Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

You, Officer Cook, were honorable, faithful and most humbly heroic in all your patrols in and around Dade County where peace, stability,security and freedom came at the ultimate sacrifice. A young man ordained to be loyal and esteemed, a gentleman of outstanding character who comported his dignity, integrity and respect as they should be arranged says plenty of yourself. Your family humanely today carries firmly the torch of your heroic legacy as they live their lives of piety and sincerity. Always a gentle soul with an unwavering, unselfish heart and soul devoted and dedicated to striking down violence and keeping peace and calmness where it truthfully belongs. Your paths, trails and roads were paved by perseverance, passion and proficiency never more succinct just as your virtue, wisdom and vision were your vehicles of versatility and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An engaging young man with a big smile who befriended everyone you came across while performing your basic yet dangerous responsibilities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2023

Walking your perfect beat above may your eternal soul and spirit be bound in God'a palms of perfection forevermore. A man who served his community proudly and with honorable class, desire and decency. A true gentleman you were, Officer Cook, a hero of Dade County whose integrity, fortitude and dignity directed and drove your travels throughout your neighborhood where you will be saluted and poignantly honored for wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys undertaken for our safe havens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and class were your family's constant reminders of your faith, resourcefulness and steadfast devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2023

To comprehend the scope of your journeys, you need not look farther ahead. God planned your life, career and destinies, Officer Cook, with humility, honor, heart and dignity all wrapped around the branches of bravery, character, truth and the trust you gained from the citizens of Dade County. For making the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of humanity may Our Creator shelter your angelic wings of virtue, wisdom and maturity forevermore in His arms of perfection. Morals mean commitment and your desire, dedication and unselfish determination my neighbor, friend and hero was cherished,loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace. Heaven is where you walk your beat without harm or pain ever coming your way again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2023

The glow of a warm heart combined with a genuine soul of humility, honesty and character that you had your entire life, Officer Cook and tragically cut way too short because of violence perpetrated by an ugly and despicable individual. Your family was your reason for living, for loving, for laughing and for rejoicing. You are not here to do any of that because at the tender age of twenty-five Dade County received your heroic actions on May 16, 1979 that saved your fellow officers and the residents of your community caught in gunfire. When dignity, virtue and integrity get interrupted and cutoff from their sacred trails, paths and directions it's then a sad realization in the peace process. Though you are never forgotten and always saluted for gallantry, kindness and sincerity may God protect you the bearer of badge#1664. It was reverence, diligence and the wise inspirations of vigilance surrounding you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace Officer Cook along with your beloved and devoted parents of faith, goodwill and thoughtful resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2023

If a public servant's honesty, dignity and integrity ever go astray and venture where they ought not to be then the public safety is at great risk and never should harm come our direction. You faced a man so evil, angry and a coward, Officer Cook, you answered your last call sadly but proudly and the very way you were trained to act. A hero who never wanted the accolades or attention instead officers and many friends stood at attention outside the cathedral that hot afternoon of May 19, 1979 paying farewell to you and by honoring your family, keeping alive and glowing your legacy of character, values and sacred virtue. A wise gentleman so humble and yet so very loyal treasured and forever esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2023

A man of stellar heart and character patrolling his beloved community with inspirational dedication, fearlessness and a tenacity like no other. Dade County, Officer Cook, is where your heroic name of dignity, integrity and honesty will be saluted and forevermore paid respects for your sacrifice. God blessed you with so many different traits and your vision, wisdom, virtue and vehicles of versatility remain cherished. You were loyal and consummate in your searches for peace, freedom and the essential security we as citizens all yearn for . Mankind and your family misses you very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2023

Visions of would should have been a happy and healthy retirement sadly never reached fruition, Officer Cook. Though, you'll always be regarded as a Dade County hero blessed by heroic dignity, honor and integrity which all served us very well. Our peace and freedom of purpose were directed by your true and trusted trails and paths of unselfish dedication to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, humbleness and commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2023

Because of one man's evil you, Officer Cook, could not say goodbye to your family, instead very sadly Karen, your beloved wife and your beloved family had to lay your sweet heart and soul to rest for the sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County and its people. Our stability and serenity came about because of your unwavering, unselfish and relentless dignity, character, integrity and humane honesty so full of refreshing resourceful, virtue and resiliency that penetrated the cavities of those perilous streets that you dutifully patrolled for six years of thoughtful dedication, devotion, grit and undivided fearless determination. Now as an angel may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals, meaning and mettle were all succinct, consummate, tried and most truthfully to the point of our very salvation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2023

Your faith, heart and heroic soul, Officer Cook, bore true allegiance to your undivided dedication, devotion and determination to weed out evil and to replace and replenish it with humble and simple serenity and prosperity for all Dade County folks. They'll not forget you and neither will your colleagues and friends, your beloved has an awesome yet humble onus of carrying the torch of your legacy. One minted in morals, meaningful character, commitment and the trust gained by your experience and humane gifts. You lived twenty-five years and accomplished more than we will ever comprehend. Now as an angel in heaven may God guard your soul and spirit of unselfishness and unwavering wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys undertaken for the goodwill of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2023

