Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, April 5, 1995
Reflections for Sergeant Marc Muncy
Eryne is not a little girl any more. She turned 16 on Friday. I had wanted to give her a "sweet 16" party, but she didn't want to have one. Instead I took Eryne and 5 of her friends to get manicures and pedicures. We then went out to dinner. After dinner we came home, had cake and then opened presents. The best part of the evening came when she got her "big" present. We bought her a car and the presentation was just the best. Our neighbor let us hide it in their garage. Then they called and asked if she could come over for few minutes to watch their kids so they could run up to the store. They told her she could just bring her friends with her, as it would just be for a few minutes. When she walked over, Mike was hiding in the garage with the video camera and the door came open as she walked up the driveway. She stopped, did a double take and then squealed "I got a car." It was perfect. She was just thrilled. We are now working with her to learn to drive the car, because it is a stick shift. She tried for the first time last night and did really well. She was a bit frustrated, but I think she did fantastic for the first time. She still has to build driving hours before she take her test and so by the time she gets those hours she will be doing very good with the car.
Eryne is a wonderful young lady. She is smart and beautiful and I think you would be very proud.
Continue to watch over her.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
March 25, 2007
Becky, I live in Toledo now and we had an officer killed this morning and the local station directed me to this site where I promptly found your reflections. I don't know if you remember me, but I so remember that day and those that immediately followed and our chats about your hopes and dreams for the future after Marc died. I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished for yourself, your children and other families and friends of fallen officers. With your reflections, I hope the family of Officer Keith Dressler, Toledo Police who was killed this morning can move forward as you have and know that their loved one will never be forgotten.
Pam Babuder
Old CoWorker of Becky's
February 21, 2007
Well, our baby boy is becoming a teenager. He turns 13 tomorrow. I officially cannot call him my little boy anymore (although I tell him that he will always be my "baby" boy.) We are having a party at the house tomorrow evening. Zach has a basketball game in the afternoon and then the party starts around 5:00pm. There is suppose to be about 18 kids coming. His first "boy/girl" party. We have various things set up around the house for the kids to do, including board games, video games, music and movies. Of course, there will be plenty of food and snacks. I just hope the kids all have a good time. Mostly, I hope Zach has a great time. A friend of mine from work is coming over to help Mike and I chaperone the kids. I think the OSP cruiser in the driveway will help keep the kids in order (I certainly hope so anyway.) We really shouldn't have anything to worry about...Zach has really nice friends, who are pretty good kids too.
Zach wanted to go snowboarding on Sunday, but I think it is going to be much too cold to go. The tempetures aren't suppose to be out of the teens, with windchills in the single digits. I think that will be much to cold for them to be out and so we will have to wait for another weekend.
Watch over the party tomorrow and continue to watch over Zachary and Eryne.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
February 2, 2007
It will soon be 12 years since your tour of duty ended. Some people forget, but those close to you have remembered you every single day during the past 12 years and will never forget you. The Blue Family will also keep your name alive. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and guide them as they walk lifes path. You are a true hero and heroes never die, you will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 23, 2007
Merry Christmas Marc. The kids opened most of their presents this morning. We are doing it in two parts this year because Mike will be bringing his son here this evening and so we will open the rest of them then. Zach doesn't know it yet, but there is a drum set still waiting for him. He is playing the drums in the band at school and has joined the jazz band. He will be taking some private lessons starting in January and is really enjoying playing. He also got a new scooter, some ramps for his scooter, and a portable DVD player. Eryne got a video IPOD, a portable DVD player, clothes and more.
They are both just great. They celebrated Christmas with your family at Michael and Vicky's house. It has now become the tradition to go there each year. I had stickers made from this website for their cars for Christmas. I hope they like them. I thought it would bring you into their Christmas again for a little bit. It is all so different from when you were alive. There is a new generation of kids, with your nephew Randall and Mary having 3 kids and your neice Jennifer having a baby boy. Next year there will be one more as Elizabeth is expecting a baby in March. I go over for a little while and then Denece brought the kids home. Its just not the same any more. Eleven years later I am still trying to figure out some new Christmas traditions for us and I don't think I am doing such a great job of it, but I try.
