Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland

End of Watch Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Officer Duke G. Aaron, III

To the family and loved ones of Officer Duke Aaron III, his fellow troopers with the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department, and most especially to Duke:

I had the privilege and honor of meeting and sharing time, tears and memories with your parents at the 2006 COPS Parents' Retreat. When I left Missouri yesterday, I left knowing that I had forged some bonds that will never be broken. Your parents were so kind and caring of Trooper Jones' mother Josie.

After returning home to California, I knew that one of the first things I wanted to do was visit your memorial page. From all the loving reflections left about you, I can see that you were an amazing man and what a grievous loss your loved ones have endured because of your tragic death.

May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire. You are so loved and so missed by so many.

Rest in Peace, Duke. A body is but for a lifetime, but spirits and souls are for eternity and yours is forever part of those who call you beloved.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Duke gave to his community and the citizens of Maryland, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on July 20, 2004.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05

October 12, 2006

Hey Duke,

I was just sitting here thinking about you and Play Station video games. I remember when we got the PS2, you took the PS1 to work and kept it in your locker so that when you were on Toll Plaza guard, you had something to keep you occupied because you could not leave the building for the most part. Tim was telling me last Saturday about another SIMS game that I didn’t have. Since it is getting colder and dark earlier prohibiting the outside enjoyment that spring and summer bring, it peaked my interest so I bought it. As I was looking in the cases at Wal-Mart, I came across a new Syphon Filter game. Grand Theft Auto also has another game out since you have been gone. I am sure you would have owned both new versions since they were two of your favorite games. You also loved your two Dukes of Hazard games (imagine that LOL). As I was continuing to look in the cases, I remembered back in May of this year while at the Bridge how your mom had mentioned about you loved playing Pac-Man (because we got on the subject of video games). I had to chuckle. If she only knew how your taste in video games had drastically changed in over twenty something years since Pac-Man. I mentioned a little of it to her, but she wasn’t thrilled to say the least. I remember you and I actually did have a discussion about how video games influence behavior in people, but just because you loved those kinds of games didn’t mean you were a violent person. You just loved the action. I also remember how my mom would always tell us that we were too old for video games. You would always laugh at her and I would always defend us by telling her that we were the Atari and Nintendo (which we still both owned that was packed away) generation and how video games only got better as we got older. I remember Kyle and Ricky next door were amazed you liked playing video games because they thought you were “too old” LOL. Sharon still brings that up once in awhile, along with everything else those two boys used to tell other people about us (that would always make us blush). I also had to get a new memory card last night because the old one did not have enough memory. I remembered the situation with the very first memory card you bought. I remembered you got really far into your game and the card somehow stopped working. I remember you calling it a cheap card and you were disappointed that you had to go all the way back through each level of your game. It was always fun to sit there and watch you play your games because you really got into the action and strived to beat a level within a short amount of time. It was strange to play my new SIMS game the other night because that is exactly what I was doing the night before the crash when you had to go to bed early so you could get up and work another twelve hours shift you were forced to work due to lack in manpower. I remember looking back at you as you gave me a kiss good night and walked past me towards the steps continuing to talk to me (I always smile when I think back to what you said to me). You had just come in from relaxing out on the deck with a couple of our neighbors. The other night, I found myself looking back at the steps. I don’t know why I did, but it was as if something told me to look back. I am sure it was because you were trying to make me smile thinking back to what you said to me that evening. I did!

I love you more than anything in the world Snookums.


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

October 5, 2006

I have posted to you before because one of my husband's fellow deputies was killed the same year as your husband, and I saw you in D.C.
I just read your gut wrenching words about wishing you had never said anything about Duke wanting to change positions and that had maybe he filed that paperwork things would have turned out differently.
I want you to know that I'm a true believer in God deciding when it is our time to go. We think it sucks (and it certainly does!), but he takes his angels when they have completed their earthly assignments. The fact is Duke did his job well, and no matter where he would have been working that night the outcome would still have been the same because God decided it was time to call him home. He knows peace now, and some day you will be reunited, and all the love you had on earth will be even stronger there.
Please don't punish yourself, nothing you could have said or done would change what is. I am so sorry you have to live through hell. Someday you too will be rewarded with Paradise! I will continue to pray for you. A fellow LEO spouse.

September 25, 2006

It has been over 2 years since your end of watch and I know the pain and tears are still present and will be for a long time. You have not been forgotten nor will that ever happen as your loved ones will remember you always and the Blue Family will never forget you. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones and wrap your wings around them and protect them. I will leave a short poem someone sent me and leave it for your loved ones:

Poem by Richard Fife:

No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are,

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father

September 21, 2006

Hey Snookums,

I got to go past Fort Avenue today I started thinking again about how you liked the snowballs from the snowball stand off of Fort Avenue. I also again thought about all the times you would come and sit with me at Fort McHenry when I worked on the tour boat the summer of 1995. You were still a cadet at that time. You would come over before you went to work and we would sit on a blanket by the water and eat McDonalds since that was the only fast food place close to the park. One of my most memorable conversations with you was about what we were going to name our child when we got married and decided to have a family. You told me you liked the name Angela Amber. We laughed because we were basically going to call our kid triple A, but that is what you liked and we agreed if we ever had a daughter that was what her name was going to be and if we ever had a son it was going to be Zachary Scott, which is what I always liked.

