Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
Dear Mark,
It's been three years today and the pain is the same. It seems like yesterday in one sense but yet it seems so long since I have seen you. I live with a broken heart that will never be whole again. I miss you so much. I see so much of you in Lily.
Sterling Heights had a candle light vigil in memory of you last night. It was very nice. Dad went with me this year. It is so hard for him to do anything with a group of people. A bunch of us went to the park first. There are so many wonderful people from Sterling Heights. Monica (dispatcher) and we talked. She is so caring and sweet. Reno and Rob played the bagpipes. Everyone is just so thoughtful.Kathy bought the nicest flowers which I will take to White Chapel this afternoon. Michelle, Yvonne, Lily and I are meeting there later.
I am going to Beecher this morning to give out the Patriot Award in your honor. Another nice thing that people do in your honor and memory.
Well I better get to Beecher. I love and miss you so much.
Tell Mike hello for me. (His family was there last night). Nathan is getting so tall. He is the all-American boy. You know what I mean by that. A nice atheletic kid with a great personality.
Love Mom
June 5, 2007
Oh how your little daughter ,Lily, made me cry with her reflection to you.May both your little daughter and your wife feel your love wrapped tightly around them today and ever.G-d Bless.
June 5, 2007
What sweet, loving letters, but so sad to read, too. Mark
you are really missing out on alot of sweet memories.
But I guess God hasn't written the ending yet and He
does bless and take care of His children who trust in
Him. This marks the 3rd anniversary of your EOW. It's
obvious you are missed very much. May Jesus mend
the broken pieces.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
June 5, 2007
It was an honor to be at Target tonight with all of your family, friends and co-workers. As I stood there I kept thinking of how much you meant to my son, Michael, and how I so enjoyed hanging with you guys. We played fooseball all the time, and I watched all of you guys playing darts and pool. You mean so much to myself and my were like family! I sure wish we would have had you with us so much longer. Your daughter is soooo precious, and looks so much like you! Just know that we think about you all of the time and love you very much. I'm sure you and Michael are playing some kind of sport together as I write this, and I love that thought. We will always be there to support your family, as they are for us! You will NEVER be forgotten!!!
Sherrie Mosher
Sherrie Mosher
June 4, 2007
How do I put into words what I am feeling today? I probably don't have to because everyone that knows and loves you is probably going through the same things. I am starting my day just as I did 3 years ago and realizing that I just don't know what life has in store for the day. In about 13 hours your family and friends will be gathered at Target to honor you. We will light our candles and pray for you and for all those that have paid this ultimate sacrifice.
We will never forget
June 4, 2007
Today Lily and I went down to your parents. We hung out all day swimming and playing games. Lily had a blast. I brought her lifejacket and she loved swimming all by herself. She got a little scared when Kyle and Alexis would make waves that were too big. She didn't want to leave when it was time to go.
The other day I was shopping and I saw a woman with one of your T-shirts on. It always stops me in my tracks. I wonder if they knew you, or a spouse works with you, or if they are just a citizen who cared about what happened. It is amazing that three years later people still wear their shirts in your honor.
The last few days have been very difficult. I think the days preceding the anniversary of your death are always the hardest. I can't seem to stop reliving things and thinking about everything that happened. I still expect you to walk through the door. It is a strange feeling of waiting. As if in a few years you will return. Maybe it's just because it's too hard to accept the truth. The brain plays tricks on us.
It doesn't seem like three years has almost past. I only feel that it has been a long time when I think of how little Lily was when you died. Then I look at her now and I realize it has been a very long time. All these milestones of hers that you have missed stand out. She just finished nursery school on Thursday. Her second dance recital is at the end of this month. She knows how to spell her name, say our street, city, and state. She has learned how to use the word "annoying" in the appropriate context! Her new favorite movie is "High School Musical."
Driving in the car yesterday I flipped the radio station and that Los Lonely Boys song "How Far is Heaven" song came on. I have not heard that in a long time. I hope that was a sign from you. I can still picture you so clearly in the computer room playing that song for me and Don, tapping your foot and kind of bopping your head to the music.
You are so clear in my mind and in my heart still today. I miss you so. My love, my life, my everything... Please be with us this next month. Show us in your own special ways that you are with us through the 4th and 5th, Lily's birthday, Father's Day, and our wedding anniversary. I will see you in my dreams.
I love you,
June 2, 2007
I love you. Never ever die again. Please will you stay here. When I was born I loved you. I got a new play set at Grandma Diane and Papa Steve's. Please will you come back down? Daddy I love you. You know I am typing by your picture? We are going to play a game on the computer. Please will you don't die never? Please kill the bad guy next time. Please sing "Downtown" and "My Girl" for all the angels. Will you talk to me when you're in my bedroom when you're up in heaven? You are inside my heart and I feel you. You and mommy heard my heartbeat when I was a baby. I love you.
