Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers

Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers


Wife of an Officer

June 29, 2006

I play this song over and over again and every time I do I can't help but think of Mark. I didn't know Mark personally but the love I feel within his family when I read his reflections (and the fact he loved country music) I can picture Mark saying these words...

Waitin’ at a stop light yesterday
As a funeral procession made its way
Through the gates
I watched it roll up a winding road
Through a field of green
With white headstones
All in a row
And it made me think about where I’m at
On my not so straight and narrow path
All the generous and mostly undeserved
Blessing that I’ve had

I had an all-American mom and dad
Some of the coolest friends you could ever have
Found love I thought I’d never find
Sometimes I can’t believe this life is mine
And I’m not plannin’ on leavin’ yet
But the truth is you just never know
And if this is as good as it gets
Man, I think I’m good to go
I’m good to go

I said a prayer for the dearly departed
And the loved ones left broken hearted
Then traffic started
And I drove away a little more able
To see the good things on my table
And for that I’m grateful
‘Cause I’ve had my troubles and had my trials
I’ve hit the mark and I’ve missed by miles
Had days that I’ve been fightin’ mad
But the good times have more than
Outweighed the bad

Got to hold my newborn baby girl
And the hand of a man as he slipped from this world
I’ve laughed so hard I couldn’t stop
Seen the sunrise from a mountain top
And I’m not plannin’ on leavin’ yet
But the truth is you just never know
And if this is as good as it gets
Man, I think I’m good to go

Yeah I’ve been thinkin’ bout where I’m at
On my not so straight and narrow path
And I wouldn’t wanna change nothing about
This roll with the punches life I’ve had

Had an all-American mom and dad
Some of the coolest friends you could ever have
Found love I thought I’d never find
I can’t believe this life is mine
And I’m not plannin’ on leavin’ yet
But the truth is you just never know
And if this is as good as it gets
Man, I think I’m good to go
I’m good to go
I’m good to go

God bless you Mark for your courage and sacrifice, and god bless your family. Rest assured there will always be a blue angel watching over you.

Wife of an Officer

June 29, 2006

My condolences for the family and friends of Mark Sawyers. I did not read all of his reflections, but it only took a few to see what a great officer, father,husband, son, and friend that he was to all. I am truly sorry for your loss.

To friend at SHPD: thank you for you kind words, I am glad to know that I am not crazy. Although, it brings a lot of sadness when I visit the site, it gives me great comfort in knowing that people actually care and have nothing but kind things to say. It has been just over a month since, we lost our friend (Jason Makowski) and it is still very hard to deal with. I was never much of an internet surfer, but this web site has really helped me. It helped me grieve, remember and honor my friend. Those of you who post at Mark's site have truly inspired me, I know now that Jason will be thought of just as much as Mark has been, even after the years.

TO MOM and YVONNE: I was truly inspired by the passion in which you write your postings, even after two years. I just want to say that I admire and applaud your dedication. Someone so loved, is not easily forgotten and you are sharing Mark with the world. Good for you. Good luck with all, especially Lily, she will one day too read these postings and she be very proud of her dad.

Cpl Gary Voiles

June 28, 2006


June 24th, a day that held so much love and promise for you and Yvonne...your wedding anniversery.

Let Yvonne feel your kisses from heaven in a gentle wind across her cheek.


June 25, 2006

To Mark's mom and Yvonne -
Keep looking for those signs ... Mark is ALWAYS with you. (We don't think you're nuts!)


June 24, 2006

Dear Mark,

I got my sign today. The light flickered in my car the tells the temperature outside and all that stuff. I just kept looking up at it. I have wanted a sign. I kept looking everywhere. Then sure enough as I was driving home from taking Lily back to Yvonne there it was. People probably think that when we say we got a sign that we are nuts. Dad thinks I have lost it anyways but I know all about signs now and totally believe in them. Maybe I have lost it but it sure makes my day brighter so for those that don't believe, it's because they have never experienced anything like some of us have. Too many people have seen signs and some people were with me so there is such a thing. I am laughing now to myself because I know I do not need to convince you about signs.
Anyways, today is Lily's dance recital and I will be there watching her for both of us. I told her last night that I would be watching her. It will be interesting to see how she does on stage in front of a large audience.
Well I better go while I am still am smiling.(Dad will be home soon too).
I love and miss you.

