Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Montana
End of Watch Thursday, May 29, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Thomas Rutherford
This past week I saw a man that resembled you. I could not take my eyes off of him. Just the way he walked, stood, and moved all together made me think of you. I wished I could have just closed my eyes and when I opened them it would be you and not some stranger.
A lonely soul
December 21, 2004
Josh, Just to let you know that you will never be forgotten. In February the final chapter of your tramatic ordel will be finalized. I will pray that justice will be done and that you and your family will be happy with the sentence passed down.
I will be brining your aunt Melody to the sentencing and will be there with your family. Although I did not know you, I have become close to some of your family and will help them through this for you. You are a hero to all of us and your legacy will never be forgotten. May you rest in peace our fallen hero!
December 18, 2004
Missing you during the Holidays......I love you!
December 17, 2004
It is still hard to believe you are gone. Though we never really hung out in high school, I always liked and admired you. You were always a very kind and good person. When my mom called me with the news, I was shocked. I thought, "who could do this to Josh?" They say there is a plan for all of us and that you must have been taken for a reason, but it seems so senseless, I just can't imagine a reason good enough to take you. Be at peace.
Adam Ragsdale
friend from high school
December 16, 2004
Just thinking about you and missing everything we shared. You are always in my thoughts and my memories. I love you
December 16, 2004
I miss you so much. Yesterday some crazy person killed my Jim. I don't know how I will make it without you. Jim held me up when you left and now he's with you. I love you both, take care of Jim for me son.
December 9, 2004
Christmas is approaching and it will be another difficult holiday without you. If we made it past last Christmas without, I'm sure we can make it through this year too. Around the holiday's I reflect on the memories we shared in the past.....the look on your face when you opened your gifts will be imprinted in my mind for a lifetime. Also, we will always remember how much you loved to eat, stuffing yourself with all your favorite Christmas dishes.
New Year's Eve last year was very hard too. I didn't even last until midnight to bring in the new year. It way too sad to even think about you not starting the new year with us.
Happy Holiday's Josh!
December 9, 2004
I am sorry it has taken me so long to write anything here, I wasn't sure what to say to you. Though I only knew you for a short while my best memories of you were when you came up to your fathers house and we were all there. It was the first time that we met. I could see your father in you and instantly I knew that you like my brother were true warriors and honorable men. You see Josh your dad , my brother has always been my HERO and now you also hold that place in my heart. Being way down here in Texas it is hard for me to get to know your boys but I promise you that anything I can do for them I will. Though I know their Grandpa Mike will already have that covered. Josh, I know that you are watching over us all, so you know we all love and miss you and think about you often.
Uncle Gregg Rasor
Center Point Texas
Gregg Rasor (unk)
December 7, 2004
A a few days past a year and six months since your departure. My friend, the road has been long and trying without you, but as I now goes on. I guess I don't have to tell you how much it hurt me to relive all the memories of your death once the trial began. The details that came out of the witness statements often times were hard to hear, the statements making your death even more real. Not a day goes by that I do not think about you. To this day I love you so much! No one will ever replace the space I have for you in my heart. I only hope that one day I will find a friend/companion that was close to what you were to me. Your boy's growing every day, they resemble you so much. You were a wonderful father and they will carry your love with them throughout their lives. The example you have set for them as a father and friend will reflect in their love for others. Your mother Maxine is one strong and powerful woman. The road she has traveled in the past year and half probably seemed unbearable at the time, but she is still standing. You knew the love she had for you and I hope that comforts her during the difficult times.
Watch over all of us Officer Rutherford.
December 1, 2004
I miss you so much.
