Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Marc Muncy

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Wednesday, April 5, 1995

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Marc Muncy

Today is our baby boy's 12th birthday. Can you believe our guy is 12 years old? I know I can't. I can remember most of the details of the day he was born like it was yesterday. The thing I remember most was how worried you were because he was sick and put on oxygen and how you wouldn't let any one tell me until I absolutely insisted on seeing my baby. He is big and strong now and you would be so proud. As you can tell from all the other postings he play many different sports. He is incredibly smart too and does extremely well in school. Zach has your sense of humor and desire to make others laugh. (Sometimes that can be a bad thing when it is during class, but his smile makes it hard to get mad.)

Eryne has a swim meet tonight and so we are going to "officially" celebrate his birthday tomorrow by going skiing. He love snowboarding and wants to show all he has learned during ski club. I got him an ice cream cake for tonight (his choice). If the weather doesn't cooperate we are going to take him and some buddies to the recreation center for swimming and then we will go out to dinner. The superbowl is on Sunday and so he has a full weekend of festivties.

Marc, Zach is really a GREAT kid. He misses you and like me wishes he had you alive and in his life. I see you in him and so I know you are with him.


Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecutor, Franklin County

February 3, 2006

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. It would have been 23 years. I often wonder where our life would have gone had you not died. I have tried to remember what we did for each of the twelve anniversaries we did have and although I must admit I cannot remember all 12, there are a few special ones I do remember. I remember on our last anniversary you sent me a dozen roses. This was the first time you had ever sent me flowers at work and that was very special for me. I remember the anniversary when I was pregnant with Eryne. You left me a card with concert tickets I had been wanting. You had told me you didn't want to go, when all along you knew you had them. I will forever be thankful for the special memories I do have. Happy Anniversary.

I wanted to add some about Eryne and Zach. Eryne participated in the OCC swimming championships today. The girls team came in first and the boys came in third. I am so proud of her. She swam in the 50 yard freestyle and she took 4 seconds off her best time. She was just thrilled. Zach had a basketball game today and he score 6 points (out of a team total of 17.) He had two clutch free throws in the last minute of the game to take the lead, and then the score got tied up, with the game going into overtime. His team ended up winning by two points. He had one of his best games to date. I was really proud of him too. It was an exciting, nail biting game. You would have been so proud watching him.

As always, continue to watch over them.


Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County

January 28, 2006

A Fairfield County Deputy was killed the day after your birthday last week. Ironically, he died in almost the exact same way you did. He was responding to a call from another officer and lost control of his cruiser. As with each death, I reflect upon the events surrounding your death. I think I have done so more with this one because it was the first one that was so similar to yours. I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Maybe it is the time of the year, I don't know. One evening last month while at dinner, Zach asked for me to tell some stories about when he was a baby/toddler and sadly I couldn't. I cannot remember much from right before and for a long time after you died. I know a persons mind blocks things out as a way to protect is just very sad that it is part of his life that has been blocked out. I have asked people who helped me during those weeks and months to let me know if they remember anything. I would just like to have a few stories for him. He has missed out on so much not having you in his life. I try to fill in for him, but it is not always enough.

On a positive side note, he had his first basketball game of the new season this past Saturday and although his team lost, he played the best defensive game ever. He was the most aggressive that I have ever seen him. Now if he can get his shooting consistent he will be a really well rounded player. Eryne had two swim meets this past weekend. She is consistently improving. There are 5 freshman girls on the team and they are all neck in neck for performance. The should have a pretty good team in the coming years if they continue to improve the way they have over this season.

Continue to watch over Eryne and Zach.

Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy

January 9, 2006

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marc. Today would have been your 42nd birthday. I always loved it when your birthday would finally get here because we would be the same age (for 6 months anyway.) I don't have to many memories from the time right before or after your death, but I do have memories of your last birthday, though. I took off early from work so that I could come home and cook you a "real" dinner. I made your favorite, stuffed shells. Eryne and I made you a birthday cake. While the cake baked Eryne made birthday crowns for you and her to wear. She made a pink one for her and a yellow one for you. She cut and decorated and was very proud of the fact that you wore your crown. I have a great picture of the two of you grinning from ear to ear wearing those construction paper crowns. By the way, Eryne still has both of them. She keeps them in a memory box. Your mom came over for dinner and we just had a nice evening. It seems rather fitting that your mom was obviously, there for your first birthday (the day you were born) and for your last. I am so glad that she was able to be there, as I know it is very sad for her now.

The kids are doing well. We are in the beginnings of some difficult months, emotionally. With your birthday this month, Zach's will be next month, Eryne's the following and then the anniversary of you leaving us will be in April. Eleven years later these months are still hard. Just to let you know, Christmas was good. The kids spent Christmas Eve at your brother Michael's and had a good time. I took them on Christmas day to Colorado to spend the week with Susan. They skied and had a good time. We then took them skiing here in Mansfield on New Years Eve. They both snowboard and do really well. The New Years Eve skiing has become a new tradition for us and one that I hope to continue as we need traditions.

Happy birthday in heaven. Love,

Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Muncy

January 3, 2006

Merry Christmas..keep us safe from up in Heaven...

Officer Jim Gilbert

December 24, 2005

Hey Marc!
I know it's been a long time since you and I talked brother. We never went golfing together, or got together after work...but I miss slapping you five everytime we ran into each other on the street or back at the sub. It was always good seeing you show up when things got a little deep. I'll never forget...having that last opportunity to shoot the breeze and have a couple of laughs together, just a couple of days before the Man upstairs took you away. As you bolted up the stairs from the sub's looked over your shoulder and said, "See ya later
Danny-Boy." Oh! How I wish it were so.
The very day after you passed away, I got stuck on the info desk down at headquarters. I remember just sitting there all day with the newspaper in my jaw probably hanging half way to the total shock and disbelief. I watched as other officers streamed in and out of the building, with the same zombie-like expressions on their faces...all day long. As a family, we've lost a lot of fine soldiers...but why does He always have to take the the best damn ones!??? Working around fellows like you is what made me feel so proud to be a Columbus Policeman.
You'll never be forgotten my friend. Sleep well.

Retired P.O. Dan Cockerham
Columbus Div. of Police

November 17, 2005

Hey Dude!

Retired P.O. Dan Cockerham
Columbus Div. of Police

November 17, 2005

I think you would be very proud of Eryne. Swim team practices began this week. I go to the pool and watch in amazement at her determination to do all that is asked, even though the practices are very long and grueling. She reminds me so much of you, in that when she puts her mind to something she gives it her all and doesn't quit. I know there have been times this week when she would like to quit because the practices are 2 1/2 hours long, with two hours being in the pool. She is determined to do well at this and I know that she will do well.

As I was writing this I thought of another area where she is just like you. She loves Buckeye football. I remember watching games with you and watching you yell at the coaches and players, as if they could hear you through the television. Eryne does the exact same thing. It is quite funny to see (well, not always funny...sometimes rather anoying.) I can not even imagine what it would have been like having you both watching the games together. We would have had to replace multiple televisions by now. We are taking the kids to the game this saturday. We went to one earlier in the season and had a great time and so I wanted to talk them to the last home game of the season. It should be an equally good time.

Just to end...Eryne is truly a great kid. Both of our kids are great kids. Not only because of how I have raised them since you died, but because of what you gave them as their father.

