Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Saturday, December 4, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Melissa M. Foster
Hey Mel,
I know I haven't been on here in a while we are setteled in from the move and planing orDC trip. Lanie likes her new school and the teachers love her, she is doing realy well in school and misses you a lot. So do I, I wish you were here with us to watch our daughter grow up. She is so much like you .
Got to go
Love you and miss you
Robert Thornton
March 14, 2008
melissa, i apologize for not writing to say hello sooner. i miss you bunches. i am exstatic that lanie lives within 15min from me. i will hopefully get to see her much more frequently. i love her so much and want to make sure she knows things you would have taught her.
thank you for watching over us. xoxo. lisamarie
January 19, 2008
I miss you so so so so so so so so very very much I like the new house and the new school and the new neigborhood im taking good care of daddy
I love you.
Elaine Foster-Thornton
Daughter of Officer Foster
January 3, 2008
Boy this move just got a lot harder, as i go through diffrent boxes and find so many things i have not seen in a long time I think boy that was a fun day, or man that day sucked a lot more good one than bad. then i come to THE BOX the one that holds most of the stuff from December 2004 and i get so mad all over again.
I had to stop for now and take break im doing this late so lanie dont see me get upset but she can still tell whan she wakes up because im tired in the morning but I have to get this done some time. Mom is trying so hard to help and at the same time not get into to much. its kind of working
We got our first real snow today, lanie and I went out and played in it ( wish you were here to enjoy it with us) she made you a special snow angel i hope you liked it. Remember the first time I came over it had just snowed and we had a snow ball fight you won (well i let you win) and i ended up in dog poop on my knees and didnt have the nerve to kiss you. i wish now that i had.
we both love you and miss you so much
elaine and rob
January 3, 2008
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
December 31, 2007
As I sit here on this third christmas with out you i cant help but wonder hoe you think I am doing, we just moved into the new house and are doing pretty good i think. but that normaly gets me in trouble. I was out at the crash site on the 4th with everyone else and it is such a somber remaberance to be there. But with the help of all the officers their it seems to work.
Lanie has started her new school and is doing very well there. She told me she has a boyfriend HELP ME no I hope i an do right by you when that time realy comes. She likes her new teacher and is making new friends daily. She is on the honor roll with all A's and B's (that has to come from you)she is so much like you it is not funny she is just as stuburn and set in her ways as you and for that I am glad.
I have been thinking a lot about our life together and the three years since you left us and no matter what ever happens in my life i will never forget you and how no matter what I could allways pick up the phone call you and you where there for me, as I hope i was for you.
going to go for now
December 24, 2007
Didn't get a chance to say "hi" on here, but I know your checking out what's going on down here, the good and the bad. I'll never forget that night! Some things stay with you for a lifetime and that night will stay with me. Miss you lots, keep looking out for us on the job, we need all the help we can get, it keeps getting rougher and rougher. Your not forgotten!!!!
December 9, 2007
It's hard to believe that's it's been three years since you were taken from us. So many lives were changed forever that night. We met Monday night at the crash site to honor you. Rob seems to be doing well. I told him to tell Lanie Merry Christmas from all of us. Tell Bryan that we are missing him as well, and we will be honoring him in just a few weeks. You shall always be honored and never forgotten Melissa. JP
Ofc. Jim Parsons #717
Columbus Division of Police
December 8, 2007
We reflect on this date the ultimate sacrifice you made for the citizens of this city and the State of Ohio. We pay tribute to your life today on this 3 year Anniv. Of your death. God bless your family today and everyday!
Jim Gilbert
FOP President
Capital City Lodge #9
Jim Gilbert
Fraternal Order of Police,Capital City Lodge #9, Columbus, Ohio
December 4, 2007
Three years seem like just yesterday. Six years seems like just yesterday too. I too lost a dear friend in the line of duty six years ago. Just like anyone else, we never thought it would happen in our town, but it did. There are 4 special people that were brought to my attention thru this website and one of those was you. For some reason, the way you touched lives and just by the emotions people leave here and the impressions you left behind feels like you are part of my family and that I knew you. Even though you are all somewhere else, your family stay close to heart as I keep them in prayer and ask God to watch over them. Now I know I was brought here for a reason. It seems like you were a very special person and perhaps thats why I just wanted to encourage the family and friends of Melissa. I know it feels empty and it doesnt seem the same but you know, she is always by our side. Perhaps it is the love she left behind that makes her so special. She would want you all to keep going. So stay stong and believe.
New Mexico
December 4, 2007
My thoughts go out to all of your loved ones on this 3rd anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep all of them close to you and protect them from harm. I know not a day has gone by over the past 3 years that they have not thought of you. You are a true hero and heroes never die. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 4, 2007
On this 3 year anniversary of your EOW, we are thinking of you and your family. By reading the reflections, they miss you and are trying to heal. Please watch over them this Holiday season. Thank you for the impact you have made on people, you are a true hero and will not be forgotten.
Craig Figgins
Brother - SGT Dan Figgins St Charles, IL EOW 4/9/05
December 4, 2007
You are remembered today and thank you Officer for your service
Pat Van Den Berghe, Manchester, NH
Neighbors for a Better Manchester, NH
December 3, 2007
If Tears Could Build A Stairway,
and memories a lane,
I would walk right up to Heaven
and bring you back again.
