Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Joshua Thomas Rutherford

Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Montana

End of Watch Thursday, May 29, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Thomas Rutherford


Another delay in LJ's omnibus hearing. The judge had an illness in the family so the hearing is postponed untill the 22nd of this month. I told Yvonne to take her time and do the job right so he has no possibility of appeal. So no trial date or time but I know that you have this under control. We will get Justice. I miss you.



December 9, 2003

Josh, I did not know you. I moved to Helena a few days before your death from Ohio after my husband, a fellow deputy, was murdered. I recall very vividly where I was when I heard the tragic news of your death. Know that you, your family, friends, and co-workers have all been in my thoughts and prayers the last few months. I too will return to DC next year to honor you and the others. It is my hope to seek out your mother, family, and fellow survivors here in Montana and help them in any way that I can. Thank you Josh for your service. Your memory lives on in the spirit and mind of others.......just as my husband's does. Your death was not in vain. I will pray to give your family and friends the continued strength they need.

Jennifer Tanner-Wife
Dep. Robert Tanner EOW 1/08/02

December 5, 2003

Josh, you were a friend and a fellow brother of the brown. I miss you and think of you always. We were D.T. Instructors together at the Montana Law Enforcement Academy, it is never the same whenever I go to instruct without you being there by mine and the other Instructor's side. All of us miss your jokes, smile and laugh. Josh because of the training that we have done together I feel I am a better Officer for it. May your sons be like you in all things and all they do in their lives. I feel that everybody who knew you and loved you are that much better for having this short time on Earth to be with you. May God and the Angels gaurd and protect you and yours. 24-6 from 11-4

Deputy Alan L. Guderjahn
Phillips County Sheriff's Office

November 27, 2003


I cannot believe it has been 6 months going on 7 pretty soon, since you have been gone. It seems empty in Harlem without seeing your smile and your face around. Roberta seems to be getting better, as she is a strong woman as well as your sons, whom i know miss you more everyday of thier lives, and they are all being strong, especially with the holidays coming up. I am glad to know that they are giving your mother maxine comfort as much as they can. Your mother is such a strong person and she is the bravest woman i know, and i can't even to begine to imagine how hard it is to be without you in her life. But she keeps you alive inside of her and i know she will forever miss and love you, as well as the rest of us. I see your little buddy is being a cop now huh? Corey S! Alot of people call him "KINDERGARDEN COP" which really fits his desription, cause of how young he is. he tries to be like you too much but, he might make a good cop, but not as good as you. "Kidding". I have alot of respect for police officers, as they lay thier life down to protect their community, just as you did. but I am so sad that it had to end the way it did, and i hope that bastard get's what he deserves for destroying the lives of your family, especially your precious sons. You were thier world and they loved you more than anything imaginable. I think Thomas is going to be like you, He looks just like you! it's like seeing you again, and it gives me comfort. when you see grandma maxine bigby, tell her Hello for me and that we all miss her dearly,.........she used to babysitte me when i was little and always got grounded from her! she would have her fly swatter ready and what not, and she would always say......ISH, Ish, But i just wanted to say, that your family is being thought of everyday, and our prayers will continue to be with them. I love you very much, and It was a Honor knowing you in that short time. I wished that i could of spent more time with you, but just knowing you was good enough for me, cause i always thought very highly of you, disregard what other people said about you. People talk like you were this horrible person and what not, but i seen you in a different way, you were just a police officer doing your job. and if people can't understand that, then there is something seriously wrong with I mean, it's not like you arrest them or pull them over for no reason, obviously they broke the law, and they have to owe up thier responsibilty right?. well Officer Rutherford, I want to tell you "Happy Thanksgiving". It's not happy cause your not here, but i wanted to tell you that, as if you were still here, and you are......In My Heart! Love Ya!........Laterz.

Tonya C.

November 27, 2003

Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9.
My prayers to the family and friends of Officer Rutherford.

