Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers
Dear Mark,
Lily spent the night with me the other night and she was sitting in the rocking chair with a big grin on her face. She said, "Do you know why I am smiling?" I said," No, why?".
She said,"Cause I am looking at a picture of my daddy." It was your graduation picture on the wall. Later in the car she said I love my Daddy so much and he loves me so much. It breaks my heart to hear that but I am so glad she does.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
April 3, 2007
Yesterday Lily told me that you stretch out your hands to her. She said that you fly into her room and that you tell her you love her everyday and kiss her lots. She asked me why angels are white. She said that she's not afraid in her room anymore because you always watch over her. I asked her who told her that, and she said no one, I just know. I hear her in her room talking to your pictures. She likes to sit on the floor by her dresser and look at all of them. I had my dad hang the collage low enough so that she could see them. My mom asked her "so daddy's not stuck in your dreams anymore?" She said no, that she reached out to you and unstuck you. Thanks, baby. That made my day to hear her say all of that about seeing you.
We went to Alexis' birthday party on Sunday and saw the new bar that Michelle and Steve had built. It is beautiful. You would love it.
As always we love you and miss you so much. xoxoxo
March 30, 2007
Dear Mark,
I keep wishing everyday that you are going to walk through that door and that everything was just a bad dream. It feels like nothing is really real and that I am just going though the motions of the day to day stuff. The only time I really enjoy myself is when I am with the kids. They are all such great kids. But they can't take away my pain that I feel over not having you. This is breaking my heart so I better close.
I love and miss you so much.
Love MOM
March 24, 2007
I just wanted to leave a post on the page saying how officer sawyers is very missed by all he served the cities of detroit and sterling heights to help people!!! he is loved and missed by all all my condolences to the family and friend
wife of a DPD officer
wife of dpd officer
March 23, 2007
Dear Sawyers family, Yvonne, Lily,
After proudly serving as a police officer with the City of Detroit, I eventually became an officer in an upscale neighboring suburb. On the day of Mark’s funeral, I proudly served as an Honor Guard Officer with my suburb department. On that day, officers from this great nation and Canada were asked to participate. Speaking not only for myself, all involved Honor Guards were absolutely honored when the City of Sterling Heights requested this. Believe me, this is unusual, and shows the professionalism of the Sterling Heights Police Department.
On March 19th, 2007, eleven years after taking my initial oath with the City of Detroit, I once again raised my right hand and stated that I would uphold the Constitution of the United States. This oath took place in front of many dignitaries, as I became the newest, proudest, member of the Sterling Heights Police Department.
I write this to you after I received my first station tour as the newest employee at the Sterling Heights Police Department. During this tour, myself and the other two hires were taken into the department’s briefing room. There, I saw a large, glossy picture of the cutest little princess. The little girl was sitting in a chair with the most beautiful smile. To her right was her daddy’s official uniform hat. Underneath the little girl’s photo was her name. It read…. “ Lily Sawyers”.
I am not only proud to be a brother of your son, husband, and father, I am extremely proud to be a member of the most respected law enforcement agency in the State of Michigan, the one that Mark is a member of.
Officer M
New to the family
March 20, 2007
I want you to know that I think of you every day Mark. The tears fall less frequently, but the painful reminder of your passing is at the forefront of our lives here at SHPD. Rest assured, your legacy remains intact.
You are truly missed.
March 19, 2007
Dear Mark,
I just wanted to say I love and miss you so much. That's all I can say right now because it's a tough time.
Love Mom
March 10, 2007
Officer Sawyers,
You have been in my thoughts lately, because I traveled to Toledo to honor a friend. My friend, previous co-worker, and fellow cop, Detective Kieth Dressel (Toleo Police Department) was killed in the line of duty by another coward. He, like you left a family behind and I wish I could bear their pain for them. Those same feelings were present when I had the honor of attending your service.