Love Mom

June 21, 2006


Thank you for my sign. I went to Meijer to pick up Lily's cake the morning of her birthday. I look over and in the next checkout line, I see a man with one of your t-shirts with your badge and name on. He probably thought I was a little looney for smiling at him. I'm sure he had no idea that I believe that was my sign from you. I wish I could have told him how much that meant to me. He was obviously a police officer because he had on the blue pants and work boots. I don't know if he knew who I was or not.

On Father's Day, Lily woke up in the morning and told me she dreamt that she 'was an angel with daddy last night.' She said you told her that you loved her. I never ask her anything, I just let her talk to me. She says these things out of the blue. It helps me believe that you are with her. We went to the cemetery after your mom's dinner. Lily fell asleep in the car.

I was deeply sad and angry driving out there. Why on Father's Day do I now have to go to a cemetery? You should have been with me the whole day at your parents and then mine. I shouldn't have to visit a grave marker to tell you that I love you, to thank you for our precious Lily, and to say 'happy fathers day', because it sure wasn't happy. Each time I go there, I run my hand over your marker in disbelief. I see your name there and it makes my heart stop and I try to catch my breath.

Lily was telling both her grandpa's Happy Father's Day. She must have told your dad three times and then said "I love you, papa." When we got to my parents, I asked her what to say to my mom, because it was her birthday, and she said "Happy Fodders Day." She says it so cute. She made us all laugh.

We are working on potty training right now. She had two accidents today. She says "I peed, but just a little bit!" Well, I have all summer to work on this. I keep telling her that if she wants to go to nursery school, she has to go on the big girl potty.

Lily's birthday party went well. She got a lot of Ariel presents. She loved jumping on the trampoline with everyone. She sang happy birthday to herself with all of us and laughed as she did so. Every present she opened she shouted "OOOOOH!" Her favorite present is a baby chimp that Rich bought her. He has a knack for picking her favorite gift, his was her favorite last year too. He told your dad she was either gonna love or hate the chimp. It is a little scary looking! But she loves it. She has slept with it every night since.

My mom's jeweler gave Lily a white gold and diamond butterfly ring. He told her that her daddy wanted her to have it. He has given her several pieces of jewelry now. The kindness of people amazes me. What shocks me is that the night before, I was singing "Hush Little Baby" to Lily. After the 'daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring' part, she said "where's my diamond ring?" And the next morning, she gets a diamond ring.

I wanted to take Lily to your park today, but it started raining and there was a thunderstorm watch. I want to see the sign with your picture on it now that it is in place. It would have been a good day to get out. Sometimes I feel trapped inside and just need to escape. Often when Lily is sleeping I find myself staring out of the windows of the house. I don't know what I'm looking for or why I do it. Maybe one day I will 'see' something.

I know summer time is difficult for our entire family. Your mom has been working like crazy around her house to keep busy. I think your mom needs a sign of encouragement. Send her your love in your own unique way.

I love you, Mark. I can't say "Happy" Father's Day, but I can tell you that on Sunday and always, our hearts were filled with loving thoughts of you. I hope you saw the card I left from Lily. Daddy's princess, always. We love you. xoxoxo


June 19, 2006


It's strange. I've written to you before though we've never met. Our daughters are only days apart and I'm thinking about you as her birthday approaches. I'm sorry Mark isn't here with you to celebrate. He is here, though only in spirit. I know that isn't enough and I wish it didn't have to be that way. I just wanted you to know that my family and I think about you and your daughter, especially during times like this. We will light a candle on our cake and make a wish for Lily.

Wife of an officer-MI

June 18, 2006

To Colleagues, friends,& family of Officer Sawyers:

Words cannot express the sorrow I feel for you all. I cannot believe it has already been a number of years since this tragedy happened. Unfortunately, we live in a world where cowards sometimes commit despicable acts like this. Officer Sawyers is a true hero to peace and freedom loving people around the world.

May I share with you a quote from a letter from President Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby in Boston, who lost 4 sons in the Civil War:

"I pray that our Heavenly Father may asuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memories of the loved, and lost; and the solemn pride which must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom" - A. Lincoln

Rest in peace, sir. Your sacrifice is something that none of us can ever pay back.

