Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Marc Muncy

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Wednesday, April 5, 1995

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Marc Muncy

Zachary went hunting for the first time on Saturday and got his first deer. Mike took Zach down to Harrison County and they went hunting with Mike's cousin and some of the cousin's friends. Because if was the first time for Zachary and Mike the group had them hold point and then they drove towards them. They shot two deer but one got away. On the other deer Mike hit him with the first shot and then Zach finished it off. He had a lot of fun. I must admit that I am not overly fond of him hunting, but what did make the day special for me was that he went hunting with your gun. I know that was special for Zachary too. The gun is in very good condition even after all of these years. Mike has taken care of it and then most recently taught Zach how to clean it and take care of it. Mike is actually wanting to get Zach a new gun for hunting so that your gun can be preserved...he is rather sentimental and doesn't want anything to happen to it. That was very heartwarming for me.

I know they won't go again this year, but they are already planning on what they will do next year. Keep watch over him and protected as he goes on these adventures.

On a side note, Zach had his first "in-car" driver's ed class last night and the teach wrote on his paper that he was a "very good young driver" and so hopefully he will continue to develop those good skills and implement them even when me or an instructor is not in the car with him.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Atty., Franklin County

December 8, 2009

The Ohio State/Michigan game is not going to have the same hype as in many years past as it is being played mostly for pride, as Ohio State played Iowa (and won in overtime) for the Big Ten title and a trip to the Rose Bowl. This will be their first trip to the Rose Bowl since 1997. Not because they have been bad for all those years, but because they have played in 3 national championship games and several other bowl games. The Iowa game was special because Eryne came home for the weekend to go the game. She texted me on Thursday morning asking if I could get tickets for her and her friend Austin to go to the game. I thought she was crazy, thinking 2 days before the biggest game of the season that I could get tickets. Well, as luck may have it I was sitting in a conference room with one of the FCCS Court Liaisons and she said she had a friend who was trying to get rid of her tickets. The tickets were still available and so I was able to get them and they were only $10 over face value. Tickets on line were going for several hundred each and so this was a great deal. When I go the tickets it turned out to be an ever better deal than I thought because the seats were just 6 rows up from the field. Needless to say, Eryne and Austin were thrilled.

The kids had a blast at the game. The pictures were so great as you could see just how much fun they were having. When the game was over Eryne got this bright idea to go on the field with the crowd...and so Austin jumped the fence and caught her as she jumped too. They got more great pictures from the field. She told me that rushing the field was amazing and that she just couldn't believe they did was something she always wanted to do and was so glad that she finally did it. I would love to be able to send her to the Rose Bowl Game, but college is a huge expense and tickets for the game are we will have to watch the game at home. I am very happy that I was able to give her that experience.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

November 17, 2009

When you were alive, Darius Rucker was the lead singer for Hootie and the Blowfish. My how things change...he is now a very successful country singer. One morning on the way to work I was listening to the local country station. They were talking about Darius Rucker's new CD and how it was one to buy because every song was amazing. I decided to go ahead and buy the CD. As I was listening to it one of the last songs to play was called "I hope they get to me in time". How I didn't cry is beyond me, because the song tells the story of how you died and how I know you must have felt in those moments when you knew what was happening. It was one of those bone chilling, hair standing up on your arm type feeling. I found the lyrics and am posting them below. I want to try to find a way to get a hold of him and tell him about your and how much his song touched me. If you can lend a hand with that...please do. As always, please watch over us and keep the kids safe.

I'm eight years old, daddy's cutting my hair
Aqua Velva on his hands
Mama's in the kitchen,
Got fried green tomatoes poppin' in the pan
I see a home run, a gold ride
Holding my breath getting baptized.
I see her beautiful face under that veil as she's walking down the aisle.

