Hendry County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas
Hi Norie.
It was so good to meet you today. Thank you for coming to support me and Kathe we really appreicated you being there. Even though I did not know your son, Brian, I kept thinking today at what great friends Dan and Brian would have been. I kept thinking about how he was at Daniel's funeral, and how he and Daniel are now in Heaven together. It doesn't seem fair, and it doesn't seem right that such great guys had to die so early on in life. It's one thing that I will never fully understand. But I know not to question God, and I know that somehow out of all of this craziness, something good will surface. Reading through your reflections, and hearing you talk about the funeral I can empathize with your feelings. Being that I am not a mother, I dont FULLY understand but I can attempt too. I am so sorry that we have joined together in this way, BUT I AM glad that I have gotton to meet you, and that Kathe will be with you in St Louis. We may not understand everything in life - but always know that me and Kathe are here for you always!
And remember, as someone once told me, when you are awake at night crying - so am I.
Fiancee of Police Officer Dan Starks
EOW 10-25-03
September 21, 2004
Brian, It's been almost 5 months - Although time has passed, our thoughts of you are daily and as if you were still here....as we feel your presence & smile as I blow a kiss to your picture ever day.
Funny, as we watch "Top Cops" (only of which your grandfather started me watching years ago)..Bad Boys, Bad Boys...jinles in and I can only imagine your excitement, as we hear on your training tape..."lets go catch some bad guys!" I smile when I hear the music and remember your mother quoting you.."Why me Mom...Why do I have to do the training tape? Hard to believe you're the "embarrasing type."
As we watch our local news during these tragic hurricanes, Henry & Collier Co. Sherriffs hava join forces to help those in need..I know you would be the "Leader of the Pack" of support, food & help to our county's survivors. Your're Positive attitude and special sense of warmth would have comforted many people in their time of need.
We think of your Mom & Dad(your Dad being my hero) and Amanda daily and I know your sister gives your parent a tremendous amount of strength.
Take comfort in knowing how many lives you've touch, even without your knowledge,that has somehow impacted them one way or another as I hear of you almost weekly from them.
Uncle Allen & I give our little nephew Brian another giant salute...Sore Valiantly! Love you forever!
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Trisha Barnes/Aunt
September 16, 2004
what a pleasure to talk with you today.
i read your last reflection to brian and
it could have been my own words. everyday there is something that reminds us of the sons we loved. they are together now and waiting for us to join them.
all my love to your family. you are in our prayers daily. i cant wait to finally meet you all.
kathe mother of daniel starks eow 10/25/
August 30, 2004
Norie,Bob,Amanda (+Brian),
As I thought of you all during your birthday week, the reality of your loss kept forcing itself into my mind but never for long. There is a part of me which still desperatly rejects that which I know to be so. My first thought is still of the four of you, of the closeness and happiness you shared, of looking forward to spending a few days in that every year or so.
Perhaps it is the luxury of living so far away....the luxury of fantasy. I can still sometimes see a night in the future, staying up way too late with your mischievous son & brother playing like kids, feeling light and happy.
I will miss that feeling. My son will miss his calming influence, my daughter his quiet strength. We all miss him so....I love you.
Your brother, uncle & friend
August 26, 2004
To Mr. & Mrs. Haas and Amanda,
Although we have lost touch over time, when I heard the news and what had happened I felt like I had lost one of my best friends and little brother. Growing up we always knew that Brian was going to be in law enforcement, I know he would probably be shocked and laugh if he knew that I had worked for the Collier County Sheriff's Office as a Corrections Officer for 3 years. I am very thankful that I have so many great memories of Brian. Whether it was building forts, fishing, skateboarding, or just hanging out every moment spent around Brian was fun. I would just like to let you know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers and will never be forgotten.
Brandon Ernst
August 22, 2004
It's that time of year again, the week of August birthdays. When you were little, I used to feel bad because you didn't understand why everyone in the family had a birthday in August except you. As you got older, you thought it was cruel and unusual punishment to have to think of presents for all of us within a week. Dad and I have laughed, recalling how you used to stress over what to get for the three of us. No one can give us what we want this year. I would be satisfied with just five minutes with you. I would tell you how proud I am of the wonderful person you became, how good it makes me feel to see you so happy with your chosen career, and how much I truly love you. I would touch your face, look in your eyes, hug you, and etch that memory in my mind forever.
I only wish I had known it would be the last time I would see you when you left for work that evening. The hug was a quick one to check for your vest. The "I love you" was said as you headed for the door, and your reply, "love you too Mom," was said as you climbed in your squad car. I had no reason to believe you wouldn't come home in the morning, or ever. Had I known, that goodbye would have been much different that evening.
I miss you more now than I could ever imagine possible three months ago. Each day, each week, the pain of your absence increases exponentially.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
August 10, 2004
So, it's been awhile now, not enough time for the open wound to heal though. The space where Brian was is empty and hurts terribly. Sometimes it seems that the pain will never leave. Brian,know that we are here for your mom and dad and do the best we can. We think of you often, with fondness, with a smile sometimes. You left us with great memories and an attitude to live up to. Your life was just getting started and it was all good... God bless you and your family always.
Rose Maloney
August 1, 2004
Brian was a seriously good shooter,and a wonderful person. I'm sure he was an equally good Deputy.
We will all miss him greatly!
Carol and Bob Mathews
USPSA Shooters
June 26, 2004
It's been two long months since you were taken so suddenly from us. Everyone misses you so very much. I hope you know how much you are loved. You continue to live on in the hearts of everyone that knew you. We love you always.
Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, & Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
June 24, 2004
We are truly saddened at Brian's loss.
We all recall you gave your best.
