Hendry County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas
Though I'm trying very hard to focus on the many good memories of the 21 years you were with us, the reality that you will not be a part of any new memories is overwhelmingly sad.
I miss you so much.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
December 23, 2008
RIP and continue to watch over your loved ones from the Heavens above.
September 25, 2008
Dad and I became grandparents the other day, when Amanda and Mike had a beautiful little girl. Though you never had the opportunity to be called "Uncle Brian", your niece will know all about you. One of my favorite pictures is the one of you holding Sophia and Spencer when they were just a few months old. Your big arms are wrapped around their tiny bodies, and you have a huge smile on your face. I close my eyes and try to picture you holding Kaitlyn, that same smile on your face.
We think about you and miss you every single day, but at times like this your absence hurts even more.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
September 7, 2008
Hey Brian...Thinking of you and, as usual, missing you...There are not enough candles to be lit, to show how much you are missed and loved....Trust the highways in heaven are safe now...Love you,buddy!!!
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Trisha & Allen
July 22, 2008
I put a candle on the wall in DC by your name during Police Week. You are always remembered.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
June 5, 2008
I'm thinking of you and your life and what a joy I know your birth brought to your family and the world.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
April 27, 2008
My New Watch
I began my new watch today and everything’s going fine.
I just wanted to let you know that I would be checking in on you from time to time.
It’s really different here, but in a good way,
Although the change was sudden, rest assured there is nowhere else I’d rather stay.
I work with a crew of true heroes, who always do their best,
They always do their part, and watch over all the rest.
I can’t change what happened on that fateful night
But remember that I will forever continue to fight.
Please tell my family I love them and I’m with them all the time.
Help my wife when I can’t and give a kiss to that sweet child of mine.
I walk a new beat that seems so far away
But you can reach me, and I’ll back you up, you only have to pray.
I have to go now for there’s a rookie on the street.
I have to do my part, for it’s not his time to walk this special beat.
In memory of all our fallen brother’s and sisters of Law Enforcement
Ofc. Woodard Brother of D/
April 27, 2008
This day is for remembering........ a Son and a love that will endure forever. You
are loved and well remembered. Blessings to this family.
Jerry and Kathe
April 24, 2008
Brian, Four years has not erased the pain we all feel from your absence. It's been so long since we've seen your smiling face. We miss you so much. You continue to live on in our hearts. We love you always and forever. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, and Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
April 24, 2008
I have a prayer for your family on this 4th anniversary of your calling home, I pray for God's hand to touch and bring comfort to your family, for your memories to always bring Joy(in tears or laughter), for your family to know that God's Word is true and that you continue to live in God's promise. God Bless each of you.
Pat Carruth
Mother of Jeremy "Jay" Carruth EOW 2/20/03
April 24, 2008
My thoughts are with all of your loved ones on this day that arrives each year with heavy hearts. Keep watch over all of your loved ones for I know their daily pain and how hard it is sometimes to have a good day as their lives have been changed forever. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 24, 2008
Thinking about you today on your 4th birthday in Heaven. I'm also thinking of your Mom and Dad and how tough this day is for them. I just wanted all of you to know that we will never forget Brian, and the sacrifice that the family has had to make without you here. Bob and Norie love you both.
Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04
April 24, 2008
Dad and I held our own kind of "vigil" last night, one that seemed appropriate for you. We sat around the fire, the last one until fall, and laughed, cried, and laughed some more. So many memories. A beautiful moon rose up through the trees.
Soon the sun will be rising, and I will sit by the river watching the show. I always feel closer to you when I am outside.
We miss you so much; four years is such a long time to be apart from someone you love.
Norie Haas
April 24, 2008
Thinking of you, your Mom, Dad and Amanda today, more than usual. We were so blessed to have known you and will treasure your memories always. You may be gone from our sight but never from our hearts.
