Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster

love you

May 8, 2005



May 8, 2005

hi mel,
its been just over 5 months now and it still seems like yesterday we were talking about putting lanie in school. we went to the state memorial yesterday. it was very sombering lanie was very good considering the amount of time we were there. amy cole placed your flag in your honor and we got to see owen and tom and your parents it was a very beutaful day lissa was with us she is so helpfull. as im sure you know thursday was verry hard for me i tryed to keep it together and was doing pretty good untill lanie told me that she should have put rocks and boards on the windows and doors to keep you from leaving the night you were killed, then she snugeld up with me and just started crying, i couldnt help it i started to cry with her. she tells me all the time she misses you and loves you very much now we have to get ready for DC i wish we were going together like we talked about but we are going to honor you now lanie has said she want to place your flower and i am going to let her i hope owen will do it with her. i cant rember the name of the officer who is ridding for you and i am sorry for that but i wish you a safe trip and hope to meet you in DC, i had to take the jimmy in today to get looked at they fixed it and its running fine. the ABS light is still on lanie got her ears periced dont say it i know we were going to wait but it was one of those things she asked for and at the time she was getting any thing she wanted not long after you passed thing are going up and down right now but over all things are going pretty good my knee is still messed up i just triped over some brickes and hurt it again i know im an accident wating to happen but i havent feel down the steps latley. well i will talk to you later. ill see you in DC.

Love you and miss you

robert thornton

May 6, 2005

Hey Melissa just got the bracelets from the Memorial Fund that I ordered. So now I have it on and feel as you are protecting me from the sky above. I have a buddy who is riding in the police unity tour for Police Week and sent him the pin of our badge # they have made up. He will be riding in your honor. So please keep an eye on Steve for me while he rides.

Today is 5 months, and it still seems like yesterday.

I miss hearing you on the radio and talking to you.

Keep us safe !

Columbus Ohio Police Department

May 5, 2005

good morning again its 4 am and im still awake back to getting 4 hours a sleep a day. i spent the last few days playing with the photo show 2 on the computer i put together a slide show of you owen and lanies pitures and added some misic to it. i now have it as the screen saver on the compter. lanie took a black marker and colerd her nose last night she said she was a cat. reminds me of when you mad her a cat and owen a mouse. i have that pictur on the show. i came in a littel bit ago and it had started, it was on the picture i took of you at the house looking all shy and i just srated crying like im doing now. im going to try to get it on to a dvd and send a copy to your mom and dad. some times its not so hard but other times i just dont want to do anything but curel up in a ball and cry, every one says thats normal i hope so. i found a note i wrote to you the other day and i had signed it norton i sat down and acctualy laughed. O's birthday is comming up i miss that littel guy a lot. melissa theres a lot of thing comming up im going to need you here for not only for me but for the rest of the family too yours and mine just help guide us through that the best you can and i think it will do us all some good to be together. i got lanie the dvd player for the car a while back we should have done that a long time ago she loves it and it is great for long trips i had to hear the movie the lion king from here to new york but she was realy good.we both allways said we were blessed with a wonderfull daughter but we didnt know just how wonderfull she is she has been like a rock after we lost you she is so strong. sometimes i worry about her because she is just like you very stong and very independent. she snuggeled up to me the other night and just looked so sad so i asked her what was wrong and she had a tear in her eye and said i just miss mommy. so we layed there for a while and talked. i realy wish it had been me not you. you know how much junk i get into i never thought you would ever go before me. im going to wright brian before i go to bed so i will talk to you latter.

love you and miss you

robert thornton

April 25, 2005

good morning its 430 am and i am having one of those sleepless nights. another officer was shot and killed last night in ross county, everytime i hear about an officer being hurt or killed in the line of duty my heart stops. i used to be the same way when you were here but now it hurts a lot more, my heart goes out to them. me and lanie are planing a trip to michigan about mid june that will give us a littel time after washington. right now im at a loss for word im siting here wanting to tell you so much and dont know where to begin, i talked to dee the other day she seems to be doing pretty good we see lisa about 3 or 4 times a month she is so good with lanie and she loves her so much lanies face will light up every time i talk to her on the phone and she has to talk to her right away. lanie is growing up to fast. and she has your stubernness not that it a bad thing but. we both miss you so much i wish you could be here to see her she is looking more like you all the time. we are going to the memoreal at OPOTA on may 5th and then to DC and then i am going to go to cleavland the following week after dc. i dont think it will be as much fun as it was in the past if you remember you said you would go with me this year. lanie says she changed her mind she doesnt want the house we are getting she wants the first one we looked at because it has renees dream kitchen in it. i told her she will like this one to and she said NO i had to laugh. i still have not got the answers i need to put this to rest there are just a bunch of holes i cant figure out and i have decided i am going to do three more things and no matter the out come i will make my self be at ease with the answers. maybe. ok i am going to try to go to bed again talk to you soon.