I can hear the sirens coming
Smell the gasoline and smoke
I'm pinned against this steering wheel
Pretty sure my arm is broke
I can see the flames and my life
Flashing right before my eyes
I hope they get to me in time

I could see the headlights swerve
So I cut the wheel to the right
Last thing I saw was the bottle turned up
as he crossed that center line
I see tiny hands, brown eyes
falling asleep to that lullaby
And you slide over next to me as I turned out the lights

I can hear the sirens coming
Smell the gasoline and smoke
I'm pinned against this steering wheel
Pretty sure my arm is broke
I can see the flames and my life
Flashing right before my eyes
I hope they get to me in time

Please Lord, I'm begging you
Don't let me go like this
There's so much left that I wanna do
So much I don't wanna miss

I can see the flames and my life
Flashing right before my eyes
I hope they get to me in time
Just get to me in time
Please get to me in time

Becky Muncy, Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

November 13, 2009

Gosh, so much has happened since I last made a posting that I don't even know where to begin. I guess I will start with the most recent and work my way back. This past Friday night was the 15th Annual Turkey Bowl Football Game. The CPD Bulldogs played the County Enforcers. This proceeds from this game benefits Get Behind the Badge. Each year they honor a fallen police officer and a fallen firefighter at half time. This year Marc was the police officer they chose to honor. Zachary went with me and we were presented jerseys with Marc's class number and last name on them as well as a commerative helmet. It means so much to me that Marc is still remembered by so many. The highlight of the evening was seeing Pete Tobin. I haven't seen him in several years. Pete gave a very moving eulogy at Marc's funeral. After half time he came and sat and spoke with Zachary for a few minutes and I think it really meant a lot to Zach. He loves hearing about his dad, but sadly doesn't get the opportunity very often. All in all in was just a GREAT night.

Eryne has been at school for a couple of months now and is doing extremely well. Although I am used to her being away (for the most part) it is still very difficult having to let go and letting her make her own decisions. She does call or text me very regularly and hopefully that will continue as it makes her being away much more tolerable. I think she misses Zach from time to time and vice versa. That is rather heartwarming because it shows me how much they truly do love each other. I am looking forward to her coming home for Thanksgiving and spending some time with her then.

Zach has been doing really well. He has his learners permit and just started driver's education classes. As long as things go well with his grades then he will get his license in February. I know he is very excited for that to happen. He has been going through a rough patch over the last several months with lots of changes and upheaval going on in our home, but his has been a real trooper. I am so very proud of him as he shows me each and every day what a wonderful and mature young man he growning in to. Between Eryne graduating and going away to college, my sister Susan and her pets moving in with us, Mike's dad moving in with us, my grandmother dying, and our dog suddenly dying...Zach has just been through the wringer. As I said he continues to show me what an incredible kid he is and I am so very proud of him.

As always continue to watch over them as I know things are well with them because of you.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

November 10, 2009

Big week this week. First, Zachary got his learners permit to drive on Saturday and so now we have another one on the road. He is starting off pretty good. Hopefully, he will continue to do so. I will get him signed up for his driver's education class to start in late October so that he can be finished with it before the winter gets too bad. He should then be able to get his license in the middle of February. The timing of that will be perfect because that is when Lacrosse starts and he will be able to drive himself to practice. That is a huge help.

Next, and the one that is bothering me the most is that Eryne is moving into college tomorrow. We drive her down to her dorm and will stay to get her all settled in and then I will be forced to leave her. I am so very proud of her and (as everyone tells me I should be) I am very excited for her for this opportunity and new page in her life. I am just very selfish in that I don't want to let go of her yet. It just doesn't seem like it should be time yet. I know she will be fine as she truly is a good girl and has a very good head on her shoulders...I am just going to miss her so much. She is my football and hockey watching buddy. I am sure to cry the first buckeye game without her. I do hope she has fun at college and gets everything out of it that she should and can. Please continue to watch over her as it will be more important now than ever before. (Watch over Zach as he is behind the wheel and starting his sophomore year of high school.)

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

August 19, 2009

The tattoo looks amazing!!!!! I am happy and excited for Zachary because it really is a fabulous tattoo. I am extremely proud of him as well. He did such a great job through the whole thing. You really would have never known it hurt as much as it did because he really did not let on that he was in too much pain while getting it. I am also proud of him because this was all his idea and it is a remarkable tribute to his dad...a man he doesn't remember ever being in his life, but loves him none the less.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

July 24, 2009

Zach is going to get a tattoo. Yes, he may be too young but when he tells you he wants to get a cross in memory of his dad how do you say NO? And so I didn't say know. We went to the tattoo shop yesterday (there is a great one in uptown Westerville) and told them what he wanted and so now we are just waiting on the drawing. He is going to get a cross, with a drape around it. On the top part of the drape it will say "Sgt. Marc Muncy" and the bottom part it will say "E.O.W. 04-04-95" In the middle of the cross will be your badge. I am very excited to see the drawing. I am rather nervous about the tattoo, but I think all in all it will look really cool.