Merry Christmas.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
December 25, 2006
This was a banner weekend as far as the Buckeye's are concerned. They beat Michigan and it was an impressive game to watch. We recorded the game and have actually watched it a second time already, because, YES, it was that good of a game. The Buckeye's success this season helped us raise $6200 for the scholarship fund, with the raffle of the two OSU/Michigan tickets. It was absolutely amazing!!! I am just thrilled that we were able to be so successful with the raffle.
Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Although this is not the path I would have chosen for my life 11 years ago, I am happy and proud of the road we have followed since you died. I am thankful for all the love, support and opportunities we have been given and ask that you will continue to watch over us.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
November 20, 2006
The Buckeyes are having a phenominal year this year. They are undefeated and ranked number 1 in the country. Ironically, Michigan is ranked number 2. Instead of the OSU/Michigan game being for the Rose Bowl as it was when you were alive, it is going to determine who goes to the National Championship game. (There is still a possibility that both could go depending on what else goes on in the standings.) You should see Eryne; she is just like you watching the games. Very emotional and animated. She does love her football and has turned out to be a huge Buckeye fan and some how she turned out to be a Steelers fan. Anyway, the reason I bring all of this up now is that I was able to obtain two tickets to the OSU/Michigan game and we are raffling them off to raise money for the Scholarship Fund. I am hoping that this will be a huge success, as we really need a very profitable fundraiser to more things along. Send good luck our way for this event.
On a side note...Eryne's driving is coming along nicely. She still makes me incredibly nervous but it is getting better.
As always continue to watch over them and GO BUCKS!!!!
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
November 6, 2006
This past Saturday, Eryne took the test for her temporary driving permit and passed. YIKES!!! We took her driving on Sunday and for me it was just awful. I think it was more nerves and being so very anxious about the whole thing and not that she did that much wrong. For her first time driving she actually did pretty good. She needs to learn that the brake is her friend. Also that the speed limit is the maximum you can go not the minimum, how to look in her rear view mirrors when changing lanes and not to hug the curb. Other than that she did pretty good. Mike is going to be her teacher, which I think is a good thing because he is a good teacher and was very patient with her. (Patience is something I not very good at.)
This weekend was probably not the best weekend for her to get her permit and start driving (for me anyway) because we had two state troopers killed in a car accident and I went to the calling hours for both. I just worry too much. She is a typical teenager and very excited about driving and having some independance. I just have to learn to let go a bit. She is going to the homecoming dance on the 14th. We bought her dress and she looks absolutely beautiful. I have an appointment for her to get her hair and nails done. I hope you can see how beautiful she is growing up to be.
Zach is doing well. There are two more games left in the football season. During last weeks game he got to play more than half the game at quarterback. He had a difficult time because the coach put in all the other 2nd string players and so it was hard for Zach to show what he can really do, but he never gave up. I am going to work on getting him into a football camp next summer so that he can have some instruction to improve on the skills he already has developed. He is doing very good in school, with mostly A's on his interim grade card.
As always, continue to watch over them.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
October 4, 2006
This summer has flown by. The kids start back to school a week from tomorrow and as usual I feel as though life is flying by and you have missed so much. I took the afternoon off from work and took the two of them to schedule pick-ups. Zach is going to be a 7th grader and Eryne will be in the 10th grade. They have grown up so quickly.
Zachary is playing football on the school's 7th grade team. He rides his bike to and from practice with a group of boys from the neighborhood. The first week was funny because he would collapse as soon as he got in the house; he was so tired. This week is much better. The games will be on Wednesday's at 5:00 and so make sure you are watching to see how he does and protect him. He plays on the defense...either cornerback or linebacker. He is pretty skinny still, but getting taller. He tries to work out with the weights we have, but hasn't gotten real consistent with that to make much of a difference yet. I am sure he will before long though.
Eryne is going to be very busy with her academics this year. She is taking one AP (advanced placement class) and 3 honors classses. That is going to be very busy for her. Swimming starts pretty early with conditioning beginning around October and practices in November. That will be here before we know it. Then of course is the driver license thing.