love you ans miss you

robert thornton

April 23, 2005

Hey Mel,
wanted to take a min and tell you whats going on Easter went pretty well it was hard shoping for lanie with out you here but we got through it pretty good lanie says she is going to be a Columbus Police Officer just like her mommy when she grows up. She still will not let me return to work as a police officer i dont know how but im going to have to we have found a house and will be moving soon i dont know how im going to do it when the time comes but I will. they set a new trial dat of june 7 i hope it starts and dont get put off again. well im off to bed talk to you in a few days

love ya

Robert Thornton

April 22, 2005

Hey Melissa. Just thought I would drop by and say Hi. Just thinking of you. I bought a pin for my uniform last night. It has your badge and Bryans badge together with the black stripe down it. I got one for Mel, just trying to figure meet up with her to give it to her. It is almost been 4 monhts. Seems like yesterday.

We miss you !

Columbus Ohio Police Department

April 1, 2005


March 27, 2005

In the swirling depths
Of space,
The darkest abscesses of
The cosmos,
even the white-hot stars
Time to shine
Is brief.
On Terra Firma, where
Soil is turned
And Mums planted with love
And care
Burst forth with beauty and
Fragrance, then wither
And fade....
It's very being lending to
The majesty of it's environment
Valuable, essential
Invaluable, existential.
Beautifully, but terribly...

Rog "brief" 12/4/04

Det. Roger W. Jacobs
Columbus Police

March 17, 2005

I'm Bryan Hurst's younger sister. It is so hard to cope with this type of loss,epecially because it should have never happened. I always think to myself, how could someone think that money (probably for drugs) would be worth my brother's life? I'm sure you ask how someone who was previously responsible for involuntary manslaughter gets to do it again. That person sure didn't learn their lesson, and it's so unfair to your family. I feel so helpless and angry. I thank God for little Malia, because she is Bryan's legacy. He lives on through her, and I hope your family can take comfort in knowing that about Melissa's 2 children as well.

March 10, 2005


I didn't know you, but it is obvious that you were so loved by so many. Death is always so emotional for those who are left behind, especially one as sudden and tragic as yours. Look down on those who were close to you and loved you and give them peace. Help them do what is best for your children, no matter their personal feelings. I'm sure they all want to do the right things to honor you, but the pain makes it difficult to think clearly when you are thrown into situations like this.

God Bless.

To Melissa's family:
I don't know you, and only know of Melissa because my husband is a police officer, but I do know how difficult it is to lose someone so suddenly. Try hard to be patient and considerate with one another, as I'm sure that's what Melissa would hope for. The children here are the most innocent and defenseless victims and they need you all to come together for them. My prayer for you is that you can share your memories of Melissa without letting objects get in your way, for those things surely are not the best part of her legacy. God tells us to 'Love one another as I have loved you.' He loves us unconditionally, and He ignores our shortcomings.

God loves you, and He will help you.

February 28, 2005


We had a big fund raiser this past weekend in honor of you and Brian. We collected alot of money from donations. The Pipes and Drums played in your guys honor. well over 600 people attended. The BROTHERHOOD OF THE THIN BLUELINE was strong! We miss you guys and will always take care of your families... Keep watching over us!! I'm going to keep locking the DUI's up in your honor!!

Officer Jim Gilbert
Columbus Div. of Police

February 28, 2005

You looked like such a pretty princess last night at the party for your mom and Bryan. I know she saw how pretty you looked and how happy you were. She must be so proud of the young woman you are becoming. Take care! We all love you.

February 26, 2005

I look at the reflections every week for Melissa and it is very obvious she was loved very much. My heart goes out to you and the children. I have two children myself and my husband and I are both Police Officers. My heart aches everytime I read a reflection from you. May God be with you in your time of need.