Because of all of the rain we have had lately and school starting back up for kids, I have also thought about your spring/summer baby blue (or as I like to describe it as powder blue) uniform you initially wore in 1994 as a new cadet when the department was still the MD Toll Facilities Police and in transition to becoming the MD Transportation Authority Police. You hated that uniform because of the color and rarely wore it. Luckily you didn't have to wear it that long. I remember one time you came over my house in the van while I was still on summer vacation from high school at the beginning of your shift in the pouring rain wearing that uniform and you had your rain jacket over top of it. You weren't supposed to be coming to my house on your lunch break or at the beginning of your shift when you would go to the Royal Farm Store to get snacks and drinks, but you would always sneak over or convince who ever you were driving with to let you stop by quickly (which by the way I saw one of those officers at Bob's viewing the other week). They used to always say how you finished up your work quickly so that you could get off on time to come back over to my house after work. Between ten to fifteen minutes after 10p, you would be coming down the hill to my house in your white Ford pick-up you had at the time.

Then there was the time when I started back to high school and was in New York for the day that you left a note and a single red rose (with a little white teddy bear attached to it) on my car while it was parked in the school parking lot. Your note stated that you hoped I was having a better day than you were having and how you were coming back from Greek Village on your lunch break and that you loved me. Of course you know I kept that rose and note, along with other notes you left for me after that and every single card you ever gave me. It wasn't to long ago that I pulled all that stuff out to look at, along with all the cards I gave you that you had saved (which like me was all of them).

Sandy and I were talking the other day about as she put it “when we were younger hanging out at Cheers”. She kinda made me feel old. That stirred up a lot of stories about that place and about Shawn and Steve (two of your best friends from high school). I see Shawn in their little boy, but I also see a lot of her in him as well. You never got the chance to meet their little boy because Sandy was pregnant with Tyler at the time of the crash. She also mentioned Sarah and Freddie and I told her that you and I had seen them not to long before the crash at Ci-Ci's. I brought up how much fun we all used to have over Sarah and Freddie’s apartment. Being around Sandy has preserved some really early memories of you and I with all of them. We both agreed that we would live our lives over again with both you and Shawn if we were given the opportunity even though we knew how they would both end. How I wish I could go back in time to be with you again.

Well it is bed time so I should be going to sleep. Daisy is beside me curled up. I love you. Sleep tight my love.

Love you,

Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

September 17, 2006

Hey Duke, Hey Jenn, Im just sending some love your way!
Hang in there!!!

Det J Rollhauser
Baltimore City Police Department

September 17, 2006


I just want to say what a wonderful sister, Cindy, you have. We spent four days last week at our second siblings retreat together. This year we got to room together and had a good time. We got to tell some great stories about our brothers. I hope you and my brother are looking over those who love you. We did some activities that we know you both would have enjoyed. This retreat means so much for us as sisters, because we are treated like we are survivors also. I wish we could have this retreat at least twice a year. When I am down or your sister is down, we can call each other any time of day or night. You were lucky to have her as a sister. I am glad now to have her as a friend, and we have become like sisters. I wish that we lived closer, but it's only a couple of hours away. I can't wait to see her again. It's great to tell stories about our brothers when we were growing up, because noone has stories like siblings do.

Andrea Zimmerman Lomas
Sister of New Jersey State Trooper Bertram T. Zimmerman III

Andrea Zimmerman Lomas
Sister of Trooper Bertram Zimmerman III fo NJSP

September 15, 2006

My Snookums,

Yesterday was our 6 year wedding anniversary. I hope you liked the six silk roses I left for you this year. I got smart this year and decided to go with silk because I knew no matter where I went, they would be available and "fresh" LOL. I know you were with me that's for sure. Thank you for my sign and drawing my attention to the 80's heavy metal group Cinderella's t-shirt at Wal-Mart (of all places). That could only have been your doing since that was one of your few favorite heavy metal groups. I didn't watch any of our wedding videos or look at pictures yesterday. I didn't need to. I have it all in my head. All I kept seeing was you and I dancing our first dance as husband and wife and hearing you singing "I Cross My Heart" to me. I still get the same butterfly feeling in my stomach and tear up now as I did then thinking of all the times you would sing that song to me before and after we were married. One of my favorite pictures from our wedding of you and I (besides the one of us in the limo), is the one of you pressing your nose on my forehead with a big teeth bearing smile on your face as I am smiling up at you while we danced to our song. That entire day surrounded by the love and support of 230 of our friends and family was so beautiful.

I love you more than anything in the whole world Duke.


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

September 10, 2006

As we lay Bobby to rest today, you are on our minds. Please watch over him and now that all of you are truly missed.

September 7, 2006


I just wanted to tell you how glad I was to finally meet you the other week in Subway. You are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. It sounds like you are going thru some rough situations but just keep doing what you doing and remember that whenever you take a stand for something there will always be those that are for you and those that are agaist you now matter what the cause is. Just stay strong and true to what you think is right and what is helping you get thru this period. I hope to be able to talk to you again soon.