As always, they are GREAT kids and I am so proud them. Continue to watch over them.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
August 21, 2006
Sgt. Muncy, thank you for your service. May you Rest in peace.
Michelle - wife of Retired LEO
June 23, 2006
Keep watching over us from above... You are never forgotten...
Officer Jim Gilbert
June 21, 2006
You would have laughed today. I almost had Nathan as a witness in a trial that I started last week. He was here and we were ready to go on with the trial, when the mom decided to go uncontested (basically enter a plea on a dependancy case.) The case originated out of a drug raid in which Nate was the lead detective. I served him with his subpoena at his daughter Nichole's graduation party. (Yes, "baby" Nichole is graduating from high school and will be attending Otterbein in the fall. I have yet to have him testify in one of my cases and was so looking forward to putting him on the stand. Figures the mom would show up and decide to not contest the complaint. Oh well, I am sure I will get other opportunities in the future.
Watch over Nate. He goes into some pretty scarey places and deals with some really BAD people.
Becky Muncy, Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County
June 5, 2006
Yesterday was the Columbus Police Memorial. Finally, the "memorial season" is over and hopefully life can get back to normal. I have been so sad for so many weeks. I just want to stop feeling sad for a bit. Eryne and I went to the memorial service...Zach decided he wanted to go ahead and go to school. I do not make them go to these things unless they want to. The service had to be moved inside because of the weather. Everything went well until the bag pipes started playing Amazing Grace. About half way through the song, with no warning at all Eryne burst into tears. She cried for about 30 seconds (maybe a minute) and then she was done. She said she was fine and gave me the "I'm fine mom, leave me alone tone." Her reaction to the song took me back to the morning after you died, when Kerri and I told her that you had died. She threw herself back on my bed, cried for about a minute (at the most) and then didn't cry or talk about it again. The reaction she had yesterday confirms my suspicions that she has so much more grieving to do and just won't let herself do it, except for brief little spirts like yesterdays. I hope that one day she will allow herself to fully grieve your loss, as I worry so much about her.
On a somewhat brighter note, Eryne started her first real job today. She is going to be a life guard for the summer at the community pool. She was so excited and pretty nervous. I know she will do fine. She is going to save money for a car. Yes, a car...she will be old enough to drive in about 10 months. Hard to believe. She is as tall as me and much more beautiful. (ha, ha, ha not that, that take s much.) She is incredibly beautiful though. Watch over her as she works and help her with the feelings she has for you.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
May 27, 2006
I once again participated in Police Week activities in Washington D.C. We drove down to D.C. last Friday, going with the Blue Knights group again. Weather was not the greatest this year. It rained all the way through Ohio and then cleared up to be a nice afternoon. Saturday we took the Metro from where we stay in Maryland to the Memorial site. As with each year that I go, I was amazed at the emotion which floods to the surface when I walk into the memorial area. I don't know if it is the magnitude of all the names on the wall and yours being one of them, or all of the memoriabilia left in honor of so many officers...probably a combination of things.
Gregg Seevers decorated near your name as he does each year. He put up the collage picture that "Big" John made and then the lamenated rubbing of your name along with a sergeant's hat and honor guard gloves. I ordered a wreathe this year and it turned out very nice. While there that first day, I realized once again what a small world we live in. A few years ago, while in D.C. I met a woman who had lost her husband in 1998. She was sitting near his name, crying. I had stopped and we talked for a while. Well, this year (four years later) she came upon me, sitting near your name crying. This year, for some unknown reason, was more emotional than some of the years past. Anyway, she spoke with me for a bit and it was very nice to get reacquainted with her. Just another example of God putting people in places for a reason.
As I said, this year was more emotional than some of the other years. The only reason I can come up with is that I am having a hard time figuring out what or how I am suppose to feel now that 11 years have passed. There are no books, or classes, or seminars to help me with any of this. I am happy with my life and where my "journey" has taken me in the years since your death, but then I feel twinges of guilt for feeling happy, when you are not able to be a part of our lives. Its just hard some times.
We went to the candle light service on Saturday night and as alway it was beautiful and sad and amazing all at the same time. The beauty comes from all the decorations left for so many officers. The sadness comes from the sorrow in the eyes of so many and all the children there who have lost a parent. The amazement comes from seeing so many people come together, treating each other as family and from all the candles, lit and held towards the sky in honor of the loved one who has died.