Watch over him and see what you can do to help make it as pain free as possible for him.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

July 19, 2009

WOW, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Eryne graduated on June 6th. My mom and dad came in town for the ceremony and my sister Susan was there as well. She graduated with honors (as part of the National Honor Society). The day was really very nice. We all went out to lunch and were joined by her best friend Jenna, along with Jenna's parents. We then went to the ceremony. You would have loved it because relatively speaking it was short and sweet. There were 310 graduates and yet it was done in about 2 hours. The parties these kids are having are absolutely crazy. Eryne has been doing nothing but party hopping for the last 3 weekends. She still has parties to go to next Saturday and the following. I think she is having fun, but it is getting a bit tiring for her.

We had her party this past Saturday. We could not have asked for a better day. The weather was all sun, not to hot, with low humidity. We held the party at our house, with a bunch of tables set up outside and the food inside. Your entire family came...your mom, brothers, Chris, all their kids and the grandkids. It was so nice seeing all the babies running around the backyard having such a good time. You would have had so much fun with your nieces and nephews kids. Chuck and his family came, as did Nathan and Kerri. I had people from my work and Mike's work there and of course Eryne's friends. I think she had a lot of fun. I sure hope so anyway. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. I gave your family (each) one of the memorial coins. I hope for them to carry them as a way to keep another part of you with them as they go about their day.

Chuck did something very nice (and very surprising) for Zachary. A few weeks after you died I gave Chuck your hunting vest. I knew it would be years before Zach would ever go hunting and since Chuck was one of your regular hunting buddies I had hoped he would be able to use it. As it turned out he didn't hunt much after you died and so he put the vest away. He gave the vest to Zachary on Saturday night. It was a very touching gesture and one that I think Zachary truly appreciated. We are going to to try to get Zach out hunting this fall with Mike's cousin. He is a huge hunter down in Harrison County and said he would be more than happy to teach Zach. I am not real thrilled with Zach hunting, but he really wants to take your gun out and so how can I say no to that.

Eryne is going to finish the summer working at the pool and getting ready for her Freshman year at Miami. I know this summer is going to just fly by for us. Her Freshman orientation is in a couple of weeks. I think that is going to make things seem very real for her (and me.) I am hoping she will enjoy her summer at home before heading off. Zach started his first summer job today. He is working at the pool with Eryne and is excited about getting his first paycheck. I am so very proud of both of them. I hope that you are as well.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

June 15, 2009

I am having to resubmit this because of some computer problems. I really liked what I wrote the first time and so hopefully I can remember everything I put in. I guess if I don't it is because it wasn't really that important anyway. These past few weeks have been extremely busy and are only going to get busier as the summer progresses.

First, we awarded the 5th Sgt. Marc Muncy Memorial Scholarship and this year's winner was Amber Nowell. Her father works for CPD and her and Eryne were best friends all through middle school (went their separate ways in different high schools.) It was so nice to see her win, as she is a very accomplished young lady. We had 3 runners was very special as he is the son of one of your former partners, Mark Rapp. His son's name is Kyle. He wrote an extremely good essay for the application. I had some challenge coins created to give to the winners and help raise money for the scholarship fund and his essay inspired some of what I had put on the coin. The coin turned out remarkably well.

Eryne did end up going to the prom. She looked absolutely amazing. She is an exceptionally beautiful young lady and I am still shocked that the boys do not see that. I am so happy that she went, as she ended up having a very good time. She danced with several different boys and I don't think she would have been able to do that if she would have had a date. She went with a group of kids where some of the girls had dates and some didn't. Because I felt so bad for her I let her drive my car (which is a BMW M3 convertible.) She was thrilled to finally be able to drive that car.

Graduation is rapidly approaching. She graduates on June 6th and then we are having a huge party for her on the 13th. The planning is pretty much done. Its just going to be a lot of work the week between graduation and the party. It will all be worth it, as she deserves every bit of it. If you can help keep the weather good for us I would really appreciate it. That can be your contribution to the party. I am so very proud of her and hope that she realizes this. At the end of June we go the her freshman orientation at Miami University. I am excited for her to spend the weekend there so she can see what it will be like, but anxious that she will get nervous and won't want to go like I did. She will be going as I want her to experience being on her own and away at college. Then August will be here before we know it and she will be gone. I need help dealing with all this, as I am totally unprepared. So, just keep watching over us.

