Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
To Mark's Mother-in-law~
Your post was beautifully written!
Yes~ We all want our loved ones to "never be forgotten".
Peace to all of you....
Surviving Sibling
February 6, 2007
Just wanted you all to know we still think of you always.Mark is such a great guy and you all are such a great family. I hope you are all doing well. God Bless You All. Rest In Peace Mark.
Andrea Mitchell(Mosher)
February 5, 2007
I have a daughter about the same age as Lily, and it breaks my heart to hear your wife write about the questions she must answer from such a young bright mind. It's my worst fear to think my daughter may wake up and ask why I didn't come home. Please watch over all your brothers and sisters in uniform. Rest in peace officer Sawyers.
Officer Horn
Adrian (MI) PD
February 5, 2007
To all of our friends, known and unknown, please know that we feel so honored that you still think of Mark. I thought that as time passed, everyone would fade away as they got on with their own lives. Of course some people did, but there are those that did not, and continue to love and support us, as is evident by these reflections.
Although it is true that we may never know of all the thoughts and prayers for Mark and our family, the continuing compassion and generosity of friends and strangers never ceases to amaze me. When we do hear of these acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, it warms our hearts and renews our faith in mankind. When a family has suffered such a terrible loss as we have in losing Mark, it is often very difficult to find the good in people.
Many times I have experienced people asking me how Yvonne or the family is doing, then quickly saying, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked, it must be painful for everyone to keep asking you that.” I tell them to never stop asking, even if it is twenty years from now. I will never not want them to ask. By doing so, it tells me that they still think of Mark and our family, no matter how much time has passed. This is the one thing we all want, for no one to forget Mark, or any other officer and their families that have suffered such a great loss. It gives credence to the words “You will never be forgotten.”
Please continue to keep Mark, Yvonne, Lily and all of our family in your thoughts, prayers and especially in your hearts. Even if we aren’t always aware that you do, I am sure that Mark is.
God Bless all of you that continue to care,
Diane, Mark’s Mother-in-law
February 4, 2007
Hi Yvonne, Mark and family,
My daughter had her 8th birthday party last weekend at the Rainforest Cafe. She asked all of her friends to bring a donation for MI COPS in memory of Mark. She told everyone the money is for a policemans family whos daddy is with Jesus. The donations are in the mail along with a picture of all the kids who were there. Please know your family touches all of us in ways you can never know. Stay strong!
SHPD wife
February 3, 2007
Dear Mark
First off i want you to know that there are not too may days that go by that i do not think of you. I just recently found this site and could not find the words to say. I am and will always be proud to say that i served your time in Detroit with you. I miss having you in the car beside me. You don't know how hard it is to find another partner that will let me listen to the country music stations. well i miss you, and i will see you at your new spot.
Police Officer Donny Harris
marks partner while in detroit
February 3, 2007
Dear Mark,
Lily and I went with Michelle, Steve, Alexis and Kyle to the "Fridge" last night. That is the tobaggan run at Waterford Oaks Park. When we got to the top of the tower Lily did not really want to go down. I told her to go down once and if she did not like it we would not go again. Well, she did not like it so that was it. She did however love the sledding hill. We did not take sleds and no one was on it so Michelle and I pulled Alexis and Lily down on their bottoms twice. Then Michelle asked the truck driver who took the tobaggans to the bottom of the tower if we could borrow one for 5 minutes and he let us. The girls took two rides and then it was time to go. I was tough carrying the tobaggan up the hill because it did not have a rope. We were all so tired from walking up the hill four times. Then Lily came home and spent the night with me. Today she is going boot skating with Julia. She wants iceskates!!! I told Lily how we use to go sledding. Remember those days? Anyways, we had a good time and I loved Lily spending the night with me. She sleeps just like you, straight on her back.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
January 27, 2007
Lily got her ears pierced! She has been wanting to do it for awhile but every time I told her that it would hurt a little she said, "I'll get them done when I turn 5." Well, we were at the mall on Thursday and she said she wanted to go to Libby Lu and get them done. She picked out pink birthstone flower earrings. She held on to two pink stuffed puppies while they did it. Of course we couldn't leave the store without at least one of the dogs. She named it "Sparkly." She did great. At one point before they pierced her ears, she cried out "Mimi". She calls me that sometimes. She says because it sounds like mommy. After they were done she kept staring in the mirror. Then we called everyone from my cell phone to tell them the news.
Yesterday Lily asked again why you died. She asked me why you didn't have blood on your face anymore. I don't know where she got that from. I have never talked to her about blood. I think she meant blood in you. Because then we talked about how everyone has blood in their bodies. She was okay after that.
A few days before that, she asked why she couldn't see your face in the clouds. We always tell her that you are watching over us. Makes sense that a three year old would expect to "see" you looking at her. I tried to explain the concept of the soul and just because we can't see you doesn't mean you aren't watching us.