February 24, 2005

morning it 530 am and lanie has the flu she is in bed sleeping but she threwup about 2 hours ago so i have been awake since. the corners report came the other day it took everything i had to open it i guess i realy wasnt ready for what it said because i only got about 20 min. sleep all night. we got a dog his name is blue lanie loves him but he is a bit high strung for me. as long as it make her happy i guess i am happy. the 14 came and went that was a very hard day for me i kept thinking about the first time we went out was that day. me you dawn and her boyfreind had dinner i got you a dozen roses and dawn didnt get any if i rember right you two had a bet about who would or wouldnt get some. April 7 is the new court date set, i guess its just a motions hearing but i am still going. we are starting to plan to go to washington in may we will be there for your birthday ill make sure you get your pink rose as allways. its going on three months since you were taken from us and i thought it would be a littel easyer by now but its not im trying to get all the bills cought up and so far thats not to bad but you know me you were allways the one to do them so i messed the check book up again, i know hands off. mom was in the hospital all last week the had to do two heart cats on her in two days so she is realy tired she came home thursday night and she stayed with us then we took her home friday she says she was waiting for you to bring her, her coffe mel i have a lot of decisions to make and i am stuck on two of them i really am not sure so kinda help me out. well im going to go for now

love you and miss you
rob and laine

rob thornton

February 20, 2005

Hey Melissa getting ready to order a bracelets from the Memorial Fund to honor you and figured I would visit and leave a message. It is hard for me to sit on Chan 2 and not hear you on the radio. Please keep an eye out on us down here. We all miss you.

God Bless

Columbus Ohio Police

February 17, 2005

Ride Along

So you don’t like the ticket I just gave you.
Well, come take a ride with me.
A trip to the scene of an accident.
Where a person now struggles for freedom, and for life.
All because someone was in a hurry, or late for work.

You say you didn’t call me and you don’t need my help.
That this is a family matter and none of my business.
Come take a ride with me.
Where a child now cowers in the nearest corner, or bedroom closet.
They cover their ears and ask god “ please make them stop”.
Still think no one needs my help.

You’ve said all we do is eat donuts and drink coffee.
Come take a ride with me.
On the countless days after taking four calls in an hour.
We think we have time to sit down for dinner.
Only to be call away again.

You think we’re cold and have no heart.
Well, come take a ride with me.
To a place where the pipes now lay to rest.
A brother or sister who gave their life, for someone like you.
A place where tears fall like rain for their family,
For our family, and yes even for you.
Yeah, come take a ride with me.

R. S. B

Deputy Marshal

February 12, 2005

Rob, Lanie, and Owen,
You don't know me, you've never met me, I am a stranger from no where that is touched by your sacrifice.

I am an officer with the Warren County Sheriff's Department in McMinnville Tennessee. As an officer with close to 20 years of experience, I have learned that "experience" in law enforcement never prepares you for the ultimate loss. I have attended funerals and memorial services for fallen officers many times and each time I have the overwhelming understanding that it could have as easily been me there with all these people around paying respects.

I try to live my life using three key rules. 1) do what is right. 2)Do the best you can. and 3) treat others the way you want to be treated. I didn't write that, but I'm thankful to have learned it. I try to instill those same rules for life in all of my five children. There will be a day when I am called from this world and if those words are only a part of the living legacy that follows me, I know I will have truly accomplished a worthwhile task.

keeping those rules in mind, I want you to know that in May during Police Memorial week, I will be riding in the Police Unity Tour. This tour is a 260 mile bicycle ride from Virginia Beach, VA to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC. I have been selected to ride in memory of Melissa. I am up to the task. With God's help, I will be in DC where hopefully I will get to meet you and tell you first hand, the honor I have to ride in Melissa's memory.

I look forward to learning more of the legacy that Melissa left behind. I sincerely hope to get to know her and the wonders seen through your eyes that made her the dedicated and obviously respected officer she is.

God bless you and give you peace.

Alan Roberts

Deputy Alan Roberts
Warren County Sheriff's Office, TN

February 12, 2005

Robert, I have read some of the reflections you have left and my heart just goes out to you and your little girl. I know how difficult things are for you right now. After reading a few of the reflections I could clearly remember all those nights after Marc died where I would be up until 2, 3, 4 in the morning not knowing what to do with myself. My daughter was 4 when Marc died and like your little one she missed her dad so much. I hope you know that there are so many people here for you and your daughter, thinking of you and praying for you. I firmly believe that CPD has some of the finest officers, as they have never left my side and I know they will never leave yours.

Melissa, please continue to watch over Robert and Laine...they miss you so much!!!

Becky Muncy
Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy, CPD (E.O.W. 04/05/95)

February 2, 2005

I never met you, but I pray for you and those who loved you every day. Thank you for your service to our community. God Bless you.

I've read your reflections and I felt the need to tell you how sorry I am. I believe that Melissa is in heaven and that she knows everything you wish that you would have said. I'm sure that she is smiling down at the way you are carrying on for your child. I also have young children, and it is amazing how much we adults can learn from them. Life can be so unfair and hard to understand, but children seem to handle the toughest moments with a wisdom that is beyond us. Just know that it is okay to cry and that Melissa is there guiding you through all of this. The best gift you can give, and your most important job in life is being a good seems you are doing just that.