To Greg, thank-you so much for the kind words you left on Marc's page. I am always so thankful when other people write here, as I want this to not only be a tribute to Marc, but something that can be there for his kids and grandkids one day.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

May 25, 2009

Sgt Muncy
You paid the ultimate price trying to get to a fellow officer that was asking for assistance. You died a hero protecting your family, friends and community, and trying to make the world a better place for your kids to grow. It has been 14 years and 37 days since your EOW and 14 years and 39 days since I received the call of your tragic accident and you became my hero. I have tried to honor you every year by going to Columbus or DC or just coming here to your page, I even heard your wife speak once, but this is the first year I have ever written as I felt this page was for family and friends, and since we have never met. A friend of mine told me that writing something may help to understand, or she said it might help to post my feelings. Like I said we never met, but that might have been different if the phone calls had been reversed 15 years ago. During my younger years I used to enjoy going to Columbus to visit my cousins for two weeks out of the summer. When I became old enough to become a police officer my cousin called and said why don’t you apply for Columbus P.D. So I tested for both my hometown and Columbus, the first phone call being from my hometown in Iowa, and two days later from Columbus. Well we both know which job I took, then on April 7th 1995 I received that terrible call, and it broke my heart. I have forged my career trying to follow in your footsteps, by enjoying my job and trying to be the best that I can be. I hope that you continue to come to your family in their dreams, or by leaving a little sign. Sometimes when I’m riding patrol I have this feeling of a presence in my passenger seat, and I wonder if it could be you. I guess that I have rambled on enough, but believe me when I say that you and your family will always be in my prayers. Rest easy sir you deserve it we have the watch.
I’m sure Mark is one of the proudest Husband/Fathers for the accomplishments you and the kids have made over the years. I wish that I had gotten to know Mark, and coming here helps. You and the kids will always be in my prayers.

Fellow Officer

May 11, 2009

All day yesterday I told myself I needed to get on here and write, but it just made me sad and the words could not come. Eryne was out with her girlfriends and Mike took Zachary to the shooting range. I just stayed home alone and puttered around the house watching the clock...knowing that it was at 7:52pm that you had died. Then it was 9:50pm when the knock came at the door and our lives changed forever. I have been working on getting a challenge coin made in your honor to give to the scholarship recipients and hopefully to sell to raise money for the scholarship. I am very happy with how it is going to come out and hope that you would be happy with it as well. (Although I think you would probably feel it was a bit much.)

Last night Eryne came home upset because the boy she wanted to go to prom with invited someone else (one of her best friends actually.) I was just at a loss for what to say to her. I find it rather ironic that it was yesterday of all days that she finds this out. I cannot understand these boys...she is absolutely beautiful. I know I am her mother and so I am a bit bias, but she truly is beautiful and so why do these boys not see what everyone else sees. If you can, send someone her way so that her senior year can end on a good note.

As always, watch over us. Love, Becky

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

April 6, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the fourteenth anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.

Becky: I read all your loving reflections left and thank you for sharing the story of your life with Mark and the journey you and your children have traveled since his death. How proud Marc must be of the children you have raised and of your educational and career accomplishments.
We have actually traveled paths that are alike in many ways. I hold you and your children in my heart's embrace today.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

April 5, 2009

Today is Eryne's birthday and she turns 18. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. The labor started in such a stereotypical way, with my water breaking in the middle of the night and me waking you up to tell you I think it is time to go to the hospital. You remained calm through the entire thing. We took our time and got to the hospital about 6:00am. I remember the Buckeyes were going to be playing that night in the NCAA Tournament and we figured we had plenty of time to have the baby and then watch the game. Eryne did not agree. We got to the watch the game alright, but it was while I was still in labor. Fortunately for me, my labor never got that bad. Unfortunately for me, it meant that I ended up having a c-section 22 hours into things. She was and always has been worth all we went through that day. I will never forget the stuffed animal you brought to her (even though you had previously told me she already had too many.) The movie you made for her called "Eryne's Big Adventure" has been transferred to a DVD so that we can have it for many more years to come. It still brings tears to my eyes. It is a wonderful treasure for her to have because it shows very special moments between the two of you.