We went to the pet store today. We needed fish food and Lily wanted to see all the animals. She liked the cats and told me we could buy one. I told her she had plenty of stuffed kitties. She wants a pet so badly. She loves Tracy's dog Lola and talks about her all of the time.
Lily loves her dance class. They are dancing to "who let the dogs out." She loves dancing at home. Her new thing is to stand on the toilet lid and wiggle her butt singing "holla back girl" or "sexy back." She cracks me up.
She is still sleeping with me every night. It's a hard habit to break. I am hoping to work on this during winter break when I won't have to go to bed or get up so early for school myself. That way if it takes awhile to get her to sleep I won't be exhausted at work.
Lily wants me to take the silver heart necklace with your name engraved on it off of the rearview mirror of the car. She wants to wear it. I told her I would try to get it off tomorrow.
On Sunday, we went down to visit with your mom. I had on a police shirt. Lily wanted a "badge" shirt as she calls them. She wanted an orange one. She ended up picking something else out to wear.
That's new too. She wants to pick out her own clothes. One night that Tracy watched her she picked out a blue Tinkerbell skirt that was Alexis' and a t-shirt with kittens on it. It was so cold out that day, but I just bundled her up. Another day she picked out black velvet pants with pink roses all over the front. She put them on herself, backwards though, and insisted on wearing them with her pink sparkly dress up shoes.
When Rich came over to clean the fish tank she told us she wants to own a pet store. She told Rich he could come buy an animal. Funny since you talked about owning a pet store. I think you and Rich went to every pet store within hours of where you guys lived.
Well, it is Lily's bedtime. I love you as much as ever. By the way, that new country song "I'll Wait For You" makes me cry. I hope you are waiting for me. xoxoxo
January 23, 2007
You will never be forgotten. I know your loved ones think of you every hour of every day and will continue to do so for as long as they walk this earth. They tell others stories about you which will keep your memory alive. Some people say it seems like just yesterday that they last saw you, but for those closest to you it feels like a lifetime since they last heard your voice, felt your warm touch. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 23, 2007
Dear Mark,
I saw Lily yesterday and she showed me her pretty earrings. She got her ears pierced last week and they are so tiny and cute. She is so proud of herself for not crying and she loves the pink flowered earrings. I will be taking her tobagganing this Friday and she is so excited. She wants to sit behind Alexis with Aunt Michelle holding her. I showed her a slide presentation on-line of the Fridge and she watched it over and over again. Now she knows what to expect. Remember us all going sledding and snowmobiling She had a ball.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
January 22, 2007
Dear Mark,
I love and miss you so much.
Love Mom
January 21, 2007
Dear Mark,
I love and miss you so much.
Love Mom
January 21, 2007
Continue to rest in peace brother.
To Mark's mother:
Your writings touch us all who read them. We are not robots, as you know more than anyone else......You raised a dignified human being who was willing to protect and serve the community. Though it seems rare to hear someone vocalize how proud they are of any individual who works in this capacity, it is comforting to know that most hold the feeling inside them. People like you help us keep up the good fight, day in and day out.
God Bless you and your family
Police Officer
January 18, 2007
Dear Mark,
I am thinking about you and I do day and night and wish you were here.
I am going to take Lily to the Fridge in Waterford. It is a refrigerated tobbogan slide. Alexis and Kyle will be there too. I think Lily will like it but may be a little timid the first time because it is pretty high. If she does not like it or will not go on it we will just warm up with hot chocolate in the lounge. I will let you know how she does. We do on the 26th.
It breaks my heart that you are not here to do things like that with her but I will make sure she gets to try everything that we have always done with you and Michelle and Michael when you were young. We had a ball doing stuff all the time.
I love and miss you.
Love MOM
January 17, 2007
Ms Sawyers,
I pray for the kind of strength you and your loved ones show. Especially now, as things in my life become more difficult, I will continue to think of you and admire the strength that you show each and every day. You are amazing. God bless you, Lily, and the rest of your family and friends.
Megan B.
January 16, 2007
Thanks to whoever wrote that last message telling me to hold it together. Encouragement is what helps me do that. It's been a tough road but with everyones help we are all going to make it, thanks to our family, friends and the wonderful support from Mark's coworkers and friends. May God bless you all.
Faith (Mark's Mom)
January 16, 2007
Faith, keep holding it together... You can do it, Mark would expect nothing else than that. You are a courageous brave and strong willed woman. You are admired for that.
May God Bless You and Your Family..
January 8, 2007
Dear Mark,
2007 is well underway. I had Lily the other night. She talks non-stop and insist that I have an answer for every question she asks. I am learning from Yvonne to turn it around and ask her what she thinks. Pretty funny, eh?