On June 5, 2004, I was employed as a Deputy Sheriff with the Lucas County Sheriif's Office (Oh). I remeber hearing of the tradgedy and my heart sank. Even though I had never met you, that instinctive Police Brotherhood that we all share, created a void inside. I felt compelled to attend the service. It was truely fit for a HERO. Since then I have kept you and your family in my thoughts. I have since moved to Tampa, Fl and joined the Tampa Police Dept. While atteding Keith's funeral, I couldn't help reflecting. I thought to myself, "here I am again, and when will this ever stop". His service, like yours, was admirable and fit for another fallen HERO.
To the family Of Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers, please know you are in my thoughts and your loss is felt throughout this country. You are most important to him and he is watching out for you from above. Officer Sawyers, please make it a point to say hello to my friend Kieth, I'm sure the two of you will hit it off. He has a personality like no other. Please, both of you, watch out for us down here while we continue doing this very dangerous job. God Bless...
Officer Shane Gadoury
Tampa Police Department, Fl
March 6, 2007
The other day, Lily said to me, "you know what's missing from our house?" I asked her what, and she says "Daddy!" I am amazed at how smart she is.
We are going to go on vacation over Easter. Lily does not want to go. She wants to go on vacation, but to Disney world and DRIVE there, she says. She does not want to go on a plane. She keeps asking how it will land and if it goes way up in the sky to heaven. I think she thinks we are going on a plane to heaven and not coming back. I tried to talk to her about it, but she just kept crying. I am not going to talk about it for awhile, maybe as the vacation gets closer.
She gets upset about you not being here. The other day she said she wanted you to come back from heaven. She asked why you died before she got bigger. She was crying, saying now daddy can't hold me and dance with me. I tried to tell her that we can talk to you and see you in our dreams. She still says you don't talk to her in her dreams and that you are stuck. I don't understand. I don't even know if she understands what dreams are. It's hard to figure out what she's experiencing.
We went to Disney Princess on Ice. She loved it. I bought her a light up Ariel wand and princess purse. She wore her Ariel costume there too. She loved the Ariel and Jasmine parts of the show. She was afraid of the Beauty and the Beast part, she didn't want to see the Beast. Lily and Emma sat next to each other on the bus and held hands on the way home. It was so sweet.
Her new thing is to talk on the phone to my mom and pretend that she is me. She will carry on a conversation, "hi mom, it's yvonne." And my mom will ask her questions and Lily just laughs. She is so funny.
Nicole, TJ, and Isabelle came over for a play date. Lily was so excited. She kept asking me all day how much longer until they got here. She had fun. She made TJ play house. She brushed Isabelle's hair. She took pictures with the digital camera of me and Nicole and then Nicole and the kids.
I went to the cemetery today. I was having a rough day. Lily was home with me this morning, and I was crying. She was wiping my face. She kept saying, oh, a tear, gotta wipe it. She asks why I am crying. I tell her I miss daddy. Then she starts crying and says "I'm sad, too." I got her ready to go to my mom's. My mom was taking her to dinner with my Aunt Barb and her granddaughter, Eva. I didn't want Lily to see me having such a bad day. I know that's hard on her. So I found myself driving around aimlessly and then decided to go to the cemetery. I think it helped. I talk to you all of the time, but going to the cemetery is different for some reason.
We love you so much. xoxoxo
March 4, 2007
This note is just for you. Someday, when you’re older and when you’re ready, you will read through these reflections, and learn what a special person your Daddy is to so many people. Your Mommy prints these pages out for you, so that you will always have them.
