Hendry County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas
My thoughts are with you loved ones today on this 3rd anniversary of your EOW. Some people are probably saying that the time has gone by so fast that it seems like just yesterday that your were here, but then there are those that feel it has felt like an eternity since they have heard your voice, felt your touch and saw your great smile. I know the pain felt in the heats by those that love you dearly and the silent tears that still flow in your memory. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 24, 2007
Thinking of you and your family today as 3 years have gone by and how much you are missed by all. We meet your mother in Febuary 07 in Flordia and she is such a wonderful person. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Aunt of NHPD Office Joe Corr EOW 2/27/06
April 24, 2007
May you rest in peace and may your loved ones receive His many blessings.
April 24, 2007
Three years have passed since you left us but you still live in our hearts and memories and always will.
Wayne and Kathie
Kathie Bergquist
April 23, 2007
Brian, I can't believe three years have gone by already. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of. Please be with your family tomorrow, it is still so hard without you here. You continue to live on in our hearts forever. We love and miss you so very much. Love Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, and Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
April 23, 2007
I wish I had known three years ago that you had less then twelve hours left on this earth. I wish I had known that was the last hug I would get from you, the last time I would see you smile, and the last time I would hear you say, "I love you, Mom". I will remember that day, three years ago, for as long as I live.
I love you and miss you so much.
Norie Haas
April 23, 2007
Hey Brian,
Just stopped by to say hello. I have a Picture of you that was given to me after the funeral that i keep in my patrol car as a guardian angel. I miss you man. Continue to watch over your brothers and sisters.
Deputy Sheiff Joshua Woods
Hendry County S.O
April 12, 2007
Brian and Family,
I was thinking of you today and how much you are missed. Happy Belated Birthday!
Brandon Ernst
March 22, 2007
For your 24th Birthday, I'm blowing you a BIG Kiss along with our peaceful prayers. As you soar through the heavens with your angels, know that you are deeply loved and truly missed. Celebrate, my man! Celebrate...
Much love & lots of kisses!
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
March 3, 2007
happy birthday brian!!!
i know you and daniel and all the boys are having a great time celebrating in heaven. every day you are missed but more today an any other. our prayers, our hearts and our love will be with your family today.
kathe, jerry & jessica
family of officer daniel starks
eow 10/25/03
March 3, 2007
Today should be your 24th birthday. Dad was your age when he became a father, as Amanda was born just a few days before his 24th birthday. I selfishly wish that you had lived long enough to experience fatherhood, though it would have been heartbreaking to see my grandchild grow up without you.
The day you were born; March 3, 1983 was one of the best days of my life. The day you died; April 24, 2004 was without a doubt, the worst.
I love you and miss you so much.
Norie Haas
March 2, 2007
Brian, It's hard to believe your 24th birthday is tomorrow. Oh how I wish we could spend it with you. Please be with your Mom, Dad, and Amanda as they celebrate your third birthday without you. It is still so hard with out you here. We love and miss you so much.
Love Aunt Bonnie
Bonnie cannedy
March 2, 2007
This evening we were all at your cosin Lacey's softball practice at the local ballfield. She's growing and you would be proud of her. So as I was sitting there on the bleachers, I notice in the corner of my eye a young female deputy officer standing there as a silent century, standing guard over all those children and their parents.
As I looked over to her, I could feel her thinking to herself. "What am I doing here holding up this boring assignment in this sleepy little town at the ballfield where nothing really out of the ordinary happens, and then quickly realizing that she has a very real and purposeful reason for being there, like a lifeguard watching over the swimmers.
So standing proud, watchful and solvent she stands, keeping an eye out on the ambient background surroundings, keeping an eye out ahead for trouble and keeping a close watch out for all those children. She had a place, had a purpose, had a reason and a meaning in the great circle of life.
It was a good feeling that we were all watched over by such a person. There is a peace of mind knowing that our minds can go focus on the game practice, instead of looking constantly over our shoulders for weary foes.
So Brian, what you have done for us has not gone un-noticed. It is a very proud and purposeful position you play. I can feel that you still stand watch over us as a spiritual century, keeping a watchful eye over our well being.
Today, I was pulling a tandem axle heavy trailer used to pull equipment, behind my pickup. Somehow, either myself or my sidekick forgot to put the pin in my Reese hitch and the trailer came loose on the highway. Fortunately, one chain was still attached and I managed to pull it over to the side of the highway without causing a wreck. Shortly after, I blew a tire on my truck, just as I came off the road with the same trailer. Again, if I was running at highway speed down the road, it could have caused a major accident. Two real life situations that could have been very serious. Luck? No, I tend to believe that I was being watched over by a Century in the spiritual rhelm, watching over me. I count it a blessing that I have you, along with my fore-fathers and my heavenly father watching over me and my family.
On another note, I find myself asking that imfamous question .... "WHY?" Then something deep down inside of my says that "everything has a purpose and everything happens for a reason." So I reflect back on notible people in the past, in history that were great people with a legacy, but accomplished a "greater good" after they have past on (in however way that might have happened).
I may never know the answer until I meet Lord and Maker. But until then, I trust that everything is in his hands and in his "greater" plan. So with that, I find comfort in knowing that, and I see evidence that those like you, in God's master plans, are still working in their purpose and in His perfect Will.
Keep up the Good Work son and know that I love you dearly.