Coretta Benson
Anchorage, Alaska

November 16, 2003

Hi Josh, I am writing to let you know I have met your Mom, I met her at COPS Parent Retreat. I also lost my son this year, and I can tell you it took a lot of courage for her to go to that retreat. I am so glad she did, because we became friends there. Josh, I watched your mom climb the rope tower and she was awesome, she did it for you, I know you were her strength. We have been keeping in touch and I have come to love her so much, we have paid a huge price for friendship, I think it will last forever. I hate that we had to lose our sons to be friends, but I know God has a plan and it is a good one. I want to thank you Josh for being the Man you were and Father and Police Officer, and for being such a kind and loving Son to your Mother, You will always be remembered for the kind person and helpful servant that you were. Somehow, I have a feeling that all you officers have already met and are leading us parents to each other. It seems liked I have known your Mom forever, Probably our Sons Spirits mingling with us. O.K. Blue Angel stay 10/8 and remember I will always love you (Iwalu)

Pat Carruth
Mother of Officer Jeremy

November 14, 2003

My Son,

Its been five long months. I miss you so much, your smile as well as your laugh. I never thoght you would leave first as you were the one that I counted on to take care of me, even though I knew you planned on a nursing home for me. Hah, you would of had to catch me first. Me and Jill would of been perched at Lucky Lil with her motorized wheel chair with the side car.

Thomas broke his thumb playing basketball. They finally won a game. Teague is so lost without you and angry. I under stand the anger though because I would love to rip LJ's heart out. He didn't realize that he was ripping the heart out of our family when he shot you. My son I miss you much but I will continue to go on because I know thats what you want. There are days that I smile because of a memory of your childhood or the way you looked the day Thomas was born. Then there or days that I can't just stant the unjustness of your death. Those are the days that I cry into my ice cream.

I met a lot of parents of slain police officers and I know that you have probably talked to them by now. I will go to DC in May for National Police Week. Yes me flying. I'm not scared as the worst that life could deal me has been done. So flyin
is nothing now.

I love you so much but you alway knew that.


October 31, 2003

Five months has passed my friend and I find your presence around me as if you were still right next to me. Sometimes I can feel you embrace me, as if you were trying to tell me that everything will be alright. I'm sure you are aware how often the thought of you crosses my mind.

I have begun to laugh more in the passing days, knowing that you would not want me to continue my life in sadness. I don't deny that days such as today are difficult and there will always be the sadness. But I can't help but think of all the fun times we had together and the times you made me laugh.

Thank you for including me in your life here on earth. It is I who am truly blessed to have shared a part of your life. I know your journey home was one with out fail.

Take care, Ranger Rutherford:)


October 29, 2003

josh, i still cannot believe that you are gone. i am so grateful that i got to know you. i think about you every single day and i hope you know how proud i am of you. i know that one day we will see each other again. somehow that makes things a little easier. i am back in montana now, and that also helps me feel closer to you. i know you are looking down on your family and friends protecting us from your new watch. thank you josh.....

melody stanley
josh's aunt

October 16, 2003

Hi Josh - I met your mom a couple of weeks ago at a retreat for moms and dads who have lost their sons and daughters in the line of duty. Your mom is an amazing person and she loves you so much and she is so proud of you. You would have been so proud of her as she climbed that rope tower - it was quite an accomplishment. We cheered her on because we all knew why she was doing it. The grief and agony of losing a child is the worst pain a parent can endure and sometimes we have to do some things that we think we can't just to give us the confidence that we can make it through another day and night without our child. Your mom is in the good company of thousands of other parents who will take care of her until she meets you again. Rest in peace, Josh. I know you were a good man and a very dedicated officer.

Jean Hill
Mom- Deputy Barry Hill EOW 12/4/00

October 16, 2003

Josh rest in poace my friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Sgt. tom Hamilton
Montana Highway Patrol

October 14, 2003


My son you left so fast that I wasn't able to hold you and tell you goodbye. I'm so sorry that I didn't go home for Memorial Day but glad that I went home when Poncho left. I have those hours with you to hold in my heart. You looked so happy. You made me laugh when you told me that Thomas would be your personal representative at Poncho's funeral. I didn't realize that you meant that Tlhomas would represent you for life. You would of been so proud of Thomas. He was so courageous, confident and loving when he did your eulogy. I know that your lpve gave him the boost he needed to be able to talk in front of all those people.

We spoke often about the negative remarks that people made to you while you were here. The whold town tuned out to bid you goodbye. People were lined up at the Quik Stop and the college. It was definately something to see. It is so hard to say goodbye as I know that you will be in my heart forever. You were the light of my life and now you are my angel.
They are days that I can walk with grace and dignity because of the person you were. There are also those days that your sister, sons, and friends have to support me because I am overwhelmed with thought that I will never see your smile again.

I went to a retreat to past weekend for the parents of police officers killed in the line of duty. There were psychiatrists there and they had a field day with me. Seriously it was nice to be able to talk to others that are in this walk of grief. Nice group but very high membership requirements. I know you were laughing when you saw me go up that cargo net. Thanks for the boost I couldn't of made it that last yard without you. My potty mouth kicked into gear when I went down that zip lip. I told everyone that I did it for you. I will do everything possible to get this grief work done so you could be happy with your grandma.