Rebecca Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy

November 10, 2005

Last night was the "SUPERBOWL" for Zach's football team. They won their playoff game last weekend and so made it to the superbowl. The game was played at night, under the lights at DeSales High School. At noon the team and their parents met at a local park for psuedo tailgating and we decorated our cars with streamers and window paints. That was a lot of fun. We then went over to Westerville South High School (where the team practiced all season) and the boys all touched to "rock" for luck. It was just a great team experience for Zach. Then the game was at 7:45pm. Eryne, Mike, and I went...along with my dad, my brother-in-law Jay, your mom and Don. The game was a GREAT game all the way to the end, but sadly, Zach's team the Rams lost, 18-14. It was truly an exciting game, as it was touch and go all the way to the last play of the game. Zach and the whole team were pretty bummed out. He has two weeks to dwell on it and then basketball starts. (He is actually doing pretty good today.) It was just very heartwrenching for him to go through his first major sports defeat. Me as a mom just wanted to hug him and tell him it would be okay, but that is not too cool to do.

He is looking forward to basketball...hopefully this year will go well. Last season he broke his thumb, skiing after the first or second game and ended up being out for the rest of the season. I guess I shouldn't take him skiing during basketball season. The only problem with that is, he is going to be on the ski club at school.

Eryne is starting swimming this week. She is really looking forward to that. I am so glad they both want to participate in athletics. It is so good for them. It is double edged sword thought at times, because they see all the other kids with moms and dads at the games and they just have a mom. Zach is the one that gets bothered by it the most.

Continue to watch over them. We are going to go to Colorado this year for Christmas. Susan is living there now and so we are going to join her and my parents. The kids want to ski on "real" mountains and so hopefully there won't be any injuries.

Becky Muncy, Widow, Sgt. Marc Muncy

October 31, 2005

This past weekend was a big one for both of the kids. Eryne had her first high school homecoming. We took the kids to the football game on Friday night. Zach likes to go and hang out with his friends. It's a big deal for the middle school kids to go to the game and just hang out. Eryne had a friend come home after school and then they went to the game together. It was cold and rainy, but a lot of fun. On Saturday was the dance. Eryne wore a dark green, satiney dress that was absolutely beautiful on her. I took her to get her hair done up and she was incredibly beautiful. She had 4 of her friends come over to the house and the girls went together instead of with dates. I as very happy with that arrangement. Several of the parents and I took them to dinner and then to the dance. Two of the girls stayed the night after the dance. I just can't believe she is old enough for all of this already. She had a great time and again was so beautiful.

On Sunday Zach had a football game. It was their last regular season game and they won. His team finished the regular season in first place. They go to the "playoffs" and have a bye for the first weekend and then will play the second weekend. If they win that game they will go the the "superbowl" on October 30th. He is so excited. He got to run the ball for the first was for the extra point. He didn't make it because the team had a penalty for delay of game. That meant he had to go 8 yards instead of 3. He went 4 years, dragging 4 defenders the whole way and then a 5th defender came in and knocked him over. He was so nervous, but did a fantastic job. He is really improving and looking forward to playing for the 7th grade team next year. Hopefully, he will have a growth spurt over the summer as he is pretty small right now.

Thats just an update on the things they are doing. Continue to watch over them.

Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy

October 11, 2005

Yesterday was the first day of school. Your baby girl has started high school and your baby boy has started middle school. I took the day off from work to take them to school and be home when they got home (and be sad for a bit.) Zach decided he wanted to ride the bus with his friends. The "guys" were all riding the bus, so he didn't want his mom to take him. Eryne, on the other hand, doesn't like riding the bus and so she was very happy to have me give her a ride. They both a good day. Zach had a few problems with his locker (this is the first time he has had a locker with a lock) and so he had some friends help him out. With this being middle school he changes classes and he didn't get lost at all. The high school just had the freshman come on the first day and so Eryne's first "real" indoctrination to high school life is today when the entire student body will be there. She was a bit nervous about that, but I know she will be fine.

Zach is playing football this season and so we are in the thick of practices and games. His team had 2 preseason games, both of which they won. He plays defensive end. Right now he is still a little guy, but he does pretty good. He has had a tackle on his own and assisted with a tackle. He works veyr hard at practice and although he complains about going, I think he really enjoys the team.