Sterling Heights Resident & Employee

June 18, 2006


It is hard to believe that at this exact time three years ago, I was delivering our beautiful baby girl. I will never forget your smile as you watched all of the events unfold. You were so excited that you were looking at Lily the whole time. Once she came out, you grabbed the video camera to record. You asked the nurse about her hair, if it would get lighter being that you were so blonde. I remember you being uncertain if you should stay by my side or go see Lily with the nurses. It was only two feet from me, but I could sense that you didn't know what to do. I told you to go ahead and see Lily. Your mom used to laugh when you told her that after I had Lily I looked at you and said "you expect me to do that again?" Crazy thing is, you forget the pain and eagerly look forward to having another child.

That first night was so magical. Just the three of us together in the room. I kept staring at her in wonderment at what our love had created. I still do that today. When we left the hospital with our daughter, we talked about how strange it was that they were letting us leave and take her in a car. I sat in the backseat with her and you drove so careful. We walked in the house and I handed her to you so that Caesar could smell her. He was so curious.

It tears me up that you have not been able to be at even one birthday of hers. I know life is not fair, but that just burns in my heart. The bond that a father and child has is incredible. I think back to that day she was on the changing table and you walked in to her bedroom. She looked at you and her face lit up "dada" and you just beamed with joy. Dada was the first word she said and knew what it meant. I loved coming home from work to see the two of you playing together or taking a nap on the bed. I thank God for the precious memories that I have to tell Lily all about. I wish it was enough.

I have to get things ready for her party now. Give us a sign today, Mark. Let us know that you see your little angel. You will be here in my heart as always. I love you so much. xoxoxo


June 17, 2006

This is to Yvonne Sawyers...

I don't come on the Officers Down website too often. It breaks my heart to do so! My husband was also shot & killed in the line of duty several years ago. He was also in his 30's when it happened. I love & miss him more than words can say, just as you do Mark!
Just remember there is someone out there that knows EXACTLY what you've been through, and are going through. I'm praying for you & your daughter daily!
God allows things to happen for reasons we may never understand. But He's still here to help & heal the brokenhearted thru our grieving!
God bless you & your family ALWAYS!!! Our husbands are proud & smiling down!!

June 16, 2006

I went to the park again yesterday and the sign with your picture was up. It explains why the park is named in your memory/honor. Boy it was hard looking at your picture. It was all I could do to keep from hugging the whole sign. It is a beautiful sign. The guys who did the frame and stand did an outstanding job. It matches so perfectly. The people that have gone out of their way to do things in your honor/memory have no idea what it means to us. Just like the ladies that put flowers around the marker at the park. They put some much into making it look so nice. We were going to plant flowers and they had already planted them when Yvonne went to measure it. It means so much that your co-workers and the community has not forgotten you or us. This kindness is helped me cope so much. (which I am not doing very well at) I seem to be at the anger stage. Angry that someone could do something so horrible. I just keep asking why? Why would anyone do something like that. What purpose was gained? It is so hard to understand but I know that there is no reason and I need to keep telling myself that we will be together again one day.
Saturday is Lily's birthday and when I hug her I will give her an extra hug from you. You and I will know that. She is just like you in so many ways. She has so many of us wrapped around her finger. It is not hard to do because she is so darned cute. Smart too. She knows it all. Well I better go, Alexis and Kyle are here and don't understand why this upsets me so much. I love you and miss you.