You are just over 31/2 years old right now, and so full of wonder and energy. I know this because I get the chance to babysit you on occasion. (By the way, I can almost hear you emphatically telling me that you’re not a BABY ) You are getting so big. You are so smart and creative. You love books and Barbie Dolls and dogs...In fact, when I come over to ‘kid-sit’ you’re usually still asleep. When you wake up, the first words out of your mouth are “Did you bring Miller?” You know EXACTLY what you want, when you want it. You surprised me the other day when you asked for “dippy eggs” and bacon (chosen over pop tarts) for breakfast
You love your Mommy so much. And she absolutely adores you. She is such a good Mommy isn’t she? She loves you with everything she has, and you are her light and life. Your Daddy feels exactly the same way about you. He would light up when he talked about you. You are his pride and joy...His Princess. You made him so very happy Lily. He loves you sooooo much I know that you miss terribly. He watches over you every minute of every day. Even when your sleeping. I think that is what he is trying to tell you when he visits you in your dreams. Even though he can’t seem to talk to you in your dreams right now, I think he comes to you to remind you how much he loves and misses you, and that you are safe.
Sent with Love,
March 4, 2007
On June 5, 2004, The Lord was delivered a message from an angel. In the message this small angel spoke quietly in His presence, saying "Father, I have brought you great news once again" and God spoke with a big powerful voice and said with a loving smile, "I already know, we have inherited another brave warrior and defender of my children, his name is Mark.
"He has served Me and his fellow man well, I am eternally grateful for the job he has done, for in it he was able to glorify my name and presence, while giving unselfishly to those he served. I have promoted Mark to My Plane in Heaven, and from this day forward, he will live in Peace, he will never again feel fear, nor pain, nor cry again. This I say and it shall be forever.
Now send the others forward to spread their wings and open the gates, I want to hear them singing with joy, "Welcome Home Mark, you have served Him well. Here you will see all around you, those other guardians, who went before you, and they now welcome you, a fallen brother.”
God then spoke to another angel saying "I want you to send a troop down to those who grieve their loss, and feel fear, I want the angels wings around those children, that family, and every comrade he served with. For they shall blot away the tears and numb the time awhile, although they will be sad to know he is gone to them. They will surely be joyful to know, that today he resides in heaven with Me and My promise to them is this, his death on earth is not forever, it is but a tick in time.
I promise you as it is written, the next time you see Mark, it will be in Heaven, where time, tears and fears are never again. "The next time will not be but a short tick in time, but rather as I have always promised, Forever, Eternal. "Until then, march on and know I am there with you this day, as yesterday, and will be till time is no-more."
** This reflection was on another officer's memorial. Its beautiful words touched my heart and were so comforting, I felt it worth sharing. **
February 24, 2007
I'm not sure why I'm so drawn to this site, yet I come here a lot. I never met Office Sawyers or any of his family, but I think of him and you so often. I can still remember the night of his murder, and it breaks my heart to know that he was stolen from such a loving family. You have all be cheated out of so much, yet you're strong and determined to go on. I admire every one of you for that and hope you can continue to look to him for strength and hope.
I feel a little guilty reading your reflections because I don't know you and they are personal, but I appreciate that you've shared them here. It's so nice to see that you are moving forward each day, and I love reading about Lily and her thoughts and dreams. It's such a shame that she will never hug her Daddy or get to share all those special Daddy-Daughter moments, but you've all clearly done a great job making sure she knows all about him.
I am very sorry for your loss and want to make sure that you know the community will never forget the sacrifice.
February 23, 2007
I love you daddy. I speak French. Mommy teaches me. I just gave your picture a kiss. I love my mommy. Mommy and I do "x marks the spot." I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Love your princess,
(all her words exactly as said)
February 21, 2007
Lily was napping on the couch yesterday afternoon. My dad and I were sitting in the kitchen talking, when all of the sudden, Lily said "Daddy!" She was still sleeping and continued to sleep. That one word was all she said during her entire nap. One word that made my heart smile. I do believe you visit her in her dreams. She has done that a few times now.
Good news is that last night was the second night she slept in her own room. Of course I lay with her for awhile after we read a book and say our prayers. The first night she put my arm around her waist and held it tightly. Any time I made a move to get up, she clung to me. It was so difficult walking out of her room. I showed her earlier in the day the video monitor and how I can see her in her room. She also wanted me to put an angel in her room like her Grandma Diane did at her house. She wanted the angel that was on my dresser that Kathy bought me for Christmas.