Your Uncle Ted
Uncle Ted
February 23, 2007
Brian, we miss you and think of you daily...My prayers were with you as we lit your candle on Christmas and it will be shinning bright on this New years Eve. Your's will be the brightest in all the fireworks that will light up the skies.
We love you!
Aunt Trish & Uncle Allen
Trish & Allen
Aunt & Uncle
December 31, 2006
Brian, Merry Christmas! It's hard to believe this is our third Christmas without you. It seems like so long ago that I saw your smiling face. We miss you and think about you everyday. I hope you and Nonnie have a great Christmas in Heaven. Pleas watch over your Mom and Dad, and Amanda and Mike in their travels this holday season. We love you very much. Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Glenn, Sarah, & Heather
Bonnie Cannedy
December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas from Heaven
I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
On cold wintery nights
I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
i’ll even remind you
to please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
you stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
To stay in His grace
I came here before you
To help set your place
You don’t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
if you continue the climb
To my family and friends
please be thankful today
i’m still close beside you
in a new special way
I love you all dearly
Now don’t shed a tear
Cause I’m spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year.
Copyright 1990
John Wm. Mooney Jr.
December 25, 2006
This will be our third Christmas without you, my heart is broken. Though I know it can not be, I wish that you could give me just one more hug and say just one more time, "I love you, Mom". It would be the best present ever.
I miss you so much.
Love, Mom
Norie Haas
December 11, 2006
I was thinking about you and your parents today. This time of year is so very difficult. Holidays just aren't the same. Norie, please know that you have been in my thoughts often. May this holiday season be gentle to you and may your memories of happier times give you some joy.
God bless!
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
December 10, 2006
May G-d Bless you and may G-d Bless your loved ones.
November 3, 2006
I found myself laughing the other day thinking about some of the days Brian and I were together. Like the Naples Fishing Tournament, we spent all day at the pier in the rain determined to catch something, I kept catching the same jack that someone had used for bait and I remember when the tournament was ending and they were doing the final countdown Brian had caught something. With the seconds counting down he took off running down the pier with the fish and pole dragging behind him. Although it wasn't enough to place in the tournament it was definitely a great time and memory.
Just wanted to let you know that I miss you Brian and my thoughts and prayer are with you and your Mom, Dad and Amanda.
Brandon Ernst
October 23, 2006
You have not been forgotten and are a true hero. I know the time since your end of watch may have seemed like yesterday or for some a lifetime that you have been gone. I know the pain and the tears your parents have shed as I walk in their shoes. You are a heroe and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. The following poem someone sent me sums up our feelings:
Poem by Richard Fife:
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are,
Bob Gordon
Father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
October 12, 2006
To the family and loved ones of Deputy Sheriff Brian Andrew Haas, his fellow deputies with the Hendry County Sheriff's Department, and most especially to Brian:
I had the privilege and honor of meeting and sharing time, tears and memories with your parents at the 2006 COPS Parents' Retreat. When I left Missouri, I left knowing that I had forged some bonds that will never be broken. Your end of watch date is exactly one year earlier than my son's eow date, so there is a special bond between you and Larry.
After returning home to California, I knew that one of the first things I wanted to do was visit your memorial page. From all the loving reflections left about you, I can see that you were an amazing man and what a grievous loss your loved ones have endured because of your tragic death. You were so heartbreakingly young when you died in the line of duty...so excited about your new beginnings and moving into a new home. It seems so unfair.
May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire. You are so loved and so missed by so many.
Rest in Peace, Brian. A body is but for a lifetime, but spirits and souls are for eternity and yours is forever part of those who call you beloved.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Brian gave to his community and the citizens of Florida, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 24, 2004.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05
October 12, 2006
We all have our good days and not so good days. Today is one of those "not so good" days for me because I think about all the good times, good conversations and fun I had with you when you we in our lives, which makes me miss you. I Always looked forward spending a little time with you when ever I could... and I was never once disapointed in anything you did or said, but always proud of you, always admiring your drive to accomplish great things.... and you did!
When I was together with you, I don't ever remember leaving without laughing or at least smiling from ear to ear. Those days still brighted my day. I suspect it will continue to do the same my entire life, until we eventually meet up again.
The reason I am having a "not so good day" is because I deeply miss you with a heavy heart!!! I never had a son (had 2 daughters) but it didn't matter because you filled the void for me. Basically a quazi little brother/son. I always felt that the term "nephew" didn't do you any justice since you meant more to me than that. But then you were gone.....
I don't believe I was never more proud of you, or for that matter, anyone else, than at your funeral........
It's been a couple of years now, though sometimes it feels just like a couple of days ago. And what I am left with is the simple fact that I still miss you and I'm sure, always will.
Now I have a son..... He doesn't replace you..... You were special..... and he is special..... And my prayer is that he grows up to be just like you.
I haven't been fishing lately. Red tide.... Busy..... But I'm looking forward to my trip to the Glades next month. Looking forward to catchin up with you when I get down there. Talk to ya then.
Ted Haas
October 1, 2006
Hey Buddy,
Well it is almost time. Thanks to you and your wnoderful parents i am starting cross-over in January. I am so excited just like you were. I can still remember when you were at this point. I sure miss you. I would have given anything to have you back me up out there. But thats ok because i know that you are always watching over all of us.
D/S Joshua Woods
Hendry County S.O
September 30, 2006
Brian, Just wanted you to know that you are very much loved and sadly missed....We think of you often. Hard to believe all this time has past...You still touch so many lifes and alway will.
Aunt Trish
Aunt Trish
September 30, 2006