June 1, 2007
Hey Mark, been thinking of you and your family alot lately, I noticed a sign at the mall the other day that it was National Law Enforcement Day and I instantly thought of you!(of course) The other thing that was kind of ironic was when I went to meet my sister at the community center to work out we both had on your badge T-shirts! Any ways just letting you know as time goes by we will NEVER forget you and the sacrifice you made!!!! I'm sure you will be honored again there at Target that night but it was definitely an honor to know you!!! RIP and say "HI" to Mike for us!
To Mark's Family and Friends,
We are always thinking of all of you and hope things are going as well as they can be. You are in our prayers as another June 5 passes by! May you all feel the love and peace of your precious HERO!!!!
Chris and Kari Fry, Nathan and Cydney
May 30, 2007
Dear Mark,
I just wanted you to know that I think about you every day. I miss you so much. I love you.
Love Mom
May 30, 2007
Yvonne and Mark's friends and family,
I'm thinking of all of you as we approach the third anniversary of Mark's death and my husband's death. Yvonne, I read what you write about your daughter and the fun things she does and says. I also read about the life without her daddy that she is trying to figure out. My daughter does the same thing. It's so unfair that we have to try to answer the questions that even we, as adults, certainly do not understand.
Mark, the world lost some great men that day in June 2004 but we will NEVER forget you.
God bless and keep you all.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
May 26, 2007
lookin for somw spirit today brotha, be with us
May 24, 2007
Dear Mark,
On Tuesday May 15 we honored your memory at your
department’s Police Memorial Service. Before the ceremony began Lily saw a penny in the pond and asked why money was in there. I told her she could throw a penny in and make a wish. She tossed her penny in and wished that she and Lexie were princesses. She wanted another penny and then wished for Kyle to be a prince. It was so surreal being there for the reason we were and at the same time seeing the beauty of her childhood innocence and imagination at play.
Lily helped place your wreath by the police badge sculpture at the front entrance. She was so scared when they did the 21 gun salute she covered her ears and buried her face in Steve’s chest while he also tried to cover her ears. She kept asking why they were shooting guns, was there fire in the sky, and why was it so loud. How do you explain such a thing to a child? I just told her because daddy’s friends and all of us just wanted to send daddy a great big hello to heaven and we wanted to be sure he heard us.
There were a lot of people there that had not seen her in a while and were amazed at how big she had gotten. She was upset because she wanted to see ‘Johnny Boy’ and Tom and they could not be there. She loved seeing the pictures of Joe’s baby, what a cutie! Kevin had his little guy there too. It was nice to see them again, even at such an emotional event. I am sure we will see some of them again in a few weeks when we meet at Target on the evening of the 4th. I hope promises are kept to always remember you. It means so much to the family to see the show of support by your friends, co-workers, and citizens.
We all love and miss you so much, and forever will.
Diane, Mother-In-Law
May 17, 2007
Dear Mark,
We just back from DC yesterday. I went to the Memorial Service Sterling Heights had this morning. It was very nice. DC was good too. I guess if you can say good. The candlelight vigil is tough. The officers from Sterling Heights, Allen and Tony stayed planted right in from of your name on the wall. Ther were so many people and they were dressed in full uniform. I thought that real admirable on their part. Michelle and Lyne went with me this year. We met a lot of more really nice people. Anyways another year has almost gone by and my heart still breaks. I miss you and love you so much.
Love Mom
May 15, 2007
Happy Mothers Day Yvonne! XOXO
SHPD wife
May 12, 2007
I love you daddy. The sun is rising. Love you. Why are you up in heaven? Why? Daddy, I love you.
May 3, 2007
Dear Mark,
I went with Yvonne and Lily to Lily's school Tuesday night for an art show and ice cream social. Lily goes to a really nice school. She showed me her class and we sat at her table. I saw her art work. It was so cute. I saw a picture that was taken of her and Yvonne the first week of school. It is a cutie too. Yvonne took Lily's picture with Clifford and Red Dog and Curious George. We made sundaes before we left.
At the house Yvonne made mostochoili for Ryan, Kristina and myself. It was good.
Kristina and I played with Lily. I got in her tent with her. She is so funny. You can't fool her on anything, she is so smart. She knows it all.
I am at school and this is hard so I better go while I am in one piece. I love and miss you so much.
P.S. My church is having a Blue Light Memorial Service on Sunday in honor of all fallen officers. Give me a sign so I know your presence is with us. Love ya.
May 3, 2007
Lily and I went with your mom to make a garden stone. Lily put a picture of the three of us on hers, along with a police car, angels, and badges. She had a lot of fun picking out what she wanted to put on hers. On mine, I put a picture of the three of us in the middle of a mosaic heart that I created. Around the edge I put blue hearts and blue ribbons. I hope the pictures don't fade in the sun when we put them outside.
