Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers

Sterling Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Mark Anthony Sawyers

Dear Mark,
Thinking of you and Lily today, Father's Day, and how you should be here with her. I know she is in your heart, and you are in hers, and that is the only comfort we can hold on to today.

June 15, 2008

...Never Forgotten...

Bay City Police

June 6, 2008

Dear Mark,

We celebrated your life and the sacrifice on Wednesday night. First we went to your park for pizza and pop. The kids played on the swings and playscape. Then we went to Target. There were a lot of people from the Police Department and all your family and many of your friends. Lily was so cute. People were so amazed at how big she is getting. She got into the cruiser and thanked everyone for coming. Kathy said it really hurst the officers that worked with you when they see Lily. I have that problem too. She is you all over. Well I'll give Yvonne so credit. She is bringing her up well. After the vigil a bunch of us went to a nearby pub and watched the Red Wings beat the Penquins for the Stanley Cup Champtionship. It was an awesome game.
Dispatcher Kathy organized the vigil and did a super job. She had a huge flower arrangement made and we took it to White Chapel on Thursday. Your co-workers are the greatest people. Of course so are your friends. They have all been so supportive and always let us know that we can call on them if we need something. Joe (your TO) is such a great guy. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that everyone still cares about the sacrifice you made and remembers you.
I bought a shirt in DC that says a scripture quote "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." That is found in the book of John. It means a lot to me. Well, I just wanted to say how things went. It was a rough week but what else can we do. I love and miss you and would give anything to have you back with us.

Love Mom

June 6, 2008

My dearest Mark,

Yesterday was a tough day. It’s hard going to school when everyone else is going about their day as usual, and I have thoughts of you and what happened on my mind. I don’t expect anyone to remember the date, or necessarily want them to say anything to me, but it just seems like such an ordinary day for everyone when my heart is breaking. It was even harder leaving school and following the exact same schedule of that fateful day. I drove the same streets, to the same sitter, picked up a baby, and drove home. It was an eerie feeling.

Lily wore her orange shirt today with the badge on it. She wanted to wear my jewelry, so I let her wear my gold badge and necklace. I told her yesterday that we would be going to your park and to Target. She asked if we were going to shop. So I had to explain again why we go to that parking lot and she asked a lot of questions. She went on the speaker at the candlelight vigil and said thank you to everyone and sang a little bit of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and then said I love you. She did a very nice job.

Kathy said some beautiful words about me and your family. She pointed out Lily and said that you left a legacy behind. How true. I look at her and see so much of you. Sometimes she catches me staring and says “Stop staring at me!” I just don’t want to forget a moment of her childhood. She has been sick with strep throat this week, the poor thing was miserable. I slept with her for a few hours one night. She sleeps just like you. It’s uncanny how some of her mannerisms are yours.

She graduated from preschool the other day. She was so excited. They had to go up in front of everyone and say what they want to be when they grow up. Not to be outdone, Lily went on and on, naming tons of things. She then sat down and proceeded to yell, I forgot to say one! … as another student got up. She was picked by her teacher to take the class stuffed animal “Scooter” home for good. She was so excited. It brought tears to my eyes that she was picked!

She’s still on this kick of not wanting to eat meat, because she says she doesn’t want to eat anything that’s an animal. I have a hard time lying to her, so when she asks what something is made out of, I tell her. She is selective in what she eats. McDonalds cheeseburgers are okay, and so is bacon apparently!

I just keep wondering where the heck four years went? It feels like forever since I have seen you. I still get little signs here and there. I was having a rough day awhile back and I flipped open a magazine to read a little and relax, when what number pops out of the middle of the story at me? Of course, 76. It was the only number on the page in the middle of the story. It’s little stuff, but to me, I just can’t help but to wonder if it’s you checking in from time to time. I need those signs, they keep me going and give me faith.

We went to the cemetery today. Kathy had a beautiful flower arrangement made for the vigil and your mom put it there today. Lily and Alexis blew bubbles. I tried to clean your marker a little bit. I guess it is my way of doing something for you, even as trite as that is. We all went to eat after leaving the cemetery. It’s our tradition we have now.

I checked your watch last night. Still ticking. The kids were in bed and I was alone. I went outside to the patio. I sat there wondering if you would like it. The thoughts just won’t stop sometimes. That’s the hardest part, just trying to get my brain to shut off once in awhile. I hate that trapped feeling I get sometimes when I have to stay home. I know that subconsciously it is probably me wanting to flee from the memories or problems. It is hard to face them sometimes. I often run on auto pilot, you know? Stopping makes it all too real.

