know me. Im going to try to get to talk to counsel as well as the letters to every one. Well im going to go for now


rob thornton

October 20, 2005

Remembering the love you gave so freely and unconditionally. Missing our talks, how they made the miles disappear. You our greatly missed my cousin. I love you !!

October 19, 2005


Just wanted to let you know we finished up Operation 2145 about 2 weeks ago.. I had to leave it early do to a new little boy that has come into my life, James Christopher! We ended up getting 74 Ovi's in 20 working days.. that was between 3 officers..not bad numbers considering as a Division only around 1000 arrests are made a year.. As much as I could I talked up the program to officers, drivers we stopped, and o yeah every single drunk who I took to jail!!! In the last couple of weeks fellow brothers and sister officers listed on ODMP have been taken from us becuase of drunk drivers... I hope to continue honoring your life and cause thru OVI Enforcement whether it be on my own or thru another Operation 2145 task force down the road (I hope they let us run it again on the 1 yr anniv. in Dec) Rob even called me on one during the program, that night I got 5 drunk drivers in one shift off the streets and in to a jail cell....Well keep us safe..

Officer Jim Gilbert
Columbus Dvision of Police

October 18, 2005

I have been missing your friendship very much. Owen and Lanie and your mom and dad are constantly in my prayers. I pray that all will be fine and there can be reconciliation between all. I was telling a good friend how much I needed the 'girl talk' we used to have, and he reminded me that relationships like those are very special and very rare. Please watch over us, and guide us in the right things. Love you lots, Denise

denise newman stuckert

October 18, 2005

I'm sure you can see from where you are that lots of people you love need your guidance and support. I hope and pray you can give it in your own special way. You made such a beautiful family! I hope and pray daily that everyone can come together and do whatever is best for Lanie and Owen, no matter what the price to their pride or ego.
Please keep watching over not only your family but the men and women of CPD.
Miss you!

October 10, 2005

Hi Melissa,

Wanted to take some time and write you, Lanies birthday is coming up so i am trying to get that ready, I think we are going to have it at one of the parks as long as the weather is ok. Tonia Drake is trying to help me through it and give me ideas on how to do it. I got some pretty bad news last week that I know you know about so im trying to deal with that too. I bought the jimmy yesterday so that cant take that from Lanie so that is all done. when we got back from New York I saw the ending of a Hilary Duff movie and it was weird so I went out and bought the video you know about the bracelet given to her, well in this movie she plays a part where her brother and her sneak out to a concert for his graduation and a drunk driver runs a red light hitting them and killing her brother. well I did not know what the beginning was and me and Lanie watched it together and we sat their and cried, me more than her because they show the head lights coming and him not being able to react or do anything and it just makes me think what you must have thought properly seeing the same thing and not being able to do anything. I know in my heart that the last thing was the kids. and that sob took you from them. there is a song by of course Hilary Duff called Somones Watching Over Me and to any person who reads this and to all the survivors out there you need to hear this song to any survivors take it to heart and make yourself the promise you will do what it says! Lanie is getting bigger and more like you every day, she is started singing again and she love that song of course it makes me cry and miss you tremendously but I am trying to move forwarded as soon as all the probate stuff is done it will be better since they could care less about the health and well being of you children as I was told once we can get every thing done like I said it will be better. Any way mom was in the hospital again, they found blockage in her neck this time and she had kidney failure again this time it did damage them they are not sure how bad yet but she wont listen as you well know. They let her out after 3 days and want her to follow up with DR. Shears. everyone else is doing pretty good we all just miss you.

Well im going to go for know will talk to you soon

rob thornton

October 6, 2005

Been thinking about you, all the memories! miss you so much,love you

October 6, 2005

miss you and love you

September 30, 2005




Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Officer Foster

September 30, 2005

wanted to take a minute and say hi, lanie is realy missing you she drew an angel to day and said it was mommy i had to put it up in here room so you can watch her she loves you and misses you so much the other night she came into my room crying she wanted you and she missed snuggeling with you and playing with you. Melissa i cant say it enough I wish it had been me not you, im sorry for a lot of things ive done in my life but the one thing i will never be sorry for is falling in love with you. been having some troubles of my own with out you here i think i have drove the doctors nuts but they are all ways so helpfull and i can not say enough about Tonia drake she has helped me through a lot and to her husband Brett for putting up with me calling all the time if i am not sure whhat to do to both of them THANK YOU SO MUCH. TO THE GUYS OF OPERATION 2145 YOU ARE MY BROTHERS AND I HOPE I CAN GET THIS TO BE A PERMINIT THING THE NUMBERS OF ARREST YOU GUYS HAVE MADE JIM TOLD ME I THINK WAS 70 FOR OVI ALONE IN A MONTH WITH 3 OF YOU THAT IS GREAT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. THESE GUYS WERE HAND PICKED AND AGREED TO DO THIS TO HONOR YOU AND ARE VERY PROUD TO BE DOING IT FOR YOU I THINK IT IS AN HONOR TO HAVE THEM DO THIS AGAIN THANK YOU.


rob thornton

September 27, 2005

Miss you and Love you lots


September 23, 2005

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