Lily watched our wedding video again recently. She said everyone looks different. I tried to explain to her that it was a few years ago. She loves seeing the pictures in the beginning of us as kids.
Lily is still in dance. Her song for her recital is "who let the dogs out." She cracks me up when she dances. Her and Julia still love going to get chicken nuggets and ice cream after dance class. They make Kim and I pretend that we are one another and taking them home. I have to put Julia in Kim's car, and Kim has to put Lily in ours.
Oh I hope you can see Lily right now. She is in the bath tub playing with her bath tub crayons. She looks like Mel Gibson in Braveheart. She colored a blue/green streak down her face! She needed a bath after 'gardening' at my mom and dad's and then going to dance.
Tomorrow Lily has a book fair and ice cream social at school. I asked your mom to come over and go to it with us. They hang the students' artwork along with a picture of each student wearing a beret and fake mustache next to it. It should be a nice time. Ryan and Christina are supposed to come over earlier to clean the fish tank. It's a mess. I told all of them I would cook. Don't laugh, I know it's rare.
Lily's new word is 'mystery.' Everything is a mystery and we have to figure it out. Her vocabulary still amazes me. She is one smart girl. She loves to say "I have a great idea...."
Well, it's time to clean up my little warrior. I love you so much and miss you. Keep visiting us in our dreams, baby. xoxoxoxo
April 30, 2007
Dear Mark,
We made memory stones with MI-COPS on Saturday. They turned out really nice. Mine will go in my flowerbed. I miss you and love you so much.
Love Mom
April 30, 2007
I cannot imagine the loss you feel. I pray that God will give you the strength you have show so far for the rest of your life. I pray that when you are feeling down or overwhelmed, He holds you closer and tighter and gives you comfort. I also pray that your beautiful, beautiful little girl can forever talk to Mark. I know that she will.
I wish I could take your pain away for even a moment. I know all of us would. You and Lilly will never be more that a brief moment from my thoughts and prayers.
I continue to pray for you, Lilly and ALL of Marks family.
God Bless you all.
April 28, 2007
Lily came over Sunday afternoon to play with Emma. I took the girls on a wagon ride to the elementary school and brought a bucket of bubbles for the girls to play with. Lily asked if she could blow bubbles to you because she loved you. The bubble bucket didn't work that great, but the girls managed to get a few bubbles out of the wands. Did you catch some of Lily's bubbles?
You would have been proud of Emma on the play equipment. She's suddenly become very brave and actually started climbing up a curved ladder after Lily. That about gave me a heart attack. Lily got a little scared as she reached the highest curve of the ladder and when Emma got next to her, she leaned over to her and said "crying" - she was worried about Lily being upset! We switched to the slide and swings after that.
I remember the conversation we had where you asked who would win a fight between a great white shark and an alligator - I still think the great white would win, but anything's possible.
April 23, 2007
Hey brother..... "for lo the ghost of winter has passed and the voice of the turtle can be heard throughout the land" Just wanted to let you know that i am thinkin about you a little more than normal today. First game of softball season I wonder what we would do today before ball whatta ya think? playstation, disc golf? i know that you will be with us tonight..... it hasnt been the same without you!! To honor your memory i am gonna try real hard to put together a run like you had goin you know 37/40 !!!! RIP
Donald Colpaert
April 19, 2007
The memory never fades and the legacy lives forever. God Bless all those who have laid down their life in the name of justice and freedom.
City of Sterling Heights employee
April 17, 2007
Dear Mark,
I love and miss you so much.
Love Mom
April 17, 2007
Hi Mark,
Just wanted to tell you that Emma definitely knows her Uncle Mark! I went by my parents house tonight and Emma wanted to look at all the pictures in the china cabinet. She pointed to herself, Lily, Grandma, Papa (and so on) and said everyone's names. When I pointed to your picture and asked her who you were, she said "Marker." It's close! She knows you every time she sees your picture. My parents also have a photo of all of us at Christmas. It's on a table in the foyer and Emma named everyone in it. Again, she said, "Marker." It made my heart smile. I told her, "Yes, that's your Uncle Mark, and he loves you very much." She's such a special little girl; our miracle baby. I know you have watched out for her from the beginning and continue to do so. I asked Emma, "Is Uncle Mark our special angel?" And in her sweet little voice she said, "Yes." I know you already know all of this, but I wanted to tell you anyway. We all miss you so much.
Tracy Bawcum
April 11, 2007
Happy Easter to you Mark and to your wonderful family.God Bless You All. Times are tough and the days are long. Take Care. We think of you always Mark. Stay with Michael, you were always a great friend.
Andrea Mitchell(Mosher)
April 8, 2007