After the candle light service a large group of us went to the Chop House Restaurant to grab a beer and unwind. I don't usually drink, especially beer, but this particular restaurant makes a special beer just for police week and we wanted to try it out. After arrangements had been made for a rather large table for our entire group, four in our party left. So that the restaurant would not get annoyed with us for taking up such a large table, with a much smaller group, we stopped a group of 4 who were just coming in from the Candle Light and asked if they wanted to join us. As I said earlier, this is a family and they joined our group as if they were family. It was a mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law from Oregon who had lost their loved one 8 years ago in a car accident too. I enjoyed meeting and talking with them so much. The mom and sister had come into town with the Unity Tour (a group of bicyclists, who ride from ground zero in New York City to Washington D.C.). Earlier that day I had talked about wanting to set that trip as a goal for the 15th anniversary in 4 years. (It will take me that long to get in shape to ride 300 miles.) After spending the evening with this family, I am more encouraged than ever to take on this endeavor.
On Sunday, we rode in the Law Ride. As always it is fun and incredible seeing all the motorcycles in one area and then riding through the streets of D.C. from RFK Stadium to the memorial site in Judiciary Square. Many people line the streets with their children to watch and wave. I hope they know why we are there and who we are honoring.
We then came home on Monday. I really should have taken an additional day off from work. The weekend is emotionally draining and I am just exhausted when I get home. As draining as it is, I never regret going. I hope that Eryne and Zach will want to continue to attend and bring their children one day. I want them to see what the sacrifice you made mean to everyone.
As always continue to watch over us.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
May 17, 2006
Last weeks dinner was a huge success. We had more people attend and raised more money for the scholarship. The silent auction raised $1740 for the scholarship and then we had another $143 donated in case. It is very exciting because we have more than half of what we will need for next years scholarship. We have two additional fundraisers planned for later in the year and some good ideas already for next year. Eryne and Zach were a big help at the dinner getting things set up and cleaned up. As I said before I hope to be able to get them more involved in the scholarship in the coming years.
The boy who won was as impressive in person as he was on his application. His family was very nice too. I am so proud of how people feel about this scholarship and the emotion the winning families have expressed. This scholarship is accomplishing exactly what I had hoped it would accomplish...thanking a community that has been so supportive of us over the years and keeping your memory alive in that community.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
May 7, 2006
Tonight we will be awarding the 2nd annual Sgt. Marc Muncy Memorial Scholarship. I am so proud of what we have started with this scholarship. It is a $4000 scholarship, paid out over the 4 years of college. The kids who are applying are great kids. The all have great academic achievements in school, participate in many activities and community service. We have them write an essay on what it means to have a family member in law enforcement and all of the essays are well thought out and well written. This year the winner is Ricky Taylor. His dad is a CPD officer. I am not sure if he knew you, as I have not had an opportunity to meet him in person yet. Both winners so far have said the same thing...they are very proud of being able to recieve this scholarship. Not to pat myself on the back, but I am very proud of all the work that has gone into making this scholarship a reality.
The scholarship will be awarded at a dinner tonight. The dinner is a fundraiser for the Auxiliary and a silent auction at the dinner will help raise money for next years scholarship. We have been able to get a lot of great stuff donated for the auction. I have some friends who have been a tremendous help. It amazes me how people are so willing to help, even though they never knew you. I am trying to get Eryne and Zach more involved in helping. Right now they mainly will help set up with the dinner, but eventually I want them to start to help with the money raising aspect. (Although I must say they did a good job helping pass out flyers for the Max and Ermas fundraiser we had in March.)
I hope you are proud of what we have accomplished. Did you ever imagine that you would have a scholarship in your name? I imagine not, as you never thought anything would happen to you on the job. Watch over us should be a good event.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
May 3, 2006
Our wedding anniversary was this past January, on the 29th. It would have been our 23rd anniversary. I remember feeling so sad all day long, not only because it was our anniversary but because no one knew and it didn't matter to anyone. It was so sad that a day that had so much importance now was just another day in the month for everyone but me. I guess a bit of the sadness was a pity party for me, but it was sad none the less.