I took her to Chuck E Cheese yesterday to celebrate her being such a big girl. Of course, last night she said "if I sleep in my bed tonight I get to go to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow!" I told her we would do something else special. I bought her some bathtub crayons that I told her she could have tomorrow if she did well in her own bed.
I had a dream two nights ago that I was trying to get to a store, and you picked me up in your police car. I had my work bags with me and sat in the front with you. Two other officers were with us, sitting in the back of the cruiser. It was not a normal cop car, more like the ones that Tom and John have driven me in. One person in the car was Joe Tharrett. I don't remember the other person. They were both teasing you a little in the dream. We got to the store, you dropped me off, and then that was the end of the dream. I know you were talking in the dream, but I don't remember what was said. It is nice to have these dreams where you pop into these seemingly normal things.
Yesterday Lily called me Yvonney. Made me laugh because you sometimes called me that. We saw Emma the other day. She is finally saying my name, but it sounds like "e-mon" She is so cute. She mocks everything Lily does.
Lily has really been focused on wanting a sister. She got upset at school because a few little girls have older or younger sisters. She begged me for one. I tried to explain to her that I didn't know what God was going to bring us in our life, and that there are lots of little kids that don't have siblings. She begged me, "please mommy, please." I told her that Alexis and Emma are like her sisters. She was okay with that, but still not happy. As I drove away from her school, tears streamed down my face. Not only were you taken from us, but the possibility of more children together, siblings for Lily, grandkids for our parents.
I remember after you died, I prayed and prayed to God that I would be pregnant. I told Him that if He couldn't provide a miracle in saving you, then He at least could provide that miracle. I think that hope kept me going that first month. When I realized I wasn't it tore me apart. I knew it probably was not possible, but I believed God owed us a miracle. I am passed all of that now. I always tell Lily, "It's me and you, kid!" I have such a strong beautiful relationship with her.
Last night I couldn't fall asleep. It was hard being by myself in the bed again. I know that in the long run it's the best thing for Lily and me. It's still lonely. I had to take a sleeping pill, and I haven't done that in a long time. I know it will get easier with time.
Well, we are off to the dentist today. We miss you so much. We love you. xoxoxoxo
February 21, 2007
Dear Mark,
I miss you and wish you were here to do the things we try to do to show Lily what you did as a kid. Dad, Kyle, Alexis, and I took Lily sledding at Martin Road Park. Remember going there when you were young? Lily loved going down the sled. She mostly liked going along but did ride with me once and then with the kids a few times. She had it a little better than everyone else because while she rode down the hill, I walked down and then pulled her back up on her sled. So all she did was ride up and down. How lucky was that? I told you I would look after her and I meant that I would do what she and Yvonne needed me to do but that I would give her a chance to do all the things you did as a kid. She's been camping, to Disney, Waterparks, Sledding, Tobbagoning, and lots of other things.
She went to Harold and Lisa's shower and she and Alexis helped Lisa open the gifts. She loved it. Then she came back home with me and we went to a party at Michelles. Then all three kids came back with Dad and I to spend the night. We had a great day.
By the way, Lisa had the baby yesterday. They named in Mark Christian. What a tribute to your life. It shows how much Harold truly cared about your friendship. I am so proud of you and all your friends. Ed is such a good father with Tristen.
I am heartbroken that you are not getting to share in Lily's growing up. She says she is not having a birthday. She wants to stay three forever. I am not sure why, she does not really give me a reason.
Well I guess I better go, the tears are flowing.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
February 20, 2007
Harold and Lisa's baby boy, Mark Cristian, was born today at 3:45p.m. He is 18" long and 4 lbs 10 ozs. The doctors called him a miracle baby, born 5 weeks early. I believe you were right there keeping an eye on your new little charge. Today is truly a wonderful day! God certainly has blessed Harold and Lisa.
