Hendry County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas
Happy Birthday Brian
- Jessica Ruhl
March 3, 2006
Hey Brian, sorry about the mix up earlier, I know you had a big laugh about it. But anyway I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday today, and to let you know that you will never be forgotten.
I've got the Blue Candle going in my window, and it burns all year. Watch over your mom and dad, we sure miss you guys. Say Hi to Clint for me.
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker
March 3, 2006
Brian, we are remembering you today and keeping your family close in our hearts. Birthdays bring their own special flood of memories and laughs and tears. We look forward to the day all of us can celebrate together again and give each other those great big hugs we miss so much.
Until then,
Always remembering you,
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W. 9/16/04
March 3, 2006
Twenty three years ago, Dad and I were thrilled when your birth completed our family. We had a healthy daughter and now a son, there was nothing more we wanted or expected. For twenty one years life was nearly perfect, and I clearly remember thinking that our family was fortunate to have escaped many of the problems others had to deal with. Tragically, twenty one birthdays were all we were going to be able to share with you.
I know that being able to bake your favorite cake, make a special dinner for you, and pick out your presents 21 times sounds like a lot, especially to a Mom who only had that opportunity once or twice, or maybe not at all. But I am selfish, and 21 years was not enough.
I love you and miss you; today, tomorrow, and forever.
Norie Haas
March 3, 2006
Brian, Tomorrow is your birthday. It is all I've thought about for the last few weeks. When you were still alive I always seemed to send your birthday card late. I think it was because your birthday is early in the month and when I flipped the calander on March 1st, I realized I had not sent your birthday card out. I only wish I could send you a birthday card this year, even if it was late. Happy Birthday Brian, we love and miss you. Love Always Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, & Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
March 2, 2006
Hey Brian, just wanted to wish you a Happy 23rd Birthday, and to let you know that we will never forget you. Keep a watch over your mother and father, we are all in this together and everyday is hard without you guys.
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
February 21, 2006
Rest in peace my brother in blue. May God bless your family.
State Constable J.L. Green
S. C. State Constables
February 3, 2006
I just wanted to let you know, that I had not forgotten about you. It has been busy at work. Every once in a while we get something really exciting and I think about how much you loved this job. Just the other day, Tif and I got a pretty good drug arrest and I thought about how excited you used to get and all the pictures you use to take when you would get those kinds of arrests. It was fun and we had some good times and we will always have lots of memories. I hope you are still watching over me from up there. You will never be forgotten by those of us that worked with you, doing this job that you loved. We miss you and think of you daily. Have fun patrolling those streets of heaven.
Investigator Robbie Archer
Hendry County Sheriffs Office
January 29, 2006
It's early New Years Eve day, and already I'm struggling with the idea that tonight we will begin 2006 without you. Change has been very difficult for me to accept since your death, and as the calendar changes I feel that we are leaving you further and further behind.
Dad and I managed to get through a quiet Christmas at home, with a few tears, but also some smiles as we recalled the many years the four of us were together. We even managed to go to the movies Christmas Day, to keep up the Haas Family tradition we started when you and Amanda were teenagers. Tonight, though, while everyone is happy and celebrating, my heart will be breaking. I didn't want it to be 2005, and I certainly don't want it to be 2006.
No matter how much time passes I will never stop loving or missing you, and I will do my best to make sure that you are not forgotten by others.
I love you, "B".
Norie Haas
December 31, 2005
Brian, we wanted to know we are thinking of you on this Christmas Eve...You are still the brightest star in our hearts and in the heaven above.
We miss you and think of you dailey. I send a special blessing for your Mom & Dad and Manda (and her new Hubby)today and through out the Holidays... May love and peace fill all of your hearts...
We Love you, Brian...
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas, Brian. You are never far from our thoughts and always in our hearts.
Wayne and Kathie
Wayne and Kathie Bergquist
December 24, 2005
Brian, I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas In Heaven. We are off to Georgia to spend Christmas in the mountains. We think of you and Nonnie everyday and miss you both so much. Please watch over us in our travels and please be with your Mom and Dad and Amanda and Mike this holiday season. It is so hard without you here. We love and miss so very much. Tell Nonnie we love her and Merry Christmas. Love you always. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, and Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
December 23, 2005
D.S. Haas..just wanted to stop in & say MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
you & your family are still in my thoughts & prayers as they face another holiday season without their loved one..have a grand 'ol time in Heaven BLUE ANGEL!!
girlfriend of a dpd
detroit, mi
December 23, 2005
My heart breaks as I think about another holiday season without you. So much has happened in the last couple of months, and it isn't right that you weren't there.