This all does have a point. I had that same feeling this morning. I know this day, the anniversary of your death does have meaning to many other people, but no one was saying anything, and it seemed as if no one knew and that made me very sad. Well, the old say, "be careful what you wish for" come in to play. While I was working, the CPD court liaison came up to me and said he was thinking of me today and that he had a clipping from the newspaper that the FOP done. Finally, someone recognized what today was and I almost burst into tears in the courtroom I was in. (Like I said, be careful what you wish for.)
It is the 11th anniversary of your death. Not a day has gone by in the last 11 years where I have not thought about your and the life we used to have and wonder what our life would have been like. I think a lot about all that you have missed. I think about the more obvious things such as the various activities the kids are involved in and the not so obvious...things like the internet. The ability to put postings such as there on the internet was not around when you were alive. Things like digital cameras and picture phones were not around. I wonder what you would have thought of all this "stuff". Its weird, I know; but its things I think about.
I am thinking of you and you are missed. Continue to watch over us.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
April 5, 2006
Wow marc it’s been 11yrs...
I know your family misses you very much and so do I.
I can still hear you singing in the middle of the Maumee when fishing was slow.
God speed marc
Your friend
Scott White
April 5, 2006
Dearest Becky,
I have just finished reading pages of your reflections and wanted to say thank you. Thank you for showing me that even though we can lose such a precious part of our life, that the one we have loved and love still truly stays with us, and that life not only actually goes on but somehow, someway we find a way to live this life as they would want us to.
Thank you for sharing your children's lives also. They sound so precious and I know they are. It was and is my greatest joy in life being a mother.
Our precious son Matthew lost his life during a horrible storm during hurricane Ivan. He loved being a police officer, that was all he ever wanted to be from the time he was very little. I never thought anything would REALLY happen to him because he always said,"Don't worry mom, I'll be ok." He never held anything back and the guys on the force always talk about how Matt showed them what it meant to live life. His laugh matched his heart and his size.....BIG! It feels like our world is spinning totally out of control without him here. So again, I say thank you for sharing your story on these pages.
We will honor your family and Marc at the wall when we go again this year.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom Forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W.9/16/04
April 5, 2006
I was reading through some other reflections and Marissa Hurst posted a reflection on her husband's page which contained the victim impact statement she had written for the trial of his murderer. That statement was very powerful and has prompted me to copy the article I wrote for the Ohio COPS newletter. This is not as powerful as her writing and might even be seen as "cheesy", but it was written from my heart and I hope others will see it that way too.
Ohio Cops Spring Newsletter:
This journey that we are on has been played out in too many houses across Ohio. Each story is different, yet similar in so many ways. My journey began on April 5, 1995. Like many of you my memories of this time are scattered. Self-preservation has kept many clear, as crystal and others are non-existent. I want to share with you a bit about the time this journey began and where it has taken me along the years.
The day started out like every other day of the week, with me getting ready for work. Marc had court that morning and so he was up and getting ready the kids ready early. I remember walking to the front door to leave and stopping because I had forgotten to kiss him goodbye. Marc had our baby Zachary with him, so I knew if I went back Zach would start to cry (not wanting mom to leave him) and this would make the morning more difficult for Marc and so I almost didn’t go back. Thankfully, I say “almost”, because I did go back and kiss him goodbye and was able to say, “I love you” one more time; as it turned out it was the last time.
The evening also started as any other evening during the week. I came home from work, fed the kid’s dinner, did baths and put Zach down to bed. I remember ironing Marc’s shirt for him to wear to work the next day. I remember watching television with Eryne when the doorbell rang. I remember going to the door, pulling back the curtain and at first only seeing my best friend Kerri. I remember opening the door and had the words “what are you doing here” on the tip of my tongue. Before the words could actually come out I remember seeing the rest of “them”. The “them” I refer to was the Chief of Police and an entire entourage of officers. From there I remember screaming. I knew right then and there what had happened. The Chief of Police doesn’t come to your door if your husband is still alive. I knew if he were still alive they would have sent a car and the Chief would be at the hospital. But he wasn’t at the hospital, he was on my doorstep and I knew why. I remember yelling at them (before they had said anything to me) that he couldn’t be dead. I told them all I wasn’t crying and so he couldn’t be dead.