I talked to Yvonne earlier and she and Lily were on a play date at the Rain Forest Cafe. That is a cool place and Lily really likes it.
Joe (your training officer) called me the other night. He and his wife received a wonderful Christmas present. They adopted a baby girl from Russia. Isn't that wonderful. I told him there is a special place in Heaven for people like him. I should know because my parents are there. They are angels just like Joe and his wife. The little girl is so lucky but she will find that out when she gets older.
I am learning to play the organ. It's great because it keeps me busy and away from depression. A man at my church is teaching me. I can play four church songs right now. He said he is going to have the preacher turn the organ on and have my play but I am not ready for that. I get nervous when people are watching me. It just gives me something to do when I am home alone.
I want to take Lily out to the Fridge at the end of the month. You know that is the refrigerated tobbagon run in Waterford. Kyle and Alexis are going with their school and I need to make sure Lily is athletic. It's okay is she is a cheerleader like her mother but I know you would want her to hold her own in sports too. And believe me, she will.
Anyways, I better go while I am still holding it together.
I love and miss you more than anything.
Love Mom
January 6, 2007
January 1, 2007
New Year's Eve I thought of you as I got ready. I started thinking about how it could possible be 2007. Now almost three years without you. Time is a crazy thing. In many ways it flies by but yet sometimes is stagnant. You here with us was like yesterday, yet forever ago.
I went to a hall party with several friends. I am glad went and celebrated with people who care about me. It hurts that you can't be the first kiss of the new year. Although at the party they didn't count down so we weren't sure when that it had actually happened. Perhaps you gave me an angel kiss right then.
My mom called while we were there. Lily was up still and wanted to say Happy New year. But once she heard my voice she got upset. She wanted to come to the party and see me in my dress. I told her she could try it and my heels on today. Next year I am staying home with her. I didn't think she would make it past midnight this year so I chose to go out. I think it will be fun to watch the ball drop on tv with her.
We are going down to your mom's today. I want to go help her with her living room. She's excited about redoing it. I also told Lily that we could see her new second cousin, Aaliyah. Trenna had a beautiful, healthy little girl. She is so adorable. I went to the hospital to see them. She is a little thing! I forget how little newborns are sometimes. It brought back alot of good memories from Lily's birth for me. Lily was upset because she didn't get to see the baby. I told her we would see her today, hopefully.
Christmas was crazy. Lily's favorite toy is her Ariel magic salon and the dollhouse. She keeps asking when Santa is coming again and why Christmas is over. My mom snuck presents under the tree on Christmas Eve for me from Lily. My mom always thinks about me in that way. I know it's her way of trying to do some of the things that you can't do for me. She tries to do anything she can to ease the pain even a little for me on those special days.
Lily has been asking more questions again. She asks me many times why you died and what happened. It's difficult because I have to repeat the story so many times. Then for a couple of days she kept asking where the bad guy was. I told her he was dead. But then she kept asking where he is at now. I know that's because we tell her that you are in heaven. I did not know how to deal with that question at first. I told her I didn't know, which of course she doesn't like when I say that.
I certainly would never tell her that he is in heaven. And I didn't want to tell her about hell and scare her. She's too young for that idea. I'm not quite sure what I believe anyway. I called my mom for some advice, and of course she came through. She said to say that everyone has to talk to God when they die, and that God decides where people go. It was so perfect because I talk to her about God alot. My mom never ceases to amaze me with her wisdom.
Lily is advancing through the stages so fast. She has had so much to deal with at such a young age. After those talks, she started getting upset about dying. She started cryng and saying that she didn't want to die. I tried to validate her feelings by saying that no one wants to die, but everyone eventually does. I told her she was not going to die for a long, long time. She said she didn't want anyone that she knows to die. I told her that when we die, we will be with daddy again and that will be a good thing. She settled down a little bit after that. We had went to the mall earlier to get Alexis' Christmas gift. We bought her a gift card to Libby Lou for the girls to get make overs together. Lily then said, "if you and I die, then Lexi can just get a makeover by herself." Talk about heart wrenching.
She is so smart! She can now count to over fifteen. She knows her street, city, and state. She knows all of her grandma and papas last names. She likes to help me cook. She likes "dippy eggs." I've had to practice my culinary skills. I broke the first two sets of fried eggs I tried to make. I'm getting better. I can't flip the eggs, I have to steam the tops, but it's the same effect.
You always cooked breakfast for us. I used to tell you my eggs never tasted as good as yours. You thought it was my way of getting out of cooking, but I really did like your breakfast much better. You always made me scrambled eggs with cheese. I miss those lazy weekend mornings.