Today will be rather low key, because we have already done several things to celebrate with her. Last weekend we had a surprise birthday party for her. About 20 - 25 people showed up, including your brother Michael, as well as Vicky. I am so glad they really meant a lot to me and to Eryne. Eryne is a huge Hockey fan and so we got her tickets for the April 5th game. She will go with 3 of her friends. I also got her an IPOD of those electronic devices you never got to experience. She is very excited for the hockey game. This past Friday we took her out to dinner at the restaurant of her choice and finally, I cooked her a birthday dinner (again, of her choice) on Sunday. I try to do this for the kids each year. It was all very nice. Today, she has school and work and so we won't be doing much of anything. I think we have celebrated enough. We still have the graduation party in June and so there is much more to come.

In just a few short months she will be leaving for college. The reality of it is really making me sad. She has decided to go to Miami University in Oxford. Her road there is not the one we had originally thought her college career would take, but I am so proud of her for how she has made her decision and how she is taking the bull by the horns to prepare herself for the adventure.

You can continue to be proud of her. She is a wonderful young woman. I will need you more than ever to watch over her as she starts this new phase of her life in a few short months.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

March 23, 2009

In going with my goal of posting as many memories as I can here so that one day the kids can get to know a little bit more about their dad, a new one came to mind and so here it is. (I have no idea why this one came to mind, but it did.) Police officers tend to have a weird (some may say sick) sense of humor. It is suppose to be a protection type mechanism for dealing with all the horrible things they witness. Anyway, I remember you coming home from work one night and telling me that you had been called out to a home on a suicide. Apparently, the young man had shot himself in the head. The one detail of this run that you focused on (and probably the only one you wanted to remember) was that his brain was found intact in the corner of the room. You seem to think this was the most remarkable thing, due to the fact that the person had shot himself in the head. All you kept saying was "his brain was just there in one piece" and you thought this was the most amazing scenario.

I am glad you were able to deal with these situations in a way that did not cause you continued anguish.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecutor, Franklin County, Ohio

March 3, 2009

Zachary turned 15 on the 3rd. It is so hard to believe he will be driving in just a year. He was only a year old when you died and now he will be getting his temporary permit and then his driver's license. We had a quiet birthday this year for him. Mike and I took him out to dinner on his actually birthday and then over the weekend we took him skiing at Mad River Mountain. Zach actually prefers to snowboard but he spent some time using Mike's skis as well. I think I am going to get him a set of skis since he likes to do both. He is six feet tall now and I am certain he is still growning. He is just as skinny as you always were too. As a matter of fact, he is built exactly like you were...long torso and long legs. He is looking more like you with each passing day. It is amazing how he started out looking just like me and yet has grown to be the spitting image of you. He's a good boy!!!!

It never ceases to amaze me at what a small world we live in. This afternoon I had to call a defense attorney's office and when I gave the receptionist my name she asked if I was related to the police officer who named Muncy who "owned" the westside and who died a number of years ago. When I told her I was your wife, she said that she and her husband would talk with you quite frequently. She said if they were ever having a problem finding a defendant (their client) and the person frequented the west side of town, they knew they could come to you and more likely than not you would know where the defendant was. She told me how everyone liked you because you treated everyone fairly and with respect. It just amazed me that after all this time I am still running into people who knew you and remembered the type of officer you were.

Becky Muncy, Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County, Ohio

February 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!! It was 26 years ago today that we got married. It is hard to believe that I am old enough to have been married 26 years (had you not died.) Yes, I am VERY old now, or at least I feel very old at times. It is difficult and odd realizing that you have now been gone longer than we were together. Certainly not how I thought things would go the day we got married. We were so young and NO clue as to what we were doing, but some how we made it work for 12 years. I have tried to remember what we did on each of our 12 anniversaries and write them down. I think I have most of them, but unfortunately I cannot remember all of them. I do remember the last and how you FINALLY sent me flowers at work (a dozen roses) and it made me very happy, as it was something I had always wanted. Things are continue to go well for me and the kids. I try to continue to do things that hopefully make you proud. Continue to watch over us. Love, Becky

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Asst. Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

January 29, 2009

This morning Eryne and Zach went out to the FOP Lodge Hall and helped put together trays for the annual Christmas Eve "feed the police". Eryne needed community service hours for national honor society and I had Zach go along as something good to do. I know it was not at the top of their list of things to do on Christmas Break, as they had to get out of bed at 7:15am and be there at 8:00am, but they did it without grumbling. Gregg Seevers called me when they were done and told me what a good job they did and that I should be proud of them. After the day we had yesterday, I really needed that phone call. I am always proud of them...I just forget sometimes. Gregg told me how polite they were and what good kids they are and as I said that was nice to hear.

