Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Montana
End of Watch Thursday, May 29, 2003
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Thomas Rutherford
Today Matthew is seven. I remember how happy we were when he was born so big and beutiful. I pray that you are watching over him on this day and always. I thank you for my grandsons. I am so grateful that your youngest son carries my fathers name. I appreciate that. To know that you had honered your granddad in such a way is a blessing for me.
Although, when you left, I reacted horribly to your death and was evil to Jennifer. Therefore I have not had any contact with them. I pray that they know they are so loved by your family. I hope that time will heal some of the wounds and we will be able to see them.
The first year I ran on shock, the second year was getting justice for you, the third had been about reality. I am now beginning to understand that you are really gone. To lose a child is such an unimaginable horror and the grief is so profound. There are days I feel that my heart has been ripped from my body. So I will end this by saying I am one day closer to you. You know how much I love you.
March 4, 2006
I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Our son is in High School now and I have a hard time accepting it. He has girls calling, he has them messaging him on the computer and approaching him at his basketball games. He is so much like you Josh. He is funny, smart, outgoing, conceited, well liked by others and he is one awesome basketball player! He loves to watch basketball, play basketball and he know all there is to know about college ball and NBA Ball. He is a HUGE fan of Duke. He is a replica of you Josh. It is amazing how much he is like you. Even on the basketball court, people say that Thomas looks like you on the floor. Your style, your technique. He has stepped up for his Coyotes this season. Clay is a senior now. He stands at 6'5 so he makes Thomas look short. Clay is an excellent ball player too. When I went to thank Clay for playing awesome and getting his team to the divisional tournament do you know what he told me Josh, he said he wanted to thank me for Thomas. Clay said that Thomas stepped up for him this basketball season and that Thomas helped them succeed to divisionals. That comment will never leave my memory. We may have had Thomas at a young age and we made alot of people mad for not being more responsible, but I never regreted our son. Now that you are no longer with us on earth, he is proof that you existed and that you were an awesome person and dad. Watch over our son Josh. He is a growing up on us so fast and there are days that are challening for both of us. Thank you for instilling all you did into him before you had to leave. His ego is just as large as yours was. That is you living through him.
I miss you everyday and think of you everyday. Take care of your boys all you can from where you are. And try to help Teague lay off the stubborness for a little while. I guess you had to give that quality away too and Teague is definiately living that part of you!
Until we meet again on the other side, watch over us! We love you Josh.
March 2, 2006
Well........I have to say i haven't been on here in awhile!, but i think of Josh everyday, and i do truly miss him, and i think of his family, and pray for them, we will see josh again someday. i know he is watching over his sons and his family, i'm not sure what it is like in that big place up there, or if our loved ones could even watch over us. I Miss Josh, and how i wish he was still here, he always had so much pride in his job and for his kids, and was always there for someone, if they needed advice etc. he was the most Unique person i knew, and that i had pleasure ever knowing, and i'm thankful i got to know him, and his grandmother "maxine" i miss her dearly, and i hope to see her again in due time. I love You Josh, and i miss you and love you.
February 28, 2006
Losing you changed a lot of lifes. People change, People are still in pain. And we still dearly miss you. But knowing you are where you are and still can protect us, makes it a little bearable.
You were such a great father. I left Montana in Sept. 2004. I flew back home to attend the Dodson Coyotes district Basketball tournments in Glasgow, MT on February 8th - 11th, 2006. Thomas Michael Rutherford was awesome. He is now 6ft 2in (of course he is my #1 grandson) I just couldn't get over the fact that he is a High School Freshmen. He is a starter for the team. It brough tears to my eyes everytime I heard his name announced. The tournments were available on the Internet. They said there was over a 1000 people signed in. I could tell he was nervous, this being his first tournment. Josh if you could of watched your son play ball. I know there probably wouldn't of been a door that would accomonidate your head. It would of been swollen with Pride.
Of course I have to include Joshua Teague who was full of business and mischief was watching his big brother. He's probaly gonna want to have better moves than his brother. He is just a handsome little guy. His looks will get him where he is going alone.
They miss you dearly. Josh you instilled so much LOVE in these boys. They are like looking at a mirror image of your gestures, laughter, the greatest abilty to Tease, and great manners and of course your great Looks. You were such a great father and friend to them. They hung on to every word of advise you had for them. They are living in Dodson now. I told Thomas he was the boss of my house there. And Boss he is. Both Thomas Michael and Joshua Teague love school in Dodson. And they love being part of the Dodson Coyotes.
Your first mother-in-law
Rebecca Clark-Grandmother of Josh's sons
February 27, 2006
Well three years is coming up very quickly. I have been reading over the reflections that all so many people have written and how each of their's displays what a great officer, family member, and friend you were. I go back to Class #107, remembering all the great officers that were that class and to see today where all of them have made it today. I remember study groups that ended up in football games in the dayrooms, the wrestling matches and all the other great memories that I have left. After you were taken from us, I had to stop and re-evaluate what was and is important in my life. Life is sometimes very short and needing to be taken advantange of. Josh, I think about you and your family everyday and everycall. I appreciate all that you did and pray for your families health and safety. Thank you for all you gave. I will see you again, just not today. Your friend.