December 1, 2004
i am so happy that the trial is over. i admit that i became angry several times over the course of the trial, when the state had their expert witnesses saying the things they did about you and loren. i know the trial had to take its course and i had faith in god that justice would be done. i will be front and center when they pronounce sentence on that low life human being that took your life. i know that it won't bring you back, but this verdict has brought closure to a lot of us, and the sentencing phase will complete that. i think about you everyday. i miss you and just know that you are loved.
i am now dating a police officer for the city of laurel, and everyday he leaves for work, i let him know how much i love him and how much he means to me. i wish that i could have told you that more often. rest in peace my nephew.
melody stanley
josh's aunt
November 30, 2004
I am so happy for the way the trial ended. Your justice will soon be served. I am happy your family will have a chance to move on and no that you are resting in peace. I am sorry for the things that have happened throughout this whole waiting period for the trial. I no you are disapointed and mad about some of the things that have happened. People can cause so much trouble when they are hurting and angry. We must forgive my brother. I worry about these times in our journey here on earth. I pray Raberta will seek your wisdom and follow the path you would have her to and your two boys will never forget you and will be like you as adults. We no you taught them how to be warriors like you. Keep us all safe and watching over us. We miss you and need your guidence. Rest in peace my dear brother and friend.
A fellow warrior
November 16, 2004
November 16, 2004
My dear grandson,I have to say these things and I hope you will understand. I followed the trial every day in the papers and it made me so angry that the state was putting out so much money hiring those so called experts to defend a cannibalistic killer. Your father explained to me that they had to do that, because the law say's it has to be done. I was so very pleased that the jury found him guilty on both counts and found it right for the death penalty in the cause of your death. All of your family from here will be in Chinook in Feb. when the Judge pronounces the penalty. Maybe it is wrong for me to want the death penalty for him but you know in the Bible it say's, " an eye for an eye". He stole your life and left four young boys without a father. I think that makes it right.
Jen and the boys will be up here at your dad's for Thanksgiving so I will be able to see my Great Grandsons again. I am looking forward to that.
I will have closure when the Judge hands out the sentences. Until then my Grandson I will have that feeling of a heart that has been broken in half and won't mend. We will see.
Your Grandmother - Tatanka Ska Wiya - White Buffalo Woman- Ruby Rasor
November 15, 2004
Hello my friend, just want to say how pleased i am to hear that the trial is Finally Over!!! And you can finally rest in peace and your family has thier closure. We all miss you dearly, and there isn't a day that goes by that i don't think of you. Some days when i'm at work at Ezmart i just stare at that field where you died and it just makes me think of you, and i hope that it will all go away in time. I hope your mother is doing ok, my prayers are with her right now and with your son's. I know they will grow up and be like you!!! Thomas looks alot like you, and when i see him, i seem you i him.....which gives me comfort at times. Well, at least your with aunti Maxine, and she is watching over all of us, just as you are. well...i'm going to end my closure here, I love & Miss you!. Maxine, if you read this, know that i love you, and i will always think of you everyday and your in my prayers ok? We are all here for you!!! :)
Georgette Cole
November 10, 2004
I'm am writing to say, that i am very glad that the trial is finally over and that your family can have Closure. I'm glad that Justice finally got served and that, the person that has done this to you, will sit in prison and think of you everyday and every waking moment. But the pain will never go away for some no matter how long this person sits in prison, or whether he get's the death penalty. Because you were a great person and you meant so much to so many people in this town. I love you Josh, and will see again someday.
November 7, 2004
I miss you dearly, and i've been reading the papers on your trial and it just makes me angry, and sad. My Prayers are with your family, mostly your Mom & Kids. I hope after all is done, somebody get's justice for what they have done. I know that i have never told you that i loved you, but i meant it everyday, and how i wished i would of told you how i felt about you, even though we spend every-other day together. I miss you and i'm still in shock about all this, and i just wished that you would of stayed home or something.......I'm angry because you had to respond to a domestic call....and now because of that person and you getting called out.......this is the result. help people, that was your job. And I am so very sorry what happend and how it happend. I wish that when i seen you the night before that fatal night, that i just gave you a big hug and told you that i loved you, and i just wish i could do that now and i wish you were still here, and seeing you in the morning with your Chocolate Milk and your Breakfast Burrito from EzMart, i remember you used to get that all the time!. and everytime i see a Dr.Pepper Pop, i think of you. well, i hope this pain goes away in time. I just want you to come back.