Kim Haynes

September 6, 2006

I am sorry to say that another one of our brothers is coming your way. May you, George, Jackie, Robert and Grant Look after Corporal Kraus and help him watch over us as we take care of your loved ones.

We are always thinking of all of you.

Lt. Mark Henry #0388
MD Transportation Authority Police

September 5, 2006

Duke I know you'll show Krauss the ropes! god speed.

September 2, 2006

Always thinking of you especially around hunting season.
Bow season starts in a couple of weeks. Well you already know Bobbys up their with you. Now you have a drinking buddy.(If they have beer in Heaven) I have 2 good friends watching over me as I go out to serve and protect the State of Maryland!


September 2, 2006

Jenn - I just wanted to let you know that I hadn't forgotten you. I hope you are doing well. Miss you. Take good care of yourself.

Love, Missy Pierce

Missy Pierce

September 1, 2006

Although I never got a chance to know you, through similar tragedy I have come to know and love your wife. She is awesome and I can see why you married her. I think she is so brave, courageous and full of moral and ethical duties. You know she will always stand up for the right thing, and that she will uphold your memory until she is able to meet you in Heaven.

God Bless You Jenn...

August 18, 2006

Dear Jenn,
I just wanted to let you know that I think about you often and I hope you are doing well. I read these reflections frequently and tear up everytime. You and Duke had such a special relationship and very loving. I don't call you often, but I just want to let you know that I am thinking of you and if you need me or just want to talk, don't hesitate to call or email me. You and Duke and your family are always in my prayers.
Dawn Byron

Dawn Byron

August 17, 2006

Hey baby,

I had to laugh while waiting in the drive thru at the bank today. There was a sign that said "No walk ups". It made me think about when we would go bike riding on the B&A Trail. I remember the one time you were thirsty and got the idea that we try to go through the drive thru at McDonalds in Arnold on our bikes LOL. Needless to say, it didn't work. I remember we would stop for snowballs along the way and we would also pick wild daisies. I also remember the time you, me and Sherry that lived across the hall in the apartment rode our bikes up to KMart on the Trail. Then there was the time we took the Trail up to the airport. You always laughed when you told the story about when you and Rob were little and got into a fight with some rough looking guys about the same age as you both were on the Trail. You said you never peddled so hard in your life to get away from them. Good times weren't they!

I love you!


Jennifer Aaron
Duke's Wife

August 11, 2006

Duke- I was watching our graduation the other day from recruit class #29. You were such a fine person and police officer. It was an honor to have graduated in the same class with you. Take Care Duke, until we meet again.

Cpl. Dayton
Carroll County Sheriffs Office

August 6, 2006

Dear Jenn,

Thank you for the posting on Mark's site. In reading through Duke's site and reflections, I am astounded by the similarities between us. Just as you and Duke met on a blind date, so did Mark and I. When I read about Duke wanting to switch to the county position, it reminded me of when Mark left the city of Detroit to go to Sterling Heights. I was happy, thinking it would be safer to get out of the city. It tears me up to see that you are upset with what you told Duke. We are only human, our love for our husbands guided our wishes for their safety. Lord knows that if our love was enough to protect them they would still be here with us today. I do believe that they are with us in spirit. Keep looking for those signs that Duke sends.

Lily and I will be sure to include you and your family in our prayers tonight. I don't know if you plan on attending the COPS spouses retreat, but I will be there in September. It would be nice to meet you.


Wife of Officer Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04

July 27, 2006

It is hard to believe that you have been gone from our family for two years. There is never a day that goes by that you aren't thought about. We hope that you are finally able to rest in peace. You will forever be in our hearts. Big Deb and Phil

Debbie Keiter
Mother in Law

July 20, 2006

dear duke and linda

we are thinking of you and will be keeping you in our prayers.

we love you both

jerry and kathe starks

July 20, 2006

Officer Aaron,

My thoughts are with your family, friends and department today. Please keep watch over them as they struggle with their memories of that fateful day. It is with utmost respect that I send this reflection today...I thank you for choosing to serve and protect your family and your community. You are a true HERO in every sense of the word.


I am so proud of you (even though we have never met). The reflections that you leave on other officers' sites are beautifully written and are very obviously sent from your heart. Though we are seperated by miles, we are bound by this thin blue line. I am sorry that we are also bound by unexplainable grief. I think of you often and I hope it helps you to know that thoughts and prayers are forever being sent to you from miles away.

God Bless you all...

Dispather, Sterling Heights PD Michigan

Friend of Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04

July 20, 2006

Thinking of you, Jenn,your family and friends today and always.

July 20, 2006

Thinking of you today as you endure Duke's 2 year EOW. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

July 20, 2006

I can hardly believe that it has been 2 years already since you've been gone. While I never had the opportunity to meet you, my husband considered you to be a great friend. When you went home you left a big hole in the agency, which will never be filled. My prayers are with your family each and every day. The only real peace is in knowing that you are with God and watching over us all. Sleep Well, Officer Aaron.

Wife, MDTA Police Officer

July 20, 2006

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