Well my dearest son, I won't say goodbye but I'll see you. I will do my best for sons.

Love Mom


October 12, 2003


It has now been 3 months since you have left us, and there isn't a day that goes by that you don't cross my mind. It has been hard getting used to, you not being around at the FootBall games and what not. Everytime i see one of the Blaine County sheriff's in uniform, You pop in my head right away, and How i wish you were still one of those deputies-walking around and making sure our town is safe and just doing your job. I respect the Blaine county officer's, but there will never be an officer like you! I was reading in the paper how your partner recieved a bullet proof vest, and i just wished you would of wore yours on that fatal night......but you were just passionate about your job and you gave your life doing what you love most, and i respect you for that. And i also know that your son Thomas is so proud of you! and that he had the best dad any kid could ever have, I have alot of respect for Thomas, on how brave he was when he had to see his dad for the last time, he handled it so well and was just the strongest boy you could ever see!.........well, i love and miss you, i will see you again someday!

Love Always,
Your freind

a Friend

September 20, 2003

It is now three months since you have been laid to rest. The hurt of your departure feels like it was just yesterday. At times it feels like the hours/days/weeks drag on endlessly. People say that time will heal all wounds, but time can be concieved in a different way for any given moment.

I know that you continue to watch over your mother, son's, extended family and friends. You cared so much for those people closest to you, that in their hearts they know that you will always be there for them.

As a friend of yours, I hope you knew how much I cared for you. When I reflect on the times we spent together, there are the "could of", "should of", and "would of's" that try to enter my thoughts, but I find consolation in the fact that I was able to tell you how much I cared for you.


August 29, 2003

I never understood your passion to be a police officer. I talked to you about my fear of you being an officer. You never had any fears. You followed your heart and chose to do what you loved best--protecting the people of your community. You made such a great impact on all the people in the Blaine County Community-young and old. I am proud of you Joshua for all of your accomplishments in your short life. I promise you that I will do my best to raise Thomas and Joshua Teague to the best of my ability. I know that you are in Heaven watching over us. I am thankful for the love and the memories you gave to us. They are so much like you in so many ways. Thomas has your confidence and Joshua Teague carries your stubborness. When I look at our boys Joshua, I see you. They both have so much love, compassion, respect, confidence and humor.......just like their dad!
You are a true Warrior. There is not a day that goes by that we are not proud of you. Thomas and Joshua Teague are two lucky boys to have had the "greatest dad" in the world.
Thank you Joshua, for sharing your life with us. It was a priveledge to have our hearts touched by you. We will love you----always and forever!

Your partner and friend

August 21, 2003

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you were born twenty nine years ago today not a day went by that you weren't loved to the best of my ability. I will carry you in my heart forever.


You became such an incredible person who laid down his life to protect a friend. There are not enough words to express my pride and love. You left this world doing what you loved and you had no pain. What a blessing. Go with the creator


Josh: Your mother is an amazing woman, and she misses you so very much. She is so proud of your sacrifice, and has told me how very much you loved being a police officer. Thank you for being a hero. Watch over us all. Rest in peace.

Cheryl Varner
Daughter of R.W. Varner, Jr. (eow 01/02/89)

Once again, sympathy to the family of "Raven Chief". Your son, brother, father and uncle is now with the Creator and doing good work with all of our ancestors on the other side. He was a model to all young warriors of the "People" here on great Turtle Island. Bask in his glory and his great deeds that he done while he was here. To his mother, you raised a fine son who became a great warrior and protected the people in a good way. Your son has joined all of our other great warriors and rides now with Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Tecumseh and the great Nakota and White Clay warriors, White Dog and Red Whip. To his sons, your father left you a great legacy, go and live that legacy and use his good memories to build and live a good happy life as he would want you to do. To his large extended family, his people and his Tribe, remember "Raven Chief" as a good kind sharing man who cared for all of us and did his duty to the end in protecting us and our way of life. To his fellow officers, peace and serenity to you knowing that "Raven Chief" Officer Joshua Thomas Rutherford is up in the heavens watching over you and helping to protect you as he so admired and maintained a deep bond of love and respect with all his fellow officers. The Creator is Great as he shared with us a beautiful, proud, strong Warrior that blessed our lives with his presence and now watches over us from that great camp in the sky.