Love Always, one of ur good friends
October 29, 2004
Watch over me and give me strength. I need your love and guidance more than ever. Its so hard without you. I pray for your mother and your sons during this trial. I pray that justice will be served.
October 18, 2004
Wa-Hey My Nephew "Raven Chief" I thought about you and and my relatives today as I heard that the trial is starting today. I prayed to you this morning in my daily smudge and blessing to ask the Creator and Grandfather Spirits to give Courage and Strength to your Mother and all family members as they go through this very painful ordeal. I know that you send your deep courage and strength with the Eagle Spirit to be with your Mother and all family members through this trial. Most of all, I prayed that they can leave their grief and hatred for that person there and return to a good happy life. I know that you want the best for your family and you want your mother and your sons to be happy and having grief and hatred in your heart does not allow you to be completely happy and live life to the fullest. Touch and Comfort your Mother in only the way that have done with her since you have went to the Spirit World. You were and always will be her Strength and Guide in this world and she needs it now more than ever. I was sick myself all Spring and missed your memorial feed and give-away but I heard it was very well done. I knew your mother would do a good job as she always has done with everything. Thank You for helping me to heal as I called upon you and all my relatives on that side to help me heal and return to a good way of life. Anyway, thinking about you and remembering your good life and strong ways and knowing that you will be there for your Mother and all family members on this side as you left us with that legacy - A Warrior who dedicated his life to helping others and being a positive shining example to our people to follow. "Aut Nah Huh Ban" I'll see you again sometime, My Nephew. Peace and Harmony to you and all our relatives on that side as we know that you wish and work for the same for us on this side.
Your Uncle "E Gibe Nah Nake"
(Rides High)
October 12, 2004
Hello Josh,
just thought i would drop a line to tell you that i do miss you still, Your niece is just cute, she thinks that i liked you in some other way. You were a great friend, and your mother is still my great friend to me. I hope that Aunti Maxine is doing well with you, I do miss her Tremendously and i am so very thankful that i had her in my life from the time i was a little girl to i was about 8-10 yrs old. She always looked out for me and my mother, and when i see her again someday, i'm going to give her a very big Hug! as well as You!. I feels so empty without you around, i'm used to seeing you driving around and what not. I hope your mother is doing better, and i pray for her and your family alot. well, my friend, i'm going to end my little letter here ok? I will never forget you, and i miss you now, and i'll miss you forever!
October 8, 2004
uncle josh,
Georgette mush really like you im just messing around
Love your
girl Raelynn
raelynn Rider
October 6, 2004
Uncle Josh,
I miss you a lot.wish you could be here.
Love your
Girl Raelynn
Raelynn Rider
October 6, 2004
I love you and miss you
October 6, 2004
Where do I start? I have not spoken to you in along time...too long. The last time I saw you you were standing against the wall in the Harlem Gym during the 2003 Harlem High School Graduation. You had on a plaid short sleve shirt and khaki trunks and running shoes. I wanted to go over to you and ask, "How you doing?" I wished that we never had gotten into that fight. Most of all I wished I would have made up with you. You were one of my best friends as well as a brother. I truely believe that things happen for a reason because that is how God wants it. I remember the first time I met you with Tonka. He brought you over to my house on Seasame Street. We hit it off right away. I have so many great memories with you, many great and a little bad depending on who's persepective you are look We grew from boys to men. We played football and other sports together. We chased girls together and did some crazy things together for no other reason than to be doing them. We were there for each other when either one of us had trouble. I do miss you and I pray for you and your family. I did not attend your funeral nor did I attend your memorial feed this past May. It was not because I didn't want to. I have no answers for this maybe it's because I did not know how to react. I tried to find where you were laid to rest but I could not find it when I went to Pony Hill. When I heard what had happened to you I was so mad and in shock. I was thinking about you today so I put your name into a google search and it brought this site up. Strange how things happen that way but I belive that God guides you even when you don't expect it. I just wanted to say that I pray for you and your family and that I think about the good times that we shared. Take Care one of your best friends and brother Thomas Champagne
Thomas Champagne
October 5, 2004
Son, I miss you
September 27, 2004