The annual charity shooting match was a huge success this year. You were always there to help build props, RO, and set up. This year, the match was held in memory of you, with all the proceeds going for junior scholarships. As Dad and I prepared for the match, I kept expecting to see you, hard at work in one of the bays. It isn't right that you weren't there.
Amanda and Mike were married, a month later then planned because of a late October hurricane. The wedding was wonderful, and your sister was absolutely beautiful. When Dad and I see how happy they are together, it gives us the same satisfaction we used to feel when you would leave for work every evening, so happy with your job and career in law enforcement. It isn't right that you weren't there to walk me down the aisle, to propose a toast to your sister and brother-in-law, or to dance one dance with me.
And now, as Christmas gets closer, and Dad and I plan a quiet Christmas together, nothing feels right without you here. I hung a wreath on the "Brian" wall, where we have your flag, your hat, shadow boxes, awards, and some things that were special to you. I should have been hanging the wreath on the front door of your new house, not a wall that memorializes you. It isn't right and it isn't fair that you aren't here.
Nineteen months without you has taken away the constant sharp pain that wouldn't let me take a deep breath, now that pain only comes sometimes, usually when I least expect it. But time has only increased the ache that comes from missing someone that you love and can't be with. Children are not supposed to die before their parents, it just isn't right, and it certainly isn't fair.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
November 30, 2005
November 29, 2005
Brian, Happy Thanksgiving! We think of you every day and miss you so much. Holidays are so hard without you here, this year is especilly hard with you and Nonnie both gone. Your sisters wedding was so beautiful. Yours and Nonnies Absence was felt by all, but we know you were both there in spirit. We love and miss you so much.
Love Always
Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn
Sarah, & Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
November 24, 2005
To the family and friends of Deputy Brian Haas and his fellow officers, and most especially to Deputy Haas:
In reading the reflections about Brian, it is obvious he was a much loved and well-respected man, one who truly deserves the title hero. I wish I had the honor to have met him, but the essence of him lives on through the memories so lovingly recounted in the reflections. For such a young man, he accomplished a lot in life.
As a mom of another fallen officer, I am profoundly touched by the reflections left by his parents and can identify with so many of their feelings... the anquish of a parent that is ever present in our hearts and souls as we try to go on without the physical being of our children with us.
On behalf of our entire family, we extend our sincerest condolences for the grievous loss you suffered when Brian was tragically killed.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Deputy Haas gave to his community as a deputy, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 24, 2004.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
November 1, 2005
After six nights of darkness, blue lights are shining again in the windows and cupola for you and your law enforcement family. We were fortunate that there was no damage at the house from the hurricane, just the inconvenience of being without power for so long. I really hated to see those dark windows every night.
Your co-workers in Clewiston worked almost non-stop the first couple of days after the storm. Agencies from all over Florida sent help to Hendry County, but I know that they still missed having you there.
Dad and I spent the day at the range, building props and getting ready for the shooting match being held in your memory next month. Many of the shooters who watched you grow from a 13 year old beginner to a master class shooter in your late teens, and then to a young man dedicated to your career in law enforcement, were there today to help. There were also some newer shooters helping, although they never met you, they know you from the stories they've heard from others. I kept expecting to see you at the range, you were always so involved helping with the matches; building props, setting up stages, and working as an R.O. It just doesn't seem right that you won't be there for this one.
I cannot believe it's been 18 long months since I heard you say, "I love you, Mom". I love you and miss you so very much.
Norie Haas
October 30, 2005
We were never close. Despite that we got along even though we both had our ‘sights’ on the first place trophy.
I remember you as a teenage kid learning the IPSC game and no particular threat to me. Then one day you beat me. After that the game was on, and it was good game, I only wish you were still here to play.
I have the memorial decal in your honor on the tail gate of my truck, as well as your badge number on the steel club web site. These things I see every day to remind me the life that you had, buying a house, your parents Bob and Norie, the wonderful people they are. To remind me of the things I did not have, and how sad it is that such good people have to suffer such extreme loss. It makes me realize how precious life is, and to learn to better appreciate and enjoy it.