No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say "Goodbye",
You were gone before we knew it,
and God knows why.
My heart still aches with sadness,
and secret tears still flow,
What it meant to love you-
No one can ever know,
But now I know you want us
to mourn for you no more;
To remember all the happy times,
life still has much in store.
Since you`ll never be forgotten,
I pledge to you today-
A hollowed place within my heart,
is where you`ll always stay.
love always
December 3, 2007
Hi Melissa,Its been almost 3 years now -it feels like it just happened.I can go days with out crying- then it hits me so hard you are gone,Tina is gone,grandma is gone .I cant get it into my head why-why- why did this happened. You girls had so much going for you.I pray for peace for your familys.
love and miss you all.
November 18, 2007
Been almost 3 years since we lost you and Tina, is still very hard to believe. I think of you both often and love you both so much. Give a Big Hug to Grandma and my Dad. Please watch over us this holiday season. Love you all so much.
November 7, 2007
I was thinking about you, and i realized I never got the opportunity to thank you for all the great Parenting magazines and the car seat. Thank you! I am sure little Lanie will share in her Mother's giving nature. Rest well Hero!
Rebekah Wright
September 21, 2007
I was awake at 2:20 this morning. I was thinking of when the officers told me you didn't make it after the crash, I was remembering Lanie's first birthday party at Carol's, I was thinking of you in uniform when we visited Irene at the hospital. Good memories, sad memories but I suppose there was a reason for them all. I miss you so much right now for my own selfish reasons. I wish that I could pick up the phone and you could tell me to come on over and we can talk. Watch over all of the family, like you did when you were alive. I even had a memory of us talking about Julie and how much you wanted her to move to Columbus and live with you. Bless your mother and father, your children and all your many friends. Denise
Denise Newman Stuckert
September 11, 2007
Good morning, I know its been a while but i wanted to come on and say hi. We are at a C.O.P.S. retreat and we miss you a lot. I have meet some realy wonderfull women here and they have helped me a lot, as I sit here at 3 a.m. again I cant help but think about you and wondering is tonight the one you come home. I know this is not any where near anything that can happen but.......
Lanie starts school very soon and we should be school shopping right now. I went out with some of the other people here and had a realy good time. It felt good to be around people who if I happend to tear up over a song ( I did over Bryan Adames) I wouldnt be judged or looked at funny. Amanda and Mandy just told me it was ok. I think it was your way of saying it also.
I have so much to say and cant find the words again, this was allways so easy to do with you. No matter what just know me and Lanie love you and miss you very much.
Hope to talk to you sooner next time.
love you
robert thornton
August 19, 2007
Hi, Melissa:
I had the opportunity to meet your fiance last week as part of the COPS kids program. Your daughter is really sweet and smart and I can tell she misses you so much. I gave her a hug and I hope I made her feel just a little better. I think Rob is doing well, I got his number and will be checking on him. he misses you deeply and we were talking about you and just how well you two had it together. I am glad for you that you had whatever little time with him. And like I asked my husband to do for me, I ask you this: Just wait for him in heaven. His time on this earth will not compare to the eternity of happiness you both will share. I know you continue to watch over them, I think we all felt our heroes this past week at camp. I don't know how to end this. Thank you for your service. Rob, it was wonderful to meet you, and you know, it will be ok.
Celia Webb.
Widow of SPA David Webb, EOW 11/03/2006
Celia Webb
August 6, 2007
Rest In Peace
We continue the fight for you sister and you are not forgotten by your department we honor you daily by wearing the uniform proudly and remembering the fallen brothers and sisters that came before us
detective scott alexander
columbus division of police
July 24, 2007
On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City lodge #9 in Columbus, Ohio we are very sorry for the loss of your life while serving your community and our country! God bless your family!
President Jim Gilbert
Fraternal Order of Police,Capital City Lodge #9, Columbus, Ohio
July 9, 2007
Hey whats up not much here. We are on vacation and lanies is swimming on her own!! Jessica glade to see you guys are still around tell your mom and everyone else hi for me and lanie. She misses you guys a lot. I heard that Hedi was the one involved in the head on with the drunk, I know you were watching over her and THANK GOD she is ok. well going to go for now,
Robert Thornton
June 10, 2007
Melissa Foster was my mothers best friend. Through no fault of her own she was killed. A drunk driver hit her while she was only doing her job of protecting others.n I know for a fact that Melissa will be remembered for all she has done for others, her children, and the community. Melissa didn't deserve to die, and justice is not being served. Thirteen years is not long enough for someone who puposely got drunk and then drove. He should be in jail for life. His life should be taken away just like Melissa's was!!!!!
Jessica Brewer
Daughter of best friend
June 5, 2007
Hey Mel,
Been a while, we have been very busy. Lanie is getting ready to fininsh kindergarden and she had a pretty good year. She realy likes school but she hates to wake up in the morning, sound like anybudy you know? We had a realy good time in D.C. this year she went to the c.o.p.s. Kids and teen where she had a wonderfull time.
I ran into Bill from the Marshels Office by the way thanks Bill you made it a lot easyer to be there. We had your birthday at the wall on the 17th. I hope you liked the cake.
Well going to go for now.
love yo uand miss you
Robert Thornton
May 30, 2007