Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster
give Grandma hugs and Kisses for everyone.. We all miss you and love you
May 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Melissa
We all Love you and miss you.... Wish you were still here with us....
Love you Julie
Julie fenner
Melissa Baby Sister
May 16, 2007
Happy Birthday ,Melissa, Sure miss you alot.
Give grandma a big hug,,, miss all of you so much.
Love you
May 16, 2007
Melissa, been thinking about Owen a lot. I feel an empty space with him so far away. His birthday in coming up in a couple of weeks and been replaying in my mind being at the hospital with you and Tom. I have been very blue lately, can't quite seem to shake it. I saw on the news where officers had set up another check point and got several drunk drivers. Thank God for the officers that get them off the road. Miss you so much, Denise
Denise Newman Stuckert
April 14, 2007
I love you and miss you alot.. Wish you were Here.. I think of you everyday..
February 15, 2007
Today a little blonde haired girl walked into my store with a story that ripped my heart out, the little girl is 6, she asked me to call her Lainey. She told me about you. Melissa you'd be so proud of your daughter, she's a real little lady.
I know your watching over her, and she told me She misses you.
God Speed
Laurie Knowlton
Crafty Grannies
February 12, 2007
Melissa, please watch over your fellow officers during this bitterly cold weather. We depend on their help and service and their task is not easy. I pray for your family and friends continually and miss you as much today as the first day I was on earth without you. Love you lots, Denise
Denise Newman Stuckert
February 5, 2007
Wow, Melissa, it has been a hard few months. I see where the New Lexington area has lots of snow and ice, wonder how Lanie is coping with "cabin fever". I have had a lot of dreams about her and Owen recently, not bad dreams, but makes me aware how they need to know how much I love them. I see each officer with new eyes of respect and that is because I knew you. God watch over those guardians of the law and help us remember to be good citizens in our journey.
Denise Newman Stuckert
January 24, 2007
melissa, it is brian's 2yr anniversary in a couple of days. this time of year is really rough. i thought about your family during the holidays as i know it must have been very difficult for them. i didnt get to see lanie b/c i have one of those flu bugs that is going around. i hope when i feel better to be able to spend some time with her.
we miss you so much. i hope you and brian and the others are at peace and enjoying watching over us. i am so thankful to have known you.
January 3, 2007
Happy New Year Melissa!
January 1, 2007
Merry Christmas Melissa
Love you and Miss you
December 26, 2006
Those we love don`t go away,
They walk besides us each and every day,
Unseen,unheard,but always near,
Still loved,still missed and very dear.
love you.
December 11, 2006
I miss you so much. Cant believe it has been 2 years.. Watch over all of all of us this holiday season and always.. your always in my heart..
we all love you and miss you
Love Julie
Julie Fenner
Melissa's sister
December 6, 2006
Remembering you and your family as the second anniversary of your untimely death passes. You are not forgotten.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
December 5, 2006
Cant believe its been 2 years since you left us. I went to the crash site last night and was very surprised as I pulled up to find about 15 cruisers their. As I walked up I recognized a lot of the faces and some I didn’t but everyone of them was out there in the 25 degree weather for one reason, to honor your memory. Lanie and I took Monday to be together with you in our own way. She has asked some really hard questions in the last week, ones I don’t think any six year old should have ask. It was not easy on me but I answered every question she asked truthfully and to the best of my ability. She is growing more and more aware of what has happened to you and wants to know why it had to be her mommy. She misses you so much. Sometimes I look at her and can tell she is thinking of you but she wont admit it (we are working on that in counseling).
Just watch over every one at C.P.D. and 9/14 Precinct they are a good bunch of people.
Robert Thornton
December 5, 2006
Hard to believe it has been 2 years...THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TO YOUR FAMILY... your missed, keep watching over us....
Officer Jim Gilbert
December 5, 2006
hey melissa, well, it has been 2 years now. i went to 'that state up north' to visit your parents. they now live in a cabin out in the boonies with lots of land and lots of beautiful trees and lots of snow!!!! we attended the MI COPS christmas dinner with sharon and her family, and Mike and his family. we also looked at piks of you and your siblings growing up.
i miss you so very much. i am hoping to see lanie soon. i would love to go see christmas lights with her, maybe go to the zoo or see a movie. you know, typical holiday things. i haven't been able to see her since her birthday and i miss her bunches.
thank you for being the beautiful awesome angel you are and for watching over us. we will miss you this holiday season.
peace love happiness
December 5, 2006
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are, FOREVER.
-Richard Fife
Continue to watch over us.
Detective James Shockey
Columbus Division of Police
December 4, 2006
Hard to believe it has been two years. We all got together and said a prayer this morning. Keep watch over us always.
14 Precinct
December 4, 2006
You are missed so much, still so hard to believe you are gone!!! Thank you for all the wonderful memories you gave us all, I will cherish them forever. Please keep an eye on my dad if you can and let him know I love & miss him.
I love you & miss you.
December 4, 2006
Melissa, wow I cant believe how long its been. Two years. You have never left my thoughts. I read your reflections on a regular basis. I worry about Owen, Lanie, Rob and I mostly worry about Denise. You have so many people that love you. Most of us could only be so lucky as to have half of your support system.
Please put in a good word for all of your family and friends so they can make it through another holiday season without you. Please ask God to watch over Denise and her diabetes so that she can control it somewhat.
God willing, Melissa, I will have the chance to meet you on the golden highway. God Speed.
Frequent Visitor
Ross County Ohio Deputy Sheriff
December 4, 2006
I can't believe it has already been 2 years. I pass by your accident site almost everyday and it always stops my breath and brings a tear to my eyes. I am keeping your entire family in my prayers as I know how hard tomorrow will be.
You will never be forgotten!
December 3, 2006
Melissa, its been 2 years now since you left .
We all miss you so very much.
I love you. Watch over us all down here.
December 2, 2006
Wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving miss you so much talk to you soon.
Rob Thornton
November 23, 2006
Hey, my friend, I was remembering our last Thanksgiving together. I would go back to that day in a heartbeat. I remember Rob and Owen playing airplane and your fabulous homemade pumpkin pie, best one I ever had and you talking about work and Lanie not wanting to try something and she and I played games about it. Watch over all of us: your mom and dad, family, Lanie, Owen, your friends and loved ones. Love you, Denise
Denise Newman Stuckert
November 22, 2006