SGT. Wynn Meehan
Broadwater County Sheriff's Office
February 21, 2006
Well three years is coming up very quickly. I have been reading over the reflections that all so many people have written and how each of their's displays what a great officer, family member, and friend you were. I go back to Class #107, remembering all the great officers that were that class and to see today where all of them have made it today. I remember study groups that ended up in football games in the dayrooms, the wrestling matches and all the other great memories that I have left. After you were taken from us, I had to stop and re-evaluate what was and is important in my life. Life is sometimes very short and needing to be taken advantange of. Josh, I think about you and your family everyday and everycall. I appreciate all that you did and pray for your families health and safety. Thank you for all you gave. I will see you again, just not today. Your friend.
SGT. Wynn Meehan
Broadwater County Sheriff's Office
February 21, 2006
I miss and love you so much. I can't believe that its almost been three years.
February 20, 2006
Happy Valentine's day Joshman
February 14, 2006
Hi Josh,
We never had the chance to meet and honestly I never new much about you. It's unfortunate that I get to learn about you from this terrible thing. I feel that even though we never had the chance to meet that I know what a good person you were from all our family. Just because you are gone does not mean you are no longer my cousin. I feel for your sons but am glad they had what time they did get with you. With a family like ours they will never have a chance to forget you. If you were anything like your dad, my uncle Mike, you were outstanding in my eyes. I am glad the sentencing and trial are over. Listening to family talk about how hard it was for every one broke my heart. I only hope that I can make as big of an impact in life as you have. One day I pray we get the chance to meet on the other side. Take care Josh.
February 13, 2006
Well it's been almost three years, and yet I still feel like it was yesterday. I see your face everyday and when I go to work, I know you are there with me. I miss you and wish we could have worked more together.
I didn't relaize this site was here, it is helpful to read the other reflections. I will read it more often. I will see you again, An original "Webb Warrior".
Deputy Joe Renders
Richland County
January 24, 2006
Well hello Josh.....I have visited this site a few times before, but was not really quite sure what to say. Everything is done, and justice has been served. I know this tragedy has to be tremendously hard on your family, but they are very strong, I think their love for you is their driving force. I admire them for that. Your son Thomas, he is an exceptional young man, when he stood to give your eulogy, I don't think there was a dry eye in the gym. It was heartbreaking, yet almost inspiring to know how greatly you had impacted his life. It was very evident you were a wonderful father, your sons are very blessed to have you as their father.
Sometimes I sit and think about that fateful night, I was working too and looking for the same person. Like you I was alone too, with my only backup on the south end of the reservation. There was a something strange in the air and I didn't feel good about responding to this particular call but officers take an oath. When I was told of your passing, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to break down and cry, yet I was shocked beyond belief. My emotions ranged from fear to sadness to anger that night. But I had to be professional and do my job, and as I got back into my patrol unit after hearing the tragic news, I thought of you. I have thought of you often since.
As a fellow officer, and being a student in a your DT class I admired you. We even had a few classes in high school together, I used to call you a "Brainiac", and you'd say, "yeah, so?!" You were always able to make me laugh. I recall being at the Academy and when you and Guderjahn showed up to do the Defensive Tactics course I was really relieved and also quite happy to see someone from home. I recall visiting with you at various times and it was always obvious just how much you loved your sons. We were always able to joke around, you were fun to be around. One thing that always makes me laugh when I think about you it is when we did the training at the Fish & Game building. You and your fellow deputies were all decked out in brown BDU's, and I told you that you guys looked like UPS men, and you said that was all part of the operation! Then you put your hat on backward and had to demonstrate. We all had a good chuckle that time.
You were a great officer and worthy of much respect. I'm glad I knew you.
With Respect to Your and Your Family
fellow officer and student
Avis M. Werk
former officer of Ft. Belknap Law Enforcement
January 13, 2006
Happy New Years Josh
January 10, 2006
Happy New Year
January 1, 2006
hey josh
merry christmas and a happy new year
watch over us please
I miss you more and more everyday
I love you
your sister jody
December 27, 2005
Merry Christmas Josh, you are so missed today and everyday.
Kerri Flitcroft, aunt of Josh
December 25, 2005
Well, its the third Christmas without you and reality is starting to sink in. You have really left to be with the grandfathers and I have to wait until I am called home to see your face again.