There is an upcoming match dedicated to you, I plan on being there, and I know your presence will be felt by all .
Richard Haddad
richard haddad
October 8, 2005
A few weeks before you died, Dad and I returned from visiting Amanda and Mike. I remember telling you that our first morning there, Mike met us for breakfast. He told us that he wanted to marry Amanda, and asked for our permission. Your reply was, "just tell me when and where, and I'll be there." In other words, spare me every last detail, Mom.
Several months later, when Mike did propose, Amanda's first question to me was, "did Brian know?" She was very happy that you did.
Their wedding day is almost here, and I wish with all my heart that you could keep your word and be there, but I know it cannot be. Your absence will be impossible to ignore, but I hope that the presence of your spirit will be felt by all who love and miss you.
I love you and miss you so very much.
Norie Haas
September 27, 2005
Brian -
Just wanted to let you know you are not forgotton and always in our hearts.
Norrie & Bob - We think and pray for you all the time.
Jessica Ruhl - Fiancee to Officer Dan Starks
& The Starks Family
September 20, 2005
Dear Brian,
Your mom left a message for us last week knowing what an especially hard one it would be. The odmp has been one of the main things that has kept me going at times. Broken hearted that so many are experiencing the same unbelievable grief and pain but knowing somebody does understand and care.
We met at Washington but that was such an emotional time I felt like I was in a daze and very overwhelmed by it all. It's hard to feel the honor when all you want to do is hold your son again. After some time has passed though I was able to say the other day that I do want to go back next year. I had said I never would. I hope I see your mom and can actually talk about both of you next time. You're so beautiful and my heart breaks for your mother and family because I know with every breath how hard it is to want to take the next one without you here. I pray for strength, courage, peace, and comfort for all of us until we are all back together again,soon.
Matt's mom forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse e.o.w.9/16/04
September 20, 2005
Just got back from Gulfport, MS and New Orleans. Was there almost 2 weeks and seen many disturbing sights from the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, as well as many heroic efforts and a people that has a strong will to survive. My group that I took participated in search and rescue by boat in St Bernard Parish and New Orleans, as well as bringing water, food and supplies to the Gulfport victims.
I talked to many Sheriff Deputies and Fire Chiefs along the way to New Orleans and most had fear of the events that were happening there. People were being shot, dead bodies were floating in the water and riots were breaking out. But for some reason I had no fear going in. It was like you were on one side of me and Dad (your grand dad) was on the other side and both of you had ushered in God’s protection around me. I never felt such a determination to press in and help those people.
Of course you knew I’d make it in and do the work I was called to do there. And at the end of trip I felt I did all that I was sent to do and felt a release to go back home to my wife and kids.
Thank you for your strength and your spirit that encourages me. Thank God for his protection and I pray that God touch and bless those people.
Give Dad a kiss and a hug for me.
I love you both,
Uncle Ted
Ted Haas
September 18, 2005
Life has it’s share of ups and downs. Things seems to be tougher during those times when I can’t reach out to those that I’ve lost, especially you. But then I look close and you are there, as clear as ever in my mine. I can be having a bad day, but then see those big bright eyes yours and that wonderful smile you always have and the problems of the day just melt away.
Dad (your Grand Dad) told me once that your legacy you leave behind is not what you’ve accomplished in life, but rather how you are loved and remembered by others. Brian, you have left a great legacy behind inside of me because I think of you often and I still love you. The memories I had of you and the memories we shared together live on and are passed on to others that I share them with.
Do you remember when we went hunting a few years back in Felda? That was a good trip. I always enjoyed a good adventure with good friends, but I especially like the ones with the sports of the family (they know who they are). You were no exception and I was looking forward to it. You are such great buddy to do those things with. I’ve never heard you wine or complain when you were a kid like others kids I’ve done things with. From even the time when you were a lil tike, you’ve always knew how to have a good time with adults, been in tune with your surroundings and carried an enjoyable conversation with them. From your enthusiasm, your humor, to your sincere interest in others, you are always a joy to be around. From around the time you hit 12 yrs old, I stop thinking about you as my nephew and though more of you as a lil bro.