I love you,
February 19, 2007
I am sitting here watching the NBA All Star game and it reminded me of when you and I played for Hoover and your dad coached us. I remember he used to tell us to call a time out if we didn't score after 3 possessions to slow down the momentum. We were better the Bolts team hands down.... I seems like yesterday, it's just amazing how fast time fly’s.
The past Saturday was our baby shower, I wasn't there I just showed up to help set up and then showed up at the end to load the cars with gifts. It was nice seeing everyone there. I of course invited your family, I have always considered them a part of my family as they had a hand in raising me since we lived so close to each other and hung out so much. Faith showed me a onesy that said made that said "Euchre Night at the Sawyers house" I remember your card parties lasting ALL night and then some.
Please keep an eye on Faith (I am so used to calling your mom Mrs. Sawyers) she needs you to stop by from time to time. There are so many times I just want to talk to her and Michelle, but I can't. I don't know why I just can't, you figure as long as I've known them it would be easy but I just can't. Maybe one day.
Diane and Tracey were also there. They are such a pleasure to be around, Lisa and I also consider them family. They are great to us; they (Bawcum family) make us feel welcome ALL the time. I can see how you felt comfortable around them. I remember when you came over just before you asked Mr. Bawcum to marry Yvonne you were sweating and nervous as can be, I know I didn’t help by giving you worse case scenarios
The funny part of Saturday was walking into the shower and seeing Lilly and Alexis displaying all the gifts for everyone. I just took a step back and was in awe of how big Lilly is. She is such a beautiful little girl with such personality. I had fun seeing her do her "thing". I grabbed her and had to bribe her to get a kiss off her (balloon). She really likes Lisa; I keep telling Yvonne I am going to end up having to buy her a pony so she likes me better than Lisa. My mother was in town and was telling me that the last time she saw Lilly was when I got engaged and you and Yvonne brought her over to the house and she wasn’t even a year old at the time. My mom says she looks exactly like you; she was just amazed at how big she is. Yvonne and Lilly will always be a part of our family; I will always look after them (like I promised you) and make sure they are doing well.
Well as you know, I am naming my son in your honor. His full name is Mark Cristian Alarcon. When we were thinking about names I told Lisa that I wanted to name him after you and she had absolutely no problem with that. When people ask me why I am naming him Mark or if there is any significance behind the name I am very proud to tell them why. I miss and love you, you were my brother, we could always count on each other, even when we grew up and life seemed to take over.
Keep an eye on all of us,
Harold Alarcon
February 18, 2007
I just read your last post and all I can say is "wow". You are such an inspiration. You're a great mother and a wonderful woman. I remember all the things you talk about when my girls were little. Your posts put so much of my past, and my present, into perspective. Dance class or gymnastics, t-ball or soccer - what do we do? Sounds like little decisions but when you're making them on your own they're not so little. I know. I wasn't in your exact shoes under the same circumstances but I raised my girls the first six or seven years alone. Any decision you make will be right - always trust yourself - Mark will guide you - through Lilly! You obviously have such a great support system - and trust Lilly - she knows what she will want and Mark's signs will help you both! I just wanted to let you know that we read this often and think of you always. Our prayers are always with you and Marks family.
Kathy Hamel
Wife of Sterling PD Lt. Bruce Hamel
Kathy Hamel
Wife of Lt. Bruce Hamel
February 16, 2007
Valentine's Day was just two days ago. Lily picked out a card for you, but I know there it was a snow day on Wednesday, so we couldn't go to the cemetery. I still have it here and will leave it once the weather clears a little. I bought Lily a pink Hippo that talks and wiggles her ears. She wants to buy everyone something for Valentines. She doesn't realize it is only one day!
On Valentines, she was taking a bath and I was sitting with her in there when all of the power went out in the house. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was weird. At first it creeped me out, but then I thought maybe it was you.
I was really upset the other day. I was laying on the couch crying, when I felt a cool breeze circling my face. I keep the house pretty warm, and there was no draft to be found. That has happened to me before when I was at the old house and upset about losing you. I have read that people who believe in spirits say that is a sign of that spirit. It almost felt like a caress on my face, swirling around. At the time, I was finishing a book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom. I was at the part where the main character has died and meets his wife, who predeceased him, in heaven. The things he said and how he described how he felt had me balling. That's when that cool air circled me for a minute or two.