Christmas Eve has changed so much over the years (quite a bit different than when you were here.) Your family doesn't get together on Christmas Eve any more. They had been doing it the Sunday before, but this year everyone's schedules were so busy that they aren't able to get together until the day after Christmas. My sister Susan came in to town and so we will be spending a quiet night at home. I am actually looking forward to just that. I am off work for the rest of the year and will try to do some things with the kids. If Zach has his way it will be lots of skiing. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate.

Merry Christmas and as always continue to watch over us and know that you can be very proud of our kids!!!!

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

December 24, 2008

Today was Zach's first day of high school. It's hard to believe that the last time you saw him he was just starting to walk and that it wasn't just yesterday. Now, he is a freshman in high school and taller than me. Your brother, Terry has started taking Zach golfing. They have gone out twice now and Zach just loves it. He was very excited when he got back the first time because of all that his Uncle Terry had taught him and is very eager to share that with us. He shot a 100 on his first round and then yesterday cut that down to a 94. He was excited that he actually parred several holes too. Zach is a great kid and I am so very proud of how he is turning out.

Eryne starts her senior year in high school tomorrow. This is turning out to be very difficult for me, as she is all grown up and I am afraid to let her go. She is planning on attending The Ohio State University next fall and cannot hardly wait to get this year over and done with (and it is only beginning.) Putting all of our clashes aside, I am very proud of Eryne. I know I am going to have to let go eventually, it just came a lot faster than I ever thought it would. I think my biggest concern is that with letting go I won't be able to protect her any longer and that something will happen. Please continue to watch over her so that I will not have to worry (as much) about letting go.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

August 27, 2008


Hope you and the kids had an enjoyable trip to Maryland and made it home safe. I wish I had known you were in town and could have caught up with you. I completely understand about not actively participating in organizations, as I too don't anymore and haven't in several years. I will never forget, but life has been moving on for me.

Thank you for the beautiful reflection you left on Duke's page. A friend and one of our Senators had gotten a signature petition together to have the sign placed at the crash site. More have been placed around the State in honor of not only police and political figures, but for those MD residents who have lost their lives in Iraq. Roadside memorials (while there are many), are actually illegal in Maryland, but the brown signs are State government approved and will never be removed. I wish they were as generous in stiffening laws and penalties on those who have taken the lives of people like my husband, but...

Take care, and may you and the kids continue to receive the strength from your family, friends, and Marc to move forward and find happiness that you are all deserving of.

Jenn Aaron
Duke's Wife

August 25, 2008

Hey Marc, came across a posting made by your wife on another Offiecrs page. Just wanted to let you know that after all these years you have not been forgotten. Rest in peace brother.

Sergeant Chris DiToro

August 21, 2008

Marc, I just wanted you to know that I will never forget the training that you gave me back in March of 1992 during my class training on vehicle stops. You were driving a vehicle and playing as the bad guy. Our job as recruits was to conduct a traffic stop on you and then try and figure out what 'Red Flags' you had in place during our contact with the driver. As I approached you on the driver's side, you had placed several live bullets in the dash area and stated to me as I walked up to you: 'Officer I know this looks bad with all these bullets laying around inside my car but I don't own a gun'! I immediatly had you exit the vehicle and conducted a pat-down. You had [7]knifes and [6] small handguns hidden in your clothing. I handcuffed you and placed you in the rear of my police cruiser. Thinking to myself this would be a lot of paper work if this happen during a real traffic stop. As I sat in the front drivers seat of the police car, you leaned forward to the cage area that seperated us and whispered to me, 'Bret your dead'. I jumped out of the cruiser and opened the back door to where you were sitting and said what are you talking about? I still remember the look on your face when you said "always take the suspects gloves off Bret"! You had concealed a small darringer in your gloves and I didnt take them off of you during the pat-down. This was a very good lesson to me, as you know as you look down on us everyday, you know that I always take the suspects gloves off. Thank you Brother