Love Mom

June 15, 2006

~~~When Tomorrow Starts Without Me~~~

When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today, while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready in Heaven far above, and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye, for all my life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for and so much yet to do, it seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, I thought, just for a while, I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized that this could never be, for emptiness and memories would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things I'd miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity and all I've promised you. Today for life on earth is past but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each day's the same day, there's no longing for the past. But you have been so faithful, so trusting and so true. Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn't do. But you have been forgiven and now at last you're free, so won't you take my hand and share my life with me?" So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I'm right there in your heart.

Bay City Police

June 14, 2006

Please know that your spirit lives on in so many ways, but most definitely in a beautiful little girl who is the female version of you. Everyone talks about how she does soo many things as you would. I wish you could be here to see her grow from a baby to little girl and so on. There were a lot of people at the candlelight vigil and that is such a testimony to what an impression you made on so many people. You are missed more than you could possibly imagine by more people than you will ever know.

I watch you with Lily and see your dedication and your tremendous love for her and for Mark. Please don't ever doubt that you are doing an AMAZING job raising that little girl and please also know that I will do whatever it takes to make this job easier on you. Whether it is building a floral arrangement at 11pm, giving Lily a bath (PS-Mark was right. She is VERY slippery when she's wet and I made her clean her own privates, although I did clean her butt) or playing dress-up, "chase me" or dancing like a crazy person with her to songs I'm sure you have listened to 1 million times, I promise to be there to help you always.
I know you agonize over calling Mark at the "wrong time" on that horrible night, but please do not EVER for one minute think that you are in any way responsible. I know I've told you that before and I will continue to tell you that until the Lord takes me home. You are right to put your faith in the Lord, He is the only one who can help you with the pain you feel. I can't imagine how you feel, but I can believe that in a situation like this it would be very easy to get mad at God or blame Him for what happened. But know that just as God is very real, so is Evil. Evil is what took Mark, not God. We have given you "Footprints" and I believe with all that I have that God is carrying you right now. I only hope that you feel some comfort in that. Know that I love you and Lily as if you were my family.

I believe that your name says it all. I know you have been having some very difficult times, but have faith in the Lord. As difficult as it is at times, keep that faith because He loves you and will NEVER leave you.

A Friend

June 7, 2006

My Dear Mark,

The anniversary has come and gone but you are still in my thoughts always. I went to Beecher today (Hazel Park Junior High) and present the Patriot Award to a young man in honor of you. Debbie Nagel presented the girl the same award in honor of Jessica. I was so proud when Mr. Esler called me up there and told the audience that you and your sister and brother had all grown up in the area and attended Beecher. The audience was so attentive and caring. Mr. Esler told me he has your picture in his office and looks at it when he comes in every day and remembers you. You were a good kid and I was and am proud of you.
Lily wanted to go in the pool with Kyle and Alexis Monday so you know who had to take her in. I don't mind though. She loves it. She jumps in to me and says cannonball. Then she makes me jump up and down across the pool and calls it bouncy. We had most of your friends over Monday night to celebrate your life. It was nice seeing everyone. Many of them came to the park the night before too. Ed is going to be a daddy. Don't that beat all. He is going to need some lessons. I can't wait to see him taking care of a baby. It makes me think of you with Lily. I remember you asking Jason how he got Lily to stop crying so quickly. He did have a little more practice with two up on you.
The neighbors near the park planted beautiful plants and flowers around the marker. Joe took care of having a sign made that has your picture on it. It explains why the parkis named Mark Sawyers Family Park. Seeing your picture brought tears to my eyes but it was a beautiful plague. So thoughtful of those responsible for it. Even the engravers from Colorado. I still have a hard time believing all the nice things people are doing to remember you. It is such a comfort to all of us. I love you.


June 7, 2006

Officer - your family - friends & co-workers are in my thoughts & prayers as they remember all the good times that they had with you while they had you in their lives..please continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..YOU ARE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!

mi state police recruit

June 7, 2006


I forgot to put this in my last reflection. I was talking to Kathy on the phone for a long time last night when I remembered something that happened at the candlelight vigil. I wanted other people to know.

As we had our 76 seconds of silence, I knelt next to Lily. She said "we can't talk?" And I said, "no, we are all quiet to honor daddy." She said to me, "Daddy's talking to me." I asked her what is daddy saying? "He's saying he loves me."

Lily wanted to blow everyone's candles out. We would relight them and she would blow it out as quick as it was lit. Must be practicing for her birthday.