E Gibe Nah Nake "Rides High" of the Black Lodge Clan of the White Clay People

Preston Stiffarm

To all the Family, Friends , and Co-workers, our thoughts and prayers are with you all, for we feel and know your pain. God has called another Hero home, but he will never be forgotten, for he is reaping his great reward. God Bless You all.

Sister of Officer Glenn H. Hicks- EOW 02/20/03

My deepest sympathies to Josh's mother and son's. Josh was a great man. He did so much for so many people. The love that I had for him can not be expressed in words. I am blessed to have shared that love with him. The role he had in my life was so big, that I doubt it will ever be replaced. Although it seemed such a short time, the memories will stay with me for eternity. Even though he is no longer part of our world, I have great confidence that his spirit remains alive.

As for Josh's son's, he loved you so very much. You were his world. Always remember that you will have him watching over you as you make your way through life.

Josh's mother, no words could ever express the sympathy that I have for you. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through. Know that you have many people praying for you and your family.

Close friend


I will Miss & Love You Forever. Words cannot express how much we all miss you, you made alot of difference in alot of people's lives! Including mine. I wish that i could see you smile, and laugh just one more time and see your handsome face. You will be forever in my Heart! My deep sympathy goes out to your family and your precious sons! Your Daddy was a good man and he was a hero to everyone in Harlem, Mt and remain a Hero! God Bless...............

a Friend

Well we did basic 119 this week and we really missed you. It was hard for us to go on with out you, but you will always be a part of us. We had a really good class bro, as Guderjahn put it "you guy are just awsome, the only thing i regret is my buddy Josh wasn't here to see you, he would have been proud of you guys." Rest in peace bro.

Jason Frederick
Roosevelt County

“But for Awhile...”

There is an old story
That my heart knows is true,
It is written (somewhere),
That long before
We are born
Our Guardian Angel
Takes our unborn Spirit
And circles the Earth
In search of the family,
The people
To whom we wish to belong.
We choose the life
The family, the people
That is to be ours.

One such small Spirit
After much searching
Touched the Buckskin and Headdress
Of the creator..
“Father, Father..I have found
To whom I wish to belong..
I see a Mother, her name is Maxine Magpie...
Her life has not always been easy...
She needs the special love that I can give
To enrich her life as she will enrich mine...
I see a Father, his name is Mike Mathews..
He will be a Warrior in uniform..
I see sisters, Tammy, Jody and Angela...
And brothers too, Lewis, Sean...
Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins
A great Grandmother Theresa Walker..
A wonderful fiercely loyal Grandma Ester Dumont
And a very special Uncle Pee Wee Magpie
I see a young woman named Roberta King...
To whom my heart will be bound forever
As sweetheart, as husband, as friend.
I see another young woman named Jennifer
Who but for a time will share my life..
And with these two woman
I will share sons...
The one who will be as me...Thomas...
Followed by “laughing eyes, Joshua Teague.
Matthew...and that lil’ blond baby Michael.

Oh , Creator, please..please..allow me
The passage of birth!”

“Oh, my impatient Spirit child..
Do you know what you ask of me?
I must make you aware..
This life that you choose will not be long.
You will know great love..
You will achieve the goals you set for yourself.
As is your wish, you will have the life of a
Law Enforcement Officer..
And you will enjoy life to the fullest...
But, only, for awhile.
When it is time to return to me
You must, without question,
Come home to me.
There will be great grief at your passing
From those you leave behind.
Men and woman in uniform
And in great numbers
Will bid you goodbye.
Are you certain this the life you want?”

“Oh, yes, Great Spirit!
While it is true I won’t be there long,
I will teach them what your Son
In His brief life taught
That we all must sacrifice our life
In whatever duty our life requires..
That love given and received is eternal...
That children, above all else,
Is our greatest legacy.
Please, Creator Father,
I promise, when you call
I will, without hesitation, return to you
Knowing that I lived my
Life to the very best of my ability.”

On May 29, 2003, The Creator God
Called Joshua Thomas Raven Chief Rutherford
He returned in full uniform
And with Angel wings
To watch, forever, over those he still so dearly loves.

BY: Turtle Woman
Jessie James Hawley

"Friends in Blue"

We have worked together for many years,
It's our voices ringing in your ears.
We try to make those long days brighter,
And hopefully, the load a little lighter.

We send you to the bar-room brawl.
And out in the rain to the nuisance call.
We worry about you day and night.
To make sure every call turns out all right.

We share your sorrows, we share your joys,
That's why we think of you as ... "Our boys."
Then why have we never said to you,
"I'm proud of you ... my friend in blue."

Horn Lake Police Department

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