Eryne is going to go out for the swimming team and the softball team. She is a very strong swimmer and so I think she will do well with that. We are going to get her a batting coach for softball before the tryouts and hopefully she will be successful.

You would be proud, they are both great kids and I am very lucky to have them. Please continue to look out over them.


Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse, Sgt. Marc Muncy

August 30, 2005

Zach and Eryne made it back from camp and all was well. We picked them up last Saturday. Eryne did a demonstration ride on horse she trained with during the camp session and she did really well. Zach made a table in woodslore that turned out pretty nice. He built and painted it. As homesick as they were, they both said they were, by Saturday night they both wanted to go back (and that night). I am glad that they had a good time and that they are able to have these types of experiences as kids.

Again, I thought of a couple of memories I wanted to leave here. They both occurred during fishing excursions. When we lived in Reynoldsburg, we lived near the State Fire Training academy. There was a rather large pond on the property. Because you were a law enforcement officer, you were able to get permission to go fishing at this pond. You would occassionally take Eryne there to go fishing. I remember one time in particular when we went with both kids (Zach in a baby in the stroller did not fish, but enjoyed laughing and watching.) Anyway, Eryne (with lots of help from Dad, caught a decent size bass. The tail fin on this fish looked like it had been eatten by something. I remember Eryne calling it the "funky fish" because of how the tail looked. She just thought that was so funny...her "funky fish."

The second memory occurred at the same pond, but this time you were fishing at night with your brothers. I remember you coming home, hardly able to tell the story because it made you laugh so hard. I don't remember if the incident occurred when your brother Michael was casting his line or when he reeling it in, but somehow the lure came flying back and caught him in the lip. The hook went right through his lower lip, such that it was hanging. I remember you telling me that you and Terry were trying so hard not to laugh, so much so that you couldn't help him because looking at him would make you two laugh. I wish I could remember who he finally got it out.

Just a few more of many memories to share.

Becky Muncy
Surviving spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy

August 4, 2005

Eryne and Zachary are at camp. We took them this past Sunday and they will be there for two weeks. They are at the same camp that they went to last year and what a difference a year makes. Last year, Zach got so upset when we got there that he nearly go sick. He was so homesick and sad, but stayed and ended up having a good time. This year, he did cry, didn't get upset and was reassuring me as I left. Last year the first letter I received from him started out with him saying, "I am crying right now and want to come home." This year the first letter started out with him saying, "I am having a great time. I miss you, but I am having a lot of fun." He is definitely growing up. I had told him that I would call on Wednesday and wrote that I didn't need to call, but then crossed that part out. He does still need his mom. Eryne is doing the horseback riding portion of the camp. She just loves the horses. I think if she could come home at night she would stay there all summer long. The camp is in far eastern Ohio, way up in the hills. It is rustic, but very nice. Zach likes the woodslore part because he can work on carving a walking stick. For some reason he just loves having a walking stick. (Not that he ever uses it...I think it is more the carving part of it.)

I had two memories that I have been wanting to leave for a while and so I am going to go ahead and do that now. It has to deal with the property we had bought before you died. You were out on one of your days off clearing a bunch of brush from the creek bed. You decided to burn it. I don't know if it was a gust of wind or what, but the fire started spreading to the grass and you thougth it was going to go out of control. Luckily, you were able to contain it without to much damage. I don't think you would have tried that again (at least not without someone else with you to help.) The second memory involved one of the times you took the kids out. I don't remember the reason you went out there, but as you were leaving you decided that your Bronco could go through the creek bed with out the bridge and got stuck. I remember Eryne thinking the truck was going to flip over. Zach was just a baby so he didn't have a clue as to what happen. I do remember yelling at you to not do anything like that again with my babies in the car with you. Someone had to come and pull the truck out. You never had any fear of any and thought there wasn't anything you couldn't do. These traits served you well in your job and I am certain are the reasons you did your job so well.