The sentencing was not difficult to sit through because I knew that no matter what bs his attornies threw into the air that he would never see another free day. I was amazed that he cried when Teague and Tammy spoke. I know that my body was emating anger. That is as close as I have ever been to him. He would not meet my eyes. I feel that I didn't say all that I wanted. If it is possible to hate this intensely than I put Bob Peterson and Shea in the same category as Jackson. He's family was there for probably the first time in his life to talk about the devastation that they would feel if he was put to death. What about the pain we feel. Well my precious baby son, I miss you more today but I am one day closed to you.
I know that you met Wil when he got there to be with you. Talk about a shocking event. I pray that you would touch Marilyn to let her know that Wil is with you.
I know that you are at the most beautiful birthday for Jesus.
I will always love and miss you
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas Joshman
December 25, 2005
December 16, 2005
Josh, Mike and I got back from Chinook last night, after 5 long days of listening to the defense try to get the court to spare your life. It is not over yet. This sentencing hearing will probably go on until Wednesday of next week. We will not be able to be there, when the judge actually passes sentence. Going into this, I would have been happy with either sentence. But, after watching him smile and wave at his family, I want him to be sentenced to death. He has no remorse for what he has done, and neither does his family. They got to tell the court how they would feel if you were put to death, and we did not. They tried to paint a picture of an abused child and one that suffers from a fetal alcohol disorder of some sort. I don't believe that for one minute. He knew then and he knows now what he did that night. He does not deserve to live.
Your mom and Tammy did such a great job on their impact statements. They are both great people. I got to know them a little better during this time, and I am really glad that I did. Josh, I am so very angry that I did not have a chance to get to know you better. That coward, Laurence D. Jackson Jr. took that chance away from me, and for that I cannot and will not be forgiving. I miss you a lot. I felt you in the courtroom with us, watching over all of us. Hang on for a few more days and this will finally be over. Carlo and Yvonne have done an excellent job during this ordeal. Mike and I are going to get a special ornament for our christmas tree this year for you. We will put it on our tree every year from now on. Happy holidays, my nephew.
Melody Zuhoski
Aunt of Deputy Joshua T. Rutherford
December 3, 2005
Well Josh, today the sentencing is in its 4th day and I am so sorry that I cannot be there. All your other family is there in support of you though. Your dad, sisters, brothers, Mom, and aunts and Uncles. I get emails and phone calls from them all updating everything and I think about you all the time, everyday and when I read the paper on what is happening with it or hear something from somebody, I get upset all over again. I am sorry and I know one should forgive and forget, but this is not ever going to happen here. I get ticked off when I see that your son gets on the stand and tells everyone that he misses you and wants you back and then someone offers your killer a tissue? I dont think so. Let him look your sons in their eyes and let him tell them why he did this to them. Will he do that? NO! So I cannot forgive and forget.
I will always keep you in thoughts and prayers along with all those left behind.
Love ya,
Aunt Kerri
Kerri Flitcroft, aunt of Josh
December 1, 2005
My Grandson,
Well today is finally the day of the sentencing and I can't be there. I had heart surgery last Wednesday in Billings and I'm supposed to take it easy for awhile. I did so want to be there when the death sentence is given. If not that, then 100 years in prison without the chance of parole. That man should never again be free to walk the streets a free man! The Bible said, An eye for an eye, but that was Mosaic law and went out with the birth of Jesus Christ, so we can't go with that anymore, much as we would like to. Your dad will be there and I think Lewis and Angela also. So will Loren. I'm sorry I can't be there, but my thoughts will be there with you.
Tatanka Ska Winya - White Buffalo Woman
Your Grandmother- Ruby Rasor
Ruby Rasor Grandmother
November 28, 2005
Hi Joshman...well only a few more days to go. There is so many from here planning on being there for you. I am looking forward to seeing your mom while she is here. I miss you alot
November 25, 2005
hey baby brother,
i miss you very much..
watch over mom please...
love your sister
November 19, 2005
Well yesterday, the request for a new trial was turned down. His reason for a request was Yvonne's closing arguments. I think that we will now move onto the penalty phase. You knew what my feelings are on that.
If only I could see your smile once more. I chipped off part of your headstone and put it in your memory box that I am making for your sons. I knew you were suprized when I found the certificates for participating in sports at Wheat Ridge sports. That little gray ribbon that you won at Edgewater. I am so glad that I saved them.
I will be leaving Denver on the 26th and I am flying to Great Falls which I know amuses you to no end because I was so scared to fly. I can almost hear you telling me that it will be okay. Even when the plane flew around Denver for two hours.
Well my baby son, I love and miss you. Every day that passes is one day closer to you. Christmas is so hard because I had such fun shopping for you, your sisters and my grandchildren. I was always on the look out for the perfect gift. I will leave FB on the 18th. I am looking forward to sitting with you out at Pony Hill. I bought a special gift for you and I will leave it for you.
Tell your grandparents, Wilma, & Peewee that I miss them. And please take care of Jim for me. Its been almost a year since he joined you. I miss both of you so much.
November 19, 2005
I miss you
November 18, 2005