I kept trying to tell myself yesterday that it was just another day. The days leading up to the anniversary of your death are always the hardest. I have a few close friends at work who were there for me while I was at school. And of course, Kathy is always a phone call away. It helped to talk to them about what I was feeling.

Lily’s fifth birthday is less than two weeks away. We promised her a puppy for her birthday. I researched online today for one. It reminded me of how you did that for Caesar. I wondered if you would be doing that for her if you were here, and how much you would enjoy finding just the dog she wanted. She already has a name for the dog- Princess Maggie Lovey. I told her I would call it P.M.

Lily said today that she asked you for a sign. She wanted you to blink the lights or something for her. I hope you are able to give her the reassurance she needs. We all love and miss you so much. I hope that you saw all of the people that came to honor and remember you. You are forever emblazoned in our hearts. Your laugh, those dimples, dancing with Lily; no one can take those beautiful memories from me. My loving husband, I miss you so.


June 5, 2008

Officer Sawyers today is your 4th birthday in Heaven, I just wanted to let you know we have not forgotten your sacrifice and the sacrifice that your family makes everyday without you. Just watch over them and let them know you are close. Look Clint up for me and let him know that we miss him everyday.

Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04

June 5, 2008

It was an honor to gather with your family and friends last night at your park and then at Target. You are still so deeply missed and I think its great how the department and all your loved ones still honor you. Its amazing how quickly 4 years passes. Its always so nice to see your family too. Lily is so cute and sweet. She sung a song to us on the police radio. She looks just like her daddy! Rest in peace Mark and know that we all think of you always!

Jen Brozowski

June 5, 2008

On behalf of the Wise family, please know that we are thinking of you and the officers of the Sterling Heights Police Department. Based on the reflections I have read, I believe Mark and Mike would have had as good a time together on earth as I am sure they are having together in Heaven.

Chris Harter
Cousin of Michael H Wise II EOW 6/5/04

June 4, 2008

Tonight, many of your family, friends, and colleagues joined together for a candlelight vigil. It was wonderful to see so many people there to remember and honor you. As Lily looked around at the crowd, she asked Michelle "Are all the people here for my daddy?" She did a great job talking over the speaker to everyone. She thanked them for coming and then sang a little bit of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" before saying she forgot the rest of the words and that she was done singing. She is an amazing little girl, Mark. So bright, happy, loving, and silly. She somehow manages to always make everyone laugh & smile...even during the toughest times. We miss you dearly.


Tracy Bawcum

June 4, 2008

I got a little teary eyed this afternoon getting ready for work. You are dearly missed. tonight we will gather, as we always do, at your park and then at Target to show our respect. Your legacy lives on Sawyers....your legacy lives on.



June 4, 2008

Mark you are remembered today and every other day for your courage and for the wonderful father,son,husband,brother,uncle and good friend that you are. What happened to you was a sad and very tragic thing and i don't understand it anymore than the next person, but i do know that the man upstairs must have needed you. I only hung out with you a couple of times with my brother, but what i learned of you very quickly was that you had a great respect for women and that you loved your family. When we were playing pool you told me of how competetive your family is , especially you and your sister Michelle. You were always a good friend to Michael and you will always be remembered by this family. Rest In Peace Mark.

Andrea Mitchell (Mike Mosher's family)

June 4, 2008

To Mark's family,

Most weeks are painful but this one is especially so. Please know that I am thinking about you. I read the reflections about Lily and cracked up at the one where she said a man's purse didn't match his pants. She actually reminds me a lot of my daughter. It sounds like Lily is a happy child and she sounds like quite a character. Good for her! I'm sure she has a loving family and knows that her daddy loved her.

Take care and God Bless.

Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04

June 4, 2008

I left a candle on the wall by your name in DC. I think of you often and your precious family with love.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004

June 3, 2008

Today we feel sorrow, in anticipation of tears tomorrow, our hearts again heavy in all the days that follow.

We miss you so.


June 3, 2008

Officer Sawyers;

Although we never served together nor have even met it is clear that you were a devoted father, loving husband and respected officer.

Thank you for your service and to your family, know that Mark's service is both remembered and appreciated.