The gates are lit and where God's supreme glory resides is where your heroic wings, Officer Cook, soar every second. A Dade County police warrior whose life and career embodied the very ideals that comes with a gentleman who had integrity, character, honor and dignity. Public service requires prompt attention to every detail needed to grow stability, prosperity and liberty for all citizens. Your life and virtue were the most consummate vehicles of value and valor that shall be forevermore saluted for traveling down paths, trails and roads of truth, trust and humbleness just as the Lord who eternally cradles your soul and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2023

Officer Cook, your beloved and adoring family misses you each and every second. Your comrades who went to war against evil with you here in Dade County remember and offer their salutes to a hero of honesty, dignity and integrity which all validated your life and public service career where gaining peace and security for every citizen was your responsibility, an oath of sanctity undertaken with the greatest measure of loyalty, esteem, heart and humbleness. As you my neighbor, friend and hero were blessed by Our Maker with outstanding character, humane commitment to excel and a trustworthiness that supported your patrols, trails and paths of true justice for everyone not to be forgotten. Rest in peace. Virtue, vision and maturity were your compass' best guide and along with the shining lights of God and where you walk your eternal beat may light shine down upon your family as they carry your legacy of professionalism, perseverance and pride down the roads where your resourceful, diligence and resiliency were felt.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2023

A life of yearning and a professional career enhanced and uplifted by heroism, humility and an honorable heart, Dade County, Officer Cook, was surely in excellent hands when you patrolled its corridors where character, commitment, trust and truth were consummate. A man on a mission of faith, devotion, dignity and integrity underlining your heroic years of service to mankind who just as your family misses your smile and personality daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A solemn salute, Officer Cook and homage that is to be revered and most cherished. A special gentleman with passion and a compassionate soul providing us with peace of mind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2023

Such bravery and such a remarkable man who lived his for a purpose. Your family, Karen and your colleagues, Officer Cook, were your esteemed and loyal partners who shared their lives with you. Dade County was inspired by your professional honesty, integrity and dignity to be solemnly saluted and poignantly honored for its unselfish commitment, character and the truest of trusted trails and treks you directed while protecting us. Never forgotten and always treasured by mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2023

A gallant man glad to serve with a great big smile on his face of honor, heart and humility. You were a warrior,heroic and strong, Officer Cook and a man of distinction who will never be forgotten by Dade County,its people, your peers and family of integrity and dignity. For character, commitment and trust may God hold in His arms your unselfish, undying and unwavering life and public service career of satisfaction, sacrifice and most of all a gentleman first class and first rate in everything you were successful in accomplishing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2023

Badge#1664 was resilient, resourceful, virtuous and plenty heroic along with honesty and truth spoken from your humble lips of compassion, Officer Cook. Nearly forty-four years after you made the ultimate sacrifice serving Dade County and instilling peace and liberty for all your blessed and revered name has forever been saluted. A man possessing dignity,integrity, class and character and a man whose bond was observed day in and day out. A sacred affirmation to protect and to preserve was never shaken from its branches of boldness, bravery without a lot of fanfare. But now as one of Our Lord's many heroic and humbly esteemed and cherished angels may the name of Officer William Coleman Cook, be remembered and paid homage for what you represented in unselfish and unwavering scruples,ideals and upholding the highest of professional standards that will be passed down to other brave and honored women and men who distinctly serve for a purpose, your inspiration so may it live on in your family's purposes and pursuits of health, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2023

Potential packed within a heart and soul so honest, heroic and very noble. Dade County was your community, Officer Cook, where you were so beloved and treasured as both a man, a humble gentleman and a wonderfully diligent public servant attuned to the folks' needs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, dignity and dedicated integrity all angelic forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2023

Every turn, every corner one never knows what might occur. Here in Dade County you covered a lot of ground, Officer Cook, patrolling and seizing the humble opportunity to become a well seasoned and professional public servant. The peace and welfare of humanity rested upon you broad and heroic shoulders of integrity, decency and dignity. You will be saluted for stabilization utilizing every blade of boldness and all the sacred versatility that your charming character and clutch commitments of trust and excellency spelled out by truth directing your paths and trails of justice served properly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2023

Your angelic wings of wisdom, honor, virtue and gladness, Officer Cook, are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero alongside of your unselfish and unassuming character, dignity and integrity. For they bestowed every ounce of energy from your heart and soul of vision, vitality and serenely sacred versatility. Never a more shining star who polished acumen and vigilance shall endure forever. Dade County and its residents have stability,liberty and peaceful movements going about their daily chores, purposes and agendas because of your due diligence to every detail possible while performing dangerous responsibilities to make mankind better served. A future without you, Officer Cook, we all recognize a life lost because of evil cannot be brought back, very sad indeed. God has you looking down upon your family, comrades protecting them with God truth, trust and guiding eyes of perfection. Mr. and Mrs. Cook may they too rest in peace raised a most notable and heroic son and a daughter who has not ever forgotten her younger brother and misses him every second of her life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2023