Kathie Bergquist
Kathie Bergquist
April 23, 2008
Well Brian....Here it is, 4 years since you've been on patol in heaven, pulled anyone we know?
We are always thinking about you and missing you....and tomorrow we'll be doing something special for you, in your honor...You'll know....
When you left, to serve in heaven, you also, left an inspiritional amount of achievements -that most (in advance years) couldn't accomplished in their lifetime.
You have always, and will always, be forever in our hearts.. Fly high, Brian....BE PROUD!!
Loving you xoxox
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Trisha & Allen
Aunt & Uncle
April 23, 2008
Dear Brian, I wanted to say "Thank You" for being a wonderful young man. I never had the chance to meet you but I have met your wonderful parents. We all belong to Concerns of Police Survivors. I think of them today as they suffer through the grief of being without you for 4 years. It is tough. A mom who knows!
Jean Blyler
April 23, 2008
Your birthday in Heaven is getting close. I know the anticipation that goes with the day. I just want you to know that your family is in my prayers.
Maxine, mother
Deputy Josh Rutherford EOW 5/29/03
April 22, 2008
God Bless you sweet boy. I know you and my Lil'David and Joshua Blyler are all three eternally on watch from Heaven. You will never be forgotten. God Bless you and your family Brian. One day we will all be together again.
Deputy Abella's mom
April 20, 2008
Sure have been thinking about you today, so I came to your site to read all the reflections left for you. Should have known I missed your birthday, hope you had a wonderful birthday in Heaven, I know your mom and dad sure missed you... Brian watch over your parents and send them as many signs as you can, like me I know they will get them all and cherish each one. Like us I know your parents miss you so much.
We may miss certian dates and times but one thing for sure we will never forget the sacrifice that your family has had to make, Thank You Deputy Brian Haas you are a true HERO and we will never for you....
Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04
March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Uncle Brian
I love you and miss you.
Sophia and Spencer
March 4, 2008
You have been in our hearts and minds a lot lately..... only a couple days after your birthday, still true to form!
A few things you should know:
Sophia has commandeered the framed picture of you in your uniform, it's on her bureau and she has also put a photocopy of your billboard on her door. She's 6 and 1/2 now.....so beautiful, and convinced that you watch over her when she sleeps. Her favorite picture from her baby book is the one where she's asleep on your chest.
Spencer wants to be a cop like his "cousin Brian". I told him it's dangerous, but like you he doesn't seem to care. He reminds me a lot of you at his age if your mother's stories and my memories are to be believed. I wish you were here to see your reflection in him.
Those days almost 4 years ago are still like a dream to me sometimes......until I come here and read the joy & pain of your mother's love.
If you were still here, you would be an uncle soon....you would have been a good one!
You are missed and loved by many.
Uncle Tom
Tom Whyte
March 4, 2008
Nearly three months have passed since my father left this earth and I am so jealous of you, as I know you have had plenty of time to catch up on old times. It has taken me this long to write, this long for it to become a reality that he is no longer with me, but with you and everyone else that has left an impression on his heart and then left this earth. I just hope the two of you haven't wreaked too much havoc. I hope you look after my Pops for me, try to keep him out of trouble. (Good luck with that)
Your Friend,
Sgt Helmlinger
March 3, 2008
Brian, Hard to believe it's almost 4 years...We want you to know that we are thinking of you on your Birthday (and always) and sending you love, hugs and kisses. We'll be lighting you a "Birthday" candle tonight and as it twinkles you'll be in our prayers.
Love you and miss you so much!!
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
March 3, 2008
Thinking of you and your family on what would have been your 25th birthday. You may be gone but you are never forgotten and still live in our hearts and memories.
Kathie Bergquist
March 3, 2008
Brian, Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday. It's hard to believe you would have been 25 today.We think about you every day and miss you so much. Please continue to watch over your family and fellow officers. You are always in our hearts. Aunt Bonnie
Bonnie Cannedy
March 3, 2008