She asked at the vigil where you were at in front of several family and friends. I told her you were in heaven. She asked why. Your mom started to cry, but handled it very well. She said, that's the million dollar question, we all want to know why. I was proud of her. That's not an easy thing to hear, usually it's just me that hears the comments and questions that Lily has, and I know its heartbreaking.

I'm sure I will be writing again soon. There is alot that I forgot or left out from the last reflection.

I love you. xoxo


June 7, 2006

Mark, I'm always thinking about you .. You will never be forgotten. May God give your family and friends strength through this difficult time.

Bay City Police

June 6, 2006


I am glad that these last few days are over, however, I know that life continues to be challenging. Yesterday I went to work, figuring it was best to keep my mind busy. I really didn't want to talk to anyone though. It is difficult to talk to people that are so nonchalant about life and asking about my summer plans. Some people don't remember or are afraid to say anything. I think it is best if they would just say "I'm thinking about you." Asking how I am doing is a standard greeting, but to someone who has lost a loved one, it stings to the very core.

Your mom and I met at Dunkin Donuts (of course she bought Lily a pink doughnut!). We rode out to the cemetery together. We brought lots of flowers from the vigil the night before. Lily fell asleep in the car. She of course woke up right when we were leaving and insisted on blowing bubbles. So we turned around and did that. By that time Michelle and Alexis got there. Lily wanted Alexis to come over and play, so I took them both home and they had a good time playing dress up and jumping on the trampoline. They are so adorable together.

Later I drove down to your mom's to see everyone. I started to get very sick to my stomach, and was in the basement for awhile. I think I just needed to be by myself for awhile, too. Your mom took Lily in the pool and she had a blast. I took her across the street to the park for a little bit before we left. As I was leaving your mom's, Lily was watching a movie in the car. When it was over, she told me to turn it off, so I put the radio on. I rarely do that, I usually listen to CD's. Our wedding song was on the station I flipped to. That was the second time this weekend.

I spent all day Saturday looking for roses and flowers that were red, white, and blue, along with something to put them into. I went to Thrifty Florist and was looking at some angel ornaments when the radio there turned on and started playing our song. "From This Moment." I knew it was you. It made me smile, because I felt like that was you telling me that you saw Lily and I watching the wedding video that morning. First thing when she woke up she wanted to watch 'mommy and daddy get married.' That sign from you lifted my heart, hoping that it was you saying that had made you happy.

Lily is asking a lot of questions. She is so advanced for her age. She asked my the other day Why you died. I didn't know how to answer that one. I spent the whole night on the internet researching. I was trying to prepare myself for the next question: How? I want to be so careful how I tell her things so that she grows up emotionally healthy. It is difficult at this age of almost three to answer her questions. She doesn't really understand the concept of heaven. After watching the wedding video, she asked me if I went way up in the sky. I asked her what she meant, because I didn't know what she was getting at. She said 'did you go up to heaven to get married?' I expained that mommy & daddy got married when daddy was alive and that all of her grandmas, papas, aunties, uncles, and friends were there. I think she understood, or at least I hope she did.

When I went to DC with your mom, she asked me if I was going to heaven to see you. That broke my heart. I told her no, and that I was going to come home and that I would bring her souvenirs. I asked her what she wanted me to get for her and she said a sucker! I bought her one of those huge swirl suckers.

When Lily gets very tired, usually in the car, she starts asking for you. She asks where you are, says she doesn't want you in heaven, she wants you to come play with her. She was upset the other day when I told her that when people die, they go to heaven. She started crying saying "I don't want to die." This Sunday, on the way to your park, she was crying because she wants you to come to her Ariel birthday party. I just try to validate her feelings, and tell her that mommy wants daddy to. I reinforce the things that we can do, like drawing pictures, blowing bubbles, watching videos, and looking at pictures. I finished the collage for her new bedroom. Lisa helped me with that on Saturday.

Harold and Lisa stayed the night on Saturday. They are the most amazing people. It is always such a relief for me when they come visit. I can be myself and have so much help with Lily and anything else. I can't even begin to describe how much their friendship means to me. I don't feel weak in asking them for things. I asked if they wanted to stay the night so they wouldn't have that long drive home, but really I didn't want to be alone. I know that they knew that, too, but Harold said I'm glad you asked, because we were going to ask you.

We had a nice time at your park on Sunday. Despite the millions of green bugs! The kids played and we just sat around talking. I had a funny memory to tell a few people. Your wolf blanket made it to the park. That thing has seen better days. I told them how you always said it was the best blanket and I hated it. Being that your ex-girlfriend bought it, I'm sure everyone understands why. Ha ha. That year we went to Kentucky and drove down in your MR2, we were on the houseboat when we got the news that the parking lot had flooded. We got to your sports car, and it was flooded past the seats! We cleared everything out and sat on towels for the long trip home. Our butts still got wet! The funny thing is, the wolf blanket got soaked, and I told you just to pitch it in the garbage. Your dad, never one to waste, said 'That's a great blanket, don't throw it out!' Not knowing who bought it for you and how I felt! Needless to say, the blanket has made it thus far. Too much history to let it go now.