We jumped in your rust colored Bronco that you got from Gramma and headed down the road that morning. I always like that Bronco and was glad it worked out that you could have it. It certainly earned my respect since, from experience from my own Bronco, I knew what they were capable of. I looked forward to our drive to the woods since I always had a great time chatting with you. Though I had many years of experience in the woods, I felt honored and proud to be with such a great marksman and gun handler. I also felt honored to be with you on your first hunt.
The fog was thick that morning and kept our hopes and spirits up. I’ve always done best on a foggy morning. When we arrived, we eased though that first gate and pulled over. I must say that I was overwhelmed with the arsenal in the back of the truck.. No weapon or gadget was spared and I felt like we were ready for gorilla warfare, or much less, a pack of piney wood rooters.
I must admit I enjoy the art of stalking more than my left butt cheek falling asleep in a cumbersome, hard, unfomfortable tree stand. It’s when you get “one on one”, mono e mono with the elements and the foe you pursue, is when it becomes a real challenge. Anyone brain deader can bag a deer when he rots away in a stand over a feeder. But to track one down is to be on the top of the game. So many things come into play, sounds, good listening, stealth, the wind factor, tracking, signs and getting into the game’s head. One false move or mistake and your cover is blown or you are in left field.
We had one shot and we both we bound to make this a good one. Though I carried a shotgun, I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity hunt through you. Pulling the trigger wasn’t enough for me and wasn’t my goal. Rather, by working with you and through you to make all the little right things we had to do, happen. The result would be seeing you bag your first deer or hog.
Though killing something as beautiful as a deer or a weary hog (not to mention other big game) might seem cruel or inhumane, but I believe they were put here on this earth by God for our consumption. I also believe it is a type of quazi-spiritual “right of passage” for a young man entering manhood. However, not necessary to be a man. Of course, with everything that God gives us, it comes with it’s fair share of respect, privilege and conservation. I think that between you and I, and the nods from your father, we were all on the same page.
To me, nothing is more exciting in the game of whatever you do, be it fishing, hunting, sports or even work, than to be gelling with your team mate(s) where you are on the same page, having the same thoughts and skills, applying simple signals and gestures and working as a well oiled machine, without saying one word. You and I were “there” that morning, working the signals to each other, observing the signs and surroundings and stalking the way it’s supposed to be done.
Though you were calm and cool, I knew your excitement was building. I knew you might have been wondering when it came time, could you make the shot. But I had all the confidence in the world that you had it in you.
I’ve always been proud of you and your sister. You two were cut out of a unique piece of stone. You both have drive and a thirst to be as good as you can be. Most would have giving up long before you two hit your 3rd gear. So because of your skill of controlling your nerves on the gun range, I knew you had the nerves to make your 1st shot count, long after my first one made my knees knock together when I was a teen.
One by one as the morning progressed, we found all the important key factors to finding either deer or a hog. We found main traffic trails, feeding areas, bedding grounds, rootings, scrapes, hair on the fence where they crossed regularly and the watering holes. The only thing is, we didn’t find the game. But that’s hunting. The game might have had a further range from the bedding due to forage, or they might have been on been on a different feeding cycle due to the moon phase. So many things cause them to do different things. Point is, unfortunately, this was our first and only day at it. Most of the time, it takes weeks on end learning their patterns before you can be successful (like most things you do). Still, with the certain look in your eye, you knew that we had a successful trip and had a good time, which that’s what it’s all about anyways!
As the ole saying goes, it wouldn’t be called “hunting” if you always shot something. ~thinks~ ……. Catch a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats a lifetime full of memories.
Be well my brotha and give your Grand Dad a big kiss and a hug for me.
Ted Haas
Ted Haas
August 28, 2005
Hey there, Brian....Just want you to know that we are thinking of you everyday and that you are VERY MUCH a big part of our hearts....
It seems, everyday - I'll think of you and the goodness of your spirit & heart and it's so easy to pass that to all the people I see everyday...And I see alot.
The world keeps getting tougher and I like to show the easier/free spirited side of life, so those of us that are here will live for the moment and charrish each one... as tomorrow is a gift.
Hold your Nonnie's hand and show her the "ropes".
We Love you and miss you so much...
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Aunt Trisha
August 20, 2005