More importantly, I miss you. Time may be marching on, yet our love that we have for you follows right with it. Every day you are in our minds and hearts. As you always will be; whether it's 2007 or 2027. I hope you celebrated the New Year in Heaven. I love you so much. xoxoxo
January 1, 2007
It's New Years Eve. 2006 is hours away from being behind us. I've sat down to write you several times, most every day since Dec 23rd, but I just couldn't find the right things to say. I guess there aren't any "right" words. I wish I didn't have to write to you on this site. I wish I could send you MDC messages or call you. I wish that you could stay home with Lily so that Yvonne and I could go out for a few hours. I wish that you were here for me to harass you about winning "the booby prize" at your family Christmas party that year. (I saw the picture of you wearing 'the prize'....) Definitely grounds for some good blackmailing!!!! LOL
So much has happened this year. Some good, some bad, some very frightening. You know the close calls I am talking about. It's kind of a joke around the station that Warren used to be our buffer from Detroit, and now it seems we are the buffer for Shelby Twp! My how things are changing!! I like to think that you have a part in keeping "the guys" safe and guiding them home every night.
I was wearing one of my Sawyers t-shirts while shopping a few weeks ago, and this woman was staring at me. When she caught my eye she said that she was about to cry. She asked about Yvonne and Lily and explained how often she thinks of you and your family. I found some comfort in her words. Its nice to know that you are not forgotten by our citizens. Proof that your legacy continues to live on in all of us.
Take care
December 31, 2006
Dear Mark,
Although I still find it hard to believe that "time heals all wounds," it is my wish as another new year begins that the pain we all feel over losing you eases a little bit. You are on our minds constantly and will never leave that special place where we hold you in our hearts.
Please keep watching over Yvonne and Lily as they begin yet another year without you. I hope you will still come to them in their dreams, and please talk to Lily when you do. She still says that Daddy doesn't talk to her in her dreams.
Let your mom know you are always with her, and give her a special sign to let her know that she is so loved and needed by everyone that you have left behind.
Miss You,
Diane Bawcum
December 31, 2006
Dear Mark,
The new year is almost here and all that means is more time between now and the last time I got to see you. I never believed that people could die from a broken heart but I do now because losing you has broken my heart and it is destroying my want to enjoy life. I try not to let that happen and at times I do okay but it is just so painful. From November to December is so hard and then of course them month of June starts the cycle all over again. I do have a great group of people from Sterling Heights who have been there all slong for us and some other friends and family but no one can take the pain away.
Trenna had her baby yesterday. She had a little girl that weighed in at 5lbs.6oz. and is 18 1/2 long. She had dark hair and blue eyes, don't they all. Anyways she is little but very cute. Her name is AAlayah after a Spanish Singer.
Joyce Meyers was on tv last night, she is a tv evangelist that is very good. She said that people that are suffering from a loss must look to the things they have left. I do have lots of blessings left but it is hard to cope with the loss (especially so senseless).
Gerald Ford died the other night and I know who would like to be talking to him so maybe you will get a chance. (go Republicans).
Well I will close, we are meeting Yvone, Lily and Michelle and her kids for a girls make-over(Lily & Alexis). Then Yvonne and I are going to Pier One so she can help me redecoate the living room. She has the best taste in decor. Your house is gorgeous. Even the bathroom blows me away. I am sure Yvonne could go into interior decorating if she ever wanted too. She has the knack for that sort of thing. The whole house is just decorated beautifully. Lily has two toy rooms and a huge beautiful bedroom that is done up in pink with tons of pictures in frames of the three of you. She sure knows who her daddy is. She does expect you to appear one day and that breaks my heart. She has tons of questions for Yvonne and insists on knowing everything. She does not take I do not know for an answer. Yvonne often asks her what she thinks. Pretty smart on her part. Anyways your girls are being looked after by so many great people.
I miss and love you.
Love MOM
December 28, 2006
Merry Christmas...
December 25, 2006
It is officially Christmas right now. I just finished putting together all of Lily's toys. I wish you could of been here to help me with that. I think we would of had fun sneaking the presents downstairs and putting the hundred stickers on her doll house together.
After I finished all of that, I took a few pictures of the "before". Then I sat on the couch and looked at the Christmas tree all lit up. Every year I try to find some silent time to do that by myself. This year it was very difficult. I decided to get up because I knew I was going to cry.
We had my family Christmas Eve party tonight. I hosted it at our house. It went well, just non stop picking up after all of the kids. They had fun playing together. We did the white elephant exchange again. I remembered while we were doing it that you won the 'booby' prize for bringing the worst gift. You prize was a bra. You were so funny holding it up and letting my mom take a picture. It's those small moments that I treasure on these special days.
I am laying in bed, wishing you were here to see Lily's excited face tomorrow when she wakes up. I wish we could snuggle before we fell asleep. I am definitely in a crabby mood and could use some snuggling.
Well, I am so exhausted. I will write more later tonight after we go to my parents and then yours.
I love you so much and miss you with all my heart. xoxoxo
December 25, 2006