Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Montana
End of Watch Thursday, May 29, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Thomas Rutherford
Just wanted to say happy fathers day friend. You were always a great father to your children and treated my children the same. I miss and love you man.
Officer J. Glantz
June 18, 2006
Hi Josh, you crossed my mind today, so I thought I would stop by this site just to tell you. It was the wierdest thing, I was sitting at a stop light looking at the vehicles in the turning lane across the intersection. All of their blinkers were on, and I immediately thought of ALL of the police units lined up with their lights on, on the way to your burial. It was such an awesome sight that all of these modern day warriors, (according to Webb) gathered together for you. I'm sure you seen it and appreciated it. I was glad to be a part of that. We were friends, not real close friends, but friends just the same, and sometimes I miss you, I can hardly imagine how your family feels. Pray for strength for them and watch over your precious boys.
June 16, 2006
I love you baby
June 13, 2006
i know that the anniversary of your loved one has come and i want you to know that he will never be forgotten.may god bless the family in these hard a parent my heart breaks for the family .it meant alot to me to get a reflection about my brother deputy joseph dennis who also died in the line of duty.i just wanted to let you know that i will allways keep praying for your family.god bless
mike dennis
June 4, 2006
I can't believe that 3 years have passed by since you were taken from us. We miss you so much. I have a picture of you in my hall, and I talk to you everyday. Believe it or not, but that does help a lot. I so wish that I could have gotten to know you better. I know that one day we will meet again, and we can catch up. Continue to watch over us on earth. You are one of Gods angels now.
Melody Zuhoski
aunt of Deputy Joshua T. Rutherford
June 2, 2006
I knew josh as a freind and a former police officer of blaine county he should have not been killed it was very tragic moments for Thomas and Teeg Ruther ***** Remember josh rutherford 5/29/03*****
June 1, 2006
It's been three years today that you were taken from us. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of by many people. Keep protecting the heavens and watching over your fellow Officers and Family. You will Never Be Forgotten.
Lieutenant Brien Gault
Glasgow Police Department
May 29, 2006
I am watching all the Memorial Day activities on the television, but can only reflect on the actual day today. It has been 3 years ago today. Today not only we remember all military who have fallen but we are now remembering you who was felled all too soon. It should have never happened and we still miss you even after 3 years. We think of you always and miss you, not just today on Memorial Day, but always. Rest in Peace Nephew!
May 29, 2006
Hey Bud, Well it's been three years. I think of you all the time. Working tonight was hard, but I had family with me for a while and that was helpfull. I sure do miss ya. I like to come to this sight just to see your smile. Thanks for watching my back out there, I can feel when your near. God Bless your family and I will see again someday.
Joe Renders
Richland County
May 29, 2006
It has been three very long years without you for all of your loved ones, though I am sure they remember every detail of May, 29, 2003, as if it were yesterday. I think of your family often.
Norie Haas
Mother of Brian A. Haas
E.O.W. 4/24/04
Norie Haas
May 28, 2006
Hey buddy. I had the most wonderfull dream last night, and it woke me up with such joy. But it was only momentary before I came back to reality. We were best friends again and we were playing cat and mouse like usual. ( we were undefeated still of course )Remember when you tried to chase me through the basketball court at the elementary school but your intrepid wouldnt fit and you accidentally dented the side. We told Glen that someone must have hit your patrol car at EZ Mart and driven off. We laughed for days. It seemed so real. Then we would rent the South Park episodes and sit at my house because it was icy cold. You insisted on eating those nasty vienna sausages and preceeded to fumigate my house. I swear it was just like how it really happened. All the training classes we took and all the gentlemans clubs we would go to after. That really buff chic dancer nearly broke my neck during the massage and you kept laughing at me until she got a hold of you. That dream really lifted my spirits especially with all the stuff ive been dealing with as you know. I tried to go back to sleep and to the dream but I just couldnt. So if you have a part in that please feel free to visit as often as you can in my dreams. I love you man. later.
Officer J Glantz
May 19, 2006
Well its the third Mothers Day without you telling me Happy Mothers Day. I am not as sad this time. I know you are in the great camp in the sky surrounded by your family and many police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.
This is the start of Police Week. A lot of moms are going by your name and stopping a momement to rub your name on the wall and tell you that you are still loved and will always be remembered.
I know that you know that I have made the decision to move back to Montana to make your house a home again. I am so relieved now that I have made the decision. I will finish painting your garage and plant flowers. I will do projects slowly and with love.