As it turned out April 5, 1995 was not like any other day of the week, because it was on that day that my husband Sgt. Marc Muncy, an officer with the Columbus Division of Police, while responding to a call for backup, died in a car accident. It was on that day that my journey in this world of survivors began. The days and weeks that followed were the same for us as I am sure they were for all of you. It was a blur of funeral arrangements, calling hours, and the funeral itself. On the morning of the funeral I remember waiting for the car to arrive and asking someone if we could just do it another day because I didn’t want the finality the funeral would bring. The car did come and the funeral did happen that day and it did bring about finality to what had been our life together. I was now left with a four year old daughter and a one-year-old son and not a clue as to what to do next.
The finality of that day created a beginning to what I commonly think of as the second part of my life. In the first months after Marc died, it was a chore just to get out of bed each morning. Many days I didn’t get up. I did make sure the kids were taken care of, as I tried to keep their routine the same and I had a lot of wonderful people who helped take care of them. I just didn’t know what to do to take care of me. I did go into counseling (something I highly recommend for everyone.) God took care of me in those days and eventually I began to piece together a life.
Even with God watching over me, this journey has not been easy. I knew in the beginning that I wanted to go back to school. That was easier said than done. Close to a year after Marc died, I realized I had to do something with myself. I registered for classes. I remember driving to school on that first day and sobbing the entire way. All I could think of was that I was getting the opportunity to go back to school, something I had always wanted to do, and the only reason was because Marc had died. It was almost more than I could handle. I made it through that first day but ended up dropping all but one class. I wasn’t ready.
One thing you will learn through this journey is that you may try things and find you just aren’t ready. Its ok…the important thing is you tried. I was eventually able to rectify in my mind that it was all right to go to school. Marc would have wanted me to build the best life possible for the kids and myself and if finishing college was the way to do that then he would be happy. In May 2000, I graduated from Cleveland State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication.
After graduation, I was back to a point of not knowing what to do with myself. We moved back to Columbus and I decided to do something I had always wanted to do and that was go to law school. In the span of 3 months, I took the LSAT entrance exam, applied and was accepted to Capital University Law School.
The law school journey began in August of 2001. I applied for internships at many places, but for one reason or another no one would hire me. Halfway through my second year, I was finally hired by the Franklin County Prosecutor’s office. I knew right away this was the perfect fit. I realize now that the reason I wasn’t hired anywhere else is because I wasn’t suppose to work anywhere else. God knew that I could take what I had experienced through my life with Marc, and with his death and bring an understanding that would help victims with their journeys through the legal system.
In May 2004, I graduated from law school and managed to pass the bar on my first try. I was sworn in to the Ohio Bar in November of that year and hired as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Franklin County, and continue to work in the juvenile division.
This journey of mine is far from over and I know for many of you it is just beginning. It seems trite to say “take it one day at a time” but this is truly the best advice there is for making your way. By taking it one day at a time I went from being a scared, young mother with two small children to raise alone, to a strong and independent (slightly older) woman. I am proud of what I have accomplished and the example I have set for those two small children, who are now a pre-teen and a teenager. By taking it one day at a time, the road your journey takes will piece itself together into something that you too can be proud of.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
March 26, 2006
Eryne did it...she made it to her 15th birthday and the day was nice. We bought her a digital camera with printer set and she had everything up and running by the time we got home. She is very good technologically with things and continues to impress me with how much she can do on her own. It's weird thinking that you never had a chance to see or work with something like a digital camera. They are pretty cool, with how you can see and print the picture right away. She took the camera to school and got some nice pictures of her friends. I got her a cake and we went out to dinner at a favorite mexican restaurant, Senior Antonios. Tonight we are going to the hockey game. Something else that is "weird" as there was no hockey team here in Columbus when you were a live. The kids have a great time going to the games. I don't know that understand all the rules (I know I don't) but they do like the excitement and of course Zach loves the fights. Eryne is going to bring a friend who will spend the night and that will be how we celebrate her birthday. Next year will be a different story...the sweet 16. Good thing I have a whole year to plan, as I want it to be everything a "sweet 16" party should be for her.