God Bless you.

Former LEO Wife
Central Ohio

February 2, 2005

Good Morning,
its 226 and i was just woke up by another dream about this time i woke up crying, and i cant seem to stop. I meet up with Melanie last night and she took me to the crash site and i kind of lost it thankfully she stayed with me and let me cry on her shoulder. Im meeting tonya i think thats the right spelling of her name if not im sorry on thursday to go put some flowers at the memorial and before you say it i know you hate those but now i understand why they are done. I went a few weeks ago with the ais detective and steve to see your cruiser and i am just so sorry i have been what ifing myself a lot lately if only you would have taken the night off if only you hadnt taken the run just a lot of things you know me i have to have answers or it drives me nuts. but i dont think i will ever get the answers i need so i have to learn to live with that over time and its going to take a long time because i miss you so much i keep thinking this is just a dream and at any time you are going to yell at me for snoring to loud. Melissa there is a lot of thing I didnt get a chance to tell and I wish i would have but now its to late and i just hope you know that i realy did love and care about you a lot and i was just to stubern to admit it, and now that you are gone its just to late. Lanie reached up toward the celling the other night and started acting like she was pulling some thing down, when i asked her what she was doing she told me she was pulling your spirit down form heaven to give you a hug and a kiss good night she is amazing at how well she is doing but she realy misses you to. in our prayers every night she still asks god to keep mommy safe at work just like she allways did i am realy glad you got to talk to her on that night i only wish i had got to talk to you i keep beating myself up for not calling you like i allways did i know that was an every night thing and i got busy and didnt relize what time it was and by the time i did it was almost 3 in the morning and i tryed to go to bed. speaking of 3 in the morning it almost 3 now some i am going to try to go get some sleep me and lanie have couneling in about 7 hours.

love you and miss you

Rob Thornton

February 2, 2005

Hi Melissa...I was just thinking of you, getting ready to order bracelets from the Memorial Fund to honor you. Caroline and I went by the accident site the other day and cleaned it off and left you some pretty spring flowers, in 9 inches of snow of course! We miss you and our prayers continue to be with your family. Thanks for keeping us safe.

PO Heidi A Dripps
Columbus PD

January 27, 2005

hey I just needed to talk to you kind of having a rough nite not sure what to say just wish you were here Lanie played in the snow we have left today she made some snow angels and said they were you and so everyone that went by new her mommy died we are plaining to go out with owen on friday he reminds me so much of you and he is getting so big. me lanie and steve went to our chinese restaraunt the other day i had a very hard time, every time i would see something you used to eat i would almost lose it. one time i did steve had got your favorite thing and i just stopped and started crying right there in line. one of the guys down at kroger who knew you came up to me to tell me how sorry he was to hear that it was you in the crash he said he had prayed that it wasn't and when he heard it was he said he cried for an hour. well i'm going to go to bed well at least try to anyway.


rob thornton

January 26, 2005

well good moring its almost 5 am and lanie just woke me up saying someone is comming to take her and crying. she is back to not sleeping very well and trying to stay up all night. she went to counseling yesterday and she said she is dealing with your loss pretty well for a 4 year old. we are going to try school again here in a few hours, maybe we can make it 3 hours this time but if not well try again. i thought of a this while i was laying down earlyer. from what i can remeber it was somthing like this.

An officer was killed today
but not just an officer he was a brother a sister a son a daughter an aunt a uncle a friend to someone
his friends in blue will lye him to rest they will cry tears even from the very best the pipes and drums will play until the faded sound can be heard no more there will be shots fired but this time there will be no need for a respones the mounted unit will look thier best even the one that is riderless the helicopters will fly over bove even though they have one less all the brothers in sisters in blue from all over the nation will join your family for the flag presentation tears will flow and heads will be bowed as the father say his words of greatness in an attempt to ease the pain and calm everyone down after all is said and done there is just one thing that no one thought of when do we pick up the shatered peaces of our live and try to move on just one more time even though you have moved on some times it not so easy to say i have to hold on i have to hold on to the dearest memories i have to hold on to the times there was you and me i have to hold on to some peace of you i have to keep you just you then comes a time when you have to let go you have to tell your self thing are ok you have to tell your self dont be afraid you have to tell your self you are going to make it you have to tell you self i love you and just remeber as long as you hold all that is good and true close to you you never have to fear anyone........

I know it dont make a lot of sence but you know me i ramble sometimes even at 5 am wel i am going to try to go back to bed lanie seems to be sleeping good..... for now

love you and miss you

rob thornton

January 20, 2005

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