Matthew 5:9

Royal Canadian Mounted Police


May 29, 2008

Dear Mark,

Michelle, Lynn and I went to DC last week to honor you and all your fallen comrades. The candle-light vigil is tough. I kept remembering our first year there. Sterling Heights sent three officers, Reno, Allen and another one, I forget the name. He worked with you in Detroit. Anyways they were at the wall in uniform when we got to the vigil. I bought the shirt that I have wanted for two years. It says something like "Blessed is he who lays his life down for his friends".
Lily spent Saturday night with me. Dad and I went and watched her Soccer game. She blocked to goals while she was goalie. The team of girls are so cute to watch. AFter the game we went to Michelles and the girls swam. Michelle just opened her pool and the heat was on. After that we went home and worked on teaching Lily to ride a two wheeler. She is a little scared but did really good. Then we went to the park and she played with a little girl she met there. I love keeping her. She is so much like you. The hair color is big difference. She has a million questions just like you use to. She is a very sweet kid. I am working on getting her to fly in an airplane. She flew twice before but now says no way. She would rather stay home then fly. She knows we can go to Florida by car because she did that with us so now it's we can drive. She said she would think about it. She does not like how the plane lifts off. She does not like that feeling. We want to take her to DC next year and we are flying. We have a year to work on her and she will be older next year too.
I gotta go, I love and miss you so much.

Love Mom

May 19, 2008

Tonight we need your spirit. Be with us in battle. I know you will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 19, 2008

My family and friends will travel to DC for police week again this year to pay our respects to you and our fellow fallen officers. I will pray for your family, department, and friends. Look over us as we travel, and thank you for keeping an eye on our fellow officers. God bless you. You will not be alone at the wall, as we will stand with you.

Fellow Officer from MI

May 5, 2008


We attended Lily's soccer game on Saturday. She sure is a character. She is just as much an actress as she is a soccer player with all of her facial expressions and body language! When the other teams scores, the hands go on the hips, then she gives an exasperated look. When she scores, she does a little dance with her hands in the air. She is so funny. I can hardly believe she will be five next month. It has been said before by so many that love and miss you, that it seems like yesterday that we lost you. But the truth of time is evident in how much your beautiful daughter has grown these past four years. Keep watching over her.


May 3, 2008

I had recently moved into Sterling heights when this happen. I did not know you, but knew of you. Over the years, I hear about how your wife who faught so hard to keep your memory honored.
As I drove by the park designated in your name, I couldn't help to think about you and your family. That must have been such a honor to not only you but your family as well.
It would be a honor for my message to be left on this site, but if not I truly understand and I at least had a chance to say "I think you made a differance in sterling heights, and that Sterling heights has some great police officers"!

Angie Duvall

A proud Sterling heights resident.

Angela Duvall
Sterling heights citizen

April 25, 2008

Just wanted to let you know that you are still spoken of often in convesations around the department. We will NEVER FORGET! Yvonne and Lilly hope all is well in your lives and know that you are also in our thoughts and prayers.

Sterling Hts. PD

April 24, 2008

You are never forgotten, Mr. Sawyers. You are a true hero, and your family is obviously very proud of you. You made the ultimate sacrifice, and I'm eternally grateful to you and your family.

Law enforcement officers are in my prayers every day, and I pray that your family continues to draw strength from your memory.

Local Citizen

April 23, 2008

For low the dread of winter has passed, and the voice of the turtle shall be heard throughout the land. As we embark upon another summer/spring season, I know that you know how much you are missed. However we know that you will be with us in spirit and your presence will be felt tonight and every Monday night. I'll see you in the dugout. - Donald

Donald Colpaert

April 21, 2008

There was a man in the lobby today with his daughter. I didn't think much about him pacing around until I heard him say to her "That one brings a tear to my eye...It says 'END OF WATCH'." I wish I would have thanked him. Thanked him for reading the plaque and more so appreciating it.

It was your picture he was looking at.


April 20, 2008


Just a note to tell you I was thinking of you as I watched Lily fall asleep tonight at my house. I was praying that you watch her as well.

She has gotten so big, and she just cracks me up! As Yvonne and Matt were leaving, Yvonne picked up Camden in the car seat and she asked Matt to grab her purse and the diaper bag. Of course Lily noticed that he was holding her mom's purse, and with her quick wit that is well beyond her years, said to him "Your purse doesn't match your pants." I could not believe she came up with that. I told Yvonne it sounded more like something a 12 yr old would say. She is so funny!

She is fast asleep now, with her Ariel night light to chase away the shadows... may her dreams be sweetened with a visit from you.


April 19, 2008

***Never Forgotten***

Bay City Police

April 17, 2008

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