Good place for a memory...I remember when hockey season was in full swing it would never fail that the phone would ring and it would be one of your brothers calling to tell you to turn the TV to a specific channel to see a great fight in a particular hockey game. Looks like Zach would have been all in to that too.
Eryne is almost as tall as me now; in fact she thinks she is taller. No doubt she will end up being taller. She is all legs and just beautiful. She is very girly, as she love doing her hair and make-up. I am very proud and think that you would be too.
As always, continue to look after them.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
March 24, 2006
These past couple of days have been difficult. I think it can be attributed to several factors, but whatever the reason they have been difficult none the less. Eryne and I had some "issues" these past few days, to which, I had to discipline her. Coming up with disciplines and standing firm with them has been something that is hard for me and last night it sort of came bubbling over. It just came to me that I ALWAYS have to be the bad guy. I can't ever defer to anyone else when it comes to punishing the kids. I can't ever say "wait until your dad comes home" because that is never going to happen. It is very stressful to always be the one responsible for everything for the kids. Sometimes, like last night, it just sends me over the top and sit and cry.
Don't get me wrong, for the most part the kids are really good kids. They just have their moments like all other kids do. Like I said, it is just the fact that I have to always be the one to do the punishing; I am the one who always has to keep them on task; I am the one who always has to set the list of chores etc. It gets overwelming at time.
A couple of other factors to all of this emotion are no doubt the fact that Eryne's birthday is tomorrow. Her's is always a little bit mroe emotional than Zach's because her birthday was the last time we had the opportunity to do a "family" outting. It was two weeks later that you died and so that is the other factor...the anniversary is in a couple of weeks. It doesn't matter that this is the 11th anniversary of your death, they are still difficult times to deal with. I do want you to know that all-in-all the kids are doing very well. I just had one of my occassional melt downs and thought writing about it here would put things in perspective and it has done just that.
On a positive note, we had a fundraiser last week for your memorial scholarship and raised over $500. I was very pleased. We will be awarding the 2nd scholarship in May and will be having a silent auction that night to benefit the scholarship.
Continue as always to watch over us.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County
March 22, 2006
Rebecca Muncy - I am so sorry for the loss of your husband Marc. He and you were so young when it happened. However there is never a "good" time for something like this to occur. I came to your website because of the letter you were so kind to send to the City of Dayton recently, concerning Derek Farmer and that he was invited to speak at a City function even though he was involved in a Cop killing plus the murder of a civil rights activist. I want you to know that I deeply appreciated the time and energy it took for you to write and to send that letter. Thank you on behalf of the Dayton PD. I will be praying for you and your family and for Marc. May you have peace in knowing that Marc is in heaven, looking after you until the two of you can be together again. Fraternally, John H. Ness
Det. John H. Ness
Dayton Police Dept, Dayton, Ohio
March 10, 2006
Through friends, I received the email you sent to the Dayton City Commissioners and Mayor. I applaud you. I am so sorry for your loss. My nephew, by marriage (married to my niece, and father to two little wonderful girls), is a Police Officer. I have many friends and assoicates who are Police Officers. Bless you and your family.
March 7, 2006
Eryne's high school swim team participated in the sectional meet today. Eryne swam the 100 yard freestyle. At the last meet on February 3rd, she finished with her best time ever, shaving 6 seconds off her prior best time. That performance resulted in her being moved to a faster heat (to which she had the slowest qualifying time. Well, let me tell you...she did fantastic. I challenged her to place in her heat and she just really didn't think that was possible. She just wanted to beat her best time again. Not only did she beat her best time by 3 seconds, she placed third in her heat. I was so proud of her I just cried. Of course, I didn't let her see me cry because she would have thought I was just rediculous. I was able to make it until I left. Some of her teammates are going to come over for a sleep over and they are going to go to dinner and a movie to celebrate. I am so just so very proud and although I know you were watching over her as she swam, I wanted to leave a note here for you as well.
As always, continue to watch over them.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
February 11, 2006