Officer Bret Bodell #1557
Columbus Div. of Police

August 2, 2008

People often believe that their life does not make a difference. Sergent Marc Muncy proves to me every day that just being here changes the world. My father and I were traveling on Fisher Rd. 7 minutes before Mr. Muncy died. at the blind spot of the hill over 270 was a wooden pallet that we almost crashed avoiding, it was just before you can see clearly over the hill a horrible place for it. We were late and I will never forget asking my dad we should stop and move that someone could get hurt. I remember this day every day that my actions do change the world, even if i do not clearly see it. To anyone who believes that they don't make a difference YOU DO EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. I'm only sorry that it took a good man's awful death for me to learn this. I say a prayer every day for Marc Muncy and his family and want them to know that he touched my life and will never be forgotten.

columbus citizen

June 15, 2008

This past weekend was a very busy one for us. Friday was the Columbus Police Memorial. I let Zachary miss school so he could go with me this year. He wore a shirt and tie and looked very handsome and mature. The weather forced the service indoors, but it still turned out very nice. Even though it is always very emotional it is nice to see some old faces. A couple of your old friends, Greg Hoyle and Tony Wilson, stopped and introduced themselves to Zachary. Greg talked about golfing with you and then brought up the weekly basketball games where you would take Zach and the playpen. That story brought a chuckle from Tony who remembered Zach sitting courtside in the playpen with Eryne running around outside. It was a nice memory.

Zachary had Lacrosse tournaments all weekend long. His team played two games on Saturday and won both. Zach played very good in both games. He didn't score (something he really wanted to do) but had some great defensive plays. They played in the semi-final game on Sunday morning and although they lost it was a great game. They were down 3 - 0 at the end of the first half and came back to loose just by one with a 4-3 finish. It was a very exciting and nerve racking game for the parents. He sad it was a bittersweet loss...sad because they lost, but glad the season is over and he can have a break.

Eryne had prom on Saturday night and looked absolutely gorgeous. She went with a good group of girls and said she had a wonderful time. I am so proud of her for being confident enough to go to the Prom without a date. The group she went with had 7 girls (all absolutely beautiful) and none had dates (the boys are crazy) and they had more fun than the girls who went with dates. They spent the night at one of the girl's houses and she was very good about calling me as various points in the evening to let me know how things were going. She's a good girl.

As you can see it was very busy. Thank-you for sending good weather our way.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

May 19, 2008

Wednesday night the Auxiliary held its annual fundraiser dinner and silent auction. We also awarded the 4th annual Sgt. Marc Muncy Memorial Scholarship. This year we had 3 finalists and they were Kyrstin Ratliff, Shea Brintlinger, and Kenny Rich. The fathers of all three worked for the Columbus Division of Police. Kenny's grandfather was Gorden Rich, the Columbus police officer who died on the same day as you, only 9 years earlier (04/05/86). The winner of this year's scholarship was Kyrstin Ratliff. Again, we had a great group of kids apply for the scholarship. I am so proud of what we have been able to do with this program. The two runners up are going to receive $500 (one-time) scholarships.

The silent auction was very successful again this year, raising over $1200 for the scholarship. We also had the raffle. Although we did not sell enough tickets to give away the car (it turned into the 50/50 raffle and we raised $7755. I was absolutely thrilled!!!! To make $9000 for the scholarship fund was amazing. We now have in the bank enough to pay for the next 2 years worth of scholarships.

The evening was amazing for another reason too. I met a man who was with you when you died. His name is Tom Black and how we met was nothing more than an act of God. One of the auxiliary members was having some furniture refinished and she picked his name out of the phone book to do the work. When she was picking it up, they got to talking about police officers and he shared with her how he came upon your accident and stopped to help. He told her how he tried to shield you from the fire with a blanket and how he talked with you before the fire became too intense and he had to move away. She invited him to the dinner and he came with his wife. It was amazing to talk with him. He has wanted to speak with us for the last 13 years, but has been uable to because he felt very guilty over not being able to help save your life. I shared with him that I was thankful that you had someone so kind and carrying with you when you died. He met Eryne and Zachary as well. I think we will get together again sometime in the near future so that we can speak with him more in depth about that night.

I hope you are proud of all we have accomplished with the scholarship program. On a side note...Eryne has prom next weekend and so watch over her and keep her safe.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

May 9, 2008

Just wanted to leave a quick note and say that Eryne was inducted into the National Honor Society. It was very hard to watch the ceremony without tears. Tears because I am so very proud of her and tears because it was something that her dad was not able to be at once again. She is a remarkable young lady and one that you would be very proud of. We are going to be looking at colleges very soon and so watch over us and help us make the right decision for her future.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

April 29, 2008

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