A most heroic, honest and remarkable gentleman whose resiliency, resourcefulness and reservoirs of dignity, character and integrity all shined clearly and most succinctly throughout your life and career, Officer Cook, protecting the very foundations where serenity, security and safety shall flow. Always a man of inspiring commitment a demeanor dedicated to resolving conflicts where danger and peril lie hidden at times. You'll be solemnly saluted for everything in the validating words of discipline, determination and for blazing trials and paths of truth, virtue, wisdom and trust that is counted upon to save the day. That horrific day your loving family, comrades and friends never ever forgets. A life so pristine, yet humble and esteemed, a loyal brother who never let anyone including your devoted parents and big sister down. So much has changed since the day God took your spirit and soul back to heaven where you forever eternally patrol His perfect streets and pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Scruples, mettle and sincerity always echoed through your vast heart one that gave the ultimate sacrifice so mankind could further enrich, enhance and capture your heroic legacy signed and sealed with liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2023

To execute good awareness, good judgment takes all the skill,talent and a bit of good fortune. You, Officer Cook, were a terrific young man who was destined for more meaningful journeys ahead. Somehow a man bent on evil robbed you of your whole life ahead and a career where retirement would have been your greatest blessing along with Karen your beloved wife. Dade County was in excellent hands when you diligently patrolled its streets with unassuming and always present dignity, honesty and integrity all from the genes of goodwill,virtue and wisdom beyond your twenty-five years. Your family, colleagues all offer a solemn salute and will forever cherish, love and adore you. You're forever in their hearts as they carry out your legacy stamped by excellent character, enriching commitment and enhancing convictions all trustworthy, humane and decent. Your paths and trails are now for other honest and brave public servants to watch over. Your angels wings are perfectly fitted for your heavenly missions all important and where no harm will come your way again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2023

The peacemakers of the world all uniting for a common cause, a shared sacred mission to rid our communities of evil, wickedness and baseless hate and heinous bloodshed. You were an angel, Officer Cook, a secure yet humbly blessed heroic angel who bonded together with an oath to serve and protect the vital interests of those dwelling here in Dade County. peace,prosperity and everything in between must reign not anxiety and worse. With a myriad of morals, fabrics of integrity, unselfish dignity and intuition are true and trustworthy were you able to perform your assignments proudly and most willingly. No one forces someone to become a public servant where danger and peril rule the roads and your easygoing yet solemn scruples carried your directions of hope, faith and goodwill throughout your all too short six years of undivided and most compassionate and passionate service. God somehow needed your special and sweet heart, soul and spirit of virtue and wisdom surrounding Him at every moment. Your family humbly and humanely carries your legacy as a shield protecting their journeys of fruitful purposes as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, charm and commitment to excel in all that you set out to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2023

Keep preserving God's sacred and perfect homes where honored heroes and heroines rest in peace as you do, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Such an esteemed man of determination, truth and trust combining your fortitude of resources to protect the citizens of Dade County and a gentleman of class and desire, integrity, character and dignity who won't be forgotten only saluted for providing the trails and paths all blessed and humbled by your loyal commitments and journeys just created for your sweet and unselfish soul and heart of humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2023

Violence and evil leave destruction and evil that tears apart families forever changing lives that cannot be replaced. Your honor, integrity and vital dignity, Officer Cook, all were sincere and moat heroically and humbly appreciated by Dade County's citizens. Never forgotten was your amazing heart, soul and blessed character, commitment and the truest of convictions that spearheaded our tranquility and freedom to purpose that opportunity that God has placed before us. He took such a man of virtue, diligence and humane wisdom back to His eternal home where your angelic wings stay attached to you forever. You soar as an eagle watching and protecting your loved ones, comrades and a host of friends who knew a really mature man of devotion, faithfulness and sacred journeys all carried out with class, decency and the highest scopes of morals and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are missed very much. I do keep in touch with one of your colleagues of the past and a blessed and dear friend, Officer Keith DiGenova.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2023

You were honorable, heroic, humble and humanely cherished, Officer Cook and the people of Dade County, your home and community where for six years you patrolled the landscapes of dignity, hope and integrity won't ever forget their friend and fellow brother in arms. Protecting our harmony and stability are surely never simple nor routine but with an ample supply of character, morals and courage, your trails and paths of truth and trust were never clearer. We salute you for virtue, maturity and the wisdom of both a very diligent and vigilant public servant who service was vital and essential to our lives continuing forward just wished yours was similar. God has you my neighbor, friend and hero cradled forever in His wings of unwavering. unselfish and tireless perfection forevermore. Rest in peace,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2023

The grand plans of humans who strive to help make our world a safer and more secure place where your integrity, dignity,character and honorable respect carry much weight. Yours, Officer Cook, were blessed by virtue, humble esteem, loyalty and the success that despite being robbed of further living you culminated your life and career of courage, conviction and commitment on behalf of Dade County with every scope of trust,truth and the genuine wisdom that has been duly saluted as your heroic legacy grows each moment since God took you home to heaven to watch and to patrol His pearly gates of perfection, perseverance and nothing will ever harm your sweet and special heart, soul and spirit again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2023

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