I am doing my best to keep all of my promises to you. Your family is still in our lives as much as they were when you were here. Lily stays the night at your parents usually once a week. She loves going there. She always wants Kyle and Alexis to be there as well. I talked to Michelle the other night about your dart board. She finished the bar in her basement and is going to put it down there. I think you would be impressed with it. I can see you over there playing and hanging out. You always loved going to Michelle's or hanging out with her. Remember that time on the house boat when the three of us were laying on that big bed just talking? Or doing toe touches and back handsprings in Florida? I think Steve almost broke his back trying that!
I had a dream the other night that I was out with Michelle and Steve and some of your/our friends. We all went up to sing karoake, and you were sitting there. You were smiling and we said "come on Mark, come up here and sing!" You got up to come join us. It is so nice to have those dreams.
I was watching a kid's tv show with Lily and the guy was singing some version of "Mustang Sally." I still remember that night at the bar with Eddy (broken leg and all), Glenn, and Larry. The live band sang that song. You loved how the singer was hitting that cow bell. For weeks after that you would mock him! We had such a good time.
Lily just got over being really sick. She ran a fever for six days. The doctor said it just had to run its course. I'm glad it's over. Of course, now I have a cold!
I finally got my cast off today. Lily went with me. She plugged her ears when the nurse used the saw to cut it. She then helped the nurse push the button to take more X-rays. She did so good. They gave me a brace to wear until my wrist gets stronger. I am so glad I can finally do things normally. It gave me a whole new appreciation for people with a handicap. Three weeks was nothing.
Lily is really excited about Harold & Lisa's baby shower. She wants to touch Lisa's belly and give her a hug she said. She loves them so much. Your friends have stuck by their promises to be an ever present part of her life. That gives me solace knowing that she will know about you through so many people.
My dad is retiring. He is going to be watching Lily for us now. I am so excited! I know it will give her some much needed structure and I won't have to wake her up as early. Lily is a little upset about leaving Laurie and her son Eddie, but I reassured her that she would still see them sometimes. And you know my dad, he will probably be doing stuff around our house while he's over here!
Lily told me she wants to do gymnastics and soccer. I think the soccer is a good idea, but I'm waiting on the gymnastics. I don't want to put her in too many things.
I talked to the police liason at my school about taking a self defense class. The other officer actually teaches that to groups. My friends said they would do it with me. I think doing something active like that will help with the nightmares about someone trying to hurt Lily and I. Doing something active helped with the other nightmares, so maybe if I feel more confident about protecting us in real life it will carry on into my dreams.
I miss you, baby. Not a day goes by without thinking about you. I thank God for Lily. She was laying on our bed watching a movie yesterday, just as you would watch tv: on her back, hands behind her head, ankles crossed. What a sweet reminder of you. People tell me that she looks just like me, and I just laugh. In my eyes, she is every bit of you. I love you so much. xoxoxo
February 16, 2007
I was thinking of you tonight. It's not very often that I don't. I spoke with your mom after the new year and brought her up to speed with my adoption. She was very sweet and supportive and it made me feel good to talk to her again. But I ended up feeling bad because once I started to talk about you we both got emotional and I did not want to do that to her. Your family misses you more than can be imagined. And it's still strange to me that I only knew you for 7 months yet you are always in my thoughts. I still try to sit in the same chair in roll call everyday, the one right next to where you sat. I give crap to anyone who tries to sit in your seat. I visit the spot in the parking lot all the time...I can't drive by Target without pulling into the lot. I look at my beautiful 1 year old daughter and remember that Lily was just turning that age when it happened and it still breaks my heart. I pray to God that you have peace and I hope to see you again one day. I miss you, little brother.