Watch over the kids while they are at camp.

Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse, Sgt. Marc Muncy

July 20, 2005

The month of May is over and with that the end of all of the memorial services. We took the kids to Washington D.C. this year for the National Police Officer's memorial service. They have not been in about 5 years and I think they truly enjoyed it. I had new shirts made to reflect the 10th anniversary of your death. Eryne wasn't very thrilled with wearing hers...not out of disrespect to you, but more out of her dislike of being different and drawing attention to herself. She did end up making the decision to wear it and I was very proud. I also had the kids write a letter to you. Zach really just poured his heart out to you regarding how much he missed you and wanted a dad. It is especially hard for him seeing all the "guys" playing ball with their dads. In Eryne's letter she told you about the things that have been going on with her life. She wanted to keep it upbeat and positive. We did the law ride with the kids and they really enjoyed that. We found two guys in the group to let Eryne and Zach ride with them and it was a great experience for them. We did the candlelite vigil and as always it was very moving. We also decorated at the wall near your name. As always, my friend Gregg Seevers did most of the decorating. He was a friend of Big John's and has really done a lot during Police Week.

The Columbus Police Memorial was May 20th. The honor guard asked me to be the keynote speaker this year. Talk about nervous. I am not very good at public speaking, but I am so happy that I got the opportunity to thank everyone who had done so much for us after you died. I am going to have to copy my speech her so that the friends of ours who didn't make it might have an opportunity to see what I said. Eryne and Zachary went with me and Zach put a flower in the wreath in yourh honor. He got his picture in the newspaper and thought that was great.

School is almost out and the kids will be moving on to new schools. Eryne will be a freshman in high school and Zach will be a 6th grader in middle school. This is all so sad for me. I couldn't keep the tears back at Eryne's end of the year choir concert the other night. They are just growing up so quickly. Please continue to keep watch over them and keep them safe.

Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy

June 3, 2005

Hard to believe it has been 10 years. You taught me so much during patrol practicals. I know others might complain about being shot three times, but I know you did it for my own good. Your wife and children are still in my prayers, and we miss seeing you at shift change. God bless.

PO B. I. Snyder #1713

May 10, 2005

Last night the auxiliary held it annual fundraiser dinner and we awarded the 1st Annual Sgt. Marc Muncy Memorial Scholarship. The entire event was a HUGE success. Drew Van Fossan, the son of a Columbus Police Officer was the winner of the scholarship. He is such a nice young man. Ironically he is a senior at Reynoldsburg High School, my alma mater, and lives near where we lived in our first house. (I wasn't on the selection committee and so there was no preferential treatment.) He wrote a great essay about being proud of the fact that his father is an officer and that his brother is in the academy now, and how he wants to follow in their footsteps. I introduced him to the audience and read his essay. Poor guy, he was so embarrased. His family was very honored that he was the first recipient of the scholarship.

There was a silent auction at the dinner and with the help of a lot of friends at work (getting items donated) we raised over a thousand dollars for next years scholarship. That was very exciting. Your mom is going to work on putting together a golf outting to raise more money and Don is going to work on putting together a Texas Holdem Tournament. (Texas Holdem is a very popular event now, Zach even goes over to his buddy's house and plays with the "guys". Don't worry, I think they just play for M & M's or something of that sort.) I think working on the golf outting will be good for your mom as she has had a rough time this year, with the reality that you have been gone for 10 years.

It was a good night for everyone.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy

May 5, 2005

Remember when we were playing in the precinct basketball league and how you would bring the playpen and put it up on the side of the basketball court. You would put your son in the playpen and your daughter would be on the outside. We would all laugh, but still thought it was cute. We appreciated the fact that you would take the time to load the kids up and bring them to the game. I know they probably don't remember those days, but that is one of the fondest memories I have of you. The interaction with the kids.