It was really bothering that I could not be on your spot on your third eow date. Tammy will be done to move me home on the 26th so yes I will be standing in your field at the same time you left. Not being at Pony Hill with you on Memorial day was really a weight on my heart. But now I can be there to put your bronco flags up.
My son I wil always carry you in my heart. So I will end this by telling you I am one day closer to you. Give my love to all to close to you.
Love, Mom
May 14, 2006
Mike and I are getting ready to head to Great Falls. We will be there tomorrow for the Law Enforcement Memorial. I can't believe another year has passed. They say that time heals all wounds, but this wound still hurts. The only comfort I have is knowing that you are now with God, watching over us. I miss you and think of you everyday. We have a picture of you hanging in our new home, and I walk by it everday and say hi, that somehow makes me feel a little bit better. I love you my nephew.
Melody Zuhoski
aunt of Deputy Joshua T. Rutherford
May 14, 2006
Josh you probally don't know this but Renda was probally gonna marry you some day. I wish you were here Joshua....
Freind age 10
April 28, 2006
Josh I make you this one promise tomorrow when that call comes in I will remember you........... Remember Joshua Thomas Rutherford thursday may 29/03 remember 246
Tanner Gomke
Freind Age 10
April 28, 2006
Josh Rutherford should not have been killed though he was not wearing his bullet proof vest he was still off duty which means he should have not have responded that means he should have been alive today and Janis would have still on the force.......... Remember Josh Rutherford 24-6 Blaine county Deputy
Tanner Gomke
Freind age 10
April 28, 2006
well Joshman we are going on three years next month. Time sure flies. Just wanted to pop in a couple of lines to let you know you are in my heart every day. I spoke w/ your mom a couple of days ago and she sounds well but if you can give her a little nudge now and again to let her know that you are looking over her, it would do my heart good. Everyone at the SO is doing good and we still have plenty of laughs when we chat about your version of the book of life...
miss you
April 27, 2006
Don't think of them as gone away,
their journey has just begun.
Life holds so many facets,
this Earth is only one.
Just think of them as resting,
from the sorrows and the tears,
in a place of warmth and comfort,
where there are no days or years.
Think of how they must be wishing,
that we could know today,
how nothing but our sadness can really pass away.
And think of them as living in the hearts of those they touched,
for nothing loved is ever lost,
and they were loved so much.
April 25, 2006
I couldn't sleep tonight so I got online. I think of you often even though I only knew while at the Academy together. I remembered you always smiling and being so excited to learn everything there was to learn about law enforcement. I was only around you for those 12 short weeks, but you touched my life. You will never be forgotten and you will always be a hero. May you smile down on us and protects until one day we join you in heaven.
Shawna Newby
Former Patrolman Miles City PD
April 21, 2006
Just wanted to wish you a happy Easter Joshman. Miss you
April 17, 2006
Jackson 2nd and last motion for a new trial was denied. Now it rests with the Montana Supreme Court. He is getting what he deserves, now if we could have you back for just a minute.
April 6, 2006
Josh, I attended the funeral of a Border Patrol hero and made me think of you. Your aunt and I think of you always and you will always be a hero even to those who never met you. I will be in Great Falls on May 15th for the opening of the new Memorial and will have you there with me God Be with you HERO
Sgt. Mike Zuhoski
Laurel Police Department
March 27, 2006
Hey buddy. You were my best friend and you touched my life forever. I am a better person because you were part of my life. I miss you so much man its not even cool. I dont show it much but its been really building up. May 29 is so hard and its coming up again. I know you dont want me to be upset or worry about you but how can I not be? I never was able to say goodbye I didnt come over to your house when you told me to. I never would of thought that it would be the last time I would ever speak to you. I would fill you in on what I have been doing but I know you have been by my side watching over me so you know what I been up to. Thanks for always being there on scary calls when I was all alone and when I called for you to get my back. I know you will never let me down. Love you man.
Cory Shelhamer
March 25, 2006
Josh, you will never be forgotten by your large and loving family. Please keep watch over them.
March 24, 2006
In two and a half more month's it will be three years since your departure. The absence of you in my life is still difficult to deal with. It feels like just yesterday that I was visiting and laughing with you. In the past two and a half years I have had some difficult losses, but I find comfort in my heart knowing that you are on the other side to greet them. It was you that showed me that even though we experience such great pain and longing, life moves forward and eventually we can join the rest of the world and experience joy and happiness again. I love you!
March 15, 2006