The hardest days for me were Thursday and Friday. I think the anticipation of the days to come sometimes are worse than the actual days. Dummy me started to put away more cards from the funeral that I had never finished doing. I was okay doing that, but then I came across all of the medical records. I should know better, but I guess part of me always questions everything and I want to know every detail to try to understand and accept what happened. I went to work Friday after about 2 hours of sleep, I was glad to see Kim in the office. She has been a constant source of support for me too. She can tell by the look on my face what I am feeling or thinking. That is a true friend.

I was glad that Friday was dance class for Lily. It is fun to watch her and Julia play together. Gives me something to do, too. Lily's dance recital is the 21st. She is dancing to "Peter Cottontail." She doesn't like the spot her dance teacher gave her, and insists on standing on an orange one. I wonder why? Ha Ha

Another funny incident this weekend... Harold ate one of Lily's pizza rolls, and Lily got very upset. She hit him and had a crying fit on the ground. Wonder who she got that from? We've all heard the stories about how people would touch your tray of food and it would go flying because you were mad!

Graduation for my students is coming up. One of them asked me if I was going, and I just can't bring myself to do that yet. I was supposed to be there that Saturday that you died. Prom is difficult, too. That's the last night that I remember talking to you. I came home from the dance and you were in the computer room. I had asked you to give Lily a bath, and was pleasantly surprised that you had. You were always a little nervous about bath time because of her being slippery. You said, "I gave her a bath but I didn't wash her hair or her privates." I cracked up at that. I said, well, she sat in the water, she should be clean. I know that when you came home Thursday night, you came into the bedroom and said something to me, to see if I was awake, but you saw that I was sleeping and went to play a computer game. I know that I mumbled something to you, but I don't remember what. On Friday, my mom had Lily, I was at Lakeside mall. I tried calling you to see if you wanted to meet for a late dinner. Of course, you didn't answer the phone. It still bothers me not knowing when my call was in relation to what happened. I know it is a matter of a minute or two. I wonder what were you doing that you didn't answer, was it as it was happening, or did that bastard see your phone ringing? The only thing that helps is what Joe Tharrett said to me. He said it meant something that I called you right then, that we have a connection that is very strong. At least in some way, I was with you in the end. I will always be with you Mark. As I know you are always with me and Lily. Each day I beg for faith in the Lord. That gives me hope that we will all be together again. That day I will rejoice and feel whole once again.

I love you with all of my heart and soul. xoxo


June 6, 2006

Dear Mark,
You would be so proud of your mom, my friend and coworker. I know every day is a challenge to keep going, but somehow she finds the strength to put a smile on her face and bring joy and happiness to everyone around her, especially her students! I know she thinks of you as she tries to give each child your love of learning. She doesn't always know it, but I keep my eye on her. Her courage inspires me!
Warren PD wife

June 6, 2006

Remembering watching this tragic day on the news, can't believe it's been two years. Mark, watch your brothers and sisters as they do the same thing you did one day. Mark's family and SHPD take care and god bless....

Fiancee of WCAAP Officer and Resident of Sterling Heights

June 5, 2006


It was nice to see your family today in celebrating your life. Even though two years has slipped away from us, we all still help to keep your memory alive. Your mom, Yvonne, and family are all so warm and caring and I'm sure it helps them all having your friends and family around them at this difficult time. Even us today, with our cranky Peyton! Your mom knew just the trick, a chocolate chip cookie, to soothe her! And Lily, she is so precious. She is talking so much now and looks just like her daddy! It was so cute hearing her talk to Peyton! Rest easy Mark, and know that we think of you today, and every day!

Den, Jen & Peyton Brozowski

June 5, 2006

Thinking of all of you - Mark, Yvonne, Lily, parents, in-laws, family, friends, co-workers. Rest in peace, Mark. You all are in our prayers.

Up North Michigan

June 5, 2006

Dear Mark and Family,

As I read your reflections again on this date please know that our family here in Tennessee has not forgotten you or your sacrifice. We honor you and your memory and what you stood for every time you put your uniform on and went out the door to serve and protect.....never knowing what the next minute might bring.....just always doing your job. We are proud our son was an officer and a brother and part of the thin blue line with you.

With our deepest love and respect.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

Linda Rittenhouse

June 5, 2006


Its been two years and I still can't believe what happen. I'm feeling really sad today. I haven't seen everybody in awhile but we sure had a nice time at your park yesterday. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. We miss you so much and Lily is has grown up so fast she is such a little cutie. I don't like to visit this page much anymore cause it makes me so sad but I like to hear what people have to say and hear all the nice memories of you. But your so missed Mark.

Love Heidi

June 5, 2006

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