Sgt. Anthony Wilson
Columbus Police

May 4, 2005

The anniversary day turned out very nice. The plaque that the officers from 15 precinct had made for you is absolutely beautiful. It is about 24 x 30 and has your picture in the middle, with a copy of your badge #965 on the left and the sergeant's badge on the right. They had a "tribute" written to you on the bottom. The backing is a dark wood. It will hang in the roll call room, in the new 15 sub-station. What made this event even more special was the fact that the officers from 15 collected money and donated a check to the scholarship fund. That was very moving. It helped put us close the total amount that we need for the 1st scholarship.

We had about 20-25 people come to the CPD memorial. It was nice to see some old friends. I told them that your response to all of this would have been, "why are you all here, when it is such a perfect day to be fishing or golfing." I do know that you would have been humbled by everything too.

On a sad note...I found out at the end of the gathering that Denny LeMaster had died the day before. Denny and Randa had been such a help to me after you died. Denny helped me with a lot of the stuff with the funeral home after everything was over and Randa helped me just get through some of those days. I am so sorry that she is now going through the very same thing. Please look for Denny and let him know I will try help Randa the way they helped me.

Becky Muncy
widow, Sgt. Marc Muncy (E.O.W. 04/05/95)

April 7, 2005

Ten years ago today you went to work like any other day. I remember parts of that day like it was yesterday. Other parts seem a million years ago. I remember getting up in the morning and getting ready for work. I remember you up with Zachary and getting him started on the day. I remember getting to the front door and thinking I forgot to kiss you goodbye. My first thought was don't go back because Zach will see me and get upset that mommy is leaving and you don't need that to start your day. I ended up going back and kissing you goodbye. I have always been thankful that I decided to go back, because little did I know that I would never see you again. I remember getting a message from you on my voice mail at work telling me your court had been cancelled and so you were home with the kids until 2:00pm. I was thankful that you were able to have that little extra time with them, as it was the last time they would be with you. I remember ironing your shirt for work the next day while Eryne watched television. I remember receiving the strangest call from Kerri asking me if you still rode in the wagon, because her dad thought he saw you. What I learned later was she was actually calling because she had seen the news brief about a cruiser in your district being involved in an accident and they were afraid it was you. Then I remember the doorbell ringing; I remember going to door and at first only seeing Kerri and wondering what on earth she was doing there that late; then I remember see the Chief Jackson and immediately knowing why they were there that late. No one had to tell me that you weren't coming home...I knew. I do remember telling them that you couldn't be dead...I remember saying "see, I am not crying, so he can't be dead." What I realize now is that I immediately went into a state of shock and the tear didn't come until later. Then I thought they would never go away. The next few days are a blur of images of what happened. I know that if it wasn't for the family and strong friends you surrounded us with I would have never made it.

Ten years later Eryne and Zach and I have made it, although we miss you each and everyday. Today we will be gathering with family and friends to remember and honor you. There will be an "unveiling" of a new plaque in your honor. This plaque will hang at the new 15 sub, which is going to be at the new police academy. Then will gather at the Columbus Police Memorial, downtown, to share time and memories. I hope that you will look down on the day and be happy with how it turned out. Always remember how much you are loved and missed.

I also want to thank those who have left and those who will leave reflections. These are so important for Marc's kids, as they give them some insight to a dad they do not know. THANK-YOU!!!!

Becky Muncy
Widow, Sgt. Marc Muncy (E.O.W. 04/05/95)

April 5, 2005

On the tenth anniversary of your death you are remembered.
Next month as I join the hundreds of police motors arriving at the memorial in Washington D.C. you will be in my thoughts.
While the years may pass, your memory lives in the hearts and minds of those you left behind.
Thank you for your service.

Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police

April 5, 2005

Becky I have not talked to you since Marc's funeral, but I have wanted to. I asked you for a picture of Marc and you were nice enough to get one for me. I still carry this picture with me in my hat as a reminder that Marc gave his life for me [although I have never needed a reminder]! Over the last ten years there hasn't been a single day that I didn't think about Marc and the sacrifice he made! Please tell Eryne and Zachary that Marc was very proud of them and that he will not be forgotten!

Officer Richard Griggs
columbus police

April 4, 2005

My memory of Marc is one of a hard working resourceful police officer who always gave 100% effort. I was finishing my academy training in late winter of 1990 when I was assigned to ride an 'OJT' with Marc on 13 pct. Most officers dread being 'stuck' with a recruit. Also the division was running in-service training meaning Marc was shifted from his normal precinct to 13 pct. So Marc had a couple of reasons not to be pleased with the way his shift was starting. However, Marc began patrolling an area of projects known for drug activity. Within about 15 min of begining the shift, Marc stopped a man for jaywalking and found a crack pipe with residue. Marc set a fine example with this commendable felony arrest. I will always remember Marc's strong work ethic and attention to detail.

P.O. Eric Jones

April 3, 2005



March 29, 2005

With the 10th anniversary of your death approaching I have asked friends and family to come here and leave memories. Here is a memory of mine that I wanted to share. About 6 months before you died we bought a piece of property (15 acres) in Fairfield County. You always wanted to build a house on land and have a pond (stocked, of course.) I wanted to live in a suburban neighborhood so the kids could play easily with other children. The piece of property we found gave us the best of both worlds. It was in the back of a number of smaller lots, behind a tree lined creek. You had the privacy you wanted and I had the neighbors I wanted. It was perfect.

You did a drawing of how you wanted the property layed out, including where you wanted the pond, the house and about 500 trees that we bought from the Ohio Department of Natural resouces. The trees were delivered a couple of weeks before you died. There were 500 saplings, delivered in large brown paper bags. The weekend before you died, you took your days off and planted 400 white pine trees. You lined the driveway, and then put three groupings in the back. At the end of those days you didn't have enough time to plan the remaining 100 red maple trees and so you buried them (as per the directions.) The problem with this turned out to be that you didn't tell me or anyone else where you buried them.

The first few days after you died I just thought about the property and all the plans you had for the future with it. I couldn't get those darned trees out of my mind. Your friends and Kerri were kind enough to humor me in trying to find those trees. Nathan, Kerri, John, Chuck, Jimmy and I walked that entire 15 acre piece of land trying to figure out where you buried the trees. Kerri and I went out on a couple of additonal times and dug up various places near the creek bed, but we could never find those trees. I am thankful that they allowed me and helped me search until I was satisfied that we weren't going to find them. You had worked so hard...all I could think of was that it was for nothing.

For two years I did as much as I could to protect the trees you planted. We put orange scene tape on them so they would be seen when mowing. We put black plastic tubing around the bases so the weed wacker wouldn't destroy the tree. After two years I realized I was never going to live on that property. It had always been your dream and I wasn't going to do it without you. I sold the property to a nice couple who had friends that lived in one of the houses in front of the property. I have been by the property a few times since then and the trees that survived are doing quite well. The family who bought the property built a beautiful house. What you did was not for nothing. Not to sound mellow dramatic, but those trees are a living "legacy" of a dream you had and they will always be there.

A side note to thing you wanted to do with the property that gave me cause for concern was the pond. Not having a pond per se, but the fact that you had this notion that you were going to dig the pond yourself. If I remember correctly, your partner Buck had a friend who could get you a back-hoe for the cost of the fuel used. The two of you were going to dig on your days off. I must admit you were not going into this blindly, as you got books from the library to try to educate yourself before you got started. I began to look at it this is a hole in the ground. How much trouble could that be. If you messed up, you could put the dirt back and start all over again. I am sorry you never got to fulfill this dream.

Becky Muncy
Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy

March 28, 2005



March 25, 2005

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