Your friend,
Joe Tharrett
February 13, 2007
Dear Mark,
Just thinking about you. We had dinner last night with Jon and Karen Berg. They are a great couple.
Ilove and miss you.
Love Mom
February 11, 2007
This is my first time writing on this memorial page. I write letters to you, but I’ve never put anything here. I’ve tried several times and cried so much that I stopped. I miss you so much and think about you all of the time. There are so many things that remind me of you. It is so painful to go from talking to you everyday and seeing you often, to not being able to do any of that. I still talk to you hoping that you can hear me. It hurts because I miss you so much, but it also hurts to see Mom and Dad in so much pain. It breaks my heart when I hear Lily say, “I miss my Daddy”. It also hurts because you and Yvonne had something so special together. Lily and Yvonne mean so much to me and I always want to be close with them. I get through each day and try to be strong because I know it is what you would want. I try to be positive and think that I had 30 wonderful years with you and I have lots of really great memories.
We had a small Superbowl party at Mom’s house with family and some of your friends. It was very nice, but of course not the same without you. I am so glad that your friends have stayed so close to our family. We think of them as family.
Thank you to all of you who have touched me and my family in some way. Your thoughts, prayers, and kind gestures are comforting and mean more than you will ever know. I cannot thank you enough.
I love you Mark and miss you so much,
Michelle (sister)
Michelle Weston
February 6, 2007
I'm sick. I love you. I want to blow bubbles. My mommy loves you. I went boot skiing with Mr. Rich and Julia. I played with Lexi and Kyle. I love you. I love my mommy. I love you daddy. I like dogs and cats. I like Sesame Street. I love you. I want daddy. I like my mommy, I love her. I like all my Christmas toys. I love candy. My favorite thing to do is play with Barbies.
(lily just asked where the 'i like you' button was on the computer!) haha
.i like ariel. mbz zaqwwwwwwwwwftkkl/nbzwq76lmnvcxxxxzza
(lily said the x's are for lots of kisses. She randomly types letters and #'s. Interesting how she typed 76!)
We love you and miss you. xoxoxo
your princess
February 6, 2007
Dear Mark,
I just wanted to let you know that Lily is following in your Dad's footsteps. She hit for two squares on the superbowl squares. She was a little upset that the money was green and not pink.
We had a Superbowl Party and she had a lot of fun playing with the kids. She fell asleep kind of late and I was trying to wake her up. I was telling her that her Mommy was coming and she said no, we are going to the SuperBowl. I told her we were having a SuperBowl Party and she thought we were going there. Steve was in Miami and I think she just misunderstood me. It was kind of funny. Her remembering that it was called the SuperBowl. She won fifty dollars on the two squares. Alexis and Kyle won the other two.
It is so cold that school was closed for two days.
I need a sign to keep me going. My spirits are a little low.
I love and miss you.
Love Mom
February 6, 2007
I have been wanting to write for awhile. Unfortunately, I possibly fractured my wrist. I was walking while holding Lily in the house when I slipped on the ceramic tile. I fell forward and protected Lily with my left arm and fell with all of our weight on my right arm. I went to the ER the next day and they put me in a temporary cast. It looked like a tree branch! Lily was so upset. She said "how are you going to get my juice?" I had to go to a hand doctor for a follow up. I was hoping he would say it wasn't broke and take the partial cast off. Of course not. I am in this cast for three weeks. I have less than two weeks now. Of course I picked Bright pink for Lily so she wouldn't be too upset about it. It is my right wrist, and of course I'm right-handed. Typing is a little difficult.
I had a good and bad dream the other night. You came home from work and came to bed. I asked you what time it was and you gave me a kiss. Then I started getting upset and you rubbed my back and said "its ok, you've been through this before you'll get through this" Then the bad dream settled in. It's always about people after me and Lily and I am trying to protect her. That's when I woke up. I was glad I got to see you at least in my dream.
Well, I would love to type more but it is very hard to type with this cast on. As always, I love you and miss you. xoxoxo
February 6, 2007