You did your job, now you can rest.
Your comrades now can cover your post
as you take your place with the Heavenly Host.
God Bless Our Fallen Brothers & Sisters.
Our prayers will be with you, your family, and co-workers!
Ptlm. P.K. Harding
Binghamton (NY) P.D.
June 11, 2004
I met Brian when he was about 14. Not only was he a great looking kid, he was approachable, intelligent, curious and polite. As he continued on his path to adulthood he only became more of everything he started with. Add determination and focus. He wanted to be a cop, that was his goal and he did it! I loved him as one human to another. I miss him and will for a long time to come.
June 8, 2004
143 to 157
0n 04-24-04 at 0319 hours I lost my partner, my brother, my friend, my heart, but forever we will not be apart.
I think of you every single day, your smile, your laugh and how you always said, "It's all good" or "aww thats dirty Tiff".
Sometimes it feels like you only went on vacation and your not back yet, even though I know its not so.
I talk to your mom all the time, she's really great. She gave me the perfect picture of you for my birthday, I sleep next to it, I can hear you already saying, "oh my god tell me you don't really do that". I hope that it is you that takes me by the hand and guides me in when it is my turn to cross over. It is so hard to be here with out you, but I know your doing your best to ease our pain and help us carry on.
Always remember your crew loves you and misses you so much
Loving you always, your partner, 143
D/S 143
Hendry County Sheriff's Office
June 6, 2004
Little Brian...
The quality of your accomplishments can not be measured, even in a "Normal" lifespan.
But, for all the lives you touched in such a positive, uplifting way - you will be remembered as an "Old Soul" rather than any measurements of earth days.
We've always thought you were given your angel wings at birth (amazingly gifted). Your pleaseant ways, friendly gestures--with always a smile..(should have named you "smiley") that's what we believe, in our hearts, Angels are made up of...both heaven and earth.
Maybe "Last Call" has been heared for 157, but little Brian will never be forgotten!
You are now TRULY "sportin'" your angel wings....Wear them proudly!
Forever in our hearts and deeply missed...:(
Aunt Trisha & Uncle Allen
Trisha Barnes
June 1, 2004
I am so glad that I got a chance to know you. I feel like I learned so many things from you. Your work ethic, passion for your job, and genuine interest in everybody you met, are all qualities that I will try to mimic. Your life was cut short but you accomplished so many things and I can see your impact living on in everybody who knew you. I promise to take care of your sister for as long as I live. Amanda and your parents love you very much and are so proud of you, as am I.
Mike Zabrocki
May 28, 2004
It's been a month since that early morning knock on the door woke us. Our lives will never be the same. We think of you constantly, even as we attend to everyday responsibilities and appear to be functioning normally.
We mourn the loss of your daily presence, as well as the loss of your presence in the future. Dad grieve's for the 10,000 Islands fishing and camping trips that will never be the same without you. He mourns for the missed opportunity of soloing you in the Aeronca. Manda is grieving the loss of her only sibling. You will not be at her wedding, or be an uncle to her children. I no longer expect you to come wake us up early in the morning and tell us about your night, but I miss it terribly. Thinking of your new house and the plans we had for working on it this summer are very painful, yet I can't help but drive by everytime I'm in town. Shooting the big matches without you there to coach me will not be the same.
Your death has changed us forever, but we will survive. We realize that tomorrow is promised to no one, so the important things in life need to be appreciated and dealt with today.
We love you and miss you.
Mom, Dad, and Manda
Norie Haas
May 24, 2004
Deputy Hass I only talked to a few times when you where a C.O. and those few times we talked you made me smile I wil continue to smile when I think of you. RIP we will miss you but we will not forget you.
A Freind
May 17, 2004
I had heard that Deputy Hass was tragically killed in the line of duty. To his family and friends, I want to extend my deepest condolences. I was a state trooper in Hendry County, FL for five years and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. To all of his co-workers, I wanted to say hi and that I am thinking of you in your time of grief. Sorry it took so long to respond.
Detective Andrew Dixon
Dauphin County District Attorney
May 12, 2004
May 9, 2004
To Deputy Brian Haas Family, Friends and Hendry County Sheriff Department. This is to let you know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of myself and the members of Mullins Police Department.Deputy Haas laid down his life in the line of duty, this is the ulimate sacrifice a officer can do for his community and department. Now rest my Brother, fore the THIN BLUE-LINE will carry on in your name and memory.
Lt. Chuck Jackson
Mullins Police Department (S.C)
May 6, 2004
We are so honored to have watched you grow into the wonderful young man you became. Your courage and convictions have humbled us and the loss of your life is almost unbearable. You and your smile will live forever in our hearts and memories. You made us proud.
Until we meet again,
Wayne and Kathie
Wayne & Kathie Bergquist
May 5, 2004
"A hero is someone who cannot help but respond to a calling."
Brian, I am so proud of you. I will love you always.
Amanda Haas
May 4, 2004
My sincere condolence to the family of Deputy Haas and to the members of the Hendry County Sheriff's Department.
Senior Trooper (Ret)
Oregon State Police
May 2, 2004
You will always be in our hearts forever. We are so proud of you. We know you will watch over us.
We love you!
Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, & Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
May 2, 2004
We lost your heart, but not your love.
We lost your hands, but not your good works.
We lost your mind, but not your dreams.
We love you.
Mom, Dad, and Amanda
Norie Haas
May 2, 2004
Officer Haas,
You have touched many lives during your stay here. May you touch all the rest in heaven. Rest well my brother,
God Speed. I will remember you, watch over us.
Master Corporal Jeff Jones, Motorcycle D